
astraljavaknome: How is that different from my _normal_ mode, exactly? Wait, don't answer that.05:35
knomeastraljava, :)09:31
knomeastraljava, what you doing today?09:32
mr_pouitjockey-gtk is going away in quantal (replaced by a tab in software-properties-gtk)12:28
knomenot the worst news12:32
mr_pouitso now you can't find additional drivers in the menu under "additional drivers" but under "software sources"12:32
knomewell, yeah, that sucks12:33
mr_pouitwhich is *definitely* an improvement(!)12:33
knomebut at least it's not incorporated in USC or so12:33
mr_pouit(that's called the mpt-i-don't-need-to-justify touch)12:33
knomemaybe we should rethink the menu item name.12:33
mr_pouitwe can't if we want it to be translated :P12:33
mr_pouit(unless we set up translations on lp)12:33
knomemaybe ubuntu in general should rethink12:34
knomemaybe something like "software (sources) and drivers"12:34
knomeor we might be able to call s-p-g with the specific tab open?12:35
knomethat shouldn't be too hard, and i think i could get somebody to hack that in.12:35
astraljavaknome: I was meaning to go to jussi's, but I'm not sure when I can actually get there. Work is being nightmarish today.12:36
knomeastraljava, in that case you're probably not coming here either :)12:36
astraljavaMost likely not. :)12:40
knomehf anyway12:40
knomeyou attending the meeting?12:40
astraljavaI may, but not too sure if I can pay it any attention.12:41
astraljavaLike I said, this is living hell now (yea I know that is _not_ what I said...)12:42
knomehope it gets better12:42
astraljavaIt will, now that support lines are down for the day, but the customers still left me like gazillion things to finish.13:31
knomeblah :|13:31
astraljavaBut an update, I'll be meeting Jussi downtown instead of going to their place. So it's still open for the left of the night.13:31
knomenot right? :P13:32
astraljavaHe's seeing a friend, and since I don't have any money, I won't be staying anywhere for a considerable time anyhow.13:32
astraljavaNo, not right.13:32
astraljavaCenter, if anything.13:32
* knome didn't have anything specific in mind13:32
knomejust that if you wanted to sit down and chat, play or sth :)13:33
knomeoh, and an update from my side.13:34
knomei'll be off fri-mon, not sun, as i said before13:34
knomeUnit193, you going to be at the meeting today?13:35
astraljavaWait, are _we_ having a meeting today, too? I thought somehow you were referring to the QA meeting.14:06
knomeyes, we are.14:07
knomeand yes, it's in 53 mins.14:07
astraljavaOh, *oops*.14:07
knomewell. that's life ;)14:07
* astraljava seems to have lost it.14:07
knomewe probably should decide about a314:07
knomeand there's some QA stuff in the agenda14:07
* astraljava frowns14:08
micahgknome: I'll be in and out for the meeting14:27
knomemicahg, ok :)14:48
knomeastraljava, so, final verdict? in or out? :P14:49
knomepleia2, good morning sunshine!14:49
knomepeople here for the meeting?14:52
knomeoh hai14:59
knomeso, are you in or out?14:59
astraljavaThough I'm not much of a use at the moment.14:59
knomeor both14:59
* pleia2 yawns and mutters14:59
astraljavaI'll be around.14:59
knomeyeah. i'm still proposing to have an informal meeting14:59
knometo avoid the meeting bureaucracy14:59
knome(if it looks like there isn't really attendees, i mean)14:59
knomei'll pick up my coffee14:59
pleia2even my cat has sleepy eyes15:00
astraljavaIsn't that the same approx. 18 hours of any given day?15:03
knomeyou must be really tired then.15:03
knomeastraljava, we are going to release alpha3, right?15:03
knomemicahg, any reason not to go for alpha3?15:03
astraljavaWhat am I, a release manager now? *rolls eyes*15:04
knomeastraljava, i was asking for QA POV15:04
astraljavaBut I'd assume as much, yes.15:04
astraljavaYes I got it. :)15:04
knomeyes, i'm all for releasing it (and getting and doing dome tests for it!)15:04
astraljavaI just installed Studio a couple days ago, and since it's relying so much on Xubuntu, I'd say it's a safe choice.15:05
astraljavaBut, I noticed a lot of bugmail activity just recently.15:05
knomepleia2, i'd consider the informal meeting very productive if we got to set up the wiki and sent an email to the list15:05
astraljavaAnd I haven't had time to go through them all.15:05
micahgI don't see a reason not to release alpha315:05
micahgthere are a few questions though15:05
micahg1.  Image size, are we sticking with CDs?15:06
