
mgiWhat alternatives to MAAS + juju are there with Ubuntu? For installing and maintaining a cluster of Ubuntu nodes.00:50
andolmgi: A traditional preseeded PXE install, handing over to something like Puppet?00:53
andol(Which by no means is an Ubuntu specific answer.)00:53
mgiYeah, that's fine, I'm not after Ubuntu specific, just Ubuntu-enabled :)00:53
mgi(as in, I'd rather not use rocks)00:53
mgiSo, does Puppet do the actual install for you?00:55
mgi(just reading the site now)00:55
andolmgi: No, Puppet needs an existing (basic) os install to run off.00:55
mgiSo I need to deploy Ubuntu (or whatever OS) to all the compute nodes first?00:56
andolmgi: Yepp, for example using a preseeded install00:57
mgiAh brilliant, I think that's what I was looking for.00:57
mgiI've never done preseeding before - and will read the docs now - but before I get too excited, is this a valid approach for installing up to 80 nodes?00:58
andolmgi: Can't see why not. Even with a limited number of server it is still nice to have the install automated, making it easy to reinstall broken nodes, etc.00:59
mgiYeah, cool. I guess my other option is to install them all using MAAS and then use Puppet after that.00:59
andolmgi: Well, even with a preseeded install I think you will just want to use the preseeds for the basic, and then hand of to Puppet as a final stage.01:00
mgiOk, sounds good. Thanks!01:00
andolmgi: Both because it is easier to do a lot of the detailed configuration in Puppet, and because it is a good thing to have as much as possible controlled by Puppet, when you need to roll out configuration changes on existing nodes.01:01
mgiYeah, Puppet sounds like a good way to manage anything beyond the bare-bones install.01:02
uvirtbot`New bug: #1023729 in maas "maas-import-isos requires wget, but maas has no wget dependency" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102372901:11
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stgraberhallyn: it's late here so I won't investigate until tomorrow, but it looks like containers spawned through the API fail to reboot (they just die)05:16
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RpqDcpuwAdoes ubuntu server comes with LAMP plus ssl? and send and recieve mail functions?07:08
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RoyKhi all. I have a home server that used to have a mirrored root, but only has a single drive now (one of the two). This means the mirror is "broken" - how can I remove the missing drive from the mirror to shut up mdadm monitoring? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1094469/ <-- this is how it looks today07:27
ivoksRoyK: it's rebuilding right now08:05
ivoksRoyK: look at mdadm --fail08:05
ivoksexample: mdadm --fail /dev/md0 /dev/sda108:05
RoyKivoks: that works well if you have a device name to give mdadm - I don't08:06
ivoksthen replace the disk, it's already marked as failed08:07
RoyKI don't want to replace it08:07
ivoksoh, now i get it08:07
ivoksi want to kill raid08:07
RoyKno, not kill the raid08:07
RoyKjust reduce the number of mirror copies to one08:08
RoyKlinux supports "mirrors" with only one side08:08
ivoksmdadm /dev/mdX --grow --force -n 108:08
RoyKwhee - thanks!08:10
RoyKthen all I need to do is find the missing spare in md008:10
babyface_Jamespage, ping08:16
jamespagebabyface_, morning08:16
babyface_jamespage, good morning, James08:17
babyface_jamespage, how about the tomcat bug?08:17
babyface_Jamespage, when will it be  fixed?08:17
jamespagebabyface_, so I noticed - although this is actually a test failure rather than related to last weeks issue with MIR's etc...08:18
jamespageI will look at it now08:18
babyface_Jamespage, ok, thanks.08:18
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jamespagebabyface_, hey - so I could not reproduce the issue seen in the daily ISO test - I re-ran and it cleared itself09:03
jamespagebabyface_, this may actually point to a bug; but I'm not sure what it is yet09:03
jamespageit looks like the control port on 8005 for tomcat7 is not listening when the test executes....09:03
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jamespagebabyface_, I notice that the amd64 version was also doing it three days OK - but has also cleared...09:20
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RoyKstgraber: ping09:26
jamespageapw, smb: where can I discover which modules are built for arm/omap4?09:30
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RoyKjamespage: there is another channel, #ubuntu-arm, that might be appropriate for arm questions10:34
jamespageRoyK, I'll try there instead...10:35
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RoyKanyone here tried to setup kvm on multiple hosts with shared storage?10:57
