
hazmatSpamapS, i'm tired of watching the pile too01:11
hazmatimbrandon, zk mem isn't a practical limitation01:12
* hazmat digs salt01:12
hazmatimbrandon, can you run ansibile on a single node?01:14
hazmatie something for a hook to use?01:15
imbrandonhazmat: erm, if you kinda bent it very likely, i'll try it out here in in just a few and see if run into anythgin01:27
hazmatSpamapS, i take it back, hp does support internal group access rules, just wasn't enabled in the provider, doing some last testing work, but it appears we have a flawless victory for hpcloud02:22
hazmatrackspace is going to require a bit more refactoring, worth putting off till post trunk merge02:22
hazmathmm.. maybe not re rackz.. tbd02:24
hazmatSpamapS, imbrandon if you want to try it out.. its at lp:~hazmat/juju/openstack_provider02:59
hazmatshould be an OOTB experience02:59
imbrandonkk yea ill fire er up in half sec was just finiishing up some stuff with sis03:18
imbrandonbeen a loooooooong day03:18
imbrandonhazmat: do i need to modify my env.y for any of the changes ?03:19
imbrandon( that you vcan think of )03:19
hazmatimbrandon, nope03:20
imbrandonsweet, snagging now03:20
imbrandonheya hazmat / SpamapS : while i'm thinking of it can someone please bump the ver in setup.py to the proper version too with this release ? heh03:26
hazmatit would be nice to go 0.603:27
imbrandonhazmat: i did this a few days ago03:29
hazmatimbrandon, i saw it03:30
imbrandonif you wanna use it, if not i'm fine as long as it gets filed in, i was thinking that in the debian packing then the __version__ could be changed by the debian/rules on build03:30
hazmatimbrandon, i thought i could finish up the upgrade stuff, which gets the python packaging up to snuff for reals..03:30
hazmatand uses an embedded version.txt file03:30
imbrandonthats cool too either way, i just did that cuz i ran accross in pep-08 where it said to use module.__version__03:31
imbrandonbut honestly i dont care either way, the txt would work for tools like you said and the __version__ could even just feed off that and in fact the debian/rules could feed the version.txt on build too03:32
imbrandondepending on how elaborate you wanted to get :)03:32
hazmatyeah.. that bit is already solid for lp:~hazmat/juju/core-upgrade03:32
hazmatbut unless its extracted its perhaps better to go with something simple, as03:33
imbrandonrockin, i'll un req that MP then, really was just mostly pokeing learning etc anyhow03:33
hazmati'm spread thin03:33
imbrandoni hear ya there :) heh if there are bite sized stuff ever i'm happy to help when/where i can :)03:34
imbrandonlooks like its all03:35
imbrandonwortking great too03:35
imbrandongonna full teardown and redeploy ( just got junk there now anyhow , the mirror are manula for the moment )03:35
imbrandonbut i want to get those charmed too sometime soon-ish03:36
imbrandonthen tossing up a mirror for any env , even vpc ones would work for all providers etc03:36
imbrandonin one command :)03:36
imbrandon( /me still dont like it takes 70 minutes to update the HPCloud mirrors per run and only 3 to 5 on AWS or @home )03:37
imbrandonhazmat: is that https://region-a.geo-1.identity.hpcloudsvc.com:35357/v2.0/ 35357 number tied to my acct ? ( was gonna prep some doc additions for HPCloud in a bit )03:41
imbrandonor is that just the port for everyone03:42
imbrandonhazmat: sweet, so when i deployed a new env and then destroyed it , it actually cleaned up all the junk left from the broken juju too04:02
imbrandonnice :)04:03
hazmatimbrandon, that's the port for everyone04:12
imbrandonsweet and i found my keyboard issue, was dead easy04:13
imbrandonthere is a eng(US) and a eng(MACINTOSH)04:13
imbrandonjust had to pick the right darn one :)04:13
imbrandonno more pasting wrong things AND i dont loose ctl+c to stop a process like you do swapping ctl+cmd04:14
imbrandonwell you dont loose it but then its cmd+ctl, i think this is the first time in gnome/unity ive gotten it to fully work ( OSx , Windsows and KDE all default to the mac way)04:15
hazmatimbrandon, that sounds pretty nice re mirror charm04:25
* hazmat destablises the branch to ensure proper essex support04:25
hazmatcool all good now, should work with essex  and diablo05:14
