[05:15] adam_g: sup [05:15] : [05:15] ;D [06:04] slangasek: are you running into issues updating 12.10 by chance? [06:04] I have been having an epic time for the last couple days [06:04] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1094412/ [15:10] bkerensa: issues updating> no... [15:11] kk [15:13] slangasek: it would just appear my updates for the last week have required a newer version of python3 and dependencies none of which are uploaded yet [15:14] you might want to post an exact error message? [19:40] Hello anybody home??? [19:40] I have a question [19:41] They just installed a new firewall were I use the internet and have not allowed anything yet. [19:41] It's a serious headache [19:42] I am not familiar with proxy use and would love some one to help [19:50] travis_, so you need to authenticate with the firewall? [19:50] don't know [19:51] do you have any internet access? [19:51] Yes I am just getting blocked when I try to go to different they are going to be roll back a bit in the future but right now is a pain [19:51] *different [19:52] *sites [19:52] so only certain sites are blocked [19:52] Yup [19:52] sounds like they don't want you to go to those sites? [19:52] the firewall is geared for a work environment but it is my home computer [19:53] They will be making a exemption list but they are swamped right now [19:53] travis_, do you have ssh to any box outside the LAN? [19:53] err, who installed a firewall? [19:53] Nathwill not sure [19:54] that would be no [19:54] * nathwill nods [19:54] there goes my idea :P [19:54] tgm the it guys here my living situation is abnormal suffice it to say I have spoken with the main guy and he knows I am using proxy sites until they get it fixed [19:55] he has no problem with it but it is a laborious headache and I thought there may be an easier way [19:55] travis_ without access to an external box, i think the proxy use is the best solution [19:56] yup [19:56] I am currently using a site called aniscartujo.com which is working has pretty small pop up [19:56] any ideas for a better one [19:56] ??? [19:57] travis_, Not if you don't have SSH access to another server. I don't use those types of proxies [19:58] i wonder if sdf.org (free shell accounts), might be an option... [19:58] i've never used them, but... [19:58] * tgm4883 shrugs [19:58] I still think this sounds shady [19:58] * nathwill nods [19:58] Hmmm sounds promising being that I have no idea what it is.....Shady? ah never mind [19:59] heh [19:59] I know it will most likely only be a week or two before they get it worked out [19:59] the shady comment was more toward what you are trying to do in regards to the info you have given us [19:59] but the settings are crazy right now [20:00] http://askubuntu.com/questions/45075/how-do-i-route-my-internet-through-a-ssh-tunnel [20:00] tgm4883's tiny URL is http://tinyurl.com/6uey2by [20:00] That seems weird that you would cast aspersions on my character when I am just another team member looking for advice [20:00] travis_, team member or not, I don't know you [20:00] ssh -D port user@host is the way to go, IMO [20:02] and it has nothing to do with your character and everything to do with you wanting to circumvent restrictions that have been put in place by whoever controls your network [20:02] travis_, tgm speaks as an admin... viewed from that perspective, your asking how to bypass restrictions sounds "shady". i know your situation a bit more, so can understand how it would not actually be "shady" [20:02] I have no reason to distrust you, but by that same token, I have no reason to trust you [20:03] wonder... is tor any good for bypassing lan restrictions like that? [20:03] * tgm4883 shrugs [20:03] It's not a big deal and I will just look for help else where [20:03] Probably [20:04] have a good day thanks for your help guys [20:04] travis_ i'm kind of surprised proxy sites aren't blocked... sounds like a pretty ineffectual lockdown :( anyways, good luck [20:05] nathwill, +1 [20:05] tgm4883 maybe I can introduce myself at the next event look forward to that [20:05] although blacklisting is ineffective [20:05] travis_, sounds good [20:05] Yeah it seems to just be a keyword list or something [20:06] like I said I have talked with the Admin and he is going to add the sites I want added just slow [20:06] He is aware I am running a work around until then [20:08] nathwill, is the ubunt-us-or server up? [20:12] tgm4883, um. it's cloud.ubuntu-oregon.org [20:12] so no? [20:13] apparently no [20:13] ubuntu-oregon.org is up [20:13] heh ok [20:13] but cloud. seems to be down [20:13] I don't really know what the use for that is, so didn't know if it was an SSH tunnel possibility [20:13] well... we're working on that as a possibility when we get the new server racked [20:14] but shell accounts are not currently available [21:20] nathwill: what up man [22:49] hey bkerensa [22:54] Hello Ububtu-us-or [22:54] I attended OpenSourceBridge this year. First timer [22:55] Beeen getting involved in more opensource [23:06] welcome MaskilPDX :) [23:07] Thanks nathwill [23:28] MaskilPDX: Hi Welcome :D [23:28] nathwill: at OSCON.... we have 9 Proliant Microservers behind our booth atm [23:28] nathwill: sabdfl will be visiting the booth thursday [23:32] bkerensa: why do we have so many proliants? [23:32] also, cool :D [23:32] uhh because we have a cloud :D [23:32] and because the server team needed a place to put them [23:32] ;p [23:32] bkerensa, f'real! dude. super-pumped [23:32] nathwill: jorge has a shirt for you btw [23:33] and cup[ [23:34] bkerensa, cool [23:50] hmm well I gotta run [23:50] :D [23:50] Ignite OSCON is tonight