
=== Ming is now known as Guest48309
LetoThe2ndis https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/KernelGitGuide maybe outdated / incorrect?07:57
LetoThe2ndthe suggested git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/linux-2.6 just gives me "fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly"07:58
LetoThe2ndi guess it should be git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/linux.git07:59
LetoThe2ndjudging from gitweb, right?07:59
RAOFYou want the bit directly above there, where it says you're after git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-quantal.git07:59
LetoThe2ndRAOF: nah, i picked it on purpose because of the referencing07:59
=== Ming is now known as Guest78405
skaetogasawara, will the kernel uploaded yesterday (3.5.0-5.5) be the one we'll be sticking with for A3 or is there another planned drop?14:58
ogasawaraskaet: if upstream v3.5-rc8 lands, we'd like to upload it, but if not we'll likely stick with 3.5.0-5.5.  I currently don't have any critical bug fixes queued to warrant another upload at this time.15:00
skaetogasawara,  thanks.   15:01
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
bjfutlemming, we need to have the discussion here16:33
apwutlemming, yo ... 16:33
apwbug #102669016:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 1026690 in linux-meta "3.0.0.-23.38-virtual kernel regression kills EC2 instances" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102669016:33
apwsmb, ^^16:33
utlemmingThe impact is that all 32-bit EC2 instances that consume that SRU are toast16:34
smbI am trying to find out what taht kernel has in and whther its the latest16:34
utlemmingInstance-store users will lose all data, and EBS users will have a painful recovery16:34
bjfutlemming: we are looking16:36
utlemmingbjf: thanks16:36
smbutlemming, Was the last version working? (-23.37 I think)16:41
utlemmingsmb: yes, that is the latest16:46
utlemmingsmb: we didn't see problems before .3816:46
infinity22.36 was the previous.  23.37 was a dud.16:47
smbHm, actually would be one before because that one is a no-change uplaod16:47
smbAnd that one only had one xen specific patch in which would filter some cpu feature bits...16:47
smbDoes not sound likely to be relevant there...16:47
smbAnd the cmpxchg fix I thought of was in before that or with it16:48
smbThink I may have found something, there was a fix for a fix in precise but does not seem to have made it to stable of 3.016:50
smbthp: avoid atomic64_read in pmd_read_atomic for 32bit PAE16:51
infinityShould I violently pull that binary from -updates while you guys sort this out?16:53
utlemminginfinity: +116:54
smbbjf, herton If we could pick a77da6dcf81fb3346d3449a4925515343c9f18b9 from precise and do a rebuild?16:55
infinityRemoving packages:16:56
infinitylinux-image-3.0.0-23-virtual 3.0.0-23.38 in oneiric i38616:56
infinityComment: Broken SRU; blows up EC2 instances16:56
infinityRemove [y|N]? 16:56
infinity^-- Should do?16:56
infinity(It'll mean people get an error from apt on upgrade, but sure beats the alternative)16:56
utlemminginfinity: if there was a work around, I'd say leave it, but given that it kills the instance, leaving it is inviting user pain16:57
* infinity nods.16:57
utlemmingkernel team, do disagree about pulling it? 16:57
infinityToo late if they do.16:58
ckingbjf, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~colin-king/ecryptfs/test-fixes/revision/70516:58
smbherton, sorry 6e60d7d7667a47b1b8760a45d95547799f4df2c516:59
utlemminginfinity: will that be reflected in the meta-data later? 16:59
infinityutlemming: It'll drop out of the Packages file on the next mirror pulse.16:59
infinity(And off disk)16:59
utlemminginfinity: great. I'm just thinking of how long before it propigates to the S3 mirrors.17:00
ckingtyhicks, i've got a couple of eCryptfs patches that fix up some issues we see on our automatic eCryptfs tests, can you pull or merge these sometime for us?17:00
apwutlemming, #is maintain those i think ... perhaps they can expedite17:00
utlemmingapw: yup, I'll go over there and ask them17:01
infinityIS can 403 files on the mirrors they own.  That said, by the time they finish that, this pulse might happen.17:03
infinity(It'll happen in about 25m)17:03