* RoyK gives up and installs CentOS :þ11:06
RoyKanyone with an idea of why the iscsi initiator on these servers fail to connect to their LUN on bootup, but why it works just after reboot with a simple iscsiadm -m node -l ?11:13
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ivokson which servers?11:22
pmatulisRoyK: i guess you need to tell the initiator to log in upon bootup?11:23
RoyKpmatulis: normally it should11:26
RoyKpmatulis: I've setup this before, similar setup, but other targets, and once setup and logged in, it should do so automatically on bootup, but something may be timing out - dunno11:27
RoyKwe're not using any fancy authentication, just matching an autogenerated target name11:27
ivoksis mounting done before iscsid is started?11:27
RoyKit really shouldn't11:28
RoyKbut I don't know upstart that well11:28
RoyKit's just basic 12.0411:28
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ivoksso, it's not /-on-iscsi?11:30
RoyKno, root is on a local mirror11:30
RoyKon both nodes11:31
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RoyKbut they're supposed to share a volume on a SAN with OCFS2 for VM storage11:31
ivoksand, once system boots, you can easily mount the the target?11:31
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RoyKafter I've logged into the lun with the above command, but it doesn't show up before that - but w8... think I found something11:31
Pupeno_WWhich MTA do you recommend for a server that only sends email? so that cron, for example, can send emails?11:33
ubottupostfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer11:34
RoyKivoks: hrmf - seems node.startup in /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf was set to manual, by default. However, changing it to 'automatic' didn't change anything - the iscsi LUN isn't in /proc/partitions after bootup, and really, it should be11:36
nokianewbie. Can someone explain how to change Ubuntu Server to a static ip address, the default installation set it to dhcp.11:39
RoyKnokia: edit /etc/network/interfaces - set it to static - google that for more info ;)11:40
nokiaRoyK every time i reboot my asdl router all MY PC's Laptop's and Server ip's change. How do i make them all have same STATIC ip address's.11:41
pmatulisRoyK: i remember having to configure each lun individually for automatic login11:52
RoyKhrmf - seems it now works on node1, but not on node2, configured the same11:53
RoyKiscsiadm -m discovery <cr> shows my sendtarget, iscsiadm -m node<cr> shows my target ',1 iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:0-8a0906-79b9aec05-128001a0ef84ffff-kvm-test-vol1', but it's not logged in11:54
RoyKhm... and dmesg tells me eth1 was started ~3 seconds after iscsi11:55
* pmatulis facepalm11:56
RoyKpmatulis: I didn't set the order...11:57
pmatuliswell, network is needed before iscsi right?11:57
RoyKI would think so...11:57
RoyKso... smells like a good old byg11:57
pmatulisso it was a 'buntu facepalm, not a RoyK facepalm11:58
pmatulisand i've seen this kind of bug before, so prolly a regression.  but no one else running iscsi on 12.04?11:58
RoyKnode.conn[0].timeo.login_timeout was set to 15 - trying 60...11:59
pmatulisah ok11:59
RoyKthese dell machines spend like 3-5 minutes just to POST12:02
RoyKincreasing timeout to 60 didn't help12:04
zulgood morning12:05
uvirtbot`New bug: #1006738 in php5 (main) "php5-fpm segfaults with error 4 in libc-2.15.so" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100673812:06
ivokspmatulis: i have iscsi on 12.0412:07
ivoksbut i set networking within initramfs, so i doubt that counts :)12:08
ivoksiscsi is restarted once network interface is up, so that shouldn't be a problem12:08
ivoksif you look at /etc/network/if-up.d/, you'll see iscsi bits and pieces12:09
ivoksit's a link to /etc/init.d/open-iscsi, iirc12:09
ivoksquestions are... do you have multiple interfaces? does restarting open-iscsi works once system is booted?12:10
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RoyKhrmf - bug 102524012:17
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1025240 in open-iscsi "iscsid is started before networking" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102524012:17
ivoksRoyK: your bug is invalid12:17
ivoksRoyK: open-iscsi is restarted after the interface is set up12:17
ivoksthe fact that iscsiadm works is a proof12:18
ivoksiscsiadm wouldn't work if iscsid isn't running12:18
RoyKhm... then why doesn't it connect to its LUN?12:19
ivokswhy do you think it's not connected? you don't see /dev/sdX?12:20
RoyKnothing in /proc/partitions12:20
RoyKwhich is a rather good indication ;)12:20
RoyKif I login manually, it shows up there12:20