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hazmatmgz, greetings10:49
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mgzhazmat: hey10:52
mgzso, merging the current state sounds good, should I file bugs for the remaining bits and pieces?10:53
hazmatmgz sounds good, actually its probably better to do that first10:55
hazmatmgz nothing that's a show blocker that i saw?10:57
mgznope, a couple of things we really do want before release though10:58
hazmatmgz most  of the todos there are pretty minor10:58
mgzcert checking and some concurrency management10:58
mgzthe rest is all just incremental improvements10:59
hazmatmgz the cert checking it would be nice to have on by default11:00
mgzright, it's not hard either as the tough bit is available in txaws11:00
hazmati'm not sure what you mean by concurrency management11:00
mgzatm there's nothing stopping vast numbers of parallel http api requests11:01
hazmatif there's multiple provisioners, there's external management of the concurrency around any given machine.11:01
mgzso, try to shutdown 200 machines, twisted will attempt to make 200 tcp connections11:01
hazmatif there's multiple provisioners, there's external management of the concurrency around any given machine.11:02
hazmatmgz, hmm.. true, although that's the only O(n) ops semantic op, that's actually rather lame in general (lack of multi node deletion in ostack), that's a juju client op, batch and iter  would be nice there.11:04
hazmatbut not a blocker11:05
mgzanyway, will file bugs for those bits and look over your branch again11:07
hazmatmgz, cool11:07
hazmatmgz, for that shutdown case, it would be nice to kill the zk nodes last in a separate op, so that if the op fails, the env is still interactable.11:08
hazmatbbiab, off to drop off the kids11:09
mgzokay, just going through the diff11:11
mgz+            # Add internal group access11:11
mgz+            yield self.nova.add_security_group_rule(11:11
mgz+                parent_group_id=sg['id'], group_id=sg['id'],11:11
mgz...this was in the EC2 provider, and I didn't understand the purpose there, and I still don;t11:12
hazmatmgz, without it in a restrictive env, units a and b can't talk to each other11:12
mgzthis used to flat out not work in openstack, as a bug fix they permitted it, but it... still does nothing no?11:12
mgzit's permitting a rule to access itself, is tautology11:13
hazmatmgz, it does what's intended11:13
mgzit is itself11:13
hazmatin hpcloud11:13
hazmatmgz, its permitting nodes in the group to access each other11:13
mgzwhat's the actual effect?11:13
hazmatits permitting a group.. not a rule to acess itself. without it mysql and wordpress can't talk to each other over mysql port11:15
_mup_Bug #965674: openstack api create security group rule doesn't allow self-referential group <OpenStack Compute (nova):Fix Released by vishvananda> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/965674 >11:16
mgzas I understand it, security group rules come in two forms:11:17
mgz1) allows access to ports in a range for any instance with the group11:17
mgzso 2) is allows access to... everything? for any instance in given group to the parent group?11:20
mgzso the intention of the rule is to allow any machine managed by juju to access any other machine managed by juju?11:21
hazmatmgz within the same env yes11:21
hazmatexpose/open/close-port govern external acccess11:22
mgzwithout the mysql charm needing to say "allow access to this port on the local network", only charms that need a publicly accessible port11:22
mgzokay, I get it.11:22
mgzso, it would make some sense to add that to the per-machine group rather than the per-environment one I think11:27
_mup_Bug #1026102 was filed: Openstack provider does not validate https certs <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1026102 >12:27
_mup_Bug #1026103 was filed: Openstack provider does not use constraints <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1026103 >12:32
_mup_Bug #1026107 was filed: Openstack provider does not limit http api connections <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1026107 >12:37
