
pp7in 12.04 how do change the background color of just the panel?01:31
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SpamapSpp7: try #ubuntu02:21
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pittiGood morning04:45
infinitybdrung: I have zero issues with people stealing my bug tasks as long as they also fix them (as you did).04:48
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pitti@pilot in04:54
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal A2 released! | Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: pitti
pittigah, 80 requests in the queue?04:56
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SpamapSsounds like we need to get back on top of piloting05:00
infinitySpamapS: pitti will fix it!05:00
pittiRAOF: FYI, rejecting your precise udev-proposed queue upload; I add herton's fix for bug 1017715 and reupload; I also commit your fix to the bzr branch05:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1017715 in udev (Ubuntu Precise) "Serialization problem of udev events with DM_COOKIE set" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101771505:12
RAOFpitti: Ah, cool.05:13
RAOFpitti: Also, gah bzr. :)05:13
pittiVcs-Bzr: ...05:13
pittiRAOF: same for oneiric-proposed05:22
pittiRAOF: argh; do you have a minute for a quick SRU review?05:26
pittiRAOF: I accidentally rejected udisks from oneiric-proposed instead of udev05:26
RAOFpitti: Sure; what's up?05:26
pittiRAOF: so I wonder whether you can quickly review it from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+queue?queue_state=4&queue_text=udisks05:26
pittior whether I should reupload it05:26
RAOFpitti: That's a nice, simple review; accepted.05:29
pittiRAOF: cheers05:29
RAOFI don't suppose you could get my mail to the TB out of the moderation queue in return? :)05:30
stgraberRAOF: accepted05:34
RAOFTa muchly.05:34
pittiRAOF: ah, saw this too late; would have done with pleasure..05:46
pittithanks stgraber05:46
* pitti runs listadmin nevertheless05:46
StevenKAh, that reminds me. /me runs listadmin too05:47
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hyperairpitti: regarding https://code.launchpad.net/~hyperair/ubuntu/quantal/dput/sftp-progress-indicator/+merge/112934, sftp.py is currently an ubuntu-only thing. can we have it merged into ubuntu's code anyway?06:49
pittihyperair: oh, it is? sorry about that, I'll upload it then06:49
hyperairpitti: thanks06:49
hyperairpitti: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=505173 <-- cody-somerville submitted it to debian, but debian didn't want to install bzr to use dput with sftp.06:50
ubottuDebian bug 505173 in dput "Patch to add dput sftp transport and host argument support" [Wishlist,Open]06:50
hyperairLaney submitted a python-paramiko using version of sftp.py, but debian hasn't replied to that.06:51
hyperairresponded, i mean06:51
xclaesseI've removed liboverlay-scrollbar, now applications print that: "Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "overlay-scrollbar"" --> any idea why they are still trying to load that module?07:02
dholbachgood morning07:02
RAOFxclaesse: Probably because the session file that sets that environment variable is a config file, so we don't remove it on remove.07:03
xclaesseRAOF, which file is that?07:08
RAOF /etc/X11/Xsession.d/81overlay-scrollbar07:08
xclaessegood to know, merci07:10
RAOFPassing --purge to the apt-get remove call would have removed that file, by the way.07:10
dholbachhi xclaesse07:12
bretthanybody know how i can catch the event, when the user clicks my appindicator?07:15
Sweetsharkcjwatson:could you copy over the two libreoffice packages in https://launchpad.net/~bjoern-michaelsen/+archive/libreoffice-quantaltest-20120601 to ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-prereleases including binaries?07:17
RAOFbretth: I don't believe that there's any such event. Also, you'll probably have better luck in #ubuntu-app-devel, which is the relevant channel.07:17
Sweetsharkcjwatson: and the one package in https://launchpad.net/~bjoern-michaelsen/+archive/libreoffice-precisetest-20120327 to ppa:libreoffice/ppa (<- different ppa) including binaries?07:18
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bretthRAOF, your right: https://bugs.launchpad.net/screenlets/+bug/52215207:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522152 in libappindicator (Ubuntu) "indicator-application does not send signals when a menu is shown/hidden" [Wishlist,Triaged]07:22
cariboupitti: ping07:32
pittihello caribou07:32
cariboupitti: morning, how are you doing ?07:32
cariboupitti: I just saw your note about https://code.launchpad.net/~louis-bouchard/ubuntu/precise/kexec-tools/lp988512-no-vmcoreinfo/+merge/11208607:32
