
Noldorinfullermd: in any case… i have my ssh keys set up now, and it's still complaining :/00:53
Noldorinthis guy has the same issue:01:01
Noldorinjelmer: any thoughts?01:01
Noldorinfullermd: ?01:14
fullermdWell, if it's still complaining about ssh auth, your ssh keys aren't all setup  ;p01:16
Noldorinfullermd: they clearly are01:16
fullermdTry just ssh'ing in and track from there.01:16
Noldorinfullermd: what do i ssh to?01:16
fullermdI dunno.  The thing with the thing.  code maybe?01:17
Noldorinfullermd: URL :P01:17
Noldorinthat's better. thanks01:17
Noldorinfullermd: just get permission denied for some reason01:18
fullermdThat way you can toss some -v's into the process to see what's offered and refused and suchlike.01:18
Noldorinfair enough01:18
Noldorinfullermd: okay it's not offering my alternative ssh key for some reason :/01:21
bob2== messed up ~/.ssh/config01:22
Noldorinso i want a config file01:25
Noldorinbob2: empty more like :P01:25
Noldorinwhich is fine with id_rsa01:25
Noldorinbut not with my alternate i guess01:25
fullermdEmpty config file?  How silly.  Then you're just wasting the m4 invocation to generate it!01:25
bob2ssh isn't going to offer random keys that you didn't tell it about01:26
Noldorinm4 huh?01:30
Noldorinbob2: i found two online posts saying all i had to do was put it in .ssh01:31
bob2ssh -i .ssh/whocares bazaar.launchpad.net01:31
bob2yeah, ignore forums01:31
Noldorinpeople don't know what they're talking about there01:31
fullermdYeah, you'll never get good advice on the internet.01:32
Noldorinfullermd: except IRC of course :P01:34
Noldorinbob2: get further now, except: http://pastie.org/427524301:34
Noldorinfullermd: does bzr require a special config or something?01:39
fullermdNo, bzr just calls ssh.  So if it does {,not} work with just ssh it will {,not} work with bzr.01:47
Noldorinfullermd: you misunderstand. i mean the bzr servers01:49
Noldorinon launchpad01:49
Noldorinor in general01:49
Noldorini have Host, HostName, IDentityFile, User set in my config01:49
Noldorinthat should eb enough01:49
Noldorinbut i get "roaming not allowed"01:49
fullermdThat last paste you had had it trying the id_rsa key, and then nothing else.01:50
fullermd(I think the "trying private key" line for id_dsa is what it says when a file doesn't exist...)01:50
Noldorinfullermd: not true01:51
Noldorindebug1: Found key in /Users/alex/.ssh/known_hosts:101:51
Noldorinfullermd: ^01:51
fullermdThat's the host key.01:51
fullermdIf I add01:51
fullermdHost bazaar.launchpad.net01:51
fullermd.   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_nonexistent01:51
fullermdto my ssh config, I get01:51
fullermddebug1: Next authentication method: publickey01:51
fullermddebug1: Trying private key: /home/fullermd/.ssh/id_nonexistent01:51
fullermddebug1: No more authentication methods to try.01:51
fullermdPermission denied (publickey).01:51
Noldorini have01:52
NoldorinHost LaunchpadBazaar01:52
Noldorin        HostName bazaar.launchpad.net01:52
Noldorin        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/alexreg-dev01:52
Noldorin        User alexreg01:52
fullermdAre you ssh'ing to LaunchpadBazaar?01:53
Noldorinno to bazaar.launchpad.net01:53
Noldorinhence the HostNAme01:53
fullermdWell, there you go.01:53
fullermdHostName determines what host ssh looks up to do the connection.01:53
fullermdThe host you give you ssh on the command line is matched to the Host line.01:53
Noldorinhow come that then?01:54
Noldorinthat has non- domain names for Host01:54
fullermdHe has "Host dev", and then he runs "ssh dev".01:54
fullermdHe doesn't run "ssh dev.example.com", and expect it to pick up that section.01:54
Noldorinso what do i need it as for bzr to pick it up?01:54
fullermdSo just change your Host to bazaar.launchpad.net.01:54
fullermd(and drop the HostName.  Or not, I guess; it's redundant, but I don't think it'll hurt anything if it's present)01:55
Noldorinfullermd: working now ta02:00
Noldorinthe ssh config stuff is slightly arcane02:00
Noldorinbut oh well02:00
fullermdEh, I never found it particularly so.  Though there are some impressive warts, like the stuff around IdentityFile.02:03
