
=== apachelogger__ is now known as apachelogger___
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
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Riddellgood morning08:14
inetprogood morning Riddell08:16
Riddellmm, backporting docs08:58
Riddellapachelogger___: so, presence widget in system tray, what do you think?09:44
RiddellI'm unsure09:44
Riddell'So "ibus" should depends on "gnome-icon-theme".'  yuck09:49
BluesKajhiyas all11:22
apoljtechidna: ping11:44
jtechidnaapol: pong12:16
apoli wanted to ask you because I'm getting an ugly crash when calling ApplicationModel::reload12:16
apolbut for some reason it only happens in the resources branch xD12:16
apolso I'm checking what did I do wrong :S12:17
jtechidnaapol: btw, I'm sure you saw, but 1.4 is branched and master is back open for new features12:17
apoljtechidna: I'll sort these little things out and merge the resources branch, ok?12:18
ScottKRiddell: Why do I need another icon in my system tray for 'presence'?12:28
Riddellyeah I don't think it makes much sense12:30
Riddellit would work better if it was integrated into a message indicator, like ours12:30
jussiagateau: ping?12:38
agateaujussi: pong12:41
jussiagateau: Pm?12:41
agateaujussi: sure12:42
apachelogger___Riddell: mosdef on presence widget12:43
apachelogger___I actually have a patch for that12:43
apachelogger___s/patch/change in kds/12:43
kubotuapachelogger___ meant: "I actually have a change in kds for that"12:43
Riddellapachelogger___: a patch to k-d-s?12:55
ScottKapachelogger___: What essential thing will this widget do?12:55
apachelogger___allow you to control your telepathy presence12:57
apachelogger___and open the contacts list12:58
apachelogger___and add new accounts12:58
apachelogger___Riddell: we'd obviously be adding it via the plasma config magic12:59
ScottKapachelogger___: Those are things that I do approximately never and I think I'm not alone.  'presence' happens or not based on if I'm connected to a network and adjusting accounts/contacts is very rare.13:02
ScottK-1 on systray icons for stuff that's rarely used.13:02
apachelogger___we otherwise have no way to get to a connect ktp instance without going through the menu thus making it completely opaque to the user whether he is connected to IM or not13:04
apachelogger___so that is not really an arguable change as it is right now th eonly way to actually achieve transparency13:04
ScottKSounds like bogus design.13:05
ScottKI supposed if we make the systray icon autohide by default it wouldn't be horrible.13:05
apachelogger___that leads to the very same problem13:06
apachelogger___it should hide when not connected13:06
ScottKWe've survived without a connection indication in the systray so far.  Why is it now essential to add clutter?13:09
apachelogger___we have not13:09
apachelogger___when kopete was running it was attached to the message-indicator13:10
ScottKYes, but you can't tell from the m-i if kopete is running without clicking on it.13:10
apachelogger___when it was not running, it was not connected and thus did not need visual presentation13:10
ScottKAll the m-i icon tells you is that something is running.13:10
apachelogger___since telepathy however is session bound rather than application bound you need a global indication of what is going on13:10
apachelogger___ScottK: so?13:11
ScottKTo know kopete is running, you have to click on the m-i icon.13:12
ScottKSo that information is one click away.13:12
ScottKSame with a hidden icon.13:12
ScottKWe should either integrate the KTP stuff into M-I or get rid of it.13:12
ScottKRight now M-I supports (AFAIK) three ~normal things on the desktop: mail/IRC/IM.13:13
* apachelogger___ points at the harsh mistress that is reality13:13
ScottKThe mail bit is rather useless since who doesn't have unread mail.13:13
ScottKThat leaves M-I being a nice way to integrate IRC/IM status.13:14
ScottKIf we're dropping Kopete for KTP, that leaves just IRC unless we integrate it.13:14
ScottKI have come to like the M-I history.  When I've been away from my computer and I've been highlighted on 5 different channels, I can see a lists of who and when.13:15
apachelogger___has nothing todo with presence control though13:15
apachelogger___as there is no MI integration the only way to do that now is through the presence plasmoid13:15
ScottKSure.  Now.13:16
* ScottK thought evilshadeslayer was working on it.13:16
ScottK(or someone)13:16
apachelogger___there is some sort of showstopper13:17
ScottKPersonally, if agateau and Sput could get together and make it so the extended highlight history that I get from M-I was available through the Quassel systray icon instead, I'd be OK with seeing M-I go.13:19
apachelogger___ScottK: don't you get the same notifications from kde anyway?13:25
ScottKapachelogger___: If I'm sitting here I get a notification.  Where the m-i is useful is if I've been away I click on it and I get a whole list of my highlights.13:26
apachelogger___you should also have a list of kde notifications in the plasma thingy13:27
ScottKThe KDE notification history has the notification, but it lacks the channel and time information.13:27
apachelogger___just needs adding in quassel13:27
ScottKAlso that gets all mixed up with other crap notifications that I don't care about.13:27
ScottKNo.  I think it's different.13:28
ScottKIf you're getting a notification in real time, you don't need to know what time it was sent in the notification.  You know already.13:28
ScottKIf you're looking at history, it's different.13:28
ScottKCan plasma pop one set of information in the actual notification and write something different in the history?13:29
apachelogger___also I don't see the harm in including hte time eitherway13:30
ScottKUnnecessary cutter.13:32
Riddellwhy can't I make symbols files which work across platforms any more? http://paste.kde.org/519596/13:36
Riddellpkgkde-symbolshelper seems to have lots its magic13:36
* ScottK blames gcc4.7.13:40
ScottKRiddell: I'd ask MoDax.13:40
debfxRiddell: are you actually using the pkgkde symbolshelper in debian/rules?14:00
debfxalso creating a symbols file for libkolabxml seems to be impossible to maintain as long as it's not using -fvisiblity=hidden14:01
Riddelldebfx: just looking at what you did, I seem to have missed out on pkgkde symbolshelper in debian/rules14:07
Riddelldo you know what's the difference?14:07
debfxdifference between what?14:08
Riddelldebfx: between using pkgkde-gensymbols as dpkg-gensymbols and not, why is that now necessary14:09
debfxit was always necessary. the pkgkde dpkg-gensymbols knowns about subst and prints patch headers so pkgkde-symbolshelper can update the symbols file14:11
Riddelloh does it get added by --with kde but this doesn't use --with kde so it needs it explicitly?14:12
Riddellthat'll be it14:13
Riddelldebfx: "Switch to debhelper compat level v9 which exports build flags"  exports to what?14:20
debfxthe environment14:20
debfx(since dpkg-buildpackage doesn't do that anymore)14:25
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Quintasanshadeslayer: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=177913320:36
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
Quintasanshadeslayer: Also, no XBMC for Tegra 2. No NEON instruction set support20:43
QuintasanMore like :/20:43
highvoltagehey Quintasan 20:43
highvoltagehow are things?20:43
Quintasanhighvoltage: Slowly getting done with all the university stuff.20:44
QuintasanStill need to sign the flat rent contract20:45
QuintasanAnd quite possibly I will get 1Gbit connection in the flat20:45
QuintasanNot sure whether it will really run at full speed but hell, we are splitting the cost on 4 people20:45
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant

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