=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum === rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti === darkdevil_ is now known as dArKd3ViL === dArKd3ViL is now known as darkdevil_ === darkdevil_ is now known as dArKd3ViL [08:19] morning [09:03] popey, hey, how are you? [09:21] great :D [09:26] popey, how are the SRUs going? and compiz on gsettings? [09:27] I'm just looking at the test results from my autopilot runs actually.... [09:31] sil2100, can you give me edit rights on the SRU compiz testing doc pls [09:31] certainly fewer failures in my testing [09:34] popey: ah, one moment [09:34] popey: done [09:35] thanks [09:35] didrocks: hi, hm, can I ping you or are you very busy with code..? [09:36] sil2100: that's better now, you can, what's up? :) [09:36] seb128: about the SRU - yesterday popey and Francis did some tests for the compiz SRU, so just unity remains, but I'm now dealing with something urgent for mhr3 [09:37] didrocks: regarding dpkg-shlibdeps - how does dpkg-shlibdeps know where to look for a library if a library is in a directory inside /usr/lib, i.e. /usr/lib/libunity [09:38] sil2100, ok [09:38] didrocks: how does it know that it should look into the libunity directory in the paths it has? === zyga is now known as zyga-afk [09:41] didrocks: since the man says it looks only in /usr/lib, /usr/lib32 etc. and then LD_LIBRARY_PATH if given [09:45] sil2100: I think it may be hardcoded and adds LD_LIBRARY_PATH frmo the man [09:45] you see that dh_shlibdeps has some -lpath option [09:45] sil2100: I would say, try to look at other package with private libs, like metacity [09:46] and see what's different from libunity-protocole and why the previous version builds and still builds [09:46] something clearly changed [09:47] didrocks: in the past, we didn't have libunity-protocol-private, it's a new addition [09:47] But I'll look at metacity, thanks [09:48] sil2100: hum, libunity-protocol-private is already in quantal [09:49] and a lot of branches were merged with it [09:49] so it's new from quantal, but not new from this merge :) [09:49] and it already worked [09:49] didrocks: yes, but it was never used [09:49] It's in quantal just since yesterday [09:50] Since it has been introduced in 5.92, which got into quantal yesterday ;) 5.12 didn't have that [09:50] sil2100: right, but I meant, it built :) [09:50] and libunity is using it, right? [09:50] mhr3: ^ [09:50] didrocks: probably, but it's inside libunity's package, so the dpkg-shlibdeps looks different in this case, no? [09:53] didrocks: it seems metacity installs its private libraries to /usr/lib directly ;p [09:53] sil2100: sorry, I don't get it, the merge failing is in unity? [09:53] didrocks: yes [09:53] ah, that changes everything then! yeah, you need to override_dh_shlibsdeps and use -l [09:54] So I just need to force it? [09:54] didrocks: but it's in the architecture-dependent directory - what variable should I use to point to /usr/lib/(ARCH)/libunity? [09:55] didrocks, there's nothing linking to it directly though [09:55] other than unity's branch which is failing [09:55] Ah, I see [09:55] DEB_HOST_ARCH ;) [09:55] sil2100: see, just look, all infos are around :) [09:55] and yeah, you need to provide that manually [09:56] didrocks: this is sooo hacky... ;) But thanks! [09:56] sil2100: it's not [09:56] sil2100: it's just that we have to define a private path [09:56] as it's a private library [09:57] sil2100: if you want to do that a little bit more clean, you can extrude the path from the .pc file [09:58] didrocks: by grepping? [09:58] sil2100: I would rather sed [09:58] didrocks: from the pkg-config call? [09:58] Will try that [09:59] sil2100: no, from debian/rules [09:59] ah, yeah, calling pkg-config frmo it === apinheiro is now known as API === zyga-afk is now known as zyga [10:52] didrocks: lp:~sil2100/unity/ubuntu_private_fix <- the fixed ubuntu packaging - could you ACK and push it to lp:ubuntu/unity if ok? [11:24] sil2100: why 's/^.*-L\(.*\)/\1/' ? for me 's/-L\(.*\)/\1/' seems to be enough, isn't it? === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch [11:25] sil2100: the build-dep is wrong [11:26] + libunity-protocol-private0, [11:26] 1. you almost never dep on a binary package [11:26] 2. the .pc is provided by libunity-dev, which is the right build-dep to have (and it deps on libunity-protocol-private0) [11:26] with those changes, I'm fine to push it (can do directly if you prefer) [11:27] did you try with mhr3's branch? [11:27] didrocks: can I just modify it in the branch and push it as a seperate commit? [11:27] didrocks: yes [11:27] sil2100: sure, fine a separate commit :) [11:30] didrocks: pushed :) Thanks! [11:30] * didrocks pulls [11:31] sil2100: looks good, pushed! [12:29] seb128: do you have the power of accepting nominations? [12:29] sil2100, yes [12:29] Since I don't want to bother Didier ;) [12:29] \o/ [12:29] (I bothered him enough yesterday!) [12:29] https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/1012956 [12:29] Ubuntu bug 1012956 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Unintended shadows are rendered for the Unity Launcher and Panel" [Medium,Triaged] [12:29] https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz-core/+bug/1019337 [12:29] Ubuntu bug 1019337 in compiz (Ubuntu) "gtk-window-decorator crashes with BadWindow (invalid Window parameter), from XGetWindowProperty() from get_frame_type()" [High,Fix committed] [12:29] https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/1015593 [12:29] Ubuntu bug 1015593 in Compiz Core "crash in gtk-windows-decorator meta_get_button_position" [Critical,Fix