bjfskaet: do you have an incident report started ?17:03
apwinfinity, indeed.  and thankfully it is oneiric so there should be a much lower penetration17:04
skaetbjf,  ^ just started.17:04
infinityapw: Hopefully, yeah.17:07
infinitybjf: If you guys can fast-track an SRU with just this fix, I'll be happy to help babysit it through the process.17:08
bjfinfinity: ack17:08
tyhickscking: Yeah, sorry I haven't been able to get to it yet. Looking now.17:09
infinityShould be able to skip most everything except a "does it boot and, like, contain useful files" regression test, and obviously testing that it fixes the EC2 breakage.17:09
apwutlemming, this issue has only been seen with O instances right ?17:12
infinitybjf: And it might not be outlandish to suggest that "spin up an EC2 instance on $release and upgrade to the -proposed kernel" should be part of the standard QA process here. ;)17:12
bjfgema, pgraner, ^17:13
pgranerbjf, I thought we did that already as part of the SRU testing, I'm waiting on hggdh to confirm17:14
utlemmingapw: checking all the others now17:14
pgranerbjf, and for some reason if we don't then we will 17:14
slangasek(low priority, feel free to ignore me during the crisis) anyone know why we don't set CONFIG_EARLY_PRINTK_DBGP in our kernel configs?17:14
apwslangasek, will look17:15
utlemmingapw: confirming the others now. 17:15
slangasekapw: it happens that this would be handy for me at the moment while trying to debug UEFI boot failures at Plug Fest; but I have no idea if it would be sensible to enable it generally17:15
utlemmingapw: precise is unaffected with
apwslangasek, ok that sounds like something that might be safe to have on if the kit is missing, and it sunds like cking may have one.  is there a bug on this, i want to get cking to investigate17:20
bjfutlemming, we believe we've identified the bad commit as well as the commit that fixes the issue17:21
slangasekapw: haven't open a bug yet, I can do so17:21
bjfutlemming, this problem seems to be unique to Oneiric kernels which only have the bad commit and not the fix17:21
tyhickscking: done - thanks!17:21
bjfutlemming, we are working to verify all of that17:21
apwslangasek, awsome, get me the number and i'll get it looked into.  efi not working in early boot is likley to be a high probabality in the next cycle or two17:21
utlemmingbjf: glad to hear. If you have a build of the fix, I'll test it too17:22
hggdhpgraner, bjf: we fire off EC2 from the ./current/, not from $RELEASE17:22
bjfhggdh: do we do any kernel upgrade testing ?17:24
hggdhbjf: we fire off an existing ec2 image (from the current set), enable -proposed, and run a dist-upgrade; then reboot, and run the tests17:25
infinityhggdh: On i386 as well?  This was i386-specific, so an amd64 test wouldn't have caught it.17:26
utlemminghggh: we caught it here: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/ec2%20AMI%20Testing/view/Overview/job/oneiric-server-ec2-daily/17:26
utlemmingwhich tests the daily ec2 image builds17:27
smbutlemming, Can you do quick verifications when I get you a test kernel build?17:27
utlemmingsmb: yes...and gladly17:27
hggdhinfinity: on both i386 and amd6417:27
infinityhggdh: Curious that this slipped through, then, given that it appears to be universally fatal. :/17:27
utlemminghggdh: do you have logs of that test?17:28
smbutlemming, ok, give me a couple of minutes. 17:28
infinityhggdh: Can you re-do your test by hand before the mirrors pulse the kernel out of existence, and prove/show that the test worked for you?  It would be valuable to know how or why this slipped through the cracks.17:29
apwinfinity, +117:29
hggdhinfinity, utlemming: I am re-running them, but I guess I already found the reason -- I mistakenly got a amd64 run in place of the i38617:30
hggdhand I did get the bad kernel on the dist-upgrade17:32
apwhggdh, sounds like we need a arch/kernelversion/machine confirmation test as the first test in every test set17:35
bjfhggdh, if these were matrix tests, that might make it more difficult to have this case ?17:36
infinityNot that we can test on all hardware (sadly), but at least being able to test Xen and KVM machines seems easy enough.17:36
hggdhbjf: sort of. I certainly see the reason to have a coverage like in the current ec2 tests (which we do not have right now)17:37
