
bkerensajcastro: you land alright?03:19
dholbachgood morning07:02
bkerensadholbach: morning07:03
dholbachhi bkerensa07:03
philipballew__looks like quite the friendly place we god here07:04
=== hobgoblin is now known as elfy
philipballew__hello czajkowski :)08:18
czajkowskigreg-g: AlanBell so with regards to your comment on LP, the squads do use LP for work, for their code hosting, bugs and in some cases mailing lists like LP users, we will be moving more of our work from the kanbans which most of canonical use to blueprints, but it's a slow process getting the work over09:25
* AlanBell would like launchpad to grow kanban support09:26
czajkowskiAlanBell: I'd like a lot of things, mostly that it would stop raining, I've no control over that either :)09:30
czajkowskibut the new features in blueprints are going to help09:30
czajkowskihonestly I hate using kanbans, i can see it's visual use for people, but really just pulling cards all over the place does lead to people not paying attention in a busy bboard as well09:31
AlanBellwe use them in OpenERP, they are nice for a smallish number of cards09:34
czajkowskiyes but our boards are not small09:38
dpmczajkowski, out of interest, why will the kanbans be moved to blueprints? And will this mean blueprints in LP will be revived?09:40
czajkowskidpm: blue prints are currently being worked on09:41
czajkowskidpm: this was in regards to LP workings not sure about others09:41
dpmczajkowski, and the move from kanban to blueprints? ^09:42
czajkowskidpm: is for launchpad squads.09:43
czajkowskidpm: it was in reference to a comment made about a blog post on friday09:43
czajkowskias to why lp squads dont use LP as much09:43
czajkowskibut we do :)09:43
czajkowskiAlanBell: make https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributorConsole09:44
dpmczajkowski, yeah I understand that. What I'm asking is about "we will be moving more of our work from the kanbans" - why are you moving out from kanbans?09:44
AlanBelldogfooding is good http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eating_your_own_dog_food09:44
czajkowskidpm: ahh sorry confused.me :) we want to use our own tools, our tools being blueprints09:46
dpmczajkowski, cool, that makes it clear, thanks09:46
czajkowskiI suspect and I dont know this, perhaps for charts and tracking things09:46
jokerdinodid someone knock down LP? :/10:01
jokerdinoah, it's back again. sorry for the worries10:01
czajkowskijokerdino: as I've just pointed out in the #lp channel :) every day at 10AM UTC it goes down for about ~70 seconds for a db patch10:05
jokerdinoczajkowski: ah, i wasn't in the channel. thanks for the update. will keep in mind from hereon10:07
czajkowskijokerdino: np10:08
czajkowskiwe get asked it most days10:08
czajkowskitrying to currently edit our topic but it's rather long and does have useful things in it already10:08
jokerdinohmm yeah.10:09
jokerdinomaybe the downtime page can be updated with details regarding daily downtime perhaps?10:11
czajkowskijokerdino: have just tweeted it from the lp ac10:16
czajkowskiso hoping people book mark it10:17
jokerdinonice work. since when was this scheduled downtime?10:18
czajkowskifew months back10:19
AlanBellthere was an article about it on the launchpad blog10:19
jokerdinoi must have been out of sync all this while. _hides_10:19
czajkowskia year ago :)10:19
jokerdinoit's been around for almost a year now. funny i never hit the downtime until today10:24
czajkowskiclearly you looked at stuff before 10am UTC or after :)10:25
czajkowskiit's 70seoncds10:25
czajkowskiit catches the odd person10:25
jokerdinoyeah, i never tried to fix a bug until today. that should explain :)10:26
czajkowskijokerdino: if you get stuck #launchpad-dev if you need a lp dev to give you a hand10:28
jokerdinothanks. will use it if i am stranded again.10:29
* popey tickles dholbach with apt-cache show pkgme11:17
popeypkgme - =====11:17
dholbachI don't see the problem11:18
dholbachpopey, ^11:22
popeydholbach, do an apt-cache search pkgme12:01
popeysorry, not show :)12:01
popeythat ===== is the one line description of the package12:01
jussi!info pkgme12:09
jussiubot2: doesnt like me and ubottu doesnt find that package...12:11
ubot2jussi: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:11
jussioh do shut up you stupid bot :P12:11
dholbachdaniel@daydream:~$ apt-cache search pkgme12:29
dholbachpkgme - framework for generating Debian packaging artifacts12:29
popeyoh i see12:30
popeyi have it from a ppa12:30
* popey slaps someone12:30
popeysorry :)12:30
dholbachI guess that's from https://code.launchpad.net/~jml/+recipe/pkgme-daily12:32
dholbachmine is up here: https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/+recipe/pkgme-daily12:32
=== hobgoblin is now known as elfy
dpmmhall119, call in 5?14:56
mhall119dpm: sure15:02
mhall119whenever you're ready15:02
dpmmhall119, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/345084a100d1ff4a3043c76af55e574502ad742f?authuser=0&hl=ca#15:03
eee444hi, could someone hwlp me get my dwl650 to work with aircrack?16:59
dholbachalright my friends - see you tomorrow17:02
bkerensaeee444: You would be better of getting support in #Ubuntu although I do believe aircrack-ng was removed from the repos17:03
eee444ok, im not getting help help there17:03
pleia2eee444: please don't repeat your question in a lot of random channels :(17:03
pleia2it's not really fair to the folks who start looking for answers for you, you can also try ubuntuforums.org and askubuntu.com for specific questions17:04
czajkowskieee444: please listen to the advice pleia2 has given17:07
jonoballoons, free now18:00
balloonsaye capt'n18:01
jonoballoons, can I call you, my mic isnt working18:01
balloonsjono.. sure18:01
balloonsI'm messing about syncing the daily to my sd card for arm18:02

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