Noldorinfullermd: it's poorly written. the english is obtuse and turgid, and far from practical in most cases02:06
Noldorinbut then, that's common to most unix man pages i've seen so far.02:07
Noldorinit's rarely (if ever) to the point02:07
Noldorinwhat can one expect, with programmers writing it though02:07
Noldorinthey're not hired for their literacy02:07
fullermdMmm.  I never tried reading it end to end.  I always just skimmed the list of directives to find something I wanted or get the details for one I knew.02:08
Noldorinfullermd: that's fair enough. i can imagine they would be useful as a quick reference/reminder for something one already understands!02:08
Noldorinjust not to learn from...02:08
Noldorinwhy don't all commands appear in bzr help commands?02:53
lifelesswhich ones are not ?02:54
fullermdWe use it to keep the hoi polloi out of the cool stuff.02:54
Noldorinfullermd: ha!02:58
Noldorinlifeless: lp-submit for example02:58
lifelessits an alias03:03
lifelessof lp-propose-merge03:03
Noldorinoh okay03:03
Noldorinmy bad03:03
Noldorinlifeless: is there any way to display all the commands for a givne plugin?03:03
lifelessI don't think we preserve that structure, so no.03:04
lifelessmany plugins have good help though03:04
lifelessbzr help plugins/launchpad03:04
lifelessfor instance03:04
Noldorinfair enough03:04
fullermdThe info's there, since it has the tags on the end.03:04
fullermdNothing in the ui to filter on 'em though.03:04
Noldorinso what's the diff between bzr help launchpad and bzr help plugins/launchpad?03:04
fullermdgrep isn't really an answer; falls over and goes splat soon as things wrap.03:05
Noldorinlifeless: also, you seem to preserve which command belongs to which plugin03:05
Noldorinit seems a given command can be handled by multiple plugins though?03:05
lifelesspossibly doable via a small patch03:07
lifelessI'd show it in help plugins/XXXX03:07
Noldorinlifeless: or help commands [plugin] maybe?03:07
lifelessnope :)03:08
lifelessyou could03:08
lifelessbut it would be more code03:08
Noldorinwas "yes" to "we do preserve command-plugin mappings" or "a given command can be handled by multiple plugins" ?03:08
lifelessand you'd be adding a new place for people to look to find tings03:08
Noldorinlifeless: it would be more intuitive for me, perhaps :)03:08
lifelessyes to both I think.03:08
Noldorini see03:08
lifelessI've no objection per se to help commands plugin working03:09
Noldorinso at the moment, if multiple plugins are responsible for command xyz, does help xyz merge their helps?03:09
lifelessjust noting that that thing itself won't be discoverable03:09
Noldorinthat's good.03:09
lifelessdepends on the way the plugins collaborate03:09
lifelessthey can introspect and merge03:09
lifelessor replace entirely.03:09
Noldorini see03:09
lifelessthing -> help commands pluginname03:10
Noldorinlifeless: it could be documentable in "help commands" maybe… but i see your point!03:10
Noldorinlike a one-line notice at the top03:10
lifelessquestion: how often do you notice one-liners ? :)03:11
lifelessI mean, yes, you'd definitely want to point it there.03:11
lifelessAnd like I say, I've no objection to it existing and working, but perhaps putting it in the current plugin help (bzr help pluginname which defaults to showing what is in bzr help plugins/pluginname) might be both sufficient and helpful03:12
Noldorinlifeless: rarely when things behave how i want, but quite often when i'm "stuck" :)03:17
Noldorinlifeless: actuall bzr help plugins/pluginname commands may make the most sense!03:18
Noldorinoh yes. and what is the diff between help pluginname and help plugins/pluginname semantically?03:18
lifelesshelp pluginname shows the first help topic from any of the help subject areas that matches the title03:21
lifelesshelp plugins/pluginname selects plugins as the subject area.03:21
lifelessFor a plugin that doesn't have a command named the same as the plugin, nor a generic help text named the same, help pluginname and help plugins/pluginname will show the same thing.03:22
Noldorinah right03:22