hggdh(meaning a mix of regions/types/etc)17:38
bjfutlemming, should QA be running the ec2 tests that you found this issue with ?17:38
utlemmingbjf: well, how we found the issue was making sure that our daily builds work, not the package set17:40
utlemmingbjf: so if they have proposed covered, then I think not17:40
hggdhutlemming: actually, yes (in this case), since you grab the current (daily) kernel, and it was updated already17:41
hggdhbut this is a post facto finding17:41
utlemminghgggh: right17:42
bjfpgraner: who on your team should i add to the incident report ?17:54
hggdhbjf: I17:56
hggdhinfinity: the idea is to expand the kernel tests as much as possible (and we finally can test on both Intel and AMD)17:58
hggdhfor bare-metal, of course17:58
infinityOh, crap.  Does anyone use the lts-backports of these images?18:00
infinitylinux-image-3.0.0-23-virtual | 3.0.0-23.38~lucid1 | lucid-updates | amd64, i38618:00
infinitylinux-image-3.0.0-23-virtual | 3.0.0-23.38 | oneiric-updates | amd6418:01
infinity^--- I should probably remove the ~lucid one as well, eh? :P18:01
infinity(And we should re-do that backport)18:01
hggdhinfinity: also -- I confirm the kernel barfs18:01
smbutlemming, http://people.canonical.com/~smb/lp1026690/18:01
utlemmingsmb: testing now18:01
infinityhggdh: Good, good.18:01
infinitysmb / bjf: Confirm that there will be a new lts-backport fasktracked to go with the oneiric update?  (and I'll pull the mirror one)18:02
bjfinfinity: ack, will happen18:03
utlemmingsmb: 18:06
utlemmingdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-image-3.0.0-23-virtual:18:06
utlemming linux-image-3.0.0-23-virtual depends on wireless-crda; however:18:06
utlemming  Package wireless-crda is not installed.18:06
* smb looks confused18:07
smbI would have thought we never removed that dependency for O18:07
utlemmingsmb: I'm not sure what happened there...I threw that instance away and tried again, and it now installed18:09
utlemmingwith out that error18:09
utlemmingI'm rebooting now18:10
utlemmingsmb: fix confirmed18:10
smbutlemming, uname -a it showing the +102...?18:10
utlemmingsmb: Linux ip-10-110-55-78 3.0.0-23-virtual #38+1026690v1 SMP Thu Jul 19 17:33:51 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux18:10
smbutlemming, Ok, looks good then18:11
utlemmingsmb: boot log looks good too18:11
bjfhggdh: can you test smb's kernel as well to see if this fixes the issue for you as well?18:13
hggdhbjf: doing it now18:14
hggdhsmb: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1100576/18:27
hggdhsmb: duh, missed a file18:28
hggdhsmb: no, did not18:28
smbhggdh, Not sure what you or utlemming do, the crda dependency should have been there all time18:29
hggdhsmb: this one is missing linux-headers18:29
smbhggdh, a second, building the all headers18:31
smbhggdh, ok, its there now18:33
hggdhsmb: thank you18:34
hggdhsmb, bjf, infinity: it does reboot ok, running the tests now (should take ~ 1 hour)18:40
infinityWe'll have to re-do all the testing again after we build the proper package.  Call me crazy, but "it boots properly" is probably enough to start the SRU PPA process?18:42
henrixbjf: git://kernel.ubuntu.com/henrix/ubuntu-oneiric.git18:43
henrixsmb: ^18:43
infinitybjf: And when that PPA upload lands, poke me, I'll make sure to score it through the roof on PPC to get it pushed through.18:43
smbhenrix, looking18:43
infinityhenrix: Or you. ;)18:44
bjfinfinity: we're on it18:44
henrixinfinity: ack, will do. 18:44
smbhenrix, looks ok. 18:46
henrixsmb: cool18:46
smbinfinity, With the last version made going away, will this upload need -v to include all the changes from before?18:46
smbhenrix, ^ 18:47
henrixsmb: uploaded pkgs into zinc:~henrix/for-signing19:00
infinitysmb: No.19:02
infinitysmb: -v is just for the .changes19:02
smbinfinity, That is what I tried to say. But we also decided that its probably not needed as the states of bugs and that all may already be right after the last upload19:03
infinity(And no point in that, since we long ago accepted the previous version)19:03
infinityThis is a new bug, new version, new changelog, the -v would be pointless.19:03
infinity(Not that it would hurt terribly, it would just try to re-close all the old bugs again)19:04