micahg2. Defaults, has this been finalized?15:06
mr_pouit(we've been oversized since the beginning though)15:06
knomedefaults regarding what15:06
micahgmr_pouit: right :)15:06
micahgknome: applications15:06
knomehow much are we over?15:06
mr_pouit20~40M I think15:06
pleia220M on the 64-bit last I saw15:06
knomemicahg, nope. is there a deadline other than some virtual milestone, or FF15:07
micahg20-40MB on the live images15:07
astraljavaalternate i386 12MB, amd64 20MB.15:07
knomewhat if we dropped gimp from the default installation?15:07
micahgknome: no, but the earlier, the better testing we get I guess15:07
pleia2knome: gasp15:07
astraljavadesktop i386 22MB, amd64 38MB (!)15:07
knomei know that dragged some people to xubuntu, but it's taking a lot of spae15:07
micahgknome: that would do it, but that's something people love :)15:07
knomebut again, they can install it from the repositories15:08
knomegimp isn't really lightweight15:08
micahgknome: if we're sticking with a CD, I can try to pare it down this weekend15:08
micahgknome: Xubuntu isn't about lightweight :)15:08
knomemicahg, yes, we would like to have a cd, thanks!15:08
knomemicahg, you are correct..15:08
pleia2let's leave dropping gimp as the nuclear option ;)15:09
micahgbut we're stuck with too many stack, GTK2/3, python2/3, webkitgtk1.0/3.015:09
knomei'm still not sure about gimp; i'd LOVE to have something else instead, but just dropping it would work for me too15:09
knomemicahg, can we drop python2, or is that an xfce requirement?15:09
knomemicahg, or, "what is there that's making is stick with python 2?"15:10
micahgknome: well, we can see about porting stuff we need to python3, idk what actually uses it15:10
micahggimp uses it :)15:10
knomewill you port gimp to python 3?15:11
knomeor drop gimp and python 2... >:)15:11
micahgoh, about screen locking, lightdm has support for it, but we need a way to show the preferences in xfce4-settings15:11
knomethat shouldn't be too hard?15:12
knomebluesabre_, up for a small task? :)15:12
micahgidk, mr_pouit would know more about that15:13
knomei'd imagine that can't be seriously hard.15:13
mr_pouitoh nice15:13
knomemicahg, the city?15:14
knomemr_pouit, ^15:14
knome(that's it for the bad joke, typoing...)15:14
mr_pouitxfce4-settings can launch a binary anyway, we're not forced to do the integration into the settings's window like other xfce components15:14
knomethat's what i was thinking.15:15
knomemicahg, i'll try push to get the "new default apps" stuff ready for beta1, if at all possible15:16
micahgknome: feature freeze would be better, but yeah15:16
knomeis that before b1?15:16
micahgwell, it's all about the same time anyways15:16
knomeah, then ff15:16
micahgalso, what about 12.04.1, anything need fixing for that?15:16
knomesome theming stuff at least.15:17
knomei need to check that with ochosi before he goes away (fri)15:17
knomeochosi, can you gather a list of what theming stuff we need to fix for 12.04.1 - ta15:18
knomemicahg, anyway most of that stuff ^ is ready already, just need pushing15:18
micahgknome: ok, what about bugs15:20
micahgBug #962469 is bad and needs to be fixed15:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 962469 in blueman (Ubuntu Precise) "blueman-applet crashed with KeyError in card_cb(): 'bluez.path'" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96246915:20
micahgI've emailed the upstream dev without success15:20
knomedon't know what else i can do but try to contact them15:21
bluesabre_knome: Porting GIMP to Python3?  As awesome as that would be, I'll have to decline.  :D15:25
knomebluesabre_, ahh, no15:25
knomebluesabre_, add screen locking preferences (lightdm) to xfce-settings-manager15:25
bluesabre_knome: Is there an app that does that, or do I need to develop that app?15:26
bluesabre_knome: Or are you talking about adding an entry to the settings?15:27
bluesabre_Because that would be easy :)15:28
astraljavaknome: Need anything from me? I'm gonna move in a few minutes.15:30
knomeastraljava, in what sense need?15:30
astraljavaFor this bastard formation of a meeting.15:30
knomebluesabre_, well, an app should be created to handle those; it can be integrated or separate, as mr_pouit said15:30
knomeastraljava, no, i don't15:30
astraljavaOk, thanks.15:30
knomeastraljava, have "fun" meeting jussi15:30
astraljavaI'll only collect some stuff he has from me/for me, and head home ASAP.15:31
knomeheh :)15:31
