
bigjoolslifeless: did you see rvb's email about dns?01:05
lifelessprobably not, I've been fighting the 'flu01:45
lifelessrunning at something like 50% efficiency01:45
smoserroaksoax, are you around?01:59
bigjoolshey smoser02:01
bigjoolssmoser: did you see rvb's email about dns?02:01
bigjoolsclassless networks02:02
bigjoolson maas-devel02:05
lifelessI see it now02:06
=== jtv1 is now known as jtv
smoserbigjools, this is all really only in regard to provisioning networks, right?02:13
bigjoolssmoser: yes02:14
bigjoolsbut we're only running one dns server on the maas server side02:14
smoserin which case i don't think the /8, /16, or /24 is an issue.02:14
bigjoolsthe problem is the reverse zone authority overlap02:15
bigjoolsfor masks not on /8 boundaries02:15
smoseri'm missing something.02:17
bigjoolsread http://www.indelible.org/ink/classless/02:17
smoseri dont think it would help02:18
bigjoolsif we don't do something then the reverse zone authority will overlap.02:18
bigjoolsif that's not a problem then we can continue with no change02:18
smoserfor a real maas environment, i think that maas will control the "provisioning network", and the dns on it.02:19
bigjoolsbut if there is an adjacent network with its own dns then there may be problems02:19
lifelessI've replied02:20
lifelessthere is a very simple solution, and I'm sure there is a good reason we aren't doing it :)02:20
lifelessso my reply was basically a question02:20
bigjoolswe don't do that because the hostnames can be set separately in maas02:21
lifelesswhy do we support that ?02:21
bigjoolsI'd prefer to use nsupdate here02:21
bigjoolsbut this was all done while I was away02:22
lifelessSomewhere along the way we got this hostname setting complexity.02:22
bigjoolsbecause it was in the mockups? :)02:22
lifelessBut we're aiming at hyperscale deployments.02:22
lifelessManually setting hostnames there is, shall we say, pointlless.02:22
bigjoolswell it's not manual as such but maas does generate a hostname02:22
lifelessdo we expect / permit nodes to change IP address on reboots ?02:23
bigjoolsI went through all this on Monday with the guys... let me try and recall the conversation because twins make me forget stuff02:24
lifelessSo I'll put one more note out and then wait for your ack :>.02:24
lifelessjuju will break if the ip address of the bootstrap node changes.02:24
lifelessSo if we do permit unintentional node ip changes, we probably should stop it.02:25
bigjoolsI was all for doing a static-ish map02:25
bigjoolsbut everyone complained that it makes it harder to recover when decommissioning nodes02:25
lifelessrecover what ?02:25
bigjoolsreclaim the IP02:26
bigjoolsI wanted to use DHCP's mechanism to update a ddns when a lease was allocatewd02:26
lifelessso I'm saying - can we totally eliminate that overhead02:27
lifelessdon't reclaim the ip, keep it for maas.02:27
lifelessmake the dns name totally static02:27
bigjoolsit is kept - but we were talking about re-using it for a different node02:27
bigjoolsif a new node enlists02:27
lifelessso, when someone says 'delete it' that would mean 'remove it from dhcp static allocation'02:28
lifelessno DNS change at all02:28
lifeless(in my happy happy little world :P)02:28
bigjoolslifeless: it's an interesting point that we could just keep the dns static but the hardware might change underneath that ip/host02:30
lifelesschanging hardware is a decommission+commission02:31
bigjoolsjtv: ^02:31
lifelessin a cloud world02:31
lifelessyou don't replace the motherboard and claim its the same machine, you migrate the workload off and kill the box02:31
lifelessor you can have a special 'I'm replacing the MB' feature if needed02:31
bigjoolslifeless: actually I am not sure any of this changes anything02:32
bigjoolswe still need to work out new IPs being allocated and stick them in the DNS02:33
bigjoolswe can do that systematically of course02:33
lifelessyes, but you can have one zone for all your nodegroups02:33
lifelessand just replicate the entire thing02:33
lifelesshow much data is needed to configure 1M forward nodes and 1M reverse for the ec2 DNS approach02:34
bigjoolsthat would be crazy imo, reloading a zone file would take a long time with 1m nodes!02:34
lifelesstwo things, a) it would be very rare - DC reconfiguration rare02:35
bigjoolsI disagree02:35
bigjoolsit'd happen every time you added new hardware02:35
lifelessand b) I didn't mean exactly one zone, I meant that you can split on IP classes rather than on nodegroup boundaries.02:35
lifelessso you don't need the rfc2317 dance around02:35
lifelessso each zone would be at most 256 rows.02:35
lifeless(on the reverse side)02:36
bigjoolswe want one zone per rack/group because it keeps the model sane02:36
lifelesson the forward side, I'd expect one zone per nodegroup (matching the compute-1 in the ec2 example.02:36
bigjoolslifeless: I think that rvb was wanting to keep reverse zones in step with forward zones, it keeps things nice and simple02:40
lifelessyes, I can see that02:40
lifelessI don't see that its worth the complexity if we can make it entire static02:40
lifelessthats a huge win02:40
bigjools"static" :)02:40
lifelessyeah, static02:40
lifelesshow often will you bring up a new nodegroup ?02:41
bigjoolsit'll change every time new hardware is added02:41
lifelesswhy? Surely it only changes when you allocate *room* for new hardware02:41
bigjoolsunless we get cute and write the zone files out when setting the IP ranges on the nodegroup02:41
lifelessthat was my point02:42
lifelessthat DNS is entirely decouplable from commissioning/decommissioning02:42
bigjoolsjtv: are you reading this?02:42
jtvYes, but I'm not familiar with reverse DNS so some of it is magic to me.02:42
bigjoolsjtv: it's basically a "trick" to make a forward lookup work with a special domain02:43
jtvAh.  I had indeed missed that completely.02:43
bigjools4.3.2.1.in-addr.arpa is the forward domain for the reverse lookup02:43
jtvForward domain for reverse lookup?02:43
lifelessbigjools: ITYM 3.2.1.in-addr.arpa02:44
* jtv despairs02:44
lifelessbigjools: is the record :)02:44
bigjoolsyes -the zone is only notionally a reverse.02:44
bigjoolslifeless: right :)02:44
lifelessjtv: its a normal lookup, but the client knows to switch things around02:44
lifelessfor the purpose of this discussion anyhow.02:44