smbinfinity, Right, and agreed19:04
slangasekapw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/102676119:06
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1026761 in linux "Please enable CONFIG_EARLY_PRINTK_DBGP" [Undecided,New]19:06
smbhenrix, should be signed now19:07
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
henrixinfinity: i'm about to upload the oneiric kernel19:13
infinityhenrix: Kay.19:13
henrixinfinity: done!19:14
infinitysmb: Say, why are you "stephan-bader-canonical" instead of stealing ~smb?19:17
infinitysmb: (We could totally get that unused account renamed and given to you)19:17
infinitystefan, even.19:17
smbinfinity, Just because someone created that name for me (and iirc smb is already taken by someone ) and when thinking of getting the smb removed and me taking it over (because that somebody did not use it for years) I was a bit afraid of lp messup when transferring ids19:24
smbI read some pages about it and some said you may loose all your groups if it goes wrong19:26
smb(not so much caring about any karma )19:26
smbinfinity, apw would certainly approve me changing given the amount of cursing I hear whenever he has to type the long thing 19:26
smbcking, blktrace was the package19:30
ckingsmb, thanks, I will look at that :-)19:30
infinitysmb: It all works except for published PPAs.  And I suspect you wouldn't care about losing PPAs and having to recreate them.19:37
ppisatiinfinity: flash-kernel is broken19:37
infinityppisati: More broken than usual?19:37
smbinfinity, No, not really... Cannot even remember when I updated them last19:37
infinitysmb: Yeah, we should talk to webops and do a hostile takeover of ~smb for you, then.19:38
infinitysmb: The only other thing that would go wonky is work item tracking, but reclaiming all your work items wouldn't be rocket science.19:38
smbinfinity, Right, and if I would loose some work items... hm, actually sounds rather good... :)19:39
infinitysmb: Hahaha.19:39
ppisatiinfinity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1100710/19:40
* smb will think about it when he gets back19:40
ppisatiinfinity: it doesn't honor any /boot/boot.script anymore19:40
infinityppisati: Special.  I can look at that later, perhaps, or you can bug Oli when he's up.19:41
ppisatiinfinity: i'll open a bug and assign it to... you/Oli?19:42
* smb thinks its past GBT now...19:42
infinityppisati: Open it and assign it to Oli, but give me the bug# on IRC, and I'll see if I can find time to poke it before he does.19:44
ppisatiinfinity: ack19:44
infinitysmb: That's missing an L.19:44
smbinfinity, Hm, or a D19:44
smbinfinity, Depending whether we think about the same thing19:45
infinitysmb: I was thinking LGBT.19:47
smbinfinity, Lovely German Beer Time? :)19:47
infinitysmb: Yeah, not quite. ;)19:49
smbinfinity, Heh, yeah I see the web disagrees with me... :)19:50
ppisatibug 102678019:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 1026780 in flash-kernel "3.0~rc.4ubuntu4 doesn't honor bootargs from /boot/boot.script anymore" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102678019:53
ppisatiinfinity: ^19:53
ppisatiinfinity: ah, and btw, omap4 server doesn't start any console after the first reboot19:59
ppisatiinfinity: and since it's a server installation, with no X&c, it's useful as a heater in summer time20:00
hggdhbjf, smb, infinity: tests passed except for seccomp20:04
bjfhggdh: ack, thanks20:04
infinityhggdh: Was the "except for seccomp" bit expected?20:06
hggdhinfinity: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1100755/20:07
hggdhinfinity: we have a known issue there; I do not know it if classifies as a regression20:07
hggdhjjohansen: ^ 20:07
henrixinfinity: are you sure you didn't scored PPC build in the with wrong signal ('-' instead of a '+')? :)20:18
infinityhenrix: It's scored way up, it was just behind a 2h openldap build.20:28
infinityhenrix: The whole mess will take >5h after that anyway, so I figured it wasn't worth killing the openldap-in-progress over.20:28
henrixinfinity: yeah, np. just joking :)20:28
henrixinfinity: it always take *ages* anyway20:29
infinityWe're working on the whole "new PPC hardware" thing, which should solve some of your sadness there.20:30
bjfinfinity, what's the schedule for that comming online?20:36
