
rick_h_droidNot sure you do not want to see your neighbors dinking around all day.00:35
MaskedDrivermorning shakes80812:49
rick_h_hey shakes808, everything cool? Not seen you around CHC for a while12:53
rick_h_or is snap-l putting you to extra work :P12:53
shakes808rick_h_: Yeah, everything is fine. The summers get a little hectic for me. I get my son a lot more and I do side jobs that pick up a little more. You know, anything to do fun things with my son :D12:56
shakes808I should be there next week.12:56
brouschshakes808: How old is your son?12:56
rick_h_shakes808: ah, all good stuff then12:57
rick_h_shakes808: ok cool, wanted to make sure we didn't scare you off or anything12:57
shakes808HA HA no. I am actually switching gears a little on my programming. My buddy wants to do some games and other little projects, so he and I have been setting up his server so that I can access it and have been testing that out. Getting back to C++ and I am using Eclipse, which I don't know too well. C++ within Linux is interesting or within Eclipse, not sure since they are two new variables. I am used to MS VS and what not12:59
shakes808And possibly another one using JAVA. .... should be fun lol13:03
rick_h_java? sounds depressing :P13:04
shakes808lol He is mainly a JAVA dev on his own time and what he is focusing on in his studies. He works with C#. He likes some of the things that C# has and is creating his own library to implement some of the same features in JAVA. I guess with whatever he is working on in JAVA there isn't any good libraries for it already.13:05
jrwrenever time I see a jvm installed on a system, I die a little inside13:06
jrwrenc++ in linux is so damned easy compared to windows C++ that it hurts.13:07
jrwrenteh windows APIs are so complex compared to most of the linux libraries for C++ that i don't know why people dev or windows.13:08
jrwreni know it is judgemental of me, but I honestly think very little of anyone who chooses to program in java.13:13
rick_h_elitist! :P13:13
jrwrenthis is a case of ANYTHING else would be ok.13:14
jrwrenyeah, hater.13:14
jrwrenbut i feel it is an informed hate.13:14
brouschYou need Java to dev for Android13:14
brouschThat bugs the snot out of me13:15
snap-lI could never get the hang of Thursdays13:24
jrwrenthat is one of the reasons I dislike android13:27
jrwrensnap-l: wasn't it Tuesdays?13:27
snap-lNo, it's Thursday13:29
snap-lI looked it up. :)13:29
shakes808brousch: would you rather code in JAVA or Obj-C?13:34
snap-lshakes808: Tough call13:34
snap-lThough I have far more respect for ObjC than Java.13:34
brouschshakes808: Python13:36
snap-lhttp://stackoverflow.com/a/690760/535883 <- The comment on this just hurt my brain13:36
shakes808snap-l: Why is that?13:37
snap-lOr "Remember, Objective-C works like Java, just remember to add asterisks to variables that point to Obj-C objects." – Yar Jun 14 '10 at 3:4313:37
brouschYou have to manage your own memory?13:38
snap-lSaying it's just like Java makes me cry13:38
jrwrensnap-l: excellent. Thursdays!13:38
jrwreni'd rather code in obj-c than java.  Hello Closures! :)13:38
snap-l"just add asterisks" belies a lack of understanding for what those asterisks mean13:38
jrwrenyes, and low and medium grade computer science deptarments hand out compsci degrees to kids that never understand them13:39
jrwrenobjective-c works like java the same way that python works like scheme13:40
snap-lI had a hard time with pointers, and was like a monkey just adding asterisks13:40
snap-lI wish someone would have spent more time teaching me C than teaching me pascal13:40
devinheitmuellerIf one asterisk doesn't work, just add another!13:40
snap-lunfortunately I wasn't ready at the time13:40
jrwrenwhile I like what joel says about students and pointers, I do think that better teachers could teach them... better :)13:40
jrwrenturbo pascal has pointers in a way very similar to C IIRC13:41
snap-lWell, they're quite simple, but also an easy way to get yourself into trouble13:41
brouschI would plug in 1 *, then **, then & until it worked13:41
jrwrenrofl, you guys are just depressing me.13:41
devinheitmuellerbrousch: you forgot (void *)....13:42
brouschAfter I switched majors they switched to Java from C++13:42
snap-lbrousch: I can neither confirm or deny that I've done that in the past. :\13:42
jrwrenbrousch: the sign of a shitty school right there, be glad you changed majors :)13:42
devinheitmuellerMany, if not most, schools switched from C++ to Java in the mid 1990's.13:43
brouschjrwren: That was The University of Michigan13:43
snap-lYeah, I don't quite understand why Java became PAscal++13:43
devinheitmuellerI guess what I said isn't contradictory to jrwren.13:43
snap-lJava is pretty shitty as a learning language.13:44
brouschI think they switched because they were pushing OO and Java was pure OO. Also it's easier to learn than C++13:44
snap-lI'm glad Python is taking over the role of the learning language13:44
snap-lat least it's pretty consistent in it's behavior.13:45
jrwrenbrousch: Umich what? flint?13:46
jrwrenbrousch: i know for sure that umich AA never switched from C++ to anything. I work with a lot of recent grads and their mastery if C++ is very impressive13:47
jrwrenfor universities, java was great, most profs are shitty programmers and dont' really understand c++ certainly not well enough to teach it. So shitty profs and poor CS dept. flocked to java.13:48
rick_h_devinheitmueller: yea, GMI/Kettering was doing Java when I was there in 96/97/9813:48
rick_h_at UM Flint when I was there algo was C++ with Java as its own class13:48
jrwrenrick_h_: WHAT?!? in 96 they were still doing Modula-2 !13:48
