
robert_ancellthumper, can you pastebin the full output?00:00
thumperrobert_ancell: do you want the entire link line?00:00
robert_ancellthumper, yup00:01
veebersrobert_ancell: here you go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1094102/00:02
robert_ancellugh cmake00:05
robert_ancellveebers, looks like you're not linking against gmodule. it has it's own .pc file and was split out at some point or something it used to be picked up by another dependency linking to it00:06
veebersrobert_ancell: ah ok. That same command works on my desktop though, does that change anything?00:08
robert_ancellveebers, so I figure you have a slightly different linker and/or one of your dependencies are different00:08
veebersrobert_ancell: cool, will check that out00:09
veebersrobert_ancell: thanks for that00:10
jasoncwarner_hey robert_ancell, around?01:58
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, yep01:59
pittiGood morning04:46
=== jbicha is now known as Guest91535
didrocksgood morning05:38
pittibonjour didrocks, ca va?05:46
didrockspitti: guten morgen pitti! I'm fine, thanks, yourself? how was the week-end?05:47
pittiquite nice, thanks! we had a friend over again05:47
didrocksgreat ;)05:47
rickspencer3hooray, looks like the desktop is passing ISO tests again06:29
rickspencer3pitti, am I reading that right?06:29
pittiyay cjwatson06:29
pittiso I read in the changelog, anyway06:29
pittiand jenkins, too06:29
rickspencer3that's good news06:29
pittijibel should be back today, we'll fix autopkgtest06:30
jibelpitti, rickspencer3 good morning06:31
rickspencer3morning jibel06:31
rickspencer3I was just saying how nice it is to see the desktop passing ISO tests again ;)06:31
pittibonjour jibel, ca va? enjoyed your holidays?06:31
jibelpitti, es geht gut. holidays were rainy and cold but relaxing, thanks :)06:32
pittijibel: it wasn't terribly warm here either, but oh well, this is France! it must be sunny and warm!06:33
* didrocks looks outside, yeah sun \o/06:42
rickspencer3didrocks, congrats on the migration session tool06:48
didrocksrickspencer3: thanks :)06:49
Sweetsharkcjohnston: could you copy over the two libreoffice packages in https://launchpad.net/~bjoern-michaelsen/+archive/libreoffice-quantaltest-20120601 to ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-prereleases including binaries?07:15
Sweetsharkcjohnston: that was intended for cjwatson, sorry07:16
seb128hey desktopers08:20
pittibonjour seb128, ca va? had a nice weekend?08:21
seb128pitti, hey pitti, how are you? I had a good w.e thanks, though the weather is crap, we had rain on and off all w.e08:21
pittiseb128: was a bit better here; we had a friend over again, and went for some walking08:21
pittiSaturday evening we saw the Carmina Burana in Augsburg's open air stage, that was quite impressive08:22
seb128saturday was our national's fest, they manager to do the fireworks but the weather was not really nice to stay outside and enjoy it08:23
seb128it was like 15°C and has been rainy a lot like an hour before they started08:23
* didrocks had a nicer weather and was able to see the fireworks08:24
Laneywhat were the fireworks for?08:30
didrocksLaney: to celebrate the national's fest :)08:30
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
dpmhi desktop people. On 12.04 I quite often seem to hit a bug whereby when I log in, I'm presented with an empty dash, and can't launch any apps from there. Any ideas how to fix this without having to log out and log back in?09:21
seb128dpm, hey09:21
seb128mhr3, ^09:21
dpmmorning seb128 ;)09:22
seb128dpm, is unity-files-daemon running when you have the bug?09:22
seb128dpm, do you get any error .in .xsession-errors?09:22
seb128dpm, when did that start?09:22
mhr3dpm, is it just apps lens?09:22
dpmseb128, let me have a look and come back to you09:22
seb128dpm, ups, I meant unity-applications-daemon09:23
mhr3dpm, also check pls what zeitgeist processes are running (should be both -daemon and -fts)09:23