jtvWhat things?  The octets?02:44
bigjoolsjtv: it gets complicated when the netmask is classless (ie doesn't sit on /8 octet boudaries)02:45
lifelessjtv: yes, octets02:45
lifelessthe query to make to find the official hostname for the ip address is
bigjoolsso the reverse zone is just a special forward zone02:46
bigjoolsjtv: we're talking about writing out static dns zones based on the declaration of IP ranges in the nodegroups02:47
bigjoolsit would *vastly* simplify things02:48
bigjoolswe'd still use the lease parser to set the hostname in the MAAS02:48
bigjoolsbut hostnames would now be something like 192-168-1-1.my.domain02:49
bigjoolslifeless: anyway the original question is not answered - do we care about the reverse zone being overly authoritative when there's a non-octet netmask boundary?02:51
lifelessyes, because otherwise it won't work for adjacent nodegroups02:52
lifelessyou need to do rfc2317 if you have that sort of split.02:53
bigjoolsright, this is what I expected02:58
jtvSo… does this mean we won't bother with the hostnames any more?03:02
bigjoolsjtv: we'd use the lease parsing script to set them03:02
jtvAnd they wouldn't be user-definable any more?03:02
bigjoolsnot sure it helps at hyperscale03:03
lifelesshosts moving ip address will confuse and break various things03:04
lifelessin particular juju, which we care a lot about03:04
jtvAt scale, I see no point whatsoever to those user-definable hostnames.  I think they're really only useful for the seed cloud.03:04
lifelessAll the seed cloud discussion i've seen have had juju in the mix03:04
lifelessand there, the hostnames aren't needed with03:04
bigjoolsit may not even be worth worrying about for seeds03:04
lifelessas juju handles all the resolving from service unit -> what to ssh to03:04
bigjoolsthe lease parsing script can just do a dns lookup to get the host name03:05
bigjoolsand poke it in03:05
jtvBy the way, this lease-parsing script you're talking about, where will that sit?03:06
bigjoolsthe one that you wrote you mean?03:07
jtvWell there's no script as such.03:07
bigjoolsit's a Task, yeah03:07
lifelessfwiw it might be a good idea to translate dynamic leases to static ones, when we're running dns03:07
bigjoolsso s/script/Task/ everywhere03:08
bigjoolslifeless: we discussed that03:08
lifelessthat would avoid any chance of accidental ip changes03:08
bigjoolsI think it's fine as-is, because the ip can be re-requested when the lease expires03:09
bigjoolshmmm although if there's a lot of dhcp traffic I'm not sure if that holds03:09
lifelesswhat if a machine is off for maintenance and a sysadmin plugs into the lan temporarilty03:09
lifelesshow do you make sure they aren't holding that machines ip when the machine comes up03:10
bigjoolswhy does it matter if it changes when the machine is down?03:10
bigjoolsit just gets a new one when it comes up03:10
bigjoolscloud, remember? :)03:10
lifelessand all the charm associations that have memoised the ip address break.03:10
bigjoolsif it's down it's not allocated03:11
lifelesswe may have terminology issues03:11
lifelessI mean 'commissioned but powered off'03:11
bigjoolsthen it's still not allocated03:11
lifelesse.g. by someone running 'sudo poweroff' before they plug more disk in.03:11
jtvActually an allocated machine may also be off for longer periods.03:11
jtvThat's up to whoever allocated it.03:11
lifelessI thought we had a more ec2 like model, where power on/off is orthogonal to allocate/deallocate.03:12
bigjoolsI am assuming that if it's allocated it's on03:12
jtvI'm not sure that's a safe assumption.03:12
lifelessI expect that to be the general case.03:12
lifelessbut not the contra positive.03:12
lifelessI mean, but not the entire story.03:12
bigjoolsis that the negative? :)03:12
lifelessthe contrapositive is entirely different :)03:12
lifeless<- sick dammit!03:13
bigjoolsjtv: right, someone could conceivably reboot their allocated hardware03:13
lifelessthey will03:13
lifelessfor kernel upgrades03:13
lifelessfolk do this in ec2 as well03:13
lifelesshaving the leases be dynamic post enrollment really unnerves me.03:14
bigjoolsso we really do need to write static lease maps, or make the lease 100000000 years03:14
jtvAnd at smaller scales where people have access to the hardware they allocated, and the hardware has identity.03:14
lifelessof course if you're using non-managed dhcp03:14
lifelessits a different story03:14
lifelessbut production -> maas to the wall03:14
bigjoolsactually a long lease is also problematic03:16
bigjoolsbecause it's harder to revoke03:17
bigjoolsjtv: I am desperate for food, but can we have a call in a short while?03:18
bigjoolslet's chat about this with a little more bandwidth :)03:18
bigjoolsI'll grab you in about 15-30m03:19
smoseranyone want to review https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/maas/vdenv-updates/+merge/11564503:31
smosershouldn't be anythign controversial there.03:31
bigjoolssmoser: I'll rubber stamp it03:34
bigjoolscan you set a commit message03:34
bigjoolswe need to rip the cobbler stuff out of it soon, will any of it work still or does it now need special magic?03:35
smoserit doesnt do anything cobbler specific now.03:37
smoserassuming the interfaces of 'maas-import-isos' and 'dpkg-reconfigure maas' stay the same. it should continue to work.03:37
jtvsmoser: maas-import-isos is to be replaced by maas-import-pxe-files, which is cobblerless, but for now it still uses the same config file and variables (where applicable)03:39
smoserit really should retain the same name if at all possible03:41
smoseror warn "legacy name, calling maas-import-pxe-files, update your scripts"03:41
jtvThe latter should be easy enough.03:42
smoserok. i just pushed one more change to that branch03:46
bigjoolsgah I wish people would spell "existent" properly03:48
bigjoolsit's even in the cmd line opts03:48
smoserbigjools, i suppose i was wrong above. the zimmer build (which i've been recently working on) is not dependent on cobbler.03:51
smoseri'll have to move some of the cobbler api stuff to just use the maas api03:51
bigjoolswe have a card on the kanban board to fix it03:52
bigjoolsbut if you do it, even better :)03:52
smoserthere is a client library now?03:59
smoseror cmdline client i thought?03:59
smoserhave to bother roaksoax tomorrow.04:09
