[13:33] stgraber: https://launchpad.net/~bencer/+archive/zentyal-2.3-q [13:34] there you can find the new slapd package [13:34] debdiff is clean :) [13:42] bencer: what's making the files land in slapd-smbk5pwd? I fail to see any .install or install prefix in the debdiff that'd make that work === jbicha is now known as Guest50245 === yofel_ is now known as yofel === Guest50245 is now known as jbicha === jbicha is now known as Guest72435 === Guest72435 is now known as jbicha_ === jbicha_ is now known as jbicha [20:56] stgraber: the changes in rules [20:56] if you download the package built [20:56] you will see the plugin is inside [20:56] actually, same code than its in the debian package [20:56] copy&paste [20:57] ok, cool. I think it was still building when I checked this morning. I'll take another look later today and upload. thanks [21:10] stgraber: fwiw, once you get some info on the zatab, I'm collating what I can find to chuck on the wiki [21:12] ajmitch: still waiting on rbelem... so far I can get it into debug mode (but not exactly useful) and boot from microsd (but with no output so not even sure it boots...) [21:12] yeah I've got to find out how to get output [21:12] even if it's usb-serial :) [21:13] I'd love usb-serial, then I could at least see what uboot is doing ;) [21:13] are you using a pre-built armhf image currently?