pittiquite fine, thanks! how about you?07:33
caribouI'm fine, one week away from vacation :)07:33
caribouI do agree that the comments were misleading. I'll check with smb if he wants his fixed introduced, but so far, abandoning vmcoreinfo is simpler07:35
caribouupstream has confirmed that vmcoreinfo was no longer needed anyway07:36
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xclaesseany idea why evolution is in English while all other apps are in French on ubuntu Quantal?08:18
pittiwe didn't yet get new langpacks08:19
pittiand evolution thinks it's a good idea to change the translation domain with every major version08:19
pittiso it always takes a bit for evo to catch up08:19
xclaessebtw, cherry-pick gnome-shell's f1ba2b77949d4732cd22a1fc4fe2ef9a96d0c3a1 fix a lot of things08:20
xclaesselike gnome-shell freezing each time I start evolution08:20
xclaessepitti, ok thanks ;:)08:20
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xclaesseany idea why evolution won't load GOA google account?08:24
cjwatsonSweetshark: So I was getting quite close to you being able to do that in the web interface - how urgent is this (i.e. could it wait for a Launchpad deployment and feature flag tweak), and how often do you need to do this (i.e. would I get another handy real-world test case in a few days)?08:31
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tkamppeterAnyone around who knows about debconf internals?08:56
tkamppeterOdyX, hi08:57
cjwatsontkamppeter: yes08:57
tkamppetercjwatson, it is about bug 921875 and its duplicates. What causes postinst to exit with status 10? How can one help the users to get able to update again?08:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 921875 in debconf (Ubuntu) "package foomatic-filters 4.0.4-0ubuntu1.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92187508:59
cjwatsondon't reassign use-of-debconf bugs to debconf.  that's like reassigning C code crashes to gcc08:59
cjwatsonReassigned back to foomatic-filters with advice09:01
Sweetsharkcjwatson: this is rather urgent (I want to blog about it today to get as much early testing for 3.6.0/3.5.5 as possible). another testcase is a few days: not guaranteed, but should be no problem: LibreOffice rc release cadence is once a week ..09:02
cjwatsonSweetshark: OK, all copied now09:06
Sweetsharkcjwatson: thanks a lot!09:07
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DktrKranzinfinity: if you're going to file a debian bug, would you mind passing me the bug# ?09:44
pitti@pilot out09:53
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal A2 released! | Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
cjwatsonjdstrand: There's an ancient (2006) restriction in the LP code that forbids direct uploads to -security.  This dates from when -security was managed outside Launchpad; I think it's no longer relevant and would like to remove it.  I know that you always stage in a private PPA anyway, but do you have any reason to keep that hardcoded restriction?10:04
cjwatson(Any such direct upload would need manual approval anyway.)10:04
davmor2hey guys I'm attempting a fresh install of quantal the top bar seems to be missing from the current iso10:05
shadeslayerhallyn: uhm, do you guys need help with the tiff transition?10:06
davmor2sorry to clarify the top bar is missing from the install part10:06
cjwatsondavmor2: I suspect the indicator ABI has changed again10:46
davmor2cjwatson: okay just highlighting it10:46
seb128cjwatson, it should not10:47
seb128cjwatson, there was no change in the ABI version at least and no unity or indicator rebuild required10:47
davmor2seb128: this could be fall out from the new unity roll out that I happened to notice maybe?10:48
seb128there was no recent unity roll out10:49
davmor2seb128: I thought there was one last week or was I dreaming?10:49
cjwatsonMind you, I get a top bar in today's image10:50
cjwatson(in KVM)10:50
davmor2cjohnston: so could be a driver/screen size issue then maybe10:50
* cjwatson is not cjohnston 10:51
davmor2cjohnston: this is a laptop 1366x786 off the top of my head with an intel driver10:51
davmor2cjwatson: sorry10:51
davmor2cjohnston: sorry10:51
cjwatsonNo idea.  Check logs ...10:51
davmor2cjwatson: I'd love to but the whole system died on the webcam page let be try it again for you10:52
davmor2cjwatson: this is on amd64 incase I didn't mention that10:53
davmor2cjwatson: okay I have the bar this time bad burn maybe11:06
cjohnstoncjwatson: I have debated changing my nick... don't know how much it would help, might then just get tab-completed for someone else... plus after having one for years its hard to change11:19