smoserin my vdenv, i boot a new node, it seems to be going trhough enlistment, shuts itself off, but maas doesn't know about it.04:10
bigjoolssorry smoser, was OTP04:31
bigjoolsthere's no command line client yet04:31
bigjoolsbut it's on the cards04:32
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
smoserroaksoax, awake?12:57
roaksoaxsmoser here!13:00
roaksoaxlifeless: scrolling back and hafl understanding the conversation :) , one of the issues we had with juju from the beginning was the fact that it used hostnames to address to nodes , which in our terms means having a DNS server13:20
rvbaHey smoser.  FYI we are currently working on getting MAAS to work from the tree (we're doing this in the QA lab).  I'm sorry if I was too blunt the other day (saying it was unsupported, etc.) but it will indeed requires us to fix quite a few things to get it working. 2 reasons for that: a) the cobbler-removal work has changed things a bit (everything is unit tested but we need to test that everything works well13:20
rvbatogether) b) like I said, we've always tested MAAS "for real" (i.e. with real nodes) from the package so this will require adjusting paths and stuff like that.13:20
roaksoaxlifeless: we don't care so much about what IP address it had, or if it changed it, as long as we can address a node via its hostname13:20
smoserrvba, glad that you're getting it to work from tree.13:21
smosermy feelings weren't hurt too bad. i stopped crying in a couple hours ;)13:21
roaksoaxrvba: indeed, but I wonder why aren't we doing it on packaging too13:21
rvbasmoser: cool :)13:21
smoserroaksoax, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1100038/13:21
smoserany ideas there?13:22
smoseri get that when a node tries to register.13:22
smosermaas is quantal13:22
rvbaroaksoax: mostly because once we have that, it will allow us to iterate more quickly.  Basically we will find some of the bugs more quickly.13:23
roaksoaxsmoser: ah yeah, known issue, waiting for a SRU: 102401013:23
roaksoaxsmoser: ah yeah, known issue, waiting for a SRU: bug @102401013:23
roaksoaxbug #102401013:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 1024010 in maas-enlist (Ubuntu Precise) "[SRU] After Commission Action 2 no longer exists" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102401013:23
roaksoaxrvba: ok13:23
rvbaroaksoax: known issue indeed :)13:23
roaksoaxrvba: but if the removal is in place, by running stuff from trunk, then i think we probably need to start taking care of releasing it that way in packaging too13:25
rvbaroaksoax: we're in the process of getting it to work from the tree in the QA lab.  But we're not there yet.13:26
roaksoaxsmoser: it is in proposed btw13:26
smoserroaksoax, so how do i fix this?13:27
roaksoaxsmoser: either install maas-enlist from precise-proposed, or you can patch maas temporarily13:28
smoserhow would i install maas-enlist from precise-proposed ?13:30
roaksoaxsmoser: give me a sec i'm writing a patch13:31
smoserany idea on why we we wouldn't have maas server just allow '2' ?13:31
smoserand change it to '0'13:31
roaksoaxsmoser: because they removed the after_commissioning_actions it used to exist, that was 2, because it didn't do anything but we were defaulting to that13:32
roaksoaxsmoser: and after a conversation with rvba we agreed it made no sense to re-enable it, if we just needed to fix it as an sru13:32
roaksoaxsmoser: but now that you mention it, the install cd does not get the updated package right?13:33
smoseri dont know. i think that it would have been worth just allowing 2 as a synonym for 013:33
smoserand warning in logs.13:33
roaksoaxrvba: ^^13:33
smoserwell, roaksoax over time, there will be a new -updates install cd made13:33
smoserbut that package is coming from the rchive anyway13:33
smoserso you'd get the neewer one (i think its being apt-get installed, right?)13:34
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah13:34
rvbaGiven how the code is structured, that would have been awkward to keep the value '2' (which corresponds to something that is unsupported yet).13:34
roaksoaxsmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1100061/13:34
roaksoaxrvba: so I have a patch for powering off machines with celery, it acutally works but i'm having a bit of trouble figuring out the tests (modifying them to not fail): http://paste.ubuntu.com/1100058/13:35
roaksoaxrvba: so if you have some input, it would be great13:36
smoserif roaksoax's patch to maas listed there fixes the problem, then rvba and i have a different definition of "awkward"13:36
rvbasmoser: it seems more logical to fix the place which uses a value ('2') which doesn't exist anymore in the vocabulary rather that to patch how the vocabulary itself to have it store '0' when it is told to store '2'.13:38
rvbaroaksoax: looking.13:39
smoseri think it seems like an unnecessary grasp at perfection resulting breaking of existing things.13:39
smoser2 is not even an int there.13:39
smoserroaksoax, do i have the abilityto hack at the netbooted image at all to add -proposed there?13:40
smoserthat would give us an actual test of -proposed13:40
roaksoaxsmoser: I don't know to be hones, but was thinking that maybe we can tell it to use -proposed thourhg the preseed13:41
smoserroaksoax, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-installer/2009-August/000466.html maybe13:42
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah looks about right13:44
smoserrvba, i admit i'm probably a little grumpy.13:44
roaksoaxsetting it to true should do13:44
smoserbut i do think i'd rather live with a small wart than break some existing user, even if its only for a short time.13:44
rvbasmoser: I understand the concern (and feel the grumpiness).13:45
rvbasmoser: But I'm not sure I understand the problem: why don't we change the client (which uses '2' instead of '0') first, and then the server?13:46
rvbaI'm sure this is a stupid question.13:46
smoserright. if the client does not get the update, but the server does, then you are broken.13:48
smoserother than this window right now, i dont think of a place where this issue should occur.13:49
rvbaroaksoax: I see why the tests are failing.  It is because you now skip the nodes for which power_type is WOL.13:52
rvbaroaksoax: and the API returns an error if the number of returned nodes (when calling 'stop') is 0.13:52