dpm- unity-applications-daemon seems to be running09:24
dpm- it only seems to affect the apps lens09:24
dpm- It seems to happen quite often when I restart the computer and then do the first log in, although I can't tell if it's every time (I don't reboot too often)09:25
dpm- I noticed it a while ago (shortly after release, perhaps)09:26
dpm- both zeitgeist-fts and zeitgeist-daemon seem to be running09:26
seb128mhr3, ^09:27
dpm- can't see anything obvious on xsession-errors: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1094584/09:28
mhr3dpm, can you run the apps lens in terminal and see if it spits something?09:30
dpmmhr3, sure, how do I do that?09:30
dpmok, thanks, trying09:32
dpmmhr3, dpm@avenc:~$ /usr/lib/unity-lens-applications/unity-applications-daemon09:34
dpmAnother instance of the Unity Applications Daemon already appears to be running.09:34
dpmBailing out.09:34
dpmwhat's the best way to replace the running instance?09:34
mhr3dpm, pkill -f unity-applications-daemon09:34
dpmmhr3, no joy, killed old u-a-d, started the new one on the terminal: no output, apps lens still empty09:36
mhr3dpm, try to wait up to 30 seconds09:36
mhr3dpm, also try searching for something first09:36
dpmYeah, searched for gedit, but still empty dash. I've also noticed that the spinner on the search box is constantly spinning and that when there is no entry on the search box, it appears untranslated 'Search Applications', unlike in the other lenses09:37
dpmmhr3, ^09:38
mhr3ok, this is getting pretty weird09:40
mhr3dpm, let's try this - kill the apps lens, run dbus-monitor and pipe the output to a file, then open the dash and search for something, wait 15seconds, ctrl+c the dbus-monitor, and upload the log somewhere09:41
mhr3dpm, actually if you have bustle-dbus-monitor, that'd be more useful09:42
dpmok, give me a min09:42
dpmmhr3, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1094603/ although I cannot see any reference to what I searched for: 'gedit'09:50
mhr3dpm, that's weird, your unity isn't even talking to the apps lens09:56
mhr3like it wasn't even there09:56
mhr3dpm, /usr/share/unity/lenses/applications ?09:57
mhr3is the lens file in there?09:57
seb128dpm, does logging out and back in usually fixes it?09:57
dpmseb128, yes09:57
dpmmhr3, dpm@avenc:~$ ls /usr/share/unity/lenses/applications09:57
seb128mhr3, weird that restarting the session fixes it, not likely an install issue09:58
mhr3dpm, so one more thing - try installing the pkg with unity-tool and run unity-tool -l /usr/share/.../applications.lens -s "" -r10:03
dpmmhr3, 'try installing the pkg with unity-tool' <- I'm not familiar with unity-tool, how do I do that?10:05
mhr3$ unity-tool10:05
mhr3blah blah.. the binary not found.. try installing xyz10:05
mhr3plus apt-get install xyz of course :)10:06
dpmah, ok, you mean actually installing unity-tool, gotcha10:07
dpmit seems I had it installed already10:07
mhr3ah, didn't know it's installed by default10:07
mhr3so just run that ^^ with the complete path10:08
dpmmhr3, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1094628/10:08
mhr3dpm, looks like the lens works10:09
mhr3do you still see nothing in the apps lens view (not home)10:09
dpmmhr3, nope, http://ubuntuone.com/6xZw3DuoM5Oy0kww7UCJhs10:11
mhr3dpm, so... your unity decides to not talk to the lens10:12
dpmthey might have had an argument10:12
mhr3i think so10:12
mhr3i'd expect the compiz log to show something10:13
mhr3but if it happens only on first start then that's gonna be hard to come by10:13
mhr3seb128, ideas^^?10:14
seb128mhr3, not really10:16
seb128dpm, when did that start?10:16
mhr3dpm, and just to make sure `unity-tool -l /usr/share/.../applications.lens -s "gedit" -r` does list gedit, right?10:16
dpmseb128, it's nothing new, I think I noticed it shortly after release, but as I don't reboot that often, I don't notice it often10:18
dpmdpm@avenc:~$ unity-tool -l /usr/share/unity/lenses/applications/applications.lens -s "" -r | grep gedit10:18