knomeok, fair enough15:31
astraljavaBut I'll tell him your "warm regards".15:31
knomeplease do... :)15:31
bluesabre_knome: I'll look into it15:33
bluesabre_knome: What settings do we need for it?15:33
micahgbluesabre_: Ubuntu just has, on/off, lock screen after, and require password toggle15:34
bluesabre_Oh, if it's already in Ubuntu, that will make it easy15:39
bluesabre_I'll check it out today15:39
knomebluesabre_, fantastic15:39
knomeafter this cup of coffee, i'm off to shower.15:39
knomepleia2, we can do that before or after.15:40
pleia2ok, so this is where we left off with docs https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2012-June/008243.html & https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Documentation15:40
knomeas we discussed yesterday, i think we should just set up something where people can edit the documentation15:41
pleia2yesterday I set up a basic moinmoin (same as ubuntu wiki) install on my server that people can use for collaborating on docs15:41
knomeand send an email to the mailing list15:41
pleia2the original docs can be found here, which people should probably use as a baseline: https://code.launchpad.net/xubuntu-docs15:41
pleia2they're in docbook, but if people are scared of that they can just go to menu > help and read the .html files on their own system15:42
pleia2http://dagobah.princessleia.com/Xubuntu is the collaboration space15:42
pleia2so yeah, we need to draft an email that will empower and inspire ;)15:42
pleia2people don't want to be the first one making a change, generally15:43
pleia2oh, I did have one question dev-ish related to documentation15:47
pleia2in the docbook we have a section like:15:47
pleia2                <title>Xubuntu &distro-rev; Documentation</title>15:47
knomehmm... right?15:47
pleia2&distro-rev; should be updated with magic, but I don't know how that's done (and it wasn't done with 12.04)15:48
knomeshould we even use that?15:48
pleia2I think so15:48
micahgit could be done15:48
knomei'm not sure if that is *vital* :)15:48
pleia2knome: having a version number at all?15:48
knomepleia2, yeah.15:49
knomepleia2, because, naturally, the docs should be the same version as the distro15:49
* pleia2 nods15:49
knomepleia2, if they aren't the version number is useless anyway15:50
pleia2apparently :)15:50
knomebut i don't mind if the version number is there either15:50
knomejust thinking if it makes sense to take time to get it working, if it's not really trivial15:50
pleia2ok, I think that's all I had15:51
pleia2oh wait, I wasn't done, look - someone made a pretty banner for us! http://www.facebook.com/xubuntuusers15:54
pleia2he's planning on doing a similar one for G+ too, wants to bring our branding more "together"15:54
knomeit's somewhat blurry though15:55
pleia2if you click on it it's sharper, I think it's facebook mangling15:55
knomelooks fine though15:55
knomemaybe i'd make the bg of the bottom section a bit grey, to separate from the bar below15:55
knomeif they need anything graphical, just tell them to contact me and i'll happily provide.15:56
pleia2I can put you in touch with the designer, he had ideas of putting together a branding pallet that we could extend to other social media stuff15:57
pleia2but it's nice to have more artists interested :)15:57
knomeif he can join irc, that would be ideal, but email works as well15:57
knomebut note that i will be away for fri-mon15:57
knomeand probably most of tomorrow night too15:57
pleia2will do15:58
knome(wife's holiday - 3 weeks!)15:58
pleia2is she going somewhere or can we put her to work on something? :)15:58
pleia2Mrs. knome can be our docs lead15:59
knomei'm sure she thinks i'm doing enough for FOSS for our family :D15:59
pleia2actually yeah, I think my fiance feels the same15:59
knomefair enough, i think.. :D15:59
knomeso, how does the email look now?16:00
pleia2the draft is looking ok, I'm heading out to the airport in 4 hours16:00
knomehehe, great minds...16:00
pleia2mind reading \o/16:00
knomei'm thinking we should let it simmer a bit in our heads, then come back and send it16:01
knomeand we need to add the example sections, as i promised there!16:01
pleia2ok, that's fine16:01
knomewhatever we do, we should make it easy to navigate around the wiki16:01
pleia2I'll see how my internet access is this weekend (I think OSCON causes a sink hole of bad access in the whole city of Portland when it happens though)16:02