cjwatsonI think the appropriate response is mocking people who don't check the results of tab-completion, not changing your nick :)11:20
cjohnstonthat works too..11:20
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vibhavpitti: ping12:23
pittivibhav: hello12:24
vibhavpitti: The fbasics debdiff you uploaded for me FTBFSes in armel and armhf12:24
vibhavThough the changelog says "Work around gfortran ICE on armhf, build with -O0. LP: #642043." and "Work around gfortran ICE on armel, build with -march=armv6. LP: #642043."12:25
pittigcc: error: SHLIB_LIBADD: No such file or directory12:25
pittivibhav: that's not an ICE, it's just a plain bug in the build system12:25
pittilooks like a forgotten $ or so12:26
vibhavpitti: ah, is there any workaround?12:26
pittiwell, it needs to be fixed12:26
* vibhav takes a look12:28
vibhavhmm, SHLIB_LIBADD doesnt seem to be defined anywhere, grep -rw SHLIB_LIBADD * returns nothing12:30
vibhavalso, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=680417 seems relevant12:34
ubottuDebian bug 680417 in ftp.debian.org "RM: fbasics [armel armhf] -- RoQA; long standing general ARM issue" [Normal,Open]12:34
vibhavThough that is a remove-a-package bug12:34
tkamppeterOdyX: hi12:35
DktrKranzvibhav: it shouldn't happen anymore with very recent r-base upload12:36
DktrKranzvibhav: also debian #679180 has some details about it.12:37
ubottuDebian bug 679180 in r-base-core "arm* builds fail: SHLIB_LIBADD: No such file or directory" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/67918012:37
BenCinfinity, cjwatson: What's the proper way to get something ported (to powerpc) that build-deps on itself (sbcl)12:37
vibhavDktrKranz: I had a look at this bug though :)12:38
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hallynshadeslayer: hm, afaik we should be about done.12:46
cjwatsonBenC: infinity can arrange for the powerpc build chroots to temporarily point to somewhere with binaries to serve as build-deps; but we'll still need to get those binaries from somewhere12:48
BenCcjwatson: Could that just be a .deb that I build and sign?12:48
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cjwatsonBenC: I think so13:19
cjwatsonBenC: Or packages from Debian, preferably, if that's possible13:20
LaneyI think the policy says that the debs which are used for the real build must have been rebuilt on Ubuntu13:21
BenCcjwatson: sbcl isn't being built for debian-ppc either, but sbcl.org has linux-ppc binaries, which I'm using to do the original .deb13:21
BenCLaney: that's fine, we can always do a build1 afterwards13:21
cjwatsonOr we can do a build pass before feeding bootstrap binaries as build-deps to LP13:22
ScottKLaney: Eventually.  You can (and sometimes must) use non-Ubuntu debs for bootstrapping.  You just can't leave them there.13:22
LaneyI'm talking about the build that you feed to LP to bootstrap.13:22
cjwatsonI can't remember the number of layers, but anyway, all BenC needs to do is to provide the initial set13:23
LaneySo take your debs from wherever, do your bootstrap locally using it on Ubuntu, and give those debs to LP.13:23
cjwatsonGosh, actual docs (albeit internal)13:24
Laneythe process for the developer is basically ^. The rest of it is about how to mangle the chroots, mostly.13:24
ScottKI thought the official process was harass lamont or infinity until they do it.13:24
LaneyI just ripped the arm off my chair. This working out must be paying off ...13:25
cjwatsonScottK: I think they were trying to hand it over to the OSAs.13:26
cjwatsonOr at least lamont was.13:26
ScottKI was sort of joking about that being official.13:26
shadeslayerhallyn: oh .. the tiff transition page needs to be updated then I guess13:27
cjwatsonScottK: don't you know Ubuntu better than that? :-)13:27
* Laney applies superglue. An excellent resolution.13:28
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tkamppeterOdyX, hi13:42
micahgcjwatson: jdstrand is on vacation until Friday13:53
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hrwguys: if I use git checkouts as source how version should look? 4.1.1+git20120713-0ubuntu1 or other?14:02
hyperairis anyone else receiving these annoying intuit payment mails?14:09
Laneyisn't it just spam?14:09
ogra_depends, are there banks using phpmailer ?14:10
* ogra_ gets it too btw14:10
hrwogra_: phpmailer was quite popular class for sending emails few years ago14:11
ogra_hrw, i still doubt any bankl IT security person would allow it in their network :)14:11
hyperairLaney: yeah, but every 5 minuets or so i'm getting a new one.14:11
hrwguys: versioning question - someone?14:15