uvirtbot`New bug: #1025239 in ipxe (main) "kvm-ipxe does not support https" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102523912:21
ivoksso, concentrate debugging on 'why isn't discovery done automatically'12:27
ivoksnot on 'iscsi is started before networking'12:27
RoyKI am12:28
RoyKbut discovery looks ok12:28
RoyKeverything is reported correctly12:28
RoyKbut it doesn't login to the target12:28
RoyKivoks: heh - check the bug again :-þ12:33
ivoksthere you go12:33
patdk-wkI just wish the installer would stop changing the iscsi name so many times during the install12:35
RoyKivoks: it would be rather nice if that stuff was documented, though12:36
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glosolihey folks I setuped ubuntu server and openerp in it, I watn somehow to access it from remote distance, not sure how to do it, for example as I have wifi on same internet, and I go to the ip and port it simply doesn't show anything12:46
glosoliany udw12:46
glosoliany uide12:46
hallynstgraber: the reboot logic was wrapped around the core start, so that's conceivable.12:48
uvirtbot`New bug: #724616 in ceph (main) "not lintian clean" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72461613:11
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toshkohi, I'm not sure this is the channel, but I will ask you: I use Ubuntu 12.04 server for host and guest and have QCOW2 images for the guest. The problem is that with initial "virtual" size of 10GB, now the image is with physical/disk size of 15GB. This is causing me out of space problems all the time. Can anyone tell me if this behaviour is normal. How should I limit the file size of the image???13:21
toshkoYou can have a look here for more info: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/102524413:22
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1025244 in libvirt "qcow2 image increasing disk size above the virtual limit" [Undecided,New]13:22
uvirtbot`New bug: #961389 in txlongpoll (main) "[MIR] txlongpoll" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96138913:26
stgraberhallyn: yeah, I guess that makes sense. I'm kind of surprised I haven't tried it before though :) How much pain will that be to fix it?13:30
stgraberhallyn: I don't have anything relying on reboot in those containers yet, but that probably won't be the case for long13:30
hallynstgraber: not sure.  lemme finish verifying libvirt on precise sru then i'll take a look13:39
stgrabersure, no hurry. thanks13:39
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hallynhm, just updated from precise-updates to precise-proposed, and ssh now takes a loooot longer to get in13:58
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Davieyhallyn: check dns resolution still works14:00
Davieyhallyn: the most common reason for slow logins is broken dns resolution of the client from the server14:00
Davieyreverse dns14:00
hallynDaviey: it doesn't seem to, but i don't understand why14:00
hallyndoesn't seem to be part of what was updated14:00
hallynoh.  heh.  maybe i see the problem.14:02
zuljamespage: hey did you check openvswitch on arm?14:10
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jamespagezul, won't work yet as openvswitch module is not built with the kernel14:38
zulthats what i thought14:39
jamespagezul, hit the same thing with ceph rbd today as well BTW14:39
jamespagerbd is also not built as far as I can tell14:39
jamespagezul, actually that was only the case for omap4 - its enabled for all other ARM targets14:49
zulso highbank should work?14:52
uvirtbot`New bug: #1020603 in quantum (universe) "[MIR] quantum" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102060314:56
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motorcityanyone here?15:12
hallynif a bug gets marked 'invalid', it doesn't show up in LP searches right?15:14
Davieyhallyn: correct, but you should be able to search in an advanced search for it15:16
zulhallyn: what did you have to do for libvirt permissions?15:18
hallynzul: I had to chown /var/lib/libvirt/images to libvirt-qemu:kvm and make it group readable15:19
hallynbut i notice that on precise it isn't like that either15:19
adacHi guys. We had ldap auth via ssh on our server, but now want to move back to "normal" ssh authentication. Any odeas whcih files I need to change?15:23
th0mzadac: etc/pam.d/sshd ?15:24
hallynzul: right now it seems to be working for me.  <boggle>15:25
adacth0mz, I thougt maybe: /etc/pam.d/common-auth15:25
adacbut I'm unsure15:25
adacth0mz, curretnly looks like this:15:26
adaccat /etc/pam.d/common-auth15:26
adacauth    sufficient      pam_ldap.so15:26
adacauth    required        pam_unix.so use_first_pass nullok_secure15:26