Noldorinlifeless: "commands", "topics", "plugins" being the three subject areas?03:23
lifelessIIRC yes.03:23
lifelessits extensible, of course.03:23
Noldorinas is everything in bzr ;)03:25
Noldorinlifeless: help topics/foo doesn't work though hmm.03:25
Noldorincommands/foo does though03:25
lifelesslets see03:26
Noldorinthe section/term syntax is sensible, but the documentation on that is non-existent too alas03:27
lifelessblame me for that03:28
lifelessthere are dev docs03:28
lifelessapi docs I mean03:28
Noldorinlifeless: so is the absence of bzr help topics/foo a slight oversight then?03:29
lifelesstopics isn't a section provider03:30
lifelessone sec03:30
Noldorinneither :/03:30
Noldorinsounds it like it should be though heh03:31
Noldorinah right03:32
lifeless>>> bzrlib.help.HelpIndices().search_path03:33
Noldorinlifeless: so my proposal is 1) make topics and "help index", 2) document the bzr help index/foo syntax in `bzr help`03:33
Noldorinyou probably know better than me, but that's one way i would be happy with03:33
Noldorinjust to put it out there!03:33
lifeless>>> bzrlib.help.HelpIndices().search_path[0].prefix03:33
Noldorinand 3) `bzr help plugins/foo commands` to list all commands exposed by a plugin03:34
lifelesswell index is also a command03:35
lifelessfrom bzr-search03:35
Noldorinlifeless: well, you have my 3 suggestions at least :)03:40
Noldorini must be off to bed now if i'm not to collapse...03:40
Noldorinbut i'll be around to discuss things!03:40
Noldorinso yeah, you're welcome to ping me if i don't get around to it first03:40
lifelessNoldorin: I'd start with 3)03:43
lifelessits the key thing you needed03:43
lifelessthere are already links to e.g. plugins/launchpad03:43
lifelessin the see-also03:43
Noldorinthe other two are semi-important convenience/doc features03:43
Noldorintopics/foo needs to work though i think03:43
Noldorin*drowsily wanders off*03:44
Noldorincheers for discussing though03:44
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
ugohi all, I was wondering whether there's an equivalent for bzr checkout --lightweight for people who have only read access to a repo. (the goal is for them to download the tip only of the repo)11:29
mgzget a tarball?11:30
ugogetting a tarball is not really an option11:31
jelmerugo: lightweight checkouts should work if you have only read access11:31
ugojelmer: so this is not linking against the branch?11:32
mgzthey're simply as bad as getting a full branch unless both server and client (?) are on 2.511:32
jelmerugo: it does link to the branch, why is that a problem?11:33
mgzwell, will error if they try to commit I guess.11:33
ugojelmer I thought it would fail if you don't have write access as it linked it11:33
ugomgz ok11:33
ugomgz what do you mean that there as bad as full branch? The lightweight option would pull only the tip, not the whole revisions, no? (anyway clients and servers should be 2.5 in my case)11:34
ugoanyway, if it's working without write access, it's all I needed to know. Thanks a lot for your lightning fast help :)11:35
mgzugo: because this isn't rsync, you're assuming bzr just copies files, but that's not the case11:35
ugomgz a lightweight checkout of my tree takes 2min instead of 20 for full branching on my computer11:37
mgzit accesses the repository, and over http that means to get just the latest files you'll end up downloading a large chunk (several times, if the repo doesn't fit in the 50MB cache) of all the data to get the latest bit of the history all the files11:37
mgzwith local disk access it's sensible.11:37
ugomgz the repo is on launchpad11:37
mgzand with 2.5 some issues where it was assuming no one sane would be trying to do this remotely have been fixed, so it's less pathalogical11:37
ugomgz ok11:38
mgzyou're probably using bzr+ssh though, so not having the same experience as someone with read-only access over http11:40
ugoho ok11:41
ugoyes using bzr+ssh11:41
ugoAnyway, the guy who keeps pestering about bzr because branching the full tree is "stupid" will see that he's downloading tip only so that should be enough to make him happy ;)11:42
mgzyeah, worth pointing out he can do that (though bug him about using 2.5 as well)11:42