knomewell, i will be completely offline for the weekend, so.. :)16:02
* pleia2 nods16:02
knomemaybe we can postpone sending all the way to monday, so we'd have people respond to questions16:03
knomeat least i'd feel bad if people started asking and i wasn't here, and the rest were like "umm..."16:03
knomei copied the draft as it is now to HDD just to be sure it's safe16:03
knomethank you16:03
knome...aaaand i'm out of coffee16:04
knomeshower :)16:04
knomesee you in a bit16:04
knome(if you're still around; if not, have fun)16:04
pleia2see you16:04
pleia2enjoy :)16:04
ochosisry, no way i could've made the meeting16:22
knomehey ochosi :)16:22
knomewe were quite productive anyway16:22
ochosii mean you know the news anyway (i think)16:22
knomewhich ones? :P16:22
knomei'm just trying to send an email summery16:22
ochosigreybird and albatross ported to gtk3's default engine (only bluebird still needs unico)16:22
ochosifirst translations land in catfish, release will hopefully follow shortly16:23
knomeyeah, we didn't really follow the meeting agenda16:23
knomewe just had an informal one16:23
knomesee your inbox16:23
ochosiand parole is getting in very nice shape16:23
ochosibtw, could you do the finnish translation of catfish?16:23
ochosiit's really just a few rather simple strings16:23
knomewas it on LP?16:23
ochosiwhat's with the settings-manager and sean exactly?16:24
ochosihe's doing the technical side of it?16:24
knomesince we're dropping xscreensaver, we need to have a lock dialog16:24
knomelightdm can do that, but we need to have the settings editable somewhere16:25
ochosiit already can do that?16:25
ochosithat'd be awesome16:25
knomeso i'm told :P16:25
knomeso anyway, how do i translate catfish again?16:25
ochosii heard about the _plans_ for that16:25
knomejust hassle with the .pos?16:26
ochosidl this and translate the strings in the file: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~smd-seandavis/catfish-search/trunk/view/head:/po/catfish.pot16:27
ochosithen save as fi.pot and send to bluesabre_ via email or something like that16:27
knomei'll do that16:27
ochosisry, took me a while to find the file/link16:28
knomewhat's with "Do you "16:28
knomesecond last translation16:28
ochosiyeah, not sure :) i just translated it16:28
knomethat's not so easy in finnish...16:28
ochosii'd say translate all the other strings16:29
ochosithere are more cumbersome ones16:29
ochosii think it needs review16:29
ochosibut dropping strings isn't really an issue16:29
ochosipartial translation is better than no translation...16:29
ochosibtw, do you have suggestions for the "open location" dialog in parole?16:30
ochosi(screenshot coming up)16:30
ochosiatm it's very plain and simple16:31
knomeare you suggesting there could be more to that?16:32
ochosisidenote: i looked into the gmb column-align changes you proposed. that would need another extra-shimmer-patch. i'd rather wait with that until our current delta is narrowed by quentin16:32
ochosiyeah, prolly, not sure16:32
knomesure. i'd want that upstream, definitely16:32
ochosie.g. vlc has a few lines of URL examples16:32
ochosigmb: ok, it's just gonna take some more time, squentin is really busy atm16:33
micahgknome: jockey's been fixed (pitti updated the seed), it'll get into the archive in the next meta upload16:39
knomemicahg, fixed in what way? :)16:40
ochosii really need ppl to test greybird and albatross from git in quantal btw! (ideally before i do the next release, which i wanna do around the weekend)16:40
micahgknome: dropped, it's in software-properties now16:41
knome"fixed" == dropped16:41
knomeok! ;)16:41
hobgoblinochosi: I can do that over the next couple of days if it helps - especially if you point me at things you specifically want checking16:43
ochosihobgoblin: absolutely! well i'd say start a few gtk3 apps from the console and send me the output, and then just look for visual glitches...16:44
hobgoblinok 16:44
hobgoblinby the way I'm using quantal all the time now so - stable for me 16:45
ochosithen just pull the themes16:45
ochosioh and please mv them to /usr/share/themes16:45
ochosii've experienced smaller glitches without that16:45
ochosi(although i can't explain why)16:45
hobgoblinpoint me where they are please 16:45
knomewhat did "deep search" mean again?16:47
ochosiknome: i translated it to "intensive search" in german16:47
ochosiknome: it means: search without the locate cache (with find)16:47