hallynzul: ah i think it just needs go+x15:27
hallynzul: I'm guessing libvirt-bin.postinst no longer does chmod 711 ${ROOT_DIRS}  (checking)15:29
hallynhm, it says it does15:31
armaanProblem in setting up openldap? Getting this errro :ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)15:34
hallynzul: d'oh!  when i just install libvirt-bin, the perms are right15:52
zulhallyn: so its an upgrade issue then15:52
hallynzul: no,15:54
hallynzul:  i think libvirt is doing it itself15:54
koolheadd17armaan, hey there15:54
koolheadd17adam_g, ping15:55
uvirtbot`New bug: #1025336 in php5 (main) "installing php5-curl reloads apache *before* it's set up" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102533616:01
armaankoolheadd17: hey...16:03
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hallynzul: steps so far to reproduce.  spin a new instance.  install libvirt-bin.  ls -l /var/lib/libvirt -> images looks good.  now connect with virt-manager as a user.  images dir is no longer good16:06
koolheadd17armaan, the document did not help you to configure ldap16:06
hallynchecking to see if it's libvirt itself, or virt-manager16:06
armaankoolheadd17: Nope16:06
armaankoolheadd17: got the same error16:06
koolheadd17armaan, can you do one thing16:06
armaankoolheadd17: ??16:06
koolheadd17setup a fresh instance16:06
koolheadd17and try everything from scratch on that16:06
koolheadd17if u get same error16:07
armaankoolheadd17: already did it last night.16:07
zulhallyn: maybe there is something in virt-manager that needs to updating16:07
koolheadd17dont forget to file a bug16:07
koolheadd17armaan, file a bug dude16:07
hallynzul: could be.16:07
armaankoolheadd17: i think i have to do it now.16:08
RoyKhallyn: erm - I have a setup like that16:08
armaankoolheadd17: do you know someone who might have worked with ldap16:08
hallynRoyK: this only seems to affect libvirt on quantal16:08
hallynRoyK: results in non-root users being unable to remotely spin up images (unless they use ~/VirtualMachines for storage)16:09
RoyKhallyn: I usually don't run pre-alpha software on my production machines ;)16:11
koolheadd17armaan, i was able to get ldap configured without any issue in oneiric16:12
koolheadd17so am saying16:12
koolheadd17file a bug16:12
hallynRoyK: we're here to make sure it works for you when you switch :)16:13
RoyKhallyn: good point ;)16:14
* RoyK hardly uses anything but LTS on servers, though16:14
armaankoolheadd17: okie... i will try once more on a fresh vm if it failed i will file a bug.16:17
koolheadd17yes sure16:22
bencerhi guys, we are working on updating the zentyal packages for 12.10, but this is blocking us, any openldap maintainer around that can have a look? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openldap/+bug/8285316:23
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 82853 in openldap "Add support for the smbk5pwd overlay" [Wishlist,Confirmed]16:23
hallynzul: ok, yeah, virt-manager defines a storage pool, and it ends up with '<mode>0700</mode>' in the xml for it16:26
zulhallyn: ah hah thought so16:27
hallynzul:  i assume libvirt is filling that in as a default.  not sure where we want to fix it16:27
hallynzul: gotta run a for bit, bbl16:27
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hallynzul: all right.  so we could use commit 8a544719aa2fe92332756ea0483844b81d4d56ae which should change the default from 0700 to 0755.  but that's still not quite right :)17:15
hallynzul: so we may just want to custom patch it ot make 0711 the default.  not sure17:16
zulhallyn: up to you17:16
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smoserrbasak, are you around? i was looking at zul's patch at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/quantal/euca2ools/quantal/view/head:/debian/patches/add-armhf-support.patch18:05
smoserwhich is now upstream at https://github.com/eucalyptus/euca2ools/commit/b89af8fa79d97a94c033a3d97610035b723f448c18:05
uvirtbot`New bug: #1006553 in juju "local provider machine agent uses 100% CPU after host reboot" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100655318:12
* hallyn goes to check if that's his fault18:12
hallynnot me18:13
hallynzul: mdeslaur: any objection to http://people.canonical.com/~serge/libvirt-perms.debdiff ?18:36
zulhallyn: nope18:36
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hallynzul: ok, thanks, will push.  (not *convinced* it's waht we want in the end, is all)18:40
mdeslaurhallyn: I, uh...not really, if it doesn't break anything18:40
mdeslaurhallyn: does virt-manager still work if you do that?18:40
hallynmdeslaur: without the upstream patch virt-manager is broken.  With just the upstream patch, virt-manager will cause /var/lib/libvirt/images to be 0755 (adding group and world read perms)18:41
