
mishehuugh.  I don't get it.  every single time I install 12.04 x86_64 on my box, when I try to install updates from update manager, it hangs forever and never completes (perl being the process that is causing the system to hang)03:30
mishehuand then everything is fubared and I end up having to reinstall.03:30
tgm4883mishehu, have you tried updating from the command line?03:33
mishehutgm4883: nope03:37
mishehuit's stuck, I'm going to have to reload again03:37
tgm4883mishehu, The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.03:57
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superm1mishehu: try expanding the little triangle when that happens05:11
superm1i bet it's debconf waiting on something05:11
superm1i seem to recall a bug like that being filed05:11
mishehusuperm1: dkpg is running, it's waiting on a forked perl process, and the perl process is stuck on read()05:51
mishehuI straced it05:51
superm1mishehu: yeah debconf uses perl, and if it's waiting on a read() it could be that it wants user input but hte dialog wasn't expanded13:15
superm1that's the bug13:16
Zinn[bugs.launchpad.net] Bug #979661 “oneiric to precise: debconf: unable to initialize f...” : Bugs : “update-manager” package : Ubuntu13:16
superm1so if you don't yet have that update it might be hitting you13:16
mishehusuperm1: thanks man.  I'll check out the full bug report a little later on today14:23
mishehusuperm1: you still in ATX ?14:23
Shadow__XHLS seems to be fixed14:39
rhpot1991Shadow__X: yes it is, guess you didn't get my message about that18:07
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Shadow__Xrhpot1991: yeah, I did thanks for telling me about it19:38
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