roaksoaxrvba: yeah i changed to not skip, and they still skipped :)., But the tests need to be changed in order to test celery outputs too13:52
smoserroaksoax, can you confirm... the default of the 'default' option gives me a menu13:53
smoserand that menu (i think) defaults to "maas enlist" after 20 seconds13:53
smoserbut its strange that "local boot" is highlighted13:53
roaksoaxsmoser: yep, that's the behavior13:54
roaksoaxrvba: for instance, test_stop_nodes_stops_nodes needs ot be change dto be celery compatible right?13:55
rvbaroaksoax: definitely.13:55
rvbaroaksoax: that's the only test which fails with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1100106/13:56
roaksoaxrvba: alright, cool13:56
rvbaroaksoax: let me give you an example code to check celery's output.13:57
rvbaroaksoax: actually, the celery fixture is activated by default so you simply need to check the content of self.celery.tasks.14:00
smoserroaksoax, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1100114/14:00
smoseri modified the kickstart so i get the above preseed change. and verify that i now get the maas-enlist deb from -prposed14:01
smoser(which is good)14:01
smoserbut then see the end of tha tlog14:01
smoserdid something die?14:01
roaksoaxsmoser: check if maas-pserv is running14:01
roaksoaxsmoser: there seems to be a rare race condition there14:02
roaksoaxsmoser: thath causes maas-pserv no to start14:02
smosermaas-pserv says its running (status maas-pserv)14:02
roaksoaxsmoser: then check cobbler is running, and has the same IP address as maas server14:03
smosersudo cobbler list works.14:05
roaksoaxsmoser: interesting, because the error log shows an xmlrpc error14:06
roaksoaxor, cannot create connectio14:06
smoserroaksoax, well, i did dpkg-reconfigure maas14:12
smoserwatched it restart everything14:12
smoserrestarted apache2 too just for grins14:12
smoserstill see the issue.14:12
roaksoaxsmoser: that's weird indeed. I can't see any other reason why cobbler wouldn't be responding to the xmlrpc14:16
roaksoax rvba if I have "print" statements within the tests, how can I effectively see them without them failing because the print is there14:18
rvbaroaksoax: hum, I confess I never tried to put print statement inside tests (not sure how nose will react to that).  I always use the debugger: put a breakpoint and the run an individual test: ./bin/maas test src/maasserver/tests/test_node.py:NodeManagerTest.test_stop_nodes_stops_nodes -s14:20
roaksoaxrvba: what debugger do you use?14:21
rvbaroaksoax: pdb.  Put a line like 'import pdb;pdb.set_trace' in the code.14:22
smoserroaksoax, it would seem to me that maas-pserv is busted.14:26
smoserstatus is lying.14:26
smoserthe pid is not present.14:26
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah so it didn't really start then14:26
roaksoaxsmoser: there is a race there14:26
smoseri dont think its a race14:26
smoserits not going to start14:26
roaksoaxsmoser: there are situations on which it starts and on which it doens't14:27
roaksoaxsmoser: i have been trying to troubleshoot that yesterday with allenap14:27
smoseri dont think this is that14:28
roaksoaxsmoser: that it is14:28
smoserthats not a race14:28
roaksoaxsmoser: run this manually : sudo twistd -n --uid=maas --gid=maas --pidfile=/run/maas-pserv.pid --logfile=/dev/null maas-pserv --config-file=/etc/maas/pserv.yaml14:28
smoserthats what i did14:29
roaksoaxsmoser: does it run?14:29
smoser(same thing i just pasted you)14:29
roaksoaxah lol14:29
roaksoaxsmoser: ok, go to /usr/share/pyshared/twisted/plugins/maasps.py14:30
roaksoaxsmoser: and add a "raise" before the "paas"14:30
roaksoaxand try to run again manually14:30
roaksoaxit should run normally14:30
roaksoaxit is a race somewhere were it is failing to import something.14:30
roaksoaxthat appeared after allenap added the ftp stuff14:30
roaksoaxrvba: so I've never used pdb before. SO you insert the break point, how do you run the code with pdb?14:34
smoserroaksoax, well, now its running (as in it doesnt crash immediately) but it connections to localhost:5243 still get connection refused.14:34
roaksoaxsmoser: kill it, remove the pid in /run/maas.pid14:34
smoserit removes that14:35
roaksoaxsmoser: and start maas-pserv again14:35
rvbaroaksoax: you just run the test(s) normally but with the option '-s', for instance with "./bin/maas test src/maasserver/tests/test_node.py:NodeManagerTest.test_stop_nodes_stops_nodes -s"14:35
rvbaOr "./bin/maas test src/maasserver/tests/test_node.py"14:35
roaksoaxright i add the -s but it still finishes without giving me a console to debug it14:36
rvbaroaksoax: are you sure you put your breakpoint in the code that gets executed?  "./bin/maas test src/maasserver/tests/test_node.py" executes only the tests in test_node.py.14:37
rvbaAnd that should be "./bin/maas test src/maasserver/tests/test_node.py -s"14:38
roaksoaxrvba: yeah I put the breakpoint in the code, not the tests14:39
rvbaroaksoax: that's all right, as long as the code gets executed, you should get pdb prompt.14:39
rvbaroaksoax: care to share the diff?14:39
roaksoaxrvba: ah never mind, i had () missing after set_trace :)14:40
rvbaroaksoax: I see :)14:40
rvbaroaksoax: My fault, 'import pdb;pdb.set_trace()'14:41
smoserroaksoax, so... how can i get past this?14:42
roaksoaxsmoser: now after manually running it, you should be able to run it with upstarts (maas-pserv that is) and eveyrthing should e running normally14:42
roaksoaxsmoser: i've been trying to figure what is wrong without success14:42
smoserroaksoax, no14:43
smoserafter i run it, no 5243 is open on localhost14:43
roaksoaxsmoser: i'm waiting for allenap's to finihs writing a branch to see if that got this fixed14:43
roaksoaxsmoser: try to do a reboot mabe?14:46
roaksoaxrvba: but anyways, other than that, I'm changing the test in such a way that it no longer uses WOl, but virsh, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1100178/ but it requires the binary14:48
roaksoaxrvba: but the other wol tests, don't require the ether_wake binary14:48
rvbaroaksoax: you can patch PowerAction.run_shell to make it do nothing.  This way, you still tests that the task has been fired but you don't have to deal with the real consequences.14:50
