
=== apachelogger is now known as apachelogger_
fujisani want to file a complaint against ikonia  he is harrasing me in #macosx09:56
fujisancan you ask him to ignore me and leave me alone please kthanx for all your help09:56
fujisani will idle till then bye09:57
fujisanhave a nice day :)09:57
Tm_Tfujisan: no idling here09:57
IdleOnefujisan: if you have a problem with a user in a channel that has nothing to do with ubuntu I suggest you contact the channel ops for that channel.09:58
* fujisan shrugs but he got me banned from the entire ubuntu namespace09:58
IdleOnefujisan: No, you got yourself banned from the Ubuntu name space.09:59
elkyIdleOne, jinx.09:59
fujisanokay will do thanks for your advise i will depart this channel now then09:59
IdleOnethank you.09:59
fujisanhello elky  :)09:59
fujisanbye all09:59
elkyIdleOne, the irony here is hilarious.09:59
IdleOneheh :)09:59
DJonesyannick has been asked multiple time not to keep joining with hello world/ok/smilies, kicked/removed a couple of times, just set a ban after they've continued to do it10:02
IdleOneHow long do you feel the ban should last?10:04
elkyhe's still banned from -irc10:05
elky(fujisan, that is)10:05
IdleOneI meant yannick10:05
elkyi wc'd10:05
DJonesProbably only 24 hours unless they come here to ask about removal10:05
Tm_TI'd rather banforward here?10:06
IdleOneI think there is some language barrier going on also with him10:06
DJonesGood idea, I'll have a look at changing it to a banforward10:06
IdleOneDJones: need a hand?10:11
DJonesIs the format /mode +b  *!*yannick@2a01:e35:8a20:b1a0:59e7:2fa6:6b9a:*$#ubuntu-ops10:11
IdleOnesure thing10:11
DJonesWas looking at the classroom notes from a while back10:11
DJonesRight, back to trying to lower my blood pressure10:13
IdleOneCheerios is part of a healthy balanced breakfast and helps lower cholesterol10:14
IdleOneSays so right on the box10:14
DJonesI doubt that will help when its hitting 185/12510:15
chuHello yannick.10:16
yannickhello chu10:16
DJonesHi yannick10:16
yannickhi DJones10:16
IdleOneyannick: You keep saying you're sorry but you also keep repeating the behaviour that got you banned. Why?10:17
yannickbecause I'am working10:17
yannickwith it10:17
DJonesYou were forwarded here instead of #ubuntu because you keep making random comments/hello world or :) symbols, you say you'll stop but haven't10:17
yannickso I'll now and I understand a bit more where I am now10:18
yannickso again sorry10:18
DJonesAll we ask is that you stop doing that, are you able to say that you will stop with those comments10:19
yannickfine isn't it?10:20
IdleOneyannick: you are aware there is also a #ubuntu-fr for french language support?10:20
IdleOneNow you are :)10:21
yannickbut thank you10:21
yannickI have to work English sorry10:21
IdleOneok, well #ubuntu is for support. #ubuntu-offtopic for chat. You are welcome to join #ubuntu-offtopic and practice English in there.10:22
DJonesyannick: Can you say that you will stop with those comments, yes or no?10:22
yannickfor now10:23
yannickthat one?10:23
DJonesyannick: Its the ok / yes / no / hello world comments you make, ubuntu queries/help are welcome, but not general chat comments10:26
IdleOneyannick: nous avons besoin que vous comprenez que #ubuntu est un canal de support et des commentaire comme "hello world" at des :) son des distraction non necessaire.10:26
IdleOneest vous capable de vous restraindre?10:26
IdleOneDJones: agreed and understood10:27
DJonesIdleOne: Thanks10:27
DJonesyannick: I'll remove the ban in #ubuntu, please try to stay on topic10:28
IdleOneyannick: vous pouvez maintenant rejoindre #ubuntu et partir d'ici. Bonne journee.10:28
IdleOneyannick: You are no longer banned in #ubuntu. Please part this channel and rejoin #ubuntu at your leisure10:45
chuThis guy: vijaym124 is just directing factoids to people in #ubuntu10:52
chuWell, he quit.10:52
CarpetCleaner69hey guys just wanted to let you all know that ikonia is a faggot13:25
CarpetCleaner69#ubuntu is retarded and gay13:25
CarpetCleaner69suck my dick!!!!!!!13:25
