
=== ashams_ is now known as ashams
=== darkchar1 is now known as darkcharl
fdrHi! I reported this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cheese/+bug/1026587 and the triager marked it as "Incomplete" and asked a couple of questions. I've answered the questions -- now should I also change the status of the bug? Thanks!14:12
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1026587 in cheese "Cheese segfaults on start" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:12
LoTfdr: lemme see14:15
fdrLoT, thx. Just wondering if I should also change the status as a signal to the triager that his/her question is now answered.14:15
LoTfdr: its still technically incomplete.14:16
LoTsince its missing information14:16
LoTso i would not change its staus14:16
fdrok, thx14:21
LoTfdr: also, he's subscribed to all bug notifications14:23
LoTso he's likely already seen an email about it14:23
hggdhfdr: when all questions are answered move the status to New again16:06
astraljavaHi gang, running quantal here, on a Studio box. IÍ„'m deliberately testing -generic alongside with -lowlatency, the default with Studio. Question: Should I file a bug when update-manager tells me a reboot is needed, when only the other kernel type was updated? Meaning, I'm currently running -lowlatency, and after the -generic update, I have the counter-clockwise indicator telling me I need a reboot.17:35
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
penguin42astraljava: Hmm, which one becomes the default boot kernel?17:40
astraljavapenguin42: -lowlatency17:41
penguin42astraljava: How do you setit up so that lowlatency is the default boot kernel?17:42
astraljavapenguin42: I didn't, it was that way once I installed this instance from Studio image.17:42
penguin42astraljava: Then yeh I'd say that's a bug - you may get some disagreement :-)17:44
astraljavapenguin42: Alright, it doesn't much more than lobotomy, I suppose. *grin*17:46
astraljavahurt much more*17:46
* penguin42 washes the icepick17:46
penguin42astraljava: So the reason I asked those questions; if you had done something weird to select which kernel was the default I'd understand the updater not realising, but if it's the default setup then it seems reasonable it should know17:47
astraljavapenguin42: I got ya. The only change related to this was installing the -generic after installation. I was a tad surprised it didn't get selected as the default kernel, but *shrug*.17:48
penguin42astraljava: Ah well, then is that actually the bug?17:49
astraljavaI really have no idea cause I don't know the expected behaviour behind these methods.17:50
astraljavaShould I ask on -devel?17:50
penguin42me neither; you could try or maybe -kernel?17:51
astraljavaI suppose they'll point me towards kernel-land if that's inappropriate. Thanks, bro!17:51
astraljavapenguin42: Supposedly it's a built-in procedure in every kernel package, ie. not-a-bug.17:56
micahgastraljava: not just kernel, any package can trigger a restart if it needs to18:06
astraljavamicahg: That I did expect, actually. I just didn't know the mechanism behind the functionality, and thus whether this was erroneous or not. Thanks a lot for clearing up the confusion!18:09
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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