infinitybjf: It needs to be purchased still, so I dunno.  There was some delay on my end with research, but it's been handed off to pgraner now.20:37
infinity(That is, I've said "hey, we should buy this" and washed my hands of it)20:37
bjfinfinity, ah, it's one of those "in 5 years ..." things :-)20:38
infinitybjf: Not that it'll be a drastic improvement for the kernel use-case.  The pandas are still neck-and-neck with the current PPC hardware anyway.20:38
infinityBut it will definitely keep PPC from being backlogged anymore.20:38
infinityMoving from 2-CPU 2GHz G5s to 6-core 3.7GHz POWER7s (well, if they buy what I asked) should give PPC breathing room for another decade.20:39
infinityAt least, if the last decade with the current hardware is anything to go by.20:39
infinity(My god, we've been at this for a while...)20:40
skaetbjf,  you willing to take point on the incident report?   I need to run some errands, and want to make sure we have explicit handoff ;)    Since you've been making most of the updates recently...20:47
jjohansenhggdh: regression20:48
jjohansenhggdh: test the previous kernel, IFF that has the same failure we can call it not a regression20:51
bjfskaet: ack20:51
hggdhjjohansen: running it20:51
skaetthanks bjf20:51
hggdhbjf: ^ 20:51
jjohansenhggdh: then we can investigate why it hasn't been detected before20:51
bdmurraysmb: could you have a look at bug 1026251 regarding kerneloops?21:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 1026251 in kerneloops "kerneloops assert failure: *** glibc detected *** /usr/sbin/kerneloops: free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x099254a0 ***" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102625121:08
bjfhggdh: ack21:09
hggdhjjohansen, bjf: this seccomp error is present since the -17 kernel, so it is *NOT* a regression21:24
hggdhjjohansen, bjf: only fails on m1.small on EC2, no record of failures on KVM or bare-metal21:24
jjohansenhggdh: okay, we will have to investigate why further, but for now lets just say it isn't a regression21:25
bjfinfinity: ^ not a regression21:26
hggdhjjohansen, bjf: I reproduced it on the -17 (taken from the official Ubuntu images on AWS); I am still looking for an earlier kernel; NOW -- the saved logs I have from the original -17 run DO NOT show this error21:27
infinitybjf: shiny.21:28
bjfhggdh, you have been testing oneiric i386 (non ec2) haven't you?21:28
hggdhbjf: yes, as I said above, on KVM and bare-metal21:28
ppisatiapw: ogasawara: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/75991321:28
ubot2Ubuntu bug 759913 in linux "musb driver doesn't attach on omap3" [Medium,Fix released]21:28
hggdhjjohansen, bjf: so it is starting to sound as something new in the test code21:29
hggdhjjohansen, bjf: I found it on the original -12 test. So it was there, then vanished, then reappeared. But, again, the original -17 run does not have it, and my just-finihsed rerun of -17 shows it21:40
jjohansenhggdh: okay thanks21:40
hggdhI dimly remember talking with kees about it at the time21:40
jjohansenhggdh: can you file a bug with the failure and boot logs etc, so we can use it to track this issue22:01
hggdhjjohansen: against the QRT, right?22:01
ogasawarappisati: CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_SAFE_PADDED and CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA_CON are both =y only on omap4, care to investigate?22:02
jjohansenhggdh: sure that works22:02
ogasawarappisati: it's set =n for all other flavors and arch's22:02
ogasawarappisati: and CONFIG_USB_USBNET22:03
ogasawarappisati: CONFIG_USB_INVENTRA_DMA=n on omap4, should it be =y?  its =y for omap322:20
ogasawarappisati: and CONFIG_USB_MUSB_OMAP2PLUS needs investigation for omap3 and omap422:22
ogasawarappisati: just fyi, this is what we're looking at -> http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/configs/quantal/reviews/Portland.html22:22
infinityogasawara: I can't be sure without deeper investigation, but CONFIG_USB_USBNET might be required for the hackish usb-boot "treat the device as a USB gadget" thing that some of these boards do.22:31
infinity(Though, now that I think about it, I can't see why that would be)22:31
infinitySo maybe I'm just a victim of waking up grumpy and needing it to be beer o'clock.22:31