ugowill do11:43
nessitahello everyone! I was wondering if anyone would have a hint about how to "fix" a branch that is crashing on bzr st. Full traceback is: https://pastebin.canonical.com/70279/, I'm running bzr   Installed: 2.5.1-0ubuntu212:10
jelmerhi nessita12:11
nessitahi jelmer12:11
nessitajelmer: I'm not sure what went wrong with this branch, I was using pipelines in it, and when I run bzr pump --from-submit, the command finished with no errors, but next bzr st crashed12:12
jelmernessita: any chance you can repost that on pastebin.ubuntu.com, if it doesn't contain anything private ?12:12
jelmerunfortunately 2 factor auth seems to be failing here ("No matching endpoint found..")12:13
mgzit's a borked dirstate12:13
nessitajelmer: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1098196/12:13
mgznessita: run `bzr repair-workingtree`12:14
mgzyou'll lose any pending file additions +x bit changes but otherwise it's harmless12:14
mgznessita: the entry in .bzr.log for the pump command might be interesting if that's what caused the issue (generally it's the filesystem screwing up due to poweroff, but this might be a pipeline bug)12:19
nessitamgz: trying the fix and looking for the log12:20
mgz`bzr version` will tell you where12:20
nessitamgz: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1098211/. And bzr repair-workingtree says:12:26
nessitabzr: ERROR: The tree does not appear to be corrupt. You probably want "bzr revert" instead. Use "--force" if you are sure you want to reset the working tree.12:26
nessitashall I use (the) force?12:26
trkvif someone is interested, I've written a little plugin-joke that takes user photo during commit and stores it in commit metadata: http://bit.ly/M8OvOs12:27
trkvCode is available via lp:~torkvemada/+junk/bzr-cimage12:27
mgznessita: let me just check12:43
mgztrkv: neat, will have a look in a sec12:44
trkvmgz: it only requires my patch to hooks, that isn't merged to trunk yet12:45
mgzso, bug 61306612:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 613066 in Bazaar "IndexError in dirstate _process_entry when running bzr status" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61306612:46
trkvlp:~torkvemada/bzr/commit_hooks — it can easy be applied to ubuntu's default 2.5.1 bzr12:46
mgzis not encouraging, not normal dirstate corruption12:47
mgznessita: I'd make a copy of the dirstate file and try --force12:47
nessitamgz: will do12:47
nessitamgz: that seemed to work, and bzr st is not failing anymore12:51
nessitamgz: thanks!12:51
jmlhow do I set up locations.conf such that colocated branches will push to the right place by default?12:58
jmle.g. For currently active $BRANCH in ~/src/$PROJECT, have bzr push go to lp:~jml/$PROJECT/$BRANCH12:59
jmlright now I do: bzr push ~jml/$PROJECT/`bzr nick` (manually entering the project). It's a pain, and makes things like lp-propose less useful.12:59
jelmerjml: IIRC abentley added something that allows you to reference the local nick name in locations.conf13:00
jelmerI'm not sure what happened to it, and whether it actually landed13:01
bob2speak of the devil!13:02
nessitajml: this is what I use since 2009 (perhaps is outdated?) https://pastebin.canonical.com/70335/13:04
jmlnessita: I think that's for branch-per-directory?13:05
nessitajml: ah, yes. You want something more magical? :-)13:05
nessitajml: if you find it, let me know! I would make good use of it13:05
jmlabentley: jelmer says you might be able to help me with setting up my locations.conf so that colocated branches are pushed to the right location13:06
jmlnessita: well, I use colocated branches13:06
nessitajml: oh, and now I feel silly, cuz I have no idea what those are :-)13:06
jmlnessita: it's a not-quite-ready thing in bzr where there's one directory which contains the repo, a bunch of branches and a working tree for one active branch13:07
abentleyjml: We can't configure a particular colocated branch (yet), but we can configure a group of colocated branches.13:07
jmlabentley: how would I do that?13:08
bob2group = all the colocated branches in a repo?13:08
