
scienteswow, rhel 6 has really shitty IO scheduling00:01
bkerensaphilballew: whaaat up07:14
philballewchilling in the hotel lobby. you?07:14
bkerensauhh chilling in my office07:15
bkerensaabout to pass out07:15
philballewill do that in a few hours07:15
bkerensaphilballew: so to confirm I will see you  tomorrow at around 11am? but you can open the booth at 10am right and just put a small amount of CD's and swag out as needed and answer questions?07:20
bkerensathen Thursday nathwill will run all day mostly07:20
philballewalright, ill be there to do that bkerensa07:21
bkerensaI might be in earlier but just in case07:22
bkerensaI have to do more work on my talk07:22
bkerensaphilballew: I got 5 Linode $50 cards and 3 Softlayer $50 cards07:22
philballewI got 11 t shirts07:27
philballewnot close to scale record or 24 but getting there07:27
philballewhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1097920/  <why does checkinstall hate me?08:23
darthrobotTitle: [Ubuntu Pastebin]08:23
DonkeyHoteibecause you use ubuntu08:40
DonkeyHoteicheckinstall is designed to induce people to switch to slackware08:40
philballewis make a better option then checkinstall then for some apps then?08:42
DonkeyHoteiread the debian packaging manual08:47
philballewI have. Its a good read.08:48
philballewI was just asking for other peoples thoughts08:48
philballewJust like all books it's up to interpretation and opinion.08:48
bkerensaphilipballew_: let me know if u need to be relieved before 1115:54

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