dpm0xeba440:application://gedit.desktopaccessories-text-editor2application/x-desktopEditor de textEditeu fitxers de textfile:///usr/share/applications/gedit.desktop10:18
dpm0xeba440:application://gedit.desktopaccessories-text-editor0application/x-desktopEditor de textEditeu fitxers de textfile:///usr/share/applications/gedit.desktop10:18
dpmmhr3, yes, it seems to do so ^10:18
mhr3yea, so lens works indeed10:18
seb128dpm, weird :-(10:19
mhr3the only explanation that comes to mind is that the startup of apps lens takes too long, unity times out to get the proxy and then it never retries10:20
mhr3apps lens is reading all .desktop files, so afterwards it'll be in kernel disk cache and will work10:21
dpmmhr3, actually, that might tie in with something else I've noticed: on first start after reboot, after I enter my password, it takes like 3-4 mins for the desktop to come up and before I can use it10:21
dpmso I usually log in, go for a coffe and then go back10:22
mhr3dpm, so... new disk? :)10:22
dpmwell, the disk works perfectly fine, it's only first logins that take ages10:22
mhr3it'd call that a sign of not working perfectly :)10:23
dpmI don't know what's going on behind the scenes or what might cause it to take that long to put the desktop up10:23
mhr3damaged disk blocks?10:23
dpmwell, I would have noticed the slowness during the session, I guess?10:23
dpmthe only slowness is on login10:23
mhr3might be just a small part of the disk affected10:24
dpmhm, not sure, but I can check the disk for errors10:24
mhr3you can always try to install on a new partition10:24
dpmI think for now I'll just log out and log back in, it will take me a few hours less time :)10:25
mhr3dpm, indeed, but i'd start doing regular backups if i were you :)10:25
dpmmhr3, I do them already, but I won't write off the disk until I know more, I'm still not convinced it is due to it. Anyway, thanks mhr3 and seb128 for the help!10:27
mhr3dpm, one last thing: echo $XDG_DATA_DIRS10:28
mhr3 ?10:28
dpmmhr3, $ echo $XDG_DATA_DIRS10:28
mhr3hmm, looks fine10:28
mhr3but yea, it also might be some misconfiguration somewhere, something gets wrong path and recursively tries to read too much of your disk and that causes the slowness10:29
dpmmhr3, oh, I noticed I still had bootchart enabled, so I can have a look at what's going on. Unfortunately it gets cropped after 105s http://ubuntuone.com/0bJuPX67olldcqEPUT7ZkE10:39
mhr3hmm, don't even see compiz there10:40
mhr3dpm, so yea, you need to increase it10:40
dpmyeah, no idea how to do that, and the bootchart docs don't seem to say anything about it, trying to find out now...10:41
Laneypitti: Hey, I'm looking at the glib update. Does http://paste.ubuntu.com/1094699/ match your understanding of your patches which were upstreamed?11:15
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
pittihey Laney, how are you?11:41
pittiLaney: yeah, that looks right11:41
LaneyGood! I'm starting to arrange house viewings to move next month. Exciting!11:41
pittiLaney: oh, good luck with that then!11:43
pittiLaney: thanks, I'm quite fine; a friend visited us over the weekend again11:43
LaneyFinally moving out of shared accommodation :P11:43
kenvandinelarsu, welcome back!13:07
kenvandinelarsu, hope you had a great vacation... PPA is up :)  https://launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/+archive/lmm13:07
larsuhi kenvandine. Thanks!13:08
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bcurtiswxgood morning13:45
kenvandinegood morning bcurtiswx13:45
bcurtiswxhey kenvandine13:45
bcurtiswxwhat type of gobject is the empathy contact list? gtktable ?13:46
bcurtiswxtwo things that don't work with my ubuntu-on-mac-using-flashdrive-as-root-partition is the contact list (although I still appear online and receibe messages) and the twitter authorize that appears in gwibber13:48
bcurtiswxon quantal13:49
=== zyga-food is now known as zyga
didrockspitti: hey, small question for you on software-properties and the ubuntu-drivers backend as I'll finish the job14:42
