
* stgraber waves to queuebot 19:12
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alkisg...what does it queue?? :D19:12
stgraberit notifies on IRC when a package gets into the queue or when a build is available for testing19:12
alkisgCool :)19:13
stgraberit's been running for a while in #ubuntu-release and #ubuntu-testing, but I now added flavour support so it only notifies #edubuntu for Edubuntu stuff19:13
stgraberwrong filter for Edubuntu ;) it was monitoring "core" instead of "edubuntu"19:16
bencerstgraber: highvoltage do u know the status of auth-client-config and sssd ?19:33
highvoltagebencer: I used sssd last year and it was working quite well, I didn't need auth-client-config anymore because of it, I'm planning to try it out against edubuntu-server again once we have some sambaness19:36
bencerwe should have samba ready for next week19:37
benceri was examining 2 days ago the things with kernevil, our samba guy19:37
bencerhe needs to change some things from the packaging to our scripts to we can use pristine samba419:38
bencerbut maybe we could upload everything but zentyal-samba19:38
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkig
=== alkig is now known as alkisg

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