abentleyjml: You use the {branchname} substitution variable.13:09
abentleybob2: No, all the branches under a given location.13:09
jmlabentley: e.g. push_location = bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jml/pkgme-service/${branchname} ?13:09
abentleyjml: right, but without the '$'13:10
jmlabentley: ta.13:10
abentleyjml: np13:11
jmlabentley: what version of bzr would I need?13:12
bob2abentley, ah, thanks13:12
abentleyjml: let me see...13:12
jmlabentley: or rather, I have that and then 'bzr push' tries to push to literal ~jml/pkgme-service/{branchname} in bzr 2.5.113:15
abentleyjml: So, I believe you need 2.6b113:15
jmlis there a PPA w/ 2.6b1 in it? https://launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive/daily has 2.6.0~bzr6524.6234~ppa4038~precise1 – is that the same thing?13:20
jelmerjml: I think that should work13:20
jelmer6524 is fairly recent13:21
jmljelmer: thanks.13:21
* jml tries.13:21
jmlbzr: ERROR: Option branchname is not defined while expanding "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jml/pkgme-service-python/{branchname}".13:22
jmlthat's different, at least.13:23
abentleyjml: I think it's actually b2.13:23
abentleyjelmer: I've looked into supporting colo branch configuration in locations.conf and it's a pain.  file:// urls in locations.conf get converted to paths, which discards branch names, of course.13:24
jelmerabentley: the mixing of paths and URLs is confusing in the config :(13:25
jelmerabentley: vila might have some thoughts on that13:26
abentleyjelmer: I think the only option is to canonicalize to file:// urls.  But this will change the way appendpath and location-based config vars work.13:28
abentleyjelmer: Doing colocated branches differently from the bzr-colo and pipeline plugin has some significant disadvantages, in that it needs special support and breaks old assumptions.13:29
abentleyjelmer: like the assumption that a file:// url converts losslessly to a path.13:30
jelmerabentley: it was bzr-colo that did things differently from the core colocated branch support13:31
jelmerabentley: the assumption that file URLs convert one-to-one to file paths is wrong anyway; there are several other bugs related to it in the config code13:33
abentleyjelmer: I was just using bzr-colo as an example of the approach.13:34
jelmerabentley: I don't really see your point13:37
jelmerabentley: bzr-colo needs special support from e.g. bzr-pipeline too13:37
abentleyjelmer: otp13:37
abentleyelmer: What I mean is: when colocation is implemented in the bzr-colo style, switch and switch -b just work, location.conf just works, nicknames just work, and all recent versions of bzr can access the branches.13:57
abentleyjelmer: ^^13:57
jelmerabentley: it also duplicates control directories for each branch, doesn't support non-bzr colocated branches, or provide an API for colocated branches14:00
jelmerabentley: switch and switch -b should work for the builtin colocated branches14:00
abentleyjelmer: Using the bzr-colo layout doesn't prevent you from having an API for colocated branches.14:01
jelmerabentley: ... and it means branch URLs actually depend on format internals (/home/foo/.bzr/branches/bar)14:01
abentleyjelmer: Sure, switch and switch -b work *now*, and so do nicknames, but they all required special support.14:02
jelmerabentley: bzr-colo style branches have a fair amount of overhead, especially when you have a nontrivial amount of branches14:03
jelmerabentley: that makes them a bad idea to put into the core14:03
abentleyjelmer: Well, it's good to understand some of the advantages, because up to now, I couldn't understand why you'd taken that approach.14:05
=== frankoid_ is now known as frankoid
nessitahelp request involving pipes: I have a pipeline and I would like to remove a branch that already was merged into trunk, but when running bzr remove-pipeline, I get "bzr: ERROR: Branch is not connected to a pipeline". Full output, along with bzr pipes output, is here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1098454/15:24
nessitaAny hints?15:24
abentleynessita: try switching to highway-91 and running pipes again.  Does it still say it's connected to the others?15:26