Laneylooks fine14:15
LaneyI'd put the commit ID somewhere too14:15
Laneyeither in the version or in the changelog itself14:16
hrwLaney: in changelog as those are two repos14:16
shadeslayerhyperair: Laney yeah me too14:17
* shadeslayer is wondering what all the email noise is about14:18
BenCinfinity: So, I have a signed sbcl.deb where do we go from here?14:23
cjwatsonmicahg: thanks14:29
hrwheh, why I did not learnt git-buildpacakge earlier ;D14:32
hrwok, android-tools 4.1.1 on a way to quantal14:33
ogra_grrr, silly dmraid14:58
micahg@pilot in15:00
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal A2 released! | Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: micahg
hallynhow do i have debian/rules just do the 'make install' step?  (i'm pretty sure 'make install DESTDIR=debian/tmp' will work, but i want to make sure i'm doing the idential steps)15:48
micahgisn't that dh_auto_install?15:49
micahgogra_: is there a reason you used lzma in ac100 tarball instead of xz?  AIUI lzma has no error correction (or is xz not supported there)15:53
ogra_micahg, well, all out live images use lzma unless that recently changed15:53
ogra_happy to use something else if thats the common standard now15:54
* micahg has no idea what's used in the live images15:54
ogra_gz is simply to big and gets corrupted during unpack ...15:54
cjwatsonOur live images use neither lzma nor xz.15:54
ogra_any higher compression will do for me15:54
ogra_oh ?15:54
cjwatsonNeither is sanely rsyncable.15:54
ogra_i thoguht we switched to lz in lucid15:54
cjwatsonNo, we've repeatedly rejected that.15:54
SpamapSwhy does it seem like there are always 50 - 100 haskell-* uploads every few days?15:54
cjwatsonBut if you're going to use something based on that algorithm, you should indeed use xz if possible.15:55
ogra_well, our initrd on ac100 doesnt need to be rsyncable15:55
micahgSpamapS: people were trying to get it installable, but there were more ABI changing uploads to do still15:55
ogra_since it is wrapped in a bootloader binary file15:55
LaneyI think depwaits are just shaking out15:55
Laneythere haven't been any new uploads in a while.15:55
cjwatsonSpamapS: It has very strict ABI handling, so even just new upstream versions of lower-level components tend to require everything above them in the stack to be rebuilt.15:55
SpamapSmicahg: this is going on 3 cycles tho15:55
LaneyBut that set of uploads was ill-advised anyway.15:56
micahgSpamapS: hrm?  haskell rdeps need to be rebuilt for every upload15:56
* ogra_ switches to xz then15:56
SpamapSthat all makes sense.15:57
Laney(I hobbled it so that I get to stay high up on the leader board)15:57
SpamapSI wonder if we'll see similar batches of uploads with more golang packages15:57
Laneyocaml is similar15:57
SpamapSsimilar but less popular? ;)15:57
cjwatsonogra_: Though do check that your kernel actually supports that :-)15:57
Laneyless trendy, probably less churny as a result15:58
ogra_cjwatson, haha, just what i asked in the other channel :)15:58
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BenCBuild Start in 15 minutes => HAHAHA, JK LOL, Build Starts in 2 hours17:00
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bambeehi, when I try to start a dhcp server, nothing happens (the daemon is not running in background). Even if I start it myself by hand it does absolutely nothing. I only get the following message in dmesg  :   " init: isc-dhcp-server main process (3512) terminated with status 1"17:42
bambeeit's on quantal17:42
infinityBenC: Honestly, I'd rather you argued with the Debian maintainer to turn PPC back on there first.17:42
BenCinfinity: Silly boy, Debian doesn't listen to me anymore17:42
BenCBut I can try pretending to be someone else17:42
infinityBenC: Thankfully, the whole project doesn't have to, just one maintainer. :P17:43
infinityBenC: You are, in general, upstreaming your PPC fixed for other things, I hope?17:43
micahgbenc: any chance you have a quick fix for https://launchpadlibrarian.net/109855481/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-powerpc.lightning-extension_1.6%2Bbuild1-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz, we can finally get lightning for powerpc again if we can get a fix today17:43
BenCinfinity: Yes17:43
BenCmicahg: Looks like the same fix is needed from thunderbird/firefox17:44
BenCmicahg: Should I upload, or send to someone?17:44
micahgbenc: debdiff on a bug would be fine17:44
infinityBenC: Are any source changes required for sbcl on PPC (other than enabling the arch in debian/control)?17:44
BenCinfinity: Nope, just had to bootstrap it with an sbcl linux-ppc binary I downloaded from sbcl.org17:45