_mup_Bug #1026108 was filed: Openstack provider client does not raise exceptions with full details <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1026108 >12:40
mgzokay, after lunch I merge your branch hazmat, fix the test failures and push12:42
hazmatmgz, sounds good13:26
hazmatmgz re per machine group instead of environment group.. i don't see why13:27
hazmatmgz, can you ping me when its ready, i'd like to get this merged today14:22
hazmatmgz, there are a couple of oscon demos tomorrow which people have expressed interest in using juju on hp for.14:22
mgzthere does seem to be a fair bit of interest in exactly that14:23
hazmatmgz, did you ever get an account setup with hpcloud?14:28
mgzI didn't hear back about whether we got the billing thing sorted14:30
mgzsent a query after you mentioned it14:30
mgza rackspace one would be good too.14:30
mgzdid you get trystack working? zul posted a thing about an arm zone coming on line there.14:31
SpamapShazmat: \o/14:50
hazmatmgz, no re trystack.. i limited myself to 3 openstack clouds..14:51
hazmatso many snowflakes14:51
hazmatmgz, re hpcloud afaik its sorted, i'll double check14:52
SpamapStrystack is at least pure upstream14:52
hazmatSpamapS, so is rackspace14:52
hazmatwell mostly14:52
hazmatits actually tracking trunk by about 3w is what i recall14:53
marcoceppiimbrandon: is the environments.yaml file in ~/.juju/ or somewhere else?14:53
hazmatmgz, your hp account should be good to go14:53
SpamapShazmat: so its only special because they hide some services?14:53
hazmatSpamapS, its not special in that regard, that is the state of art for folsom as well14:54
hazmatSpamapS, network and volumes are in separate services14:54
hazmatSpamapS, technically the existing sec group and floating ip stuff isn't in core either per se, its implemented via api extensions.14:55
hazmatmgz arm and juju still requires something intelish for the zk nodes, afaicr java on arm is still a boondongle14:56
m_31testing from subway14:59
NippoI setup subway irc. but it is not working14:59
Nippoif anybody knows please help me .15:00
Nippothanks advance15:00
marcoceppim_31: eat fresh15:00
SpamapSm_31: howdy subway!15:01
SpamapSNippo: m_31 can help :)15:02
NippoThanks SpamapS, :-)15:02
NippoI will ask m_3115:02
m_3Nippo: hi, there were two complications I came across... first is to see what port the app is coming up on15:05
m_3Nippo: ssh to the subway/0 unit and 'netstat -lnp'15:05
m_3Nippo: then make sure you're doing a 'juju expose'15:05
m_3(if you're not using the local lxc provider)15:05
SpamapSm_3: subway doesn't always use 80?15:06
Nippom_3 : Please give me easy setps or URL to install subway irc :-)15:06
Nippospamaps : I am using port 300015:07
SpamapSm_3: hey how did the talk go?15:09
m_3SpamapS: good... Jorge's part was _awesome_!  I'd really like to make improvements to my demo part15:16
m_3tweaking... ;)15:16
m_3preparing for the next one tomorrow15:16
m_3Nippo: see if juju status shows the ports exposed15:17
m_3Nippo: then 'juju ssh subway/0' (assuming the 0... look at the status output to find out for sure)... once you're on the machine, then `sudo netstat -lnp | less` and see where "node" is listening15:18
mgzhazmat: have pushed what should be a reasonable state15:18
Nippom_3 : Yes, It's listening . i launch the subway . but multiple users are not working15:19
Nippoi follow this link  https://github.com/thedjpetersen/subway15:20
hazmatmgz, nice, i'll take a look15:20
mgzbasically just alters the tests for the behaviour changes to sec groups and shutdown and a couple of trivial things15:21
mgzother things (removal of some dead code and so on) can probably wait15:21
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hazmatSpamapS, any dead chickens you want me to sacrifice b4 landing ostack?19:26
hazmatmgz, one minor diff fwiw, i'm just applying during merge.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1098899/19:35
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mgzhazmat: right, you changed that back to the old form so that test update wasn't needed any more19:39
mgzI swear that branch has broken and fixed that particular test about four times19:39
hazmatmgz, indeed it has ;-)19:40
hazmatmgz, looks good though19:40