* CarpetCleaner69 slaps her pussy for FREEDOM13:25
groupcatok then.13:30
kloerime and cholby are both faggots I guess13:31
ikoniaprobably in his eyes13:31
Fuchskloeri: we told you: stop being one :(13:31
ikoniaperhaps the latter of his insults, there seems no reason, so why not13:31
kloeriFuchs: but it's in my genes :(13:36
Fuchskloeri: I am afraid to tell you that you are fired, then :(13:36
* Fuchs goes to corner and shuts up :)13:38
mneptokthe closest i ever got to being gay was Dykes' Quarterly voting me "Lesbianism's Greatest Recruiting Method"  :/13:41
Amaranthda dum tish13:44
mneptokPici: from Saturday - 13:30 <+Myrtti> !cloak > sleax14:46
ikoniaavis: are you active now ?14:54
avisi am the owner of ubuntu and i am banned from #ubuntu14:54
ikoniaahh, you are great14:54
ikoniaI don't know what you mean by I am the owner of ubuntu14:55
ikoniahowever, a few of us have been trying to contact you when you joined to resolve your ban14:55
avisi'm not the CEO Balmer passed away14:55
ikonia(which is why I was quick to ask you when you joined)14:55
ikoniaavis: I don't know what you're referencing, I'm sorry14:55
avisplease have been unbanned from ubuntu i have been banned forever.14:56
avisin case i need aid14:56
ikoniaavis: well, that's what we've been trying to contact you about14:56
avisthank you14:56
avishave a great day14:56
ikoniaI have failed14:56
ikoniapeople have been trying to contact him every time he joins14:57
ikoniaI am now added to the failure list14:57
ikoniabased on his contribution in apple I'd suggest his motives are not innocent14:58
ikonia< avis> sco is novel linux 4 minutes14:58
PiciWhy waste time?14:58
PiciIf it looks like a duck....14:58
ikoniawell, I first thought it may have been a language issue,14:59
ikonianow I'm doubting that14:59
PiciFuchs: care to take a look at the recent flood of spammers we got in #u ?15:16
FuchsPici: already saw it and already discussing it15:16
PiciFuchs: great.15:16
FuchsPici: the ones involved should be gone now, inform us if you have more problems15:18
FuchsPici: does #ubuntu usually come with idoru, or do you just have your floodbots?15:18
PiciFuchs: will do15:18
PiciFuchs: iirc, we haven't had idoru for a while.  by design or something15:19
Fuchsthanks, poke us if you have more problems (maybe not me, I am only partially here. Have a look at /stats p or go to #freenode)15:20
PiciFuchs: I was just looking at who had last talked in #freenode, thats why I picked on you15:21
FuchsPici: yeah, just mentioned it because I'll be mostly gone until later in the (UTC) evening, just to make sure you'll poke the right persons :)15:23
PiciFuchs: righto15:23
bazhangaircrack seems to no longer be in the repos17:05
IdleOnefrom the topic in #aircrack it is dead17:05
ikonianet split city today17:05
bazhangit's #aircrack-ng I thought17:05
bazhang<raidghost> Have #ubuntu ever thought of getting a que system for questions asked in here?18:14
bazhangis that not #ubuntu-meta ?18:14
bazhangwhy do people get so impatient, especially at the worst times18:19
bazhangif all the software is downloaded, and it's configuring, for example18:19
IdleOneI can't see how a queue would make things faster, if anything it would make the wait longer.18:20
bazhangI meant mala18:20
bazhang10 minutes to configure is not *that* long18:21
Fuchsqueues are silly anyway, people have different fields of expertise, so they take the questions they can answer, regardless of any order18:21
bazhangban forward  eir to ##fix_your_connection ?18:27
Picibazhang: because they don't know what its doing.18:35
Piciat least when things are downloading they know "this is being downloaded"18:36
bazhangPici, good point18:36
bazhangfrom experience, interrupting it at the configuring stage can have some less than good effects18:36
chubazhang: I believe he just wants an intro the to cli.19:22
bazhangchu, he's just repeating the same question without adding indication he has read any of the links19:25
chuYeah, now I see.19:26
bazhangcmd code plz19:26

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