didrockspitti: if I look at the spec (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareAndUpdatesSettings#drivers), I see various states:14:42
didrocks “This device is using the recommended driver.”, “This device is using a manually-installed driver.”, “This device is using an alternative driver.”, or “This device is not working.”14:42
didrocksit seems that the backend doesn't provide that. IIRC jockey had this "recommended" notion?14:42
pittididrocks: we don't actually have a way yet to detect "a manually installed driver"14:45
didrockspitti: and for the 3 other states, from what cyphermox showed me, the API doesn't provide that (or there is another API call I should know about? :))14:46
pittididrocks: as for "recommended", we can put add that to the info dictionary returned by system_driver_packages() ?14:46
didrocksyeah, that seems to be the right spot to me14:46
pittithat at least shifts the guesswork to the API14:46
didrocksright, I'm all for the logic being there :)14:46
pittican you please file a bug about it?14:47
pittipreferrably with some definition of what "recommended" should mean14:47
didrockssure, pitti can/should I help you on that or you will be faster than me to start understanding it? :)14:47
pittijockey only has it to tell apart the different nvidia driver versions14:47
didrocksmpt: can you file the definition once I filed the bug report?14:47
pittii. e. whether you should isntall 173 or 196 or whatnot14:48
pittibut in between the free ati and fglrx, or nouveau and nvidia, I do not want to make a call on what's recommended14:48
pittithey both suck differently :)14:48
laserbledHi, i need help. I am an 12.04 with all new updates and when ever I play flash in mozilla/chrome the cpu usage shoots really high. I am on a quad core, and have nvidia integrated graphics...can someone tell me whats wrong ?. There is no issues in my 10.1014:48
pittias for broadcom, there is really no other option, and the GUI shoudl already know this14:48
didrockspitti: heh, indeed ;)14:49
didrockspitti: second question (there are 3): it seems the screenshot if showing nouveau, but there is no nouveau given back by the API, is that considered as a bug?14:49
pittino, it's not14:49
pittiu-d does not know, and cannot "install" nouveau14:49
pittiyou can install and remove nvidia14:49
didrocksso, we should just special case "nvidia" in the ui?14:50
pittiif you don't have nvidia-* installed, you use nouveau14:50
pittididrocks: yes, it needs a lot of special-casing already14:50
pittididrocks: as we have three different versions of it14:50
pittiand another three -updates variants14:50
pittisame for -updates for fglrx14:50
didrocks3 different nvidia in driver, you mean?14:50
pittithese 8 driver packages need special casing14:50
pittiwe have six different nvidia packages :)14:51
didrockshum, do you have a list? cyphermox did you touch that? ^14:51
didrockspitti: so the backend gives me everything that the card can support and I need to add some other case?14:51
pittinvidia-{96,173,current}{,-updates}, fglrx{,-updates}14:51
* didrocks is lost14:51
pittididrocks: ^14:51
pittididrocks: no, not add another case, just present it in a better way than showing 6 differnet separate entries14:51
didrockslike fglrx, I should have an "ATI free driver" that I add by hand?14:51
pittiah, right14:52
didrocksok, seems good then :)14:52
pittiwell, I'm not objecting to adding another API to u-d-common which has these special cases14:52
* didrocks notes down14:52
pittiespecially if it's going to be reused in the KDE frontend14:52
didrockspitti: what do you think? does it makes sense?14:52
pittibut it needs to sit on top of system_driver_packages() then14:52
didrocksyeah, maybe for the KDE frontend14:52
didrocksyeah, system_driver_packages_with_free_alternatives() :p14:53
pittiif you give me an API how it should look like, I can then tell you whether I can implement it :)14:53
* didrocks writes that down14:53
cyphermoxdidrocks: no, I'm just getting what UbuntuDrivers gives me14:53
