
bkerensabdmurray: oh damn I would have got u in05:23
nathwillmorning all15:37
MaskilPDXGood Morning15:51
bkerensanathwill: morning15:54
bkerensacweber10: morning15:54
bkerensaMaskilPDX: morning15:54
cweber10managed to make it to oscon. so you will be seeing me.15:57
bkerensacweber10: oh cool... I'm not there yet today but I will be there around 1015:57
cweber10yea hall not open yet. need to figure out how to tab with this phone /app combo15:59
nathwillman, i'm super jealous... i'd rather be at oscon16:00
nathwillbtw bkerensa, look forward to talking to that person you told me about. i got my resume in to bluebox.net last night16:01
nathwillso fingers crossed16:01
bkerensanathwill: the company is Rentrak16:02
bkerensaits a senior position but they want someone who know Ubuntu Desktop and Server16:03
nathwillbkerensa, ah, i remember talking to them briefly last year16:03
nathwillaren't they the ones who wanted to move people to amsterdam?16:03
bkerensanathwill: so I will see you tomorrow morning at 9am?16:04
bkerensanathwill: nah they are mostly portland based16:04
bkerensathats booking.com16:04
bkerensaBrian_H is also hiring or so his booth says ;)16:04
nathwillbkerensa, looks like this position? http://rentrak.hrmdirect.com/employment/view.php?req=93033&&16:05
bkerensanathwill: yep16:05
nathwillinteresting. not sure what i think about "managing a team"16:06
bkerensanathwill: ;)16:06
bkerensawarty has landed16:07
Brian_Hlol we're always looking for good talent :)16:07
bkerensanathwill: btw... Rackspace and Linode are both giving away $50 credit cards16:08
bkerensaI got like 5 from linode and two from rackspace16:08
bkerensaand softlayer gave me their VP's e-mail so I can get free root from them too ;p16:08
bkerensaBrian_H: are you down there already?16:08
MaskilPDXI am hoping to make it down tomorrow.  Wife may need to work, so we'll see.16:10
bkerensaMaskilPDX: look forward to meeting u16:10
MaskilPDXYea, the same here.  Are you from Portland?16:11
bkerensaYep I live here16:12
* bkerensa has to head out now to OSCON16:12
MaskilPDXbkerensa and nathwill - I just followed you on twitter.  I'm @obandocomputing16:21
nathwillMaskilPDX, i assume you mean you followed ubuntuoregon on twitter?16:26
nathwilli don't tweet, so o_O16:26
nathwillif you found a nathwill, that guy's not me16:26
MaskilPDXI did find nathwill, so I will unfollow16:33
nathwilli think that kids still in highschool16:47
MaskilPDXI take it your not then ;)20:30
MaskilPDXAre you at OSCON?20:34
nathwillMaskilPDX, nope, working today, but will be there tomorrow all day20:34
MaskilPDXI may be there.  I have a free pass, but Wife was asked to work.  We'll see.  Bummed if I can;t go though20:34
nathwillmaskilpdx, where are you located?20:35
nathwillme too20:52
nathwillyou need a ride or something?20:52
MaskilPDXI was thinking about driving to Orenco x 231 MAX and going in that way20:57
MaskilPDXFree parking, $5 for an all day ticket.20:57
MaskilPDXTraffic to the convention ctr is a hassle20:57
* nathwill nods20:58
MaskilPDXI possibly won;t know until 7 or 8 tomorrow morning if I can go21:28
bkerensanathwill: when u coming?22:24
MaskilPDXbkerensa - Congrats on the new toy!23:48
MaskilPDXI really hope to make it in tomorrow.  I am looking forward to meeting people23:49

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