committed] [12:32] didrocks, lol, you still read the channel or highlight on "Didier" though? ;-) since you showed up feel free to accept the nominations :-p [12:32] * seb128 grins [12:32] seb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/compiz/precise_SRU-1 <- here is the packaging branch for the compiz SRU-1 [12:33] seb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/compiz-plugins-main/precise_SRU <- here for cpm SRU [12:33] seb128: I was just passing by… :) [12:33] ...;) [12:33] didrocks, yeah yeah :p [12:34] sil2100, thanks, I will try to have a look in a bit to those, my system is in a weird state atm, precise with new glib,gtk,nautilus and some debug hacks [12:35] seb128: no problem, just write them down so that it gets its needed attention when possible ;) And a release \o/ [12:35] hehe [12:38] didrocks: Hi. Everything's fixed again here (had to remove everything Compiz related from /usr/local) :) Thanks again for the help :) [12:38] MCR: you're really welcome :) [12:39] didrocks: Do you know if there are any existing tests for compiz animations ? [12:39] ...nominations? Anyone ;p? [12:40] MCR: I think it's a question for duflu/sam, they are up to date on the test front [12:41] didrocks: I am working on bringing back "lost" animations - in fact I already fixed C++11 compilation (almost - 1 warning left) for them, but I think the only way to test them is manually, which I did ofc [12:41] didrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/compiz/compiz.merge-plugin-simple-animations/+merge/115048 [12:42] MCR: check with them, I'm not concerned about the first testing TBH, more on a longer term and regressions :) [12:43] didrocks: Do you know where I can find duflu ? [12:45] didrocks: Most regressions happen imho :-X, when plugins are not maintained in lp:compiz, that is why I am working hard on stopping those === Trevinho|dinner is now known as Trevinho [12:45] MCR: well, regressions are not noticed if they are not used before release [12:45] hence the need for testing [12:45] MCR: I think contact him through launchpad [12:46] didrocks: Ok, that is the contact I more or less have, thanks :) === _salem is now known as salem_ === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk [14:23] hi [14:23] i'm new here [14:27] seb128: could you accept the nomination of those 3 bugs ;)? === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader === Jens is now known as Guest60954 === Guest60954 is now known as jbache [14:42] didrocks: sorry to disturb, but a question - when releasing a new upstream version, when the new tarball includes a fix that has already been cherry-picked in the previous distro version? [14:42] sil2100: yeah, what's the question? just don't list the bug in the changelog :) [14:43] didrocks: that is what I wanted to confirm ;) [14:43] Thanks [14:44] yw :) [14:44] sil2100, ok, approved 2 of those, the other one timeout here atm it seems :-( [14:44] go launchpad... [14:49] seb128: thanks ;) [15:23] seb128, didrocks: just a quick update regarding the unity release - we have performed autopilot tests and analysis, manual-tests are in the works - it's all green right now! [15:23] sil2100, \o/ [15:23] https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1IYDxthUsoznC0UYhkGZ7OufnSJDdmmQ7njUE0xB2mXQ/edit# <- the test doc [15:23] sil2100, I've been running the sru ppa for a week or so without noticable issues as well [15:24] seb128: I also prepared the changelog (big one) - but still the bugs need SRUification, but I'm slowly dowing that [15:24] Gradually [15:24] Awesome [15:25] good [15:25] seems on track ;-) [15:26] seb128: I think that after the manual-tests are done, maybe I'll put up the new tarball already..? [15:26] sweet :) [15:26] sil2100, sounds good to me but please check with didrocks [15:26] nice one sil2100 [15:26] yeah, seems good to me :) [15:27] didrocks: how about it? Since seb128 says it's stable, Francis and Alan are doing testing too, autopilot is green [15:27] didrocks, is there any chance you sponsor the compiz uploads btw? I think I will not get to it today, new stuff keep piling up on my todo and I need to fix my box to be in a sane stage before doing sponsoring [15:27] Ok :) Awesome [15:27] seb128: well, the goal was that we tested it and I don't have a precise box ready [15:28] so, it will tomorrow for me at the earliest [15:28] didrocks, ok, I will get back to it, just maybe not today, but I guess that can wait tomorrow [15:28] yeah, I agree :) [15:28] \o/ [15:29] seb128, didrocks: I'll mail you guys all the branch links so that they don't get lost anywhere [15:29] sil2100, works for me, thanks [15:40] seb128, didrocks: just a reminder, this one didn't get ACKed yet because of LP probably ;) https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/1015593 [15:40] Ubuntu bug 1015593 in Compiz Core "crash in gtk-windows-decorator meta_get_button_position" [Critical,Fix committed] [15:40] didrocks, does accepting that one timeout for you as well? [15:40] didrocks, I get an oops when I try to accept the nomination [15:40] let me try [15:41] done [15:41] hum [15:41] * seb128 kicks launchpad [15:41] seb128: it's just showing on chromium is way more effective than firefox! :) [15:41] no time for timeout! [15:41] where is chris?! [15:41] heh [15:41] Thanks ;) [15:42] yw ;) === dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch === dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader === Daviey_ is now known as Daviey === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader === salem_` is now known as _salem === TheMuso` is now known as TheMuso === wgrant_ is now known as wgrant