jonoare you folks having issues with broken packages?17:45
* ogra_ never had issues with non-broken ones ...17:46
infinityjono: You might need to be a biiiiit more specific.17:46
jonothese are my issues:17:46
BenCogra_: Every once in awhile, you should pick a fight with a working package just for kicks17:46
infinityBenC: Grr.  Then that makes the Debian maintainer's "I can't debug this, so I'll disable every arch" thing even more annoying. :/17:46
infinityBenC: I wonder if ARM would be in a similar Just Works boat.17:47
ogra_BenC, boooring :)17:47
BenCinfinity: arm isn't shown in the assembly subdir, so it's probably a no-go17:47
jonoinfinity, ^17:47
cjwatsonjono: So how come you don't have python3-minimal 3.2.3-4?17:47
jonocjwatson, no idea17:48
cjwatsonjono: Try 'apt-get install python3 python3-minimal'.17:48
jonoI have just been upgrading as normal throughout the cycle17:48
BenCinfinity: mips, sparc, alpha, and hppa are though17:48
BenCmicahg: I'll get right on lightning17:48
cjwatsonOh, wait, I'm reading it the wrong way round.17:49
jonocjwatson, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1095253/17:49
infinityjono: Looks like you might have an older version of python3 on hold for some reason?17:49
jonoinfinity, oh?17:49
cjwatsonCurrent python3's dependencies are correct.17:49
cjwatson Depends: python3.2 (>= 3.2.3), python3-minimal (= 3.2.3-4)17:49
infinityjono: Oh, but not from your second paste.17:50
infinityjono: apt-get update? ;)17:50
infinityYou may have updated in the middle of an arch skew, and not since.17:50
cjwatsonOr 'apt-get --reinstall install python3' might help too.17:50
cjwatsonBut I have to go.17:50
jonocjwatson, I just tried that, smae issue17:51
cjwatsondpkg -l python317:51
jonoinfinity, I did that before I tried to upgrade17:51
jonoiF  python3        3.2.3-3      all          interactive high-level object-ori17:51
infinityjono: Grabbing 3.2.3-4 by hand and "dpkg -i"ing it should work fine, but I'm rather confused how your system got here in the first place without some violence.17:54
jonoinfinity, yeah, I am not sure, I have not been doing anything particularly crazy17:54
ScottKSome people have been having to fix this by hand.  No idea why though.17:54
ScottKI can't replicate it.17:55
infinityScottK: You mean, Jono's not the only victim?17:55
infinityScottK: I can't figure out how one would arrive here...17:55
stgraberI saw some bug trafic with people having similar issues17:55
ScottKMe neither.17:55
ScottKIs it possible for not all binaries from a package to make it into a publisher run?17:56
infinityAlthough, the 'iF' could be a clue.  Maybe something was breaking postinsts?17:56
ScottKThe bug that was fixed in -3ubuntu1 or -4 was a postinst bug.17:56
infinityScottK: No, it's impossible for this to have been published skewed, both are arch:all, from the same build.17:56
ScottK-3ubuntu1 finished seconds before a publisher run started.17:57
ScottKI was surprised it made it.17:57
infinityScottK: But a postinst failing could perhaps have gummed up the works, and could explain why jono is "stuck" on -317:57
jonoinfinity, do you have a link to the python3  3.2.3-4 package I can download?17:57
jonowhat is the LP project?17:57
ScottKjono: python3-defaults17:58
jonothanks ScottK17:58
bkerensainfinity: I have a similar or same issue as jono17:59
bkerensamy updates are failing because of py 317:59
jonook installing the package manually fixed it17:59
jonothanks cjwatson, infinity, ScottK17:59
BenCmicahg: patch applied and build started...18:00
BenCmicahg: bug #1025387 for reference...18:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1025387 in lightning-extension (Ubuntu) "FTBFS: powerpc build fails (requires patch from thunderbird)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102538718:00
micahgbenc: thanks18:00
infinitybkerensa: Same workaround should get you going again (download the above and manually install it).18:01
infinityScottK: So, how long was the window of exposure here, and should we look deeper into trying to figure out WTF is going wrong, or just recommend people fix it by hand and scream "la la la, development release, la la la"?18:02
ScottKI think the latter.18:03
bkerensainfinity: that fixed it... I will pass the fix along since I know a few people who ran into the same18:03
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infinityScottK: This may be exposing a subtle apt bug, if it just blindly refuses to do anything sane about upgrading packages in 'iF' state...18:04
infinityScottK: I was going to blame dpkg, until jono and bkerensa told me that 'dpkg -i' worked just dandily.18:05