rvbaroaksoax: see how it's done in test_get_effective_power_parameters_provides_usable_defaults (src/maasserver/tests/test_node.py): self.patch(PowerAction, 'run_shell', lambda *args, **kwargs: ('', ''))14:52
roaksoaxyep :)14:52
realnorth_I was wondering if anyone could help me out with this problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/165545/maas-install-64-bit-client-nodes-doesnt-work14:52
realnorth_basically I can't get 64 bit precise installed on client nodes14:53
realnorth_the network boot only boots 32 bit14:53
roaksoaxrealnorth_: hi!14:54
roaksoaxrealnorth_: so the machines 1. enlist. 2. commission. 3. deploy?14:55
roaksoaxrealnorth_: when you have MAAS installed, and you start enlisting machines, it will actually autodetect the architecture14:55
roaksoaxbut for enlistment it will run the Ubuntu installer on i38614:55
roaksoaxonce enlisted, you "Accept & Commission"14:56
roaksoaxthey will commissioning using an ephemeral image14:56
roaksoaxis that the process you are following?14:56
realnorth_I have the parent node all set up14:56
realnorth_and then I network boot the other machines14:56
realnorth_pxe boot14:56
realnorth_they are bare with no OS on them14:56
realnorth_it boots over the network14:57
realnorth_and gives me like 6 options14:57
realnorth_with a 20 second timer14:57
realnorth_If I let the timer go out it'll install i38614:57
realnorth_if I choose any other option it doesn't register with the parent node14:57
realnorth_there is maas-precise-i386, maas-precise-i386-commisioning, maas-precise-x86_64, maas-precise-x86_64, ubuntu-precise-i386, ubuntu-precise-x86_6414:58
realnorth_and I think there is a maas-enlist option14:58
realnorth_the one that is default is local14:59
realnorth_I don't think I tried the maas-enlist option14:59
realnorth_but I mean there is like no documentation on what any of those options are or where they come from14:59
realnorth_I followed those directions and it did the i386 version15:00
realnorth_not the x86_6415:00
roaksoaxrealnorth_: the default is not local, it is maas-nelist, but in the UI it shows 'local'15:01
roaksoaxbut it actually selects maas-enlist15:01
roaksoaxin order to deploy15:01
roaksoaxbut anyways, you need to let the timer finsih by itsel15:02
roaksoaxand let that node register itself in MAAS15:02
realnorth_yeah but at that time it selects the i38615:02
realnorth_not the x86_6415:02
roaksoaxrealnorth_: it doesn't matter15:02
roaksoaxrealnorth_: it is not deploying ubuntu15:02
roaksoaxit is just enlisting15:02
realnorth_when is anything installed on it15:02
roaksoaxrealnorth_: once the machien enlists into 'MAAS', then you go to the MAAS WebUI, and clic on 'Accept & Commission'15:03
roaksoaxthat will (or should) start the machine again tfor the commissioning process15:03
roaksoaxrealnorth_: once that process is done, then the machine will be in 'Ready' starte15:03
roaksoaxstate* and you will be able to deploy Ubuntu15:03
roaksoaxwhen you deploy, it will install 64bit version15:04
roaksoaxrealnorth_: are you looking into using juju15:04
realnorth_that's what I was planning on doing15:04
realnorth_so I just boot them normally let it time out15:06
realnorth_and then juju will handle installing the real OS right?15:06
realnorth_after it has been commissioned and everything15:06
roaksoaxrealnorth_: yeah, so 1. boot, let them time out for enlistment. 2. 'Accept&Commission' on WebUI, make sure it boots up again and let it commission (you'll need to configure the power management features correctly). 3. When machines are in 'Ready' state, you can use juju to deploy them15:07
realnorth_what power management settings are you talking about?15:08
roaksoaxrealnorth_: from the MAAS webui, you'll need to configure PowerManagement15:08
roaksoaxrealnorth_: though in precise there are only few supported15:08
realnorth_alright I know what you are saying now15:08
realnorth_one last question15:09
realnorth_to do the WOL do you need to open a port for every MAC on the MAAS parent?15:09
roaksoaxrealnorth_: nope. The network cards should already be configured torespond to WoL requests15:10
roaksoaxrealnorth_: MAAS simply sends a WoL packet to the node15:10
realnorth_thanks you have been a real help15:10
realnorth_I wish the Ubuntu docs had a bit better explanation of things15:11
roaksoaxrealnorth_: yeah we are also looking to have better docs sometime in the near future :)15:11
smoserroaksoax, so i reboot15:12
smoserno dice15:12
smoserdo you want to come in and poke around?15:12
roaksoaxsmoser: sure15:12
roaksoaxrvba: finally it got it. Thanks for the help! Was cracking my head last night trying to get this test to work15:14
rvbaroaksoax: do you remember why we generate a default hostname if none is provided? (I'm asking you because it turns out you introduced that method: node.set_mac_based_hostname).  Now that we're going to change the hostname to be IP based I'm wondering if we can ditch that.  The only difference is that before the node will be assigned an IP, the hostname will be ''.  Would that be a problem?15:16
roaksoaxrvba: wait, are you pre-assigning an IP address to the enlisted nodes?15:17
rvbaroaksoax: no, the plan is to parse the DHCP lease file to get the IP address.  Then a node will always get the same IP from the DHCP server.15:17
roaksoaxrvba: right, is there an email thread where this is being discussed to address this15:18
rvbaroaksoax: the hostname will be ip-based, à la amazon
rvbaroaksoax: yes, I'm implementing that precisely :)15:18
roaksoaxrvba: is this being discussed in an email thread?15:19
roaksoaxrvba: cause there might not be a need to parse the leases file15:19
rvbaroaksoax: my question is about that method: node.set_mac_based_hostname.  I'd like to remember why this was introduced, to assess if I can ditch it now that we're changing the hostnames to be IP-based.15:19
rvbaroaksoax: that's actually another question.  I'm working on changing the usage of node.hostname at the moment.15:20
rvbaroaksoax: see the discussion on the maas-dev list.15:20
rvbaroaksoax: more specifically, the threads with 'DNS' in the title.15:21
roaksoaxrvba: yeahc being the one having worked on Orchestra/Juju stuff at first, I think DNS was an issue15:21
roaksoaxbut anyways15:21
roaksoaxto answer your question15:21