ochosiso if your cache is out-of-date...16:48
knomei'm going to translate it to "power search"16:49
knomeor actually "powerful search"16:50
hobgoblinknome: powerful search would sound/look odd in English 16:51
knomehobgoblin, makes sense in finnish though16:51
knomemore than literal translation16:52
hobgoblinochosi: ok - got them both - will run with albatross for a day then greybird for a day - it would be a help for me if I had some idea of which are gtk3 apps 17:04
ochosihobgoblin: sure, evince, simplescan, software-sources, gnome-games17:08
ochosi("sure" is not application btw, just a word i threw in there for affirmatory reasons)17:09
hobgoblincheers :)17:09
ochosimost likely there are more17:09
* ochosi can't remember what is there exactly in the default app-set17:09
hobgoblinthings like synaptic - gtk2 ?17:10
ochosiwell ideally you won't see the difference with greybird and albatross ;)17:10
hobgoblingive me a couple of days to play with them and I will report back to you on Friday17:11
hobgoblinor earlier if I can 17:12
ochosigreat, thanks a bunch in advance!17:12
hobgoblinwelcome 17:12
ochosibtw, with greybird i expect warnings17:12
ochosihopefully no errors or visual breakage though17:12
ochosigreybird's gtk3 is currently built for gtk3.417:12
ochosibut i'll add in the changes for gtk3.5 after you've tested17:12
Unit193knome: Nope.17:44
Unit193And if it's worth anything, I'd give a plus to renameing Software Properties, and putting a launcher directly to drivers as well.18:43
pleia2tweeted the meeting summary links ;)19:24
knomepleia2, tara19:33
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
* pleia2 suddenly remembers why she doesn't like managing documentation23:02
knomepleia2, that is?23:16
pleia2formats suck :(23:18
knomeheh. :)23:18
knomelet's try to go with minimal formatting.23:18
pleia2should just be easy for everyone to write it <--- over here, and hten we commit it and ship it over here -->23:18
knomeyou lost me23:19
knomemust be those arrows.23:19
pleia2we need a wysiwyg editor that isn't horrible :)23:19
pleia2I think what needs to be done is the team decides the structure, decides what they need, and they just use the wiki to copy over stuff that they need to edit together23:21
knomeyeah. but they probably need to use the wiki to cooperate on that23:21
knome(or "ownerships" of specific sections anyway)23:21
knomethat's probably something we want to partly set up already for the people23:22
* pleia2 nods23:22
pleia2I had grand plans of actually copying all the docs over, but then I stopped with the crazy23:22
knomewell, yeah23:22
knomenobody should batch-do that23:22
knomei wouldn't mind if *eventually* everything is in the wiki23:23
knomebut i figured out it's just not sane to do that yourself23:23
knomeyou should've asked me!23:23
pleia2there are some html to moin scripts out there so I was hoping I could do it with some scripting since I have access to the server itself23:23
pleia2but all the conversion scripts are not awesome23:24
knomei'm sure they aren't23:24
* pleia2 gives meetingology a cookie23:24
knomewhat if we just copied a few pages, then let the doc team handle the rest?23:24
knomeeven if they messed up, we can just fix it.23:24
knomeand maybe somebody wants to do the mindless copy-paste now and then.23:25
pleia2yeah, the first index.html pretty much links to everything, so if we copy that over we'll actually be doing ok23:25
pleia2maybe the group can start with that and strike out what they don't want, so we don't even need to copy some stuff over23:25
knomeyeah, but how much time should we give for that?23:26
pleia2I don't know23:26
knomebecause if we want to do that to avoid copying unnecessary stuff, that needs to be finished before we copy anything23:26
knomeoh well23:26
pleia2well for now we copy the table of contents23:26
knomeare you around tomorrow?23:26
pleia2see what people think is silly about it23:26
pleia2not much tomorrow23:26
pleia2we'll talk again on Sunday I think :)23:26
knomenot really :|23:27
pleia2or Monday!23:27
knomei'm back on monday actually23:27
knomeand probably late23:27
pleia2have a nice awaytime23:27
knomewell, that's earlyish your time... :)23:27
knomewill try to ;]23:27
knomeanyway, let's get back to all this then23:27
knomesee you!23:27
* pleia2 nods23:27
* knome goes to bed23:27
pleia2see you!23:27

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