ogasawarainfinity: doing an entire day of config review is driving me to drink22:32
ppisatiUSBNET is dependency for SMSC95XX22:32
infinityogasawara: So, it's driving you to the status quo? ;)22:33
ppisatiUSB_SISUSBVGA_CON is totally useless22:34
ppisatiit's about VGA/EGA framebuffer console22:34
infinityHuh.  A USB ethernet driver including usb/usbnet.h seems like a bit of an oops to me, but there it is.22:35
infinityWould take some effort to decouple it, as they use usbnet types.22:36
infinityStill seems entirely wrong. :P22:36
ppisatiUSB_SERIAL_SAFE_PADDED is the "USB Secure Encapsulated Driver - Padded", wtf?!?!22:36
ppisatiinfinity: you can't have SMSC95XX without USBNET22:36
infinityppisati: I know, I can see that from reading the code.22:36
ppisatiiirc USBNET "includes" drivers/net/usb/core22:36
infinityppisati: I'm arguing that the driver is wrong, not the kernel config.22:37
ppisatiand all the drivers/usb/net requires it22:37
ppisatiinfinity: you are a smart guy22:37
infinityOr, I'm not up to date on the new and terrifying ways that people have conflated "usbnet" and "USB network drivers", if you say that others do the same.22:38
infinityGiven that usbnet didn't used to have anything to do with NICs at all and was, in fact, all about networking without a NIC.22:38
infinityOh well.  Upstreams do silly things.  News at 11.22:39
ppisatiogasawara: default USB_INVENTRA_DMA if USB_MUSB_OMAP2PLUS22:44
ppisatiogasawara: and omap4plus_defconfig selects USB_MUSB_OMAP2PLUS22:44
ppisatiogasawara: now i wonder why it's off on omap3...22:44
ppisatiogasawara: wait22:45
hertoninfinity, we talked this week here about not publishing packages to -updates/-security on late friday/weekend, jjohansen told us about lack of man power if there is any fallout on weekend (especially for security team). We agreed that publishing should not be done between 18:00UTC Fri - 21:00UTC Sun, and would like to have all archive admins to be aware of that22:46
infinityherton: We tend to generally follow that rule for -updates anyway.22:47
infinityherton: We've even codified it in our SRU team policy that the person on Friday duty (slangasek) doesn't do promotions, only accepts to -proposed.22:48
infinityherton: Though, for kernels, I tend to do well over 90% of the AA/SRU stuff.22:48
apwinfinity, all we are doing is asking you not to work on a friday then :)22:49
hertonyes, nice, so I guess that's set for the kernel then. If anyone working on it doen't do on a Friday should be fine22:50
infinityI'll try my hardest to ignore you guys on Fridays.22:50
infinityThe kernel we just rolled out will be an exception to that new rule. :P22:51
infinityCause it'll be friday in a few parts of the world (if not all of them) by the time we release it.22:51
infinityAnd releasing it is the Right Thing To Do.22:51
infinity(Once we get some smoketesting to endure the build didn't break in any fun ways)22:51
infinityensure, too.22:51
hertonyes, this last oneiric kernel is an exception, no problem on releasing tomorrow I think. I changed the bot to also not set the promote to -updates/-security tasks to confirmed through late Friday-Sunday, as we talked about it as well and decided to do it in addition22:53
ppisatiogasawara: you were asking why USB_MUSB_OMAP2PLUS=y on omap3, right?22:53
ppisatiogasawara: that's a dependency of USB_MUSB_HDRC and that's =y on omap322:53
infinityherton: +1 to the bot change, since I tend to not operate without its go-ahead.22:54
ppisatiogasawara: IMO we can make USB_MUSB_HDRC=m on omap3 too (and that should turn USB_MUSB_OMAP2PLUS=m on omap3 too)22:54
* ppisati -> reboot22:58
jwiogasawara: x86_powernow_* are still not autoloadable? meh, I thought that was supposed to land in 3.523:04
ogasawarajwi: do you have a pointer to a discussion by chance?23:05
* ogasawara add a work item to investigate23:05
jwiogasawara: hm, 3.4 actually. fa8031aefec0cf7ea6c2387c93610d99d9659aa2 upstream23:09
jwithere should be similar patches for other x86 cpu features - coretemp, microcode, crypto and stuff23:10
ogasawarappisati: USB_GPIO_VBUS one more to investigate23:58
ogasawarappisati: it's =y for omap3, =m for all other arch's and flavors23:58

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