pittididrocks: I guess you rather want something which groups the driver packages by device or something14:53
didrockspitti: exactly14:54
* didrocks should try the current API by hand14:54
didrocksand see what we can get14:54
pittididrocks: are you aware of the fake wrapper for testing? (I mentioned it in the bug report)14:54
didrockspitti: linked to the "per device", seems the spec have device types https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareAndUpdatesSettings#drivers14:55
didrockspitti: yeah, I saw it, it will be really handy! :)14:55
* didrocks upgrades to get it and test it btw14:56
didrockspitti: did you see my question about device type?14:58
pittididrocks: where, here? (sorry, team meeting nwo)14:59
didrockspitti: there is a "per device" like "Graphics Card", "Wifi card" on the spec, not sure that can be handled?15:00
pittididrocks: for the known packaged drivers, yes (just heuristics)15:00
pittifor some third-party driver, no15:00
didrocksok, will do the first round without it for now I guess15:01
pittididrocks: please let me know in bug reports what else you need15:01
didrockspitti: thanks! I'll open the 2 bugs! for the recommended and so on, getting mpt defining this, and the API about free alternatives. If I can help you for anything…15:02
pittiright now it's just the API which we can support for any driver package15:02
pittino guesswork15:02
didrockspitti: the wrapper is working well, what risk am I taking if I try to install anything? :)15:06
pittididrocks: if you have an intel card, nothing15:06
didrockspitti: sweet! doing then :)15:07
didrocksthanks a lot pitti15:07
pittididrocks: if you do have an amd or nvidia card, well, you'll use the proprietary driver then15:07
mptdidrocks, mpt: I understood that there were recommended vs. alternative drivers. If there aren't, we need to work out a way of presenting a short understandable choice.15:10
didrocksmpt: let me open a bug, we can discuss this there, 5 minutes :)15:11
mptBecause that's soooo much quicker than IRC15:11
* mpt ducks15:11
seb128mlankhorst, hey15:15
didrocksmpt: Martin wanted a bug report because to be able to decipher thats quietly then and he's in a meeting15:16
didrocksmpt: and no, I'm not knowledgeable at all about it15:16
bcurtiswxSettings->Details it shows Driver Unknown and Experience Standard.  I'm using he X_SWAT PPA, is that the reason why?15:17
didrockstseliot: I just installed nvidia-current on my machine, and I see no /var/run/reboot-required, is that known/wanted?15:18
bcurtiswxthe graphics section* sory15:18
bcurtiswxdidrocks, in the Details app (in settings) under the graphics section what shows up ?15:19
didrocksbcurtiswx: same that for you15:20
bcurtiswxdidrocks, thanks15:21
jbichabcurtiswx: bug 91463115:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 914631 in mesa-demos "[mir] mesa-demos" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91463115:23
mlankhorstseb128: yes?15:25
seb128mlankhorst, hey, how are you?15:25
mlankhorstbit sickly atm :)15:25
seb128mlankhorst, I've an xorg bug for you, let's use #ubuntu-x15:25
seb128mlankhorst, oh, sorry to read that :-( get better!15:25
bcurtiswxjbicha, thanks :)15:26
didrocksmpt: bug #102531515:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 1025315 in ubuntu-drivers-common "Get some recommended/alternatives info from a driver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102531515:28
didrockspitti: bug #1025315 and API discussion on bug #102532315:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 1025315 in ubuntu-drivers-common "Get some recommended/alternatives info from a driver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102531515:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 1025323 in ubuntu-drivers-common "Add an API to list free drivers by kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102532315:42
pittididrocks: merci!15:50
pittigood night everyone15:50