nessitaabentley: nopes :-.15:26
nessitaabentley: hum, shall I use switch or switch-pipes for that test?15:26
abentleynessita: either should do.15:27
nessitathen no, is not connect3ed15:27
nessita$ bzr pipes15:27
nessita*  highway-9115:27
abentleynessita: So, the-devil-wears-prada.0 thinks it's linked to highway-91, but highway-91 doesn't agree.15:28
nessitaabentley: so, did I screw that up somehow? :-)15:28
abentleynessita: Hard to say whether it's user error or a bug.  Did you try adding highway-91 to another pipeline or anything?15:29
abentleynessita: Anyhow, the fix is to remove the reference to highway 91 manually.15:29
nessitaabentley: thanks, will do that then15:30
mgzthose are some amusing pipe names.15:30
nessitamgz: some time ago, I've decided to use movie titles as branch names, but is not working that well... I thought it would be easier/funnier :-)15:31
abentleynessita: I think this will work: bzr switch the-devil-wears-prada.0 && bzr configure --scope=branch prev_pipe=''15:31
nessitaabentley: running15:31
abentleynessita: Oh, it'15:32
nessitaabentley: am I missing a plugin perhaps? bzr: ERROR: unknown command "configure"15:32
abentleys "bzr config", not "bzr configure".15:32
nessitaabentley: that removed highway-91 from the pipes listing, thanks!15:33
abentleynessita: np.15:33
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
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=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
* maxb writes script to assess bzr PPA uptodateness; shudders in trepidation19:40
jelmermaxb: ah, I take it you saw the email about hardy packages then?20:10
maxbjelmer: no?20:11
mgzah... I wondered if that was in way of response as well20:13
maxbI think I'm missing something20:14
maxbI *sent* an email about hardy packages20:14
mgzmaxb: someone sent an email using launchpad to... ~bzr? asking for updated bzr in hardy ppa20:14
jelmermaxb: somebody emailed ~bzr (using the contact team thing on Launchpad) about updated hardy packages in the PPA20:14
mgzcan forward it to you20:14
jelmermaxb: yesterday, I think20:14
maxbSubject: "bzr ppa advancement"? That was about lucid20:15
maxbugh, bzr.debian.org seems to have stopped responding to ssh20:15
jelmermaxb: it will lock you out for a while if you fail to authenticate a couple of times20:18
maxbhm... I'm not failing to authenticate, but it's probably not the first ssh key in my ssh-agent.20:20
maxbI wonder if the ssh keys it tries on the way to finding the right one are counting against me20:20
mgranditry ssh -vvvv bzr.debian.org?20:22
mgranditells you what its doing20:22
maxbyeah, looks like it's a poorly written fail2ban thing20:23
Noldorinhey jelmer.23:00
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
jelmerhi Noldorin23:14
Noldorinjelmer: just installed the bzr bash-completion plugin yesterday. noticed the project seems to be defunct.23:16
Noldorinjelmer: maybe canonical could take it over though? i've got a fix for it already :)23:17
jelmerNoldorin: there is a bash completion plugin in bzr itself23:22
Noldorinjelmer: there is? :O23:23
Noldorinwho would ever know23:23
Noldorindo tell23:23
jelmerNoldorin: it's part of the main bzr code23:23
jelmerNoldorin: bzrlib/plugins/bash_completion23:24
Noldorinjelmer: okay nice. so that's the version of his that was merged in evidently...23:28
Noldorini just patched the original project23:28
Noldorinoh well23:28
Noldorinthat should really ahve a notice :P23:28
jelmerNoldorin: I'm not sure if what was merged in was the same project that you patched23:29
Noldorinjelmer: yes, it is23:29
Noldorini am sure23:29
Noldorinit says so in the README23:29
Noldorinand it corresponds with the cut-off in activity of that project23:29
Noldorinjelmer: so it would be nice if this plugin were publicised more23:30
Noldorinit's pretty esoteric at the moment23:30
jelmersure, no objection here23:31
Noldorinjelmer: not sure how would be best, but yeah… :)23:31
Noldorindoesn't turn up on google even. well, only the old/obsolete version does23:31

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