
Irishmanlukeanybody watching breaking bad?02:10
InHisNameI used to watch breaking away a few decades ago.02:11
Irishmanlukeits the season premiere02:12
InHisNameWhupie Doo02:12
Irishmanlukeits a great series02:14
waltmanSo I hear. It's just not my kind of series.02:26
teddy-dbearMorning peoples12:13
InHisNameMorning,  Wow I have 4 minutes break to read here.15:08
waltman2 left!15:10
InHisNameThanks waltman for the bonus two words to read in my 1st two mintues15:11
teddy-dbeardone :-D15:12
* waltman dances a jig as InHisName departs...15:13
InHisNameta, ta......15:14
ChinnoDoghi ssweeny15:41
ssweenyhi ChinnoDog15:41
jedijfChinnoDog: big hacdc representation at HOPE. met the president of the space - real nice space, it seems.15:45
jedijfreally interested in the doctor and the pirates' byzantium project15:45
ChinnoDogI never met the president15:50
pleia2jedijf: so, was HOPE awesome? :)16:14
pleia2I've come to realize that I couldn't fully appreciate it when I went16:15
pleia2was still fun though16:15
jedijfpleia2: yes16:15
jedijfpleia2: was that the grey period?16:16
pleia2jedijf: mine? yes16:16
pleia2I had just started going outside on my own16:16
* pleia2 applies more coffee to this Monday16:18
jedijfpleia2: yeah, but regardless, i think as you think back after an event, you always feel as if you could have done more - i do already - and iirc - that was your first irl with wilmer16:19
jedijfand you had the good working rfid badge16:19
* jedijf remembers internet stalking you while listening to statler radio16:19
jedijfactually bts and i both were vicariously living thru rfid and radio16:20
pleia2haha, yeah that was fun16:21
pleia2I think it was my first conference of any type, and I wasn't really scene-aware (not that I am particularly now, but I am certainly /more/)16:21
jedijfyou know me, i was even having fun with the bus tour sales guys on the corner, and snuck them in on Sunday!16:22
jedijfhack the con ftw16:22
jedijfwe did get snagged, but were in for like 15 minutes16:23
jedijfgot some hacdc people to speak at FOSSCON16:24
jedijfcool project with mesh networking16:24
JonathanDmesh helicopter wifi networking?16:26
pleia2we were trying to scheme how to make it out to CPOSC this year, but MJ has a conference the week before and I have one after, couldn't make it work16:28
pleia2probably will just do one more philly trip this year for wedding stuff16:29
jedijfyou're always welcome to the area - we'll build an event around it (other than wedding time) << that will be it's own event16:31
jedijfgot shotdown at hope when i asked a pregnant lady to do baby workshop at fosscon since her due date was aug 11th16:32
jedijfand yes, i did suggest it16:32
jedijfcould have been epic16:32
rmg51just what every woman wants.... people looking up her dress when she's not wearing any underware16:36
waltmanI'm renewing my ACM membership. Should I change my prefix to "Dr."? :)21:04
IdleOnehave you earned the right to use such a prefix?21:46
IdleOneif so, I would.21:46
waltmanseems appropriate for the ACM21:54

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