didrockspitti: have a good night pitti, and danke schöne!15:51
tseliotdidrocks: yes, that would be nice to have15:59
didrockstseliot: do you have any plan to implement that? seems quite straightforward and avoid hacks in software-properties?16:00
tseliotdidrocks: how does it work? Shall I just create a /var/run/reboot-required ?16:01
didrockstseliot: let me look at what the kernel does, but yeah, basically touching the file is enough16:01
didrocksjust need to look if there is no other hidden magic :)16:02
tseliotdidrocks: ok, thanks, let me know16:02
didrockstseliot: so the kernel is doing this:16:02
didrocksmy $notifier          = "/usr/share/update-notifier/notify-reboot-required";16:03
didrocks# Warn of a reboot16:03
didrocksif (-x $notifier) {16:03
didrocks  system($notifier);16:03
didrockstseliot: seems easy, just executing the right helper :)16:03
didrocksATI/nvidia can make good use of this :)16:03
tseliotdidrocks: what file did you check in the kernel packaging?16:03
didrockstseliot: /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-extra-3.5.0-4-generic.postinst for instance16:04
didrocks/var/lib/dpkg/info/network-manager.postinst has something similar16:04
tseliotdidrocks: ok, thanks, I'll make sure that the drivers do something like that16:04
didrockstseliot: thanks a lot :)16:05
Sweetsharkseb128: replied in bug16:13
Sweetsharkseb128: can we sponsor https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/libreoffice-prereleases/+sourcepub/2567713/+listing-archive-extra into quantal soonish? any volunteers?16:15
seb128Sweetshark, thanks16:15
seb128Sweetshark, can do, is it good to go?16:15
Sweetsharkseb128: mostly. I assume there are already quite a few people testing it from the ppa. But I havent tried arm yet. I should do that.16:22
Sweetsharkseb128: jamespage is eagerly waiting for it for bug 1023405 though..16:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 1023405 in libreoffice "please transition libservlet2.5-java -> libservlet3.0-java and then demote tomcat6 source and binaries to universe" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102340516:23
seb128Sweetshark, right, I will sponsoring it in a bit or tomorrow morning if I don't get to it tonight16:23
Sweetsharkseb128: hoping Im not hurting myself with my honesty: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lo-menubar/+bug/1021946/comments/2316:51
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1021946 in lo-menubar "lo-menubar 0.1.1 from updates repositories makes plasma-desktop to crash" [High,Invalid]16:51
seb128Sweetshark, the key point is "However, doing the same with LibreOffice 3.5.3, I can get the same result, so not a regression."16:54
seb128Sweetshark, so that's good, it means no need to block the SRU since that's not created by it16:54
micahgyes, but that's not the bug steps that were reported, that's another case that can reproduce the same resilts16:55
seb128micahg, at this point there is no step reported nor anyone else being able to trigger the issue16:55
seb128micahg, which means we block an important update because it might create an issue for some users who run an optional universe package on the non default desktop16:56
seb128micahg, seems like be penalize 99% of users for what could or could not be a new bug happening to 0.01% of users16:57
* kenvandine agrees with seb12816:58
didrocksindeed, seems sensible to at last getting this update16:58
bcurtiswxkenvandine, a bzr bd-do using an ubuntu-desktop branch should work right?17:01
kenvandinebcurtiswx, for what?17:01
kenvandinewhat's bd-do ?17:02
kenvandinebzr bd should work17:02
didrockskenvandine: you don't know bzr bd-do? :)17:03
seb128bcurtiswx, what error do you get?17:03
micahgseb128: kubuntu is in main in 12.04, I can try to reproduce in a clean VM, as I saw the desktop crash with the proposed updates (although in a guest session which might have caused other bugs), I wanted to see the behaviour without the updates first to see if there was a regression or not, the question is does lo 3.5.3 and lo-menubar 0.10 behave differently than 3.5.4 and lo-menubar 0.10 (in order to push the lo SRU out and drop the lo-menuba17:03