hallynmdeslaur: yes.18:41
hallynmdeslaur: with the upstream patch and the additional one-liner, /var/lib/libvirt/images is back to 0711 as it used to be.18:41
hallynthe q is,18:41
hallynwill it confuse other people when they make a new custom storage pool18:41
hallynwell i'll push this for now.  people can always jsut add the permission tag to their xml if it bothers them18:42
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mdeslaurhallyn: ok18:42
hallynmdeslaur: thanks18:42
koolheadd17Daviey, ping18:47
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irvwehre can i find the shutdown logs from last shutdown?19:19
irvnfsen is hanging up on shutdown so i want to see if there's any more info19:19
kirklandutlemming: ping19:19
irvit's also hanging on startup19:20
hallynstgraber: so the reason i hadn't done reboot yet is that lxc_start goes the lazy route - it doesn't clean anything up, just re-execs itself with origina larguments19:31
uvirtbot`New bug: #1025418 in openssh (main) "Using ProxyCommand w/a non-existant host results in infinite spawns." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102541819:31
RoyKirv: should be in dmesg19:31
hallyni'm going to see just how much it would take to clean up19:31
RoyKthat's the current, though19:31
RoyKirv: /var/log/syslog or /var/log/syslog.1 for last one19:32
hallynstgraber: yay, the only thing *crucially* needed was closing the /var/lib/lxc/container/command socket.  mind you i'm sure this'll leak memory like a seive for now, but it works19:49
Davieykoolhead17 keeps missing me :(19:55
hallynstgraber: pushed my fix, reboot should now work.19:59
stgraberhallyn: cool, thanks. Will test later (still need to finish adding get_config_item/clear_config_item)19:59
hallynstgraber: hopefully i didnt' mess you up by updating the patch20:00
hallynoh, your changes aren't to that patch :)20:00
stgraberhallyn: yeah, my changes are in debian/python-lxc, you're the only one touching that patch :)20:01
hallynlynxman: as the common-law maintainer of ipxe, any comments on bug 1025239 ?20:52
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1025239 in ipxe "kvm-ipxe does not support https" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102523920:52
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RamJettI have a NFS question. In NFS v4. How would I use the UID/GID of the client (passwd/group) to map. I do not even need the server to map user/group ..  I've been using NFS v3 for misc file servers and the server has never mapped the UID/GID ..21:16
stgraberzul: could you take a look at bug 8285322:06
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 82853 in openldap "Add support for the smbk5pwd overlay" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8285322:06
stgraberzul: AFAICT the reason not to have smbk5pwd was that we weren't building openldap with heimdal-dev, but nowadays we are, so the delta doesn't make much sense and is preventing some folks like bencer from using the tool22:07
bencerwe need that for zentyal-users, having slapd synced with samba422:07
zulstgraber: im not comfortable of adding this for an SRU22:07
stgraberzul: unless there's some other required build-dependecy that'd need MIRing to enable that, I'd suggest reverting that part of our delta and having that package built and put into universe (so we don't need to MIR extra runtime dependency)22:08
stgraberzul: never said I want that in an SRU22:08
zuland i dont really maintain openldap either22:08
bencerzul: for 12.1022:08
bencerdidnt check that debdiff22:08
stgraberzul: bencer is working on samba4 support in zentyal for 12.10 and it's apparently a requirement22:08
bencerbut i was told just enable that on debian/rules and the debian/control stuff22:08
zulstgraber: well if someone wants to drive that than im fine with it22:09
sokolHi, does anyone encounter problem setuping cLVM. When i run vgcreate --clustered y mygrp /dev/sdb it reports it is created succesfully but when i try vgdisplay it says "Skipping clustered volume group..." and lvcreate does the same. am i doing something wrong?22:09
stgraberbencer: can you give me a debdiff against quantal's current openldap? I can then review and sponsor if that looks good22:10
bencerstgraber: deal22:10
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\shanyone familiar with freeipa-client and authentication issues?23:05
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koolhead11hi all23:27
koolhead11jcastro, where are you ppl?23:34
TheLordOfTimekoolhead11: pateince23:41
TheLordOfTimewe're not around 24/7 :P23:41
koolhead11TheLordOfTime, :P23:47

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