BenCchrisccoulson, micahg: bug #1025387 has the debdiff and the build completed without error18:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1025387 in lightning-extension (Ubuntu) "FTBFS: powerpc build fails (requires patch from thunderbird)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102538718:09
ScottKinfinity: It could be.  Personally, I did the "meh.  development release".  that doesn't mean everyone should.18:09
micahgbenc: that upstream URL seems wrong18:10
BenCmicahg: ?18:10
micahgbenc: in the debdiff you link to a webkit attachment18:11
BenCmicahg: I just copied the patch from thunderbird, I didn't change the file, so it contains the same URL I had originally downloaded it from18:11
micahgbenc: ah, ok18:11
BenCIf that is gone, I'm not sure where to look :/18:11
infinityNot actually the same patch, though it's conceptually the same idea.18:12
micahgbenc: and you wrote this one? (just want to get the dep3 headers correct)18:13
BenCmicahg: Eh, I fiddled the original just enough to work18:15
BenCBut yeah, I guess you could say I wrote it18:15
BenCAre i386 and amd64 dep-waits being force rebuilt?18:20
* BenC is wondering how they dropped so quickly18:20
BenCinfinity: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=68180818:21
ubottuDebian bug 681808 in sbcl "Enable powerpc build" [Normal,Open]18:21
BenCBut I'm doubting that will help quantal...18:21
micahgbenc: depwaits are rebuilt when the deps are met18:22
micahgmeh :P18:22
Laneybuild happen good time18:23
BenCmicahg: unless of course it's dep-waiting on a virtual package18:23
* BenC notices those don't automatically run18:24
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tkamppeterOdyX: ping18:41
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infinityBenC: Well, it'll need bootstrapping in quantal regardless, I'd just prefer not to have a one-line Ubuntu delta to debian/contorl forever.19:08
BenCIs linux-any valid on Ubuntu?19:08
infinityBenC: Yeah, any-* and *-any are valid.19:08
* infinity goes to make a bootstrap archive for ppc.19:12
infinityBenC: Where are these (signed) binaries of yours for me to play with?19:15
BenCinfinity: http://www.swissdisk.com/~bcollins/sbcl/19:15
BenCjust a signed .deb, no .changes or anything, since it's original source19:16
* infinity nods.19:16
BenCinfinity: do you need the whole shebang (.dsc signed)?19:16
brycehhmm, bug #968845 was fixed in quantal and SRU'd to precise, however there are no bug tasks for precise, and 'Nominate for series' doesn't give an option to add them.19:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 968845 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu Quantal) "bcm5974 touchpad doesn't work after S3 on MacBookAir" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96884519:18
brycehanyone know how to fix this?  bdmurray?19:18
BenCIs it just me, or is any package that uses clang to compile just trying to be a hipster?19:21
infinityBenC: clang has a few language extensions that some people think are useful.19:22
infinityBenC: But if something is build-depending on clang and *doesn't* actually require it, that's a bug, and it should use gcc.19:22
BenCI just wonder if anyone using clang is using those extensions19:22
infinityBenC: I know of one package that definitely is, though I forget the name now.19:22
BenCI could try to fix the segv in clang on ppc…but I think I'll opt to test those packages failing because of it using gcc19:23
infinityBenC: Fixing clang (and/or llvm) would be a good thing anyway.  It's here to stay, whether we like it or not.19:24
infinity(Which reminds me, I still need to do some armhf violence to clang...)19:25
bdmurraybryceh: tried the api?19:25
BenCllvm is even further down my priority list19:25
infinityBenC: Oh, it could also magically go away with a newer clang.  Can you test with Debian unstable?19:26
BenCI fixed one compiler (ghc), verified bootstrap of another (sbcl) and attempted another (D-compiler)…I think I'm done now19:26
BenCinfinity: I might give that a short19:26
infinityBenC: If it works in unstable, then just poke me repeatedly in the head to merge that to quantal, it's on my TODO.19:26
infinityBenC: Oh heavens, you tried to do things to D?19:26
BenCD is telling me that 1024 / (8 * 4) is a divide by zero error19:27
BenCand I'm not even exaggerating19:27
infinityBenC: Oh, if you use the unstable clang, you'll probably have to toss in the Ubuntu "powerpc doesn't always have altivec, you braindead compiler" patch.19:27
infinityBenC: I really need to push that upstream.19:27
infinityBenC: Alright, I've uploaded an sbcl that enables itself on PPC (and will, of course, dep-wait), and I'll enable the bootstrap bits in the PPC chroots in a bit and make it happy.19:33
