
not_foundjust saw the announcement06:06
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popeydidn't know this channel existed09:37
popeyhave you pre-booked a hangout-on-air in G+yet?09:39
popeyIf you make an event in Google+, under the advanced link you can make it a hangout on air, once that's done we can just point directly to that09:44
popeyAlanBell, done a second test...10:12
AlanBellthat looks better10:13
popeybut its a hangout, not on air :(10:13
AlanBellah, so it is10:13
AlanBellso you need to be able to do more of a host thing with it10:14
popeyI was wondering how to get ubuntuonair.com to link to the hangout.. before the event i could link to the event in G+..10:14
popeyand when the event starts, just redirect it to the youtube page10:14
popeywhoever runs the on air needs to stay online for all of it I think10:14
popeysorry, i dont know if you guys have discussed this already, only just found this channel10:14
AlanBellnothing to do with me, I just read the post jose did about it10:15
popeyhttp://popey.com/~alan/onair.svg  JoseeAntonioR pleia2 <---10:32
JoseeAntonioRpopey: thanks! I'll change it soon12:39
JoseeAntonioRwe've already discussed all of that, can you please check the link in the topic?12:40
popeythe link in the top is a calendar..12:40
JoseeAntonioRpopey: ok, if you click in one of the events, you'll see there's a link field12:41
JoseeAntonioRwe'll start the hangout two minutes before so the link displays in the topic12:42
popeyi registered ubuntuonair.com, could embed youtube on that page to make it easier for people to get to?12:42
popeyor have the logo there which links to whatever is the right hangout url or whatever12:44
popeyhttp://ubuntuonair.com/  <- simple like that?12:50
popeycould add a bit below the logo embedding the youtube page / video. woudln't take much :)12:52
popeyhttp://ubuntuonair.com/logo.png is a png version of the logo12:53
JoseeAntonioRThat'd be great, if you could do that12:53
JoseeAntonioRok, once i get home I'll change the logo in the post12:55
JoseeAntonioRthat's only a provisional one12:55
JoseeAntonioRbtw, we've already got logging12:55
popeyI'll add this channel to my list, just ping me if you want anything done with the site12:57
JoseeAntonioRwell, exam is on the way, I'll be back in 'round an hour12:57
JoseeAntonioRgreat, thanks!12:58
popeyJoseeAntonioR, when you get to it.. could you mention the logo was made by Andrew Higginson and link to http://and471.deviantart.com/13:14
nhandlerpopey: FYI, mhall119 created this wiki page based on their experience with g+ hangouts/on air: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom/OnAir14:38
popeythanks nhandler14:41
popeythat video gives a nice way to do what we want to achivee15:46
popeybasically create a hangout event in advance.. but dont put a url, then 15 mins before the show, create a hangout but don't "broadcast" and copy/paste the youtube embed url into the event which will update everyone15:47
popeyhttp://ubuntuonair.com/  like that?16:48
popeyits a wordpress site so I could give everyone responsible taking part rights to change that page, anyone can just insert a yt embed16:48
popeythat way we have a friendly url etc16:49
not_foundquestion... what exactly is this?16:54
popeynot_found, "this"?17:21
not_foundpopey, ubuntu-on-air... or more precise, what is going to be aired?17:22
popeythe idea is to have a google hangout at certain points during the release of ubuntu17:22
popeywhich are hangouts on air, so anyone can tune in live17:23
not_foundah ok... I have done one of those mass hangouts...17:23
not_foundcool :) - a move away from IRC17:23
popeyin addition to irc17:24
not_foundpopey, ok, covering all basis...17:24
JoseeAntonioRpopey: ok, now at home, logo updated18:10
popeyhiya JoseeAntonioR18:10
JoseeAntonioRpopey: maybe we can get onair.ubuntu.com to redirect  to ubuntuonair.com18:10
popeyi dont think we need to for now18:11
JoseeAntonioRgot it :)18:11
popeyhappy to set anyone up an account on that wordpress site, and then anyone can just put the embedded youtube link in and you're done18:12
popeythen there's only one URL we need to publish18:12
popeycould also have a link to the calendar too18:12
JoseeAntonioRpopey: would you mind a PM?18:13
JoseeAntonioRpopey: hey, do you know who can make the widget for the next session in... ?18:48
popeyyeah, I'll do that18:48
popeyit's easy enough18:48
popeywe have a similar "upcoming" calendar on the ubuntu uk podcast, I'll copy that18:49
popeylike that JoseeAntonioR >18:59
popeylink to that from the front page?18:59
JoseeAntonioRoh, that'd be great19:00
JoseeAntonioRor maybe a tab19:00
popeysure, a link from the top, I'll fix that19:00
JoseeAntonioRlike those we have in ubuntu.com19:00
popeyhmm, created menu, not sure why it doesn't appear19:02
popeyi need to go make some food, back in a bit19:02
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