micahgr one)17:03
seb128kenvandine, how do you refresh patches?17:03
kenvandinei ctrl-c in a build17:03
kenvandineand use quilt17:03
seb128micahg, right, but lo-menubar is not in main17:03
kenvandinei guess this is easier17:04
bcurtiswxseb128, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1095187/17:04
didrockswaow :)17:04
didrockskenvandine: bzr bd-do is project the tarball content as well as the packaging directory17:04
seb128kenvandine, bzr bd-do is "I give you the unpacked source, hack away, I will apply your diff to the vcs when you exit"17:04
micahgseb128: that's fine, but if it works beforehand, that means lo is doing something different in the update that's breaking something17:04
didrocksin the ../build-area/package_version17:04
* kenvandine will try that next time :)17:04
kenvandinebcurtiswx, looks like the patch needs updating17:05
didrockskenvandine: a world of warning with source 3 though: it will try to apply the quilt patches and if one fails, you're screwed :/17:05
micahgseb128: and we're not taking about a major new version where breakage might be expected either17:05
bcurtiswxkenvandine, but i thought that bd-do would let me do that instead of crashing17:05
seb128micahg, right, it's breaking the lo-menubar hacks, still it seems like blocking an important libreoffice update because we have an universe package doing bad hacks is not the way to go17:05
bcurtiswxwell, quitting17:05
* bcurtiswx totally got kenvandine in bzr bd-dodo <drum hit>17:06
kenvandinebcurtiswx, like didrocks warned17:06
didrocksbcurtiswx: see my remarks above :)17:06
kenvandinei guess in this case my way works well :)17:06
bcurtiswxdidrocks, well thats not cool at all17:06
didrockswhat I generally do in that case is a very beautiful thing17:06
didrocksbzr rm debian/sources17:06
didrocksbzr bd-do17:06
didrocksdo the refrsh17:06
didrocksexit 017:06
LaneyI usually comment out the patches17:06
didrocksbzr revert debian/sources17:06
Laneyin series17:06
Laneythen uncomment them one at a time17:07
didrocksLaney: depends, if you have 10 patchins and one deps on the others…17:07
didrocksand of course, the failing is in the middle :p17:07
didrocks(happened with Qt \o/)17:07
kenvandinealmost always17:07
Laneywell, you should still be able to comment them all17:07
bcurtiswxdidrocks, thats debian/source without the s right ?17:07
didrocksright, but bzr rm and bzr revert is 2 commands17:07
didrockscommenting is more :)17:07
didrocksbcurtiswx: yeah, without the s, one is enough :)17:08
Laney:%s/^/#/ :P17:08
didrocksLaney: well, you want to comment starting from the failing one?17:08
didrocksLaney: you won't get me to this game! :-)17:08
Laneydepends how much you want to think!17:08
didrocks(bzr merge-upstream FTW anyway \o/)17:08
didrocksLaney: think*what*? :)17:08
Laneyit's probably a valid bzr bd-do bug anyway17:10
didrocksLaney: well, I spent one hour discussing it17:11
didrocksLaney: and the opinions are diverging :)17:11
micahgseb128: AIUI, -updates is 0 regressions and that MREs are granted to upstreams that prove they have policies in place to achieve that17:13
Laneysome people argue that failing in this case is desirable?17:13
micahg*policies and practices17:13
seb128micahg, breaking stupid code which makes assumption about your private functions and try to use them in an hackish way doesn't qualify an "upstream regressed in their update"17:16
seb128micahg, it just proof lo-menubar is a crap piece of code we should drop from the archive17:16
seb128micahg, it's like if you had code reading some random octet of a binary because you know where they are and having your code break on the next version, you can't blame an upstream because something out there and being stupid and get issues in return...17:17
micahgseb128: sure, it's not an upstream regression, but an archive regression17:18