BenCinfinity: saweet, thanks19:33
micahginfinity: can you bump this please: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa/+build/366123219:39
micahgI'd like to see one actually work, before uploading the rest19:39
stgrabermicahg: done19:40
micahgstgraber: thanks19:40
micahginfinity: disregard19:40
infinitymicahg: Disregarded. :P19:40
BenCstgraber: you should have made the score 9001, so we could say "the build score, it's over 9000!"19:44
stgraberBenC: fixed ;)19:46
BenCLet the memes begin19:47
infinityBenC: You're a bit late for that meme.19:47
BenCinfinity: Yes, but I've never had a chance to use it, so call me slow19:47
BenCIs there a run of http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/ for precise (or any releases prior to quantal)?19:51
micahgbenc: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/precise.html, but hasn't been updated since release, maybe ask wgrant if he could turn it back on19:56
BenCmicahg: thanks, I just wanted a quick comparison for quantal19:56
infinityBenC: Trying to see if you're making any progress? :)20:04
maxLimithow can i compile/debug the source code of totem using eclipse ?20:05
bdrungLaney: the unar support in file-roller bug: #96575720:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 965757 in file-roller (Ubuntu) "Use 'unar' rather than 'unrar' to extract RAR files" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96575720:10
Laneyhow should it be fixed in the packaging?20:11
Laneyfull-on Depends?20:11
bdrunglet's check how the other formats are linked.20:12
mdeslaurlooks like upstream unrar is now available under the gpl20:12
micahg@pilot out20:12
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal A2 released! | Archive: open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
BenCinfinity: yes :)20:13
BenCstgraber: While you're on a build score frenzy, can you bump: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/blktap/2.0.90-1ubuntu1/+build/3661194 please20:14
BenCTrying to get some build-deps out of the way for xen related things20:15
bdrungmdeslaur: where?20:15
BenCAlthough useless on powerpc, it's nice to have when one day I feel the urge to do some porting20:15
stgraberBenC: done20:15
BenCstgraber: Thanks20:15
mdeslaurbdrung: http://www.rarlab.com/rar/unrarsrc-4.2.4.tar.gz20:15
mdeslaurbdrung: "...this product may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), in which case the provisions of the GPL apply INSTEAD OF those given above."20:16
infinityDktrKranz: Ugh, why didn't you just give Edd my patch and be done with it?  There's no "negative side-effect" to using PCRE on all arches.20:17
infinityDktrKranz: Adding a bunch of fragile arm-only logic just makes it all the harder to maintain any sort of consistency.20:17
mdeslaurbdrung: never mind, I misread20:19
infinityDktrKranz: It also seems rather silly to use substring matching to detect broken substring matching.20:19
bdrungmdeslaur: where did you read that statement?20:19
infinityDktrKranz: It's also not a glibc bug, FWIW.20:19
infinityDktrKranz: (Well, not that I've been able to determine so far).20:20
mdeslaurbdrung: it's from the acknow.txt file in the archive, but I misread it...it's for code included, not the whole thing20:20
infinityDktrKranz: POSIX extended regexes in r-base are handled by a bundled library.20:20
mdeslaurbdrung: it's still non-free, forget what I said20:20
bdrungLaney: file-roller depends on bzip2, zip and unzip. most other extracting tools are in suggests.20:26
bdrungLaney: IMO, unar should be recommended.20:26
Laneyfeel free to do so if you can justify the space usage and get the MIR done :-)20:27
bdrungthen it would be installed by default and we could drop unrar from ubuntu-restricted-extras20:27
DktrKranzinfinity: my first patch was indeed PCRE as default, and was very much the same as yours (and I noticed yours a couple hours later, so I didn't even have the chance to "steal" it :)20:28
Laneybdrung: although u-r-e is in multiverse so arguably it could be dropped right now20:28
bdrungLaney: hm, unar would pull gnustep20:29
DktrKranzinfinity: but I must admit I don't know R at all, so I trusted edd knowledge about potential impact of extending PCRE everywhere20:29
DktrKranzI checked the simple substring worked, and it did. The rest was only a bad copy&paste :)20:29
infinityDktrKranz: Ahh, your looked shockingly similar to mine, I assumed origination that wasn't there. :P20:29
infinityDktrKranz: s/your/yours/20:30
infinityDktrKranz: (As such, disregard the "PS" to my follow-up to the Debian bug) :P20:30