roaksoaxrvba: that method was added because during the enlistment process, we do not sent a hostname that we'd like the machine to be registered with15:23
roaksoaxrvba: however, we needed a hostname to be automatically determined15:23
roaksoaxrvba: at the moment, we decided it was simple enough to use a MAC address and generate the hostname based on that15:23
rvbaroaksoax: do you remember why exactly?  Is this only to have something to show in the UI?15:24
rvbaBecause we didn't want to show the system-id?15:24
roaksoaxrvba: no because we needed the hostname to make it addresseable to juju15:24
roaksoaxrvba: juju *needs* hostnames15:24
rvbaroaksoax: indeed, so what I'm doing is going to replace that then.15:24
roaksoaxrvba: we cannot have a machine without a hostname, can we?15:24
rvbaWell, it will be without a hostname right after it's been added.15:25
roaksoaxrvba: well i think a hostname should be assigned on enlistment15:25
rvbaBut as soon as the node will get an IP address, it's hostname will be set.15:25
rvbaSo juju will be happy.15:25
roaksoaxrvba: right15:25
roaksoaxrvba: but you are giving the node a IP address on enlistment, commissioning, and deployment15:26
roaksoaxrvba: why complicate the process when nit should be kept simple15:26
roaksoaxrvba: IMHO, on enlistment, you should set the hostname. Simple as that15:26
roaksoaxrvba: whether it is based on IP, MAC or randomness, it should be set15:26
rvbaThe plan is to have very long lease times so the same IP will be assigned to a node everytime it boots.15:26
roaksoaxrvba: right, so why determine a hostname only in the last boot, when it can be determined on enlistment15:27
roaksoaxcause as you mention, the idea is to keep15:27
roaksoaxa long time lease15:27
rvbaroaksoax: the DHCP server is in charge of assigning the IPs.  So we won't know why IP has been chosen until the node is booted up.15:28
roaksoaxrvba: exactly, and that is either on 1. enlistment, 2. commissioning. 3. deploying15:28
rvbaroaksoax: not sure I follow, 'enlisment' is simply about registering the node inside MAAS.  'commissioning' will be the when the node boots up for the first time so that's where the IP will be determined, once and for all.15:30
roaksoaxrvba: well, you already give an IP on enlistment, why would I need to do that on commissioning if you can get it early enough from enlistment15:34
roaksoaxrvba: i can't really recall whether ytou needed a hostname when adding a machine to maas as a requirement, whether it was enlisted or not15:34
roaksoaxI think if you didn't send one it would fail to enlist/add15:34
roaksoaxrvba: eitherway, the enlistment process should be able to tell MAAS the IP address that the client got15:35
roaksoaxenlistment already knows its IP, and should probably feed that back to MAAS to generate a hostname15:35
rvbaNo the hostname has always been optional, precisely because we could generate a MAC-based hostname.15:35
rvbaroaksoax: I'm sorry but I don't see when the IP is given to MAAS during enlistment.15:36
roaksoaxrvba: we don't, we could15:36
roaksoaxrvba: either way there was thoughts of making enlistment/commissioning 1 step15:36
roaksoaxrvba: give me a sec and I'll give a better explanation of this15:38
rvbaroaksoax: we've got 2 types of enlistment, the one you're talking about where we have the IP and the manual enlistment where a user adds a node in the UI.  I'm not sure we want to ask the user the IP in this case, the mac address should be enough for MAAS to get going.  And in this case we will need to get the IP from the lease when the machine will be booted up.15:39
roaksoaxrvba: when you add a node from the UI, you can automatically select an IP for that15:40
rvbaroaksoax: how?15:40
roaksoaxrvba: give me a sec please15:40
roaksoaxrvba: btw.. from now on, are we going to enforce our own DHCP/DNS in mass without the possibility of using an external one?15:44
rvbaroaksoax: now, that's still going to be an option.15:44
roaksoaxrvba: ok so lets addres External DNS/DHCP server first15:48
roaksoaxrvba: So, during nelistment, the machine boots up and recieves a IP and a hostname from the external DHCP server. it uses both of those to enlist itself in MAAS15:50
roaksoaxthen the hostname is set in MAAS for the enlistment15:50
roaksoaxwhich is required as it is the one given to juju15:50
roaksoaxand later on, juju uses the hostname in MAAS nodes to conectat the deployed nodes15:51
rvbaroaksoax: why do we need the IP in this case?15:53
roaksoaxrvba: we don't. juju doesn't really care what IP the server has15:54
roaksoaxrvba: it cares about the hostname15:54
rvbaroaksoax: so MAAS only needs to get the hostname then, not the IP.15:54
roaksoaxrvba: yes, that's in the case of running external DNS/DHCP15:55
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
roaksoaxin the case of running one within, we need to make sure the node gets a hostname. We don't care what IP address is given to the node, because juju doesn';t care15:55
rvbaBut since we need to write the DNS zone file, we have to get the IP.15:56
roaksoaxhowever, the issue being experienced by you guys is "How do I do DDNS"?15:56
rvbafiles* even, forward and reverse.15:56
roaksoaxright, that's DDNS15:56
roaksoaxso your recommendation, instead of doing DDNS, is "let's parse the lease file"15:57
rvbaRobert's recommendation is: write a zone for each nodegroup with the full range of possible IPs, then use hostname derived from the IP addresses.  Just like amazon does.15:57
roaksoaxthat;s fine15:58
roaksoaxrvba: but, does that mean admins won't be manually able to set their own hostname?15:58
rvbaroaksoax: indeed, they won't be able to do that.15:58
roaksoaxrvba: that's something I personally don't agree with16:00
roaksoaxrvba: if you have an external DNS/DHCP, you are allowing them to do that16:00
roaksoaxrvba: if you have an internal, you are giving them the option16:00
roaksoaxrvba: from my point of view, administrators will want to know what machine is what machine, and the only way to do that is by hostname16:00
roaksoaxthat's me though16:00
roaksoaxmy personal perception16:01
rvbaroaksoax: the main goal for maas is to be a provider for juju so I really think that's fine also.  Also, once you are playing with more than a handful of nodes, you won't want to customize the nodes' hostnames.16:01
roaksoaxmaybe you do, maybe you dont16:01