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iamfuzzis there any way to tell juju to import another ssh key?19:51
iamfuzzI'm patching things to try to get it working with eucalyptus but when i bootstrap, the instance come sup but I'm unable to ssh into it19:51
SpamapSiamfuzz: the ssh key is installed using cloud-init20:10
SpamapSiamfuzz: so if its failing to be installed, thats because cloud-init is failing20:10
SpamapSiamfuzz: check console output maybe?20:10
iamfuzzSpamapS, ouch, that's no fun20:10
iamfuzzI'll give it a go but that rarely works20:10
SpamapSiamfuzz: cloud-init, or console output?20:11
iamfuzzSpamapS, console output20:11
SpamapSiamfuzz: thats disappointing. :-/20:11
iamfuzzlooks like networking isnt even coming up on the instance, can't even ping it.  Or does juju not enable ICMP by default?20:11
SpamapSiamfuzz: juju just boots an image20:11
iamfuzz(note than when i launch the same emi manually, everything is kosher)20:12
SpamapSI don't think it does any specific authorizing other than SSH20:12
lifelessyou can check the access groups it creates20:24
lifelesseuca-describe-access-groups or whatever20:24
mgzjust euca-describe-groups and compare with names listed for instance under euca-describe-instances20:28
mgzping and ssh should work for all juju created instances if they're operational20:28
hazmatmgz, tis done20:29
mgzhazmat: yeay!20:29
hazmatiamfuzz, it doesn't re icmp afaicr20:29
hazmatit setups tcp / udp for internal group access, and ext access for ssh only by default20:30
iamfuzzhazmat, I tried again and am able to ssh in mnaually now but juju status and juju ssh hang20:30
mgzhazmat: I swear icmp used to be enabled, was that removed from the ec2 provider?20:32
mgz...maybe just misremember20:33
iamfuzzhazmat, http://pastebin.com/PakTGnwj20:38
iamfuzzhazmat, machine 0 should be the instance I'm on, no?  Any idea what could cause this error?20:39
lifelessmgz: I could swear it was enabled too20:40
hazmatiamfuzz, do you have console output for that instance?20:44
iamfuzzhazmat, figured it out - juju-admin call failed20:45
hazmatiamfuzz, it looks like the initialize some how failed20:45
iamfuzzhazmat, ran it manually and now status works20:45
hazmatiamfuzz, cool20:45
iamfuzzbaby steps!20:45
hazmatiamfuzz, cloud init logs in /var/logs should have the original error from the admin initialize cmd20:45
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SpamapShah.. I love when I hit a public IP from a server I had yesterday, and its now something totally different20:51
hazmathmm.. looks like the stack tests depend on a local ssh key20:52
SpamapSstack tess?20:54
SpamapStests even20:54
hazmatSpamapS, i trigger the ppa build20:56
hazmatbut it failed as the ostack provider tests need a key setup.. working on a fix20:56
SpamapSthe ec2 tests had that problem for a long time too20:59
_mup_juju/trunk r558 committed by kapil@canonical.com21:17
_mup_[trivial] fix openstack provider tests to not require an ssh key21:17
hazmatfixed and committed21:17
hazmatrebuilding ppa21:17
SpamapSok who broke charm promulgate?21:28
SpamapS$ charm promulgate21:28
SpamapSW: metadata name (gunicorn) must match directory name (.) exactly for local deployment.21:28
SpamapSlifeless: earlier this week, did you ask who was on review duty?21:35
lifelessI asked how to move my charm forward :)21:38
SpamapSlifeless: I don't see your charm on the review queue.. Need to subscribe charmers to the bug and make sure it is New or Fix Committed for us to see it in there.21:40
lifelessit was21:40
lifelesswill look in a sec21:40
SpamapSRing the bell twice everybody.. python-django and gunicorn promulgated!21:43
SpamapSavoine: ^^ \o/21:43
SpamapSnegronjl: now just Riak, then.. you.21:44
negronjlSpamapS: 'cause you still hate me :)21:44
SpamapSjust you now, Riak is Incomplete21:46
SpamapSoh look at the time...21:46
iamfuzzSpamapS, when would be the last safe date to submit patches for juju to get it working against walrus again?21:49
SpamapSiamfuzz: there's no "freeze" scheduled at this piont21:59
iamfuzzSpamapS, would beta freeze be a safe target?21:59
SpamapSiamfuzz: oh for quantal? I'd aim a bit sooner than that21:59
iamfuzzSpamapS, week before feature freeze? (16th of august)22:00