micahgbut for us, archive regressions matter as well, even if upstream is doing everything right, at least AIUI the current policy17:18
seb128micahg, right, but I don't get your point about MREs then, it's not a libreoffice flaw17:18
seb128micahg, you mentioned that like if it was a fail in libreoffice quality or testing17:19
seb128micahg, well, we had firefox updates breaking random third party code in the past and we kicked those out17:20
micahgseb128: well, since we don't know the cause, it might be, and it might not be17:20
seb128micahg, seems like it's the same situation, we should kick lo-menubar out ... would you feel better if we do an upload turning it into a dummy empty package? would it be good enough to accept the libreoffice upload?17:20
micahgseb128: I don't know, I'd feel bad about that, removing functionality from some people to get bug fixes for others, but IANA SRU team member17:22
micahgseb128: anyways, I"m not 100% sure the issue is in lo, just no one seemingly has done the test yet with lo 3.5.3 and 3.5.4 and lo-menubar 0.10 to see if they're the same or not17:22
seb128micahg, ok, you are not being reasonable there by suggesting that universe's lomenubar is more important that security and data lost bugs in libreoffice for everyone17:22
seb128micahg, no, several people have been doing tests, none is able to reproduce the issue17:23
seb128micahg, we can't just block that SRU because somebody out there is having impossible to reproduce issues17:23
micahgI was able to reproduce with both proposed packages17:24
micahgseb128: please keep in mind, I have no authority here, I'm just making you aware of the issues as I see them17:26
seb128micahg, good, so can you tell us if it happens with the proposed libreoffice and the precise lo-menubar and the other way around?17:26
micahgseb128: yes, I can try to do that tomorrow17:26
seb128note that at the end of the day it's a KDE bug as well though17:26
seb128whatever stupid thing a menu should be doing it shouldn't take KDE down17:27
seb128should be->could be17:27
micahgseb128: sorry, ended up conflating some issues E_NOTENOUGHCAFFEINE17:37
seb128micahg, which ones?17:38
micahgseb128: about the upstream vs distro testing and what not17:39
seb128micahg, oh, no worry, I just want to see the details sorted so we can resolve the blockers17:39
seb128micahg, it's frustrating that nobody is able to say what update between libreoffice and lo-menubar creates the issue17:39
seb128micahg, or what combinaisons are buggy17:39
* didrocks waves good evening17:39
seb128didrocks, 'night17:40
micahgwell, I know that 3.5.4/0.11 is, not sure about the other combos17:40
* micahg is surprised he's the only one that can reproduce17:40
seb128if 3.5.3 and 0.11 have the issue then it's not a libreoffice regression and not worth blocking that SRU17:41
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=== alecu86 is now known as alecu
robert_ancellTheMuso, what's with the 3.7 numbering for gnome-orca?22:06
robert_ancellare we taking a 3.8 pre-release?22:07
TheMusorobert_ancell: 3.7.0.x is being used due to Orca master being python3 only now, and GNOME upstrea not accepting the python3 goal for GNOME 3.6, so 3.7 is the target for python 3.22:19
TheMusoSo orca upstrea now releases 3.5.x supporting python 2, and 3.7.0.x supporting python 3.22:19
robert_ancellTheMuso, so what will be the final release for 3.6? will it still be 3.7.x and they will continue developing 3.7.x until the normal GNOME 3.8 release?22:20
robert_ancellI think I get it - we delived 3.7.0.x and they release 3.7.1 when the normal GNOME 3.8 cycle starts22:22
TheMusorobert_ancell: Are you covering mousetweaks? If not, I'll take care of it.23:06
robert_ancellTheMuso, nope, I leave those ones for you23:06
TheMusoThanks, its just that others have updated it in the past, usually because I forgot a new release was put out. :) just checking to be sure.23:06

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