roaksoaxbut that's why there are 'name' constraints in juju16:01
roaksoaxyto allow us to select a particular node16:01
roaksoaxrvba: and that was very helpful in the ODS16:02
roaksoaxrvba: but anyways, these thouhgs of mine should go on the email response16:03
rvbaroaksoax: I'm not really sure we have a choice here, unless we want to manually rewrite the zone files each and every time a hostname changes.16:03
roaksoaxrvba: we don't really, once a node is enlisted we have a hostname and a zone written for it16:04
roaksoaxrvba: we should not be able to simply edit the hostname16:04
roaksoaxrvba: but anyways, the thing is that if in enlistment with external DNS/DHCP I already know the hostname16:04
roaksoaxrvba: I could determine the hostname in the enlistment process and send it back to MAAS16:04
roaksoaxrvba: that's what I wanted to do at first, but was decided to do it on the maas side16:05
roaksoaxso during enlist, we already know the IP address, and can simply say "This is my IP" and maas server can say "Enlistment, thanks, your IP will always the one you just got"16:05
rvbaAnd MAAS will have to write the zone files.16:06
roaksoaxrvba: or you can parse the leases file by MAC and add the IP, as in: DHCP gave to MAC aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff , so on enlistment on the maas side "I got your enlistment request Aaa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "the IP dhcp gave you is"16:06
roaksoaxrvba: if we are trying to avoid writing zones, then have no possibility of naming our own nodes16:07
roaksoaxwhich means we lose functionality16:07
rvbaI'm not trying to avoid writing zones files.  I've just added the ability to write zone files in MAAS yesterday :).16:08
rvbaBut we're trying to keep it simple :).16:08
roaksoaxI personally think allowing us to set our own hostnames, is a good thing. In the hyperscale where we need things on depand and we are gonna run thoundsands of servers, that will be used on deman based on, lets say, usage needs, then we don't really care about hostnames16:08
roaksoaxrvba: but I personally think others will want to know the hostnames and what they have there and deploy accordingly16:09
realnorth_not to interrupt your conversation but I have a really quick question16:09
realnorth_can  you have maas boot a specific iso not just ubuntu precise?16:10
realnorth_cobbler can but I was hoping for something simple through maas16:10
rvbaroaksoax: I understand your concerns but I think you should send an email to the list.  I'd like Robert to be part of the discussion.16:10
roaksoaxrvba: so, let me go through the emails, and give my thouhgs.16:11
roaksoaxrvba: heh yeah :)16:11
roaksoaxrvba: but to keep things simple, I think the hostname generation should be kept as simple as possible, and if you wanna change from MAC to IP "If MAAS is DHCP/DNS", then you would need to check that in the lease file for now16:11
roaksoaxrvba: because DHCP will already know what IP it gave to what MAC, so on enlistment, you already have the MAC then you just obtain the IP from that lease file16:12
roaksoaxand voala16:12
rvbaWell, that's the plan.  We will fetch the IP as soon as possible but if someone registers a new MAC which does not correspond to an assigned IP (because the machine hasn't been booted yet), then we will need for that machine to boot to get its IP.16:14
roaksoaxrvba: right, but when it comes to maas, we only need the first mac for the internal/deployment network16:22
roaksoaxrvba: which would be the "maas-management" network16:22
rvbaThat's right but my point above is still valid.  That MAC might not be in the lease table.16:23
roaksoaxrvba: if I enlist into maas with X ethernet card, then the mac will be in the lease table16:27
roaksoaxrvba: that same X card will be the same used in commissioning and deployment, wouldn't it?16:27
rvbaroaksoax: yes, but maybe at enlistment time, that card is completely unknown, that's my point.16:28
roaksoaxrvba: right, it is uknown, but, does DHCP go: "I received a request from aa:bb:cc. I selecte ip and granted it to aa:bb:cc"16:30
roaksoaxdoesn't it do that?16:30
rvbaroaksoax: it does that when the machine boots up.  If the machine has never booted up yet, then the dhcp lease file does not contain that information.16:32
roaksoaxrvba: exatly, so on enlistment, the machine boots up, requests IP, DHCP server knows about it, then whne it sends the enlistment requirest, it grants it a hostname16:38
rvbaroaksoax: we're going in circles here.  I completely agree.  But when a user manually enlists a node by providing only its MAC, then, if the node was never booted up, we can't get its IP address.  We will need to wait for the node to be booted up (during commissioning) to get its IP.16:39
roaksoaxrvba: when you manually enlist, you can simply select one IP address from the pool and grant it automatically16:40
roaksoaxrvba: you manually nelist, you already know the MAC address, then you simply autoselect an IP address16:40
roaksoaxyou already know the range, you already know which ones are in use, and which ones are free16:41
rvbaBut you don't know which one the DHCP server will pick.16:41
roaksoaxrvba: we do not care which one it picks16:43
roaksoaxwe just need one16:43
roaksoaxrvba: so its like "Hi I'm aa:bb:cc and I need an IP addres", "Hi aa:bb:cc, i have IP free and i'm gonna give it to you" "thanks DHCP< now my hostname is blablabl."16:45
rvbaroaksoax: Ok, so you want to do the DHCP request manually in MAAS. Now I get it :)16:48
roaksoaxrvba: yeah just check what IP addresses are free and select one from the pool and tell the DHCP "the ip for MAC aa:bb:cc will be"16:49
rvbaroaksoax: ok16:51
rvbaroaksoax: I need to run, thanks a lot for your insights; please reply to the thread 'Strategy regarding DNS and static DHCP leases' on the maas-devel MP.  I'd like this to be discussed by everyone.16:53
roaksoaxrvba: will do, but will do it internally only as I might mention private stuff16:53
rvbaroaksoax: ok16:54
smoserroaksoax, does that make any sense?17:01
roaksoaxsmoser: i don;t recall seeing something like that17:03
roaksoaxsmoser: but rvba did make some changes in the wsgi file that changed the behaviour of the avahi stuff17:03
roaksoaxwhich in fact might be the cause of this17:03
smoseri'm running from ubuntu package17:03