Laneybdrung: I think you can still replace the suggests20:30
Laneyeven if you can't justify putting it in main because of this20:30
DktrKranzinfinity: also, I supposed the real problem was something related to eglibc because I didn't have any clue about how R handles the regexes20:31
DktrKranzBut my bisecting didn't found the culprit, so perhaps it's not eglibc at all20:31
infinityDktrKranz: As for PCRE by default, honestly, it's not even about R, it's about PCRE being wildly more reliable than, well, any other regex engine.  A rewrite of all that code to just use PCRE for EVERYTHING would be the sanest approach, since we link it in anyway.  But that's some serious effort, and a lot of ifdef foo to make upstream happy in the case of people building --without-pcre20:32
infinity(Or just make R have a hard depdency on PCRE, like so many other applications do, because people have realised it's the only reliable and portable implementation that doesn't suck)20:33
infinityBut, way more effort than I want to put into a language I don't care about.20:33
bdrungLaney: i think the ubuntu-restricted-extras needs to be reworked20:34
DktrKranzAnyway, I hope we can solve this issue for good, and then forward our thoughts upstream, to let them handle the situation in the most appropriate way20:34
infinityDktrKranz: If you feel like debugging further, I *suspect* the error either lies in the bundled tre (in src/extra/tre), or in the code in R itself that's calling it.20:35
infinityDktrKranz: 20 to 1 odds say it's an alignment issue or something.20:35
infinityDktrKranz: And, for added fun, the bundled tre is a forked version from upstream tre.  So, it could just be that it was subtly broken in the fork.20:36
DktrKranzbut good news it's not eglibc's fault, it could have been a PITA...20:36
infinityDktrKranz: It still *could* be eglibc's fault, as we're also calling into eglibc to mangle wchars and such, but if wchar was fundamentally broken in eglibc on ARM, I think I'd have seen a lot more fallout.20:37
infinityDktrKranz: So, it's probably either R mis-mangling types or doing dodgy pointer math, or tre doing similar.20:37
DktrKranzI'm going to see the exact time builds started to screw things up, maybe it's easier to bisect the guilty change20:37
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BenChttp://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/ <= empty: guess everything is built21:23
BenCAnd it's back21:23
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infinityrobert_ancell: Hey dude.21:44
infinityrobert_ancell: You do realise that gnome-mahjongg was renamed to mahjongg rather recently, right? :P21:44
robert_ancellinfinity, hey, how's it going?21:44
robert_ancellinfinity, yes, I just did it21:44
infinityrobert_ancell: How many more times will it go back and forth?21:44
robert_ancellinfinity, none21:44
infinityrobert_ancell: No.  I mean, it was renamed in the other direction last cycle.21:44
robert_ancellwas is gnome-mahjongg at one point?21:44
infinityrobert_ancell: Yes.21:45
robert_ancellinfinity, oh, I think we might have picked that up off Debian21:45
infinityrobert_ancell: It was gnome-mahjongg in oneiric and earlier.  We changed a ton of stuff for the last rename, :P21:45
infinityOh, you mean Debian may have had it uniquely-named, but upstream didn't, and for some boneheaded reason, we dropped the Debian uniqueness patch for precise?21:46
infinityAnd now, you've decided to do it upstream?  Check.21:46
infinityWe can mangle the seeds again.  Just promise me it won't rename again in 6 months. :)21:47
robert_ancellinfinity, well, it will be split into a separate module at some point, so we'll have that to deal with upstream!21:48
infinityrobert_ancell: But... It won't rename? ;)21:48
robert_ancellthat's why I wanted to give it a more unique name21:48
infinityrobert_ancell: Shame you didn't just commit this upstream in the precise cycle, rather than us carrying it by a different name for exactly one release. :/21:49
infinityOh well.21:49
robert_ancellyeah, there was some disagreement upstream, but that's been resolved now21:49
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epikvisionbazaar branches are usually out-of-date.22:05
epikvisionhow can I pick up the latest package versions?22:05
Laneythe archive is authoritative22:06
infinityepikvision: By which, Laney means "apt-get source" should get you what you want.22:11
infinity(Or getting it from LP)22:11
epikvisionhahah, thanks infinity22:12
epikvisionI needed the translation.22:12
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=== cpg|away is now known as cpg

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