SpamapSiamfuzz: actually no thats fine, it won't be in main, so we can upload it right up to the end22:00
iamfuzzlikely won't take that long, just handing off a bug here in-house and he wants a date22:00
iamfuzzgood deal, I'll tell him feature freeze, with enough time for review, so August 16thish22:00
SpamapSI'd love to add Eucalyptus to our charm tester targets22:01
iamfuzzwe would as well22:01
iamfuzzalso asking in-house if we can setup a "public" cloud for you guys to run tests against22:01
SpamapSlike, if you could give us a URL to hit and capacity to run 3 or 4 at once.. we'd put it up on our jenkins.22:01
iamfuzzshouldn't be a prob22:02
iamfuzzmuch appreciated22:02
iamfuzzwe're just in the midst of a datacenter move so it may be a bit22:02
SpamapSright now I think we only run against ec2 itself and the local provider22:02
SpamapSiamfuzz: sure. Just ping me or m_3 when you want to chat about it.22:04
iamfuzzSpamapS, will do, thanks man22:04
lifelessSpamapS:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/1017796 was the charm22:07
_mup_Bug #1017796: Charm needed: opentsdb <Juju Charms Collection:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1017796 >22:07
SpamapShazmat: any idea on the latest build fail for the PPA?22:08
SpamapSlifeless: i re-subscribed charmers22:24
lifelessSpamapS: ah22:24
lifelessalso, relatedly, is there anything I can do to get my uses-ip patch rolling again? It seemed to just get rejected and sidelined into a bug somewhere...22:25
SpamapSlifeless: the fallback method i proposed seems preferred22:26
SpamapSlifeless: in case u missed it tho, openstack native support landed...22:27
lifelessin precise ?22:27
SpamapShah no22:28
SpamapSits worth putting in backports tho...22:28
hazmatSpamapS, sigh no22:29
SpamapSproblem being there is no way to tell spun up nodes to use backports22:29
hazmatSpamapS, there' all different22:29
hazmatSpamapS, perhaps a missing inline callbacks..22:29
hazmati'm able to run trunk tests locally without issue22:29
SpamapShazmat: it works in my local sbuild22:30
SpamapSi *hate* buildd specific problems :(22:30
hazmatSpamapS, even worse when every different rel build is reporting something different22:31
SpamapShazmat: i am retrying just precise22:32
hazmatSpamapS, k22:33
hazmatSpamapS, one of the oneiric failures is odd22:33
SpamapShazmat: have seen io probs lead to wierd fails in the past22:33
SpamapSFailure: twisted.internet.defer.TimeoutError: <juju.control.tests.test_status.StatusTest testMethod=test_subordinate_status_output> (test_subordinate_status_output) still running at 10.0 secs22:34
Davieyhazmat: considering "juju-origin: ppa" is already supported, i'd imagine "juju-origin: backports" is a trivial change.. and a reasonable SRU.. <-- SpamapS, comment?22:41
Daviey(although, adding additional providers as SRU also seems reasonable IMO)22:43
SpamapSDaviey: yes its something we could do23:02
SpamapSDaviey: and the additional provider, I agree with that too23:03
SpamapSDaviey: but I think it would require TC approval, since it does not fit with SRU guidelines.23:17
SpamapShazmat: so I think it was some kind of weirdness on the buildds23:24
SpamapSnegronjl: so I've been thinking more about the haproxy service_name thing23:25
SpamapSmthaddon`: ^^23:26
SpamapSI'm still not sold on a generic thing like that.23:26
SpamapSnegronjl: can you perhaps show me what exactly is intended?23:28
SpamapSLike, a fully filled out config and the web app that is being balanced?23:29
DavieySpamapS: Well, do what you feel.. but the TC seemed to be pretty clear that the SRU team can handle one-off's quite nicely themselves23:42
SpamapSDaviey: one-off's of applying the actual SRU policy... this would not even come close.23:54
SpamapSDaviey: actually I take that back23:55
SpamapSDaviey: we can SRU stuff that enables access to remote services that did not exist when the release was made.23:55
SpamapSLike in days past empathy would add an IM network and that was ok to SRU23:55
DavieySpamapS: Generally, mdz made it quite clear that the SRU team can handle this stuff and "only escalates to the tech board in exceptional circumstances".23:57

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