roaksoaxsmoser: /usr/share/maas/wsgi.py is the cause of that error17:12
smoserroaksoax, ok. so i now have my ssystem that does not show the issue17:13
smoserthe thing i did was disable the rc.local script17:16
smosermaas-set-ip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1100460/17:16
smoserrc.local script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1100461/17:16
smoserso there is a race there.17:17
smoserroaksoax, can you look at maas-set-ip and tell what i've done wrong there?17:19
smoseror what i should not do ?17:19
roaksoaxsmoser: i get this error when I run it : awk: line 1: regular expression compile failed (missing operand)17:23
roaksoaxsmoser: but other than that, nothing seems wrong17:24
smoserroaksoax, can you explain that? it deost make sense. to me.17:30
smoseri dont knwo what regular expression could be bad17:31
smosercan you run it with 'sh -x' ?17:31
roaksoaxsmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1100500/17:44
smoserso if you just run17:48
smoser awk '{gsub("*","");} $1 == key { print $2 }' key=maas/default-maas /etc/passwd17:48
smoserdoes that give that error?17:48
smoserroaksoax, ^17:50
roaksoaxsmoser: oh your problem might be that then, it cannot connect to xmlrpc because you are using the worng password for it17:51
smoserroaksoax, are you running bsd?17:52
smoseror some form of aix?17:52
roaksoaxlol it is a quantal image17:52
smoserno its not quantal17:52
roaksoaxubuntu@server-13819:~$ awk '{gsub("*","");} $1 == key { print $2 }' key=maas/default-maas /etc/passwd17:52
smoseri call foul there.17:52
smoserits 12.0417:52
roaksoaxawk: line 1: regular expression compile failed (missing operand)17:52
roaksoaxsmoser: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1100516/17:53
roaksoaxsmoser: in my machine the error is not sohwn though17:53
smoserdpkg -S `which awk`17:54
smoserer.. i guess17:54
smoserupdate-alternatives --display awk17:55
smoseryou have mawk.17:55
smoserbut ok. i'll fix anywy. its just a matter of putting '[*]' i think17:55
smoserroaksoax, so i definitely think its a race condition based on running that maas-set-ip in rc.local17:58
roaksoaxmay be indeed18:04
=== dpb_ is now known as Guest78961
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1021861 in MAAS "Transient error /w MAAS provider: Unknown operation: 'list_allocated'." [Undecided,New]18:25
adam_gam i the only one hitting this? seems 25% of juju's commands are failing because of it18:26
realnorth_anyone know of a way to boot an iso other than ubuntu?18:32
realnorth_like for booting up a node18:35
roaksoaxrealnorth_: While it is not supported, nor recommended, you could hack your way around it18:39
roaksoaxrealnorth_: you'd have to import an iso and replace the profiles within cobbler18:40
realnorth_for ubuntu?18:40
realnorth_I would have to replace the ubuntu profile with the one I want booted?18:41
roaksoaxrealnorth_: you would have to point the profiles to a different distro18:41
lifelessroaksoax: juju uses the address the provider supplies20:29
lifelessroaksoax: maas provider can supply ip addresses20:29
lifelessroaksoax: I was thinking about this overnight and there is no need for dns integration at all for the juju hyperscale story AFAICT20:30
roaksoaxlifeless: TBH, I do not know how things have changed from back when I did the initial orchestra/juju work, but at the time, juju (ensemble at the time) did not support the use of IP address and it was made very clear to me that it will never do that20:31
lifelessroaksoax: the openstack provider shoves the ip address into the host fields.20:33
lifelessroaksoax: and I have a patch I run here that uses ip addresses for ec2 to make devstack installs work properly.20:34
lifelessroaksoax: so, there may be political issues. But concretely speaking, it works, and well, to just use IP.20:34
lifelessroaksoax: in case you're thinking 'but using DNS protects from ip changes in ec2' or whatever - it doesn't: ec2 dns names are 1:1 with IP, if IP changes, DNS name changes too.20:35
lifelessthe only reliable mapping is instance id -> public,private hostname.20:35
roaksoaxlifeless: I see, well I don't have anything against juju addressing to the machines via ip rather than hostna,me, as I was pushing for that back then.20:35
lifelessso as an experiment you could try changing the maas provider locally to use the ip address20:36
roaksoaxlifeless: the only thing though, is the maas juju provider name constraints (as detailed on the email)20:36
roaksoaxuse hostnames20:36
lifelessI think we need to reevaluate some of the stack here20:36
lifelessis that sensible for a 10K install20:37
lifelessif not, ok, so how do we do it for a 5 node install20:37
roaksoaxbut I think that's merely knowing the name whithin maas and then communication can be done through IP20:37
lifelessfor a 5 node, I can imagine labelling the node in the MAAS UI, and letting the API say 'this named node', and yeah - after that, IP all the way.20:37
roaksoaxlifeless: yeah in the email I detailed my position about defining a ip based hostname works for hyperscale but not for small deployments where admins might want to set names to identify their machines20:38
roaksoaxlifeless: an yeah I agree, as the email mentioned, at ODS we used the named constraints to install certain components on certain machines and I think that's a feature that hsould be kept20:38
roaksoaxbut the apprach can be changed to use IP address as communication and the hostname as simple labelling20:39
lifelessroaksoax: you realise you went off-list ?20:53
roaksoaxlifeless: yes20:54
lifelessrobbiew: Hey, I'm around anytime20:56
robbiewlifeless: cool...in an hour work for you?20:56
realnorth_is there a link for all the environment variables I can use?21:25
realnorth_there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of information on what I can use or change21:26
realnorth_or add21:26
lifelessits all meant to be via the UI21:43
lifelessas MAAS runs as a daemon21:43
lifelessis there something in particular you are looking for?21:43
lifelessrobbiew: just putting cynthia to bed; may be a little late as a result21:52
lifelessrobbiew: ok, so am ready when you are21:56
robbiewlifeless: coolio21:59
lifelessinvite winging its way to you now22:00

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