rick_h_jrwren: no, java13:48
snap-ljrwren: I think they just didn't want to get into memory mamagement concepts early on13:49
jrwrensnap-l: that is very valid. that is what scheme is for :)13:49
snap-lunfortunately, it bred some pretty poor concepts.13:49
snap-ljrwren: God, I did Modula-2 and ADA in school (89-93)13:49
jrwrenrick_h_: my best friend went in 95/96 and did modula-2 for his intro and algorithms courses.13:49
rick_h_javascript for learning! so easy to use/do.13:49
brouschjrwren: It would have been probably 1997. U-M Ann Arbor, LSA Comp Sci, not EECS13:49
brouschI don't know what they did after 199913:50
snap-lADA was a fucking disaster of a language.13:50
jrwrenbrousch: must have been a brief experiment, its all C++ now, most guys I know went through LSA13:50
snap-lIt was like everything you hated about strong typing, with COBOL thrown in for good measure13:50
rick_h_jrwren: don't know then. I had several fraternity/dorn guys in CS doing Java13:50
devinheitmuellerFrom what I understand at the time, the goal was to introduce people to programming without having to learn the nuances of pointers (which are often a trouble spot for newer programmers).  They got what they wanted, unfortunately.13:50
rick_h_jrwren: I was doing MSE at the time so wasn't taking them myself13:50
jrwrensnap-l: I love ADA.13:50
snap-ldevinheitmueller: IN spades13:50
devinheitmuellerI think the breakdown was that most of those people *never* ended up learning pointers.13:51
devinheitmueller... which most fans of high level languages might argue as evolution.13:51
snap-ljrwren: OK< I'm looking at some examples (it's been since 1993 since I touched Ada)13:52
devinheitmuellerMy father used to complain that the invention of the C compiler resulted in highly inefficient code.13:52
devinheitmueller.... compared to assembly which is what he worked in.13:52
snap-land I have to say... Um...13:52
snap-lAda is not as bad as I remember it.13:52
snap-lIn fact, it looks... pythonic. ;)13:53
snap-lIf Python had Pascal as an ancestor like Ada did13:53
snap-lI hated Python initially too13:54
jrwreni still hate python :)13:55
snap-ljrwren: bullshit. :)13:55
jrwreni love python initially, then the 1.4 to 1.6 broke my code and it pissed me off.13:56
rick_h_you're supposed to hate every language you use else you don't know it well enough13:56
jrwrenrick_h_: EXACTLY!13:56
shakes808So with all this back and forth with the different languages, what is the prospect of Python become a standard?13:56
snap-lshakes808: Don't worry about standards13:56
rick_h_there's no such thing as a programming language being the standard13:56
jrwrenshakes808: i don't understand the question.13:56
shakes808and a standard for what? (example: C++ with games)13:56
snap-lThose are for people who don't want to spend time developing and understanding13:56
rick_h_they exist for a reason...though ruby I don't quite get still...and best tool for the job13:56
snap-lPython is not as blessed with game development libraries like C / C++ is13:57
shakes808Doesn't everything get broken down to Assembly?13:57
snap-lshakes808: Machine language13:57
rick_h_well games == performance and python isn't going to be C speeds13:58
snap-lAssembly is a bit of a different beast13:58
rick_h_best tool for job13:58
shakes808yeah, but isn't Assembly the "first" language before maching?13:58
snap-lshakes808: assembly is just a standard for us to understand what's going on in the machine13:58
snap-lit's not what the machine passes around internally13:58
snap-lbut yes, it eventually all gets moved down to machine code14:01
snap-lthe difference is how many layers it takes to get there14:02
snap-lC is fast because it writes code specific to the processor architecture14:02
shakes808So, if everything gets brought down to the machine code, could you make a game like CoD in straight machine code?14:03
snap-lshakes808: You could, but there's a catch14:04
snap-lYou'd have to know exactly what hardware you're running on (CPU, video card, etc)14:04
snap-lDirect X takes some of that burden off of you with helper functions14:05
snap-lOpen GL is the same way14:05
snap-lso you call some function to open a window and draw something instead of (broad strokes) poking values directly onto the GPU and hoping you don't mess up along the way14:06
shakes808So what is working behind the scene when using DX or OGL, is figuring out what hardware you are running and optimizing the code to work with your specific hardware?14:06
snap-land interfacing with the windowing environment14:06
snap-land making sure you have access to the sound subsystem14:06
snap-land handling input from external devices14:06
snap-land making sure you exit cleanly when you're done14:07
snap-lWhich is why the development for something like the original Castle Wolfenstein and Doom were so remarkable.14:08
snap-ler, Wolfenstein 3D14:09
shakes808love those games lol.... Yeah, they were pushing the envelope with graphics back then. Games are continually pushing that barrier.14:09
snap-lThough the older games were remarkable in their own right, because a lot of them were assembly.14:09
shakes808That is why games are important to the evolution of quite a few things lol.14:10
snap-l^- one of my heroes14:10
snap-lThis is a series with him and Jason Rohrer about game design14:11
snap-lI'd watch it, for nothing else but to understand more about game design from a master craftsman14:12
snap-l(it has several parts, and I wish I could get it on DVD)14:12
jrwrenWhat? no link to John Carmack?14:18
jrwrenthe other catch to "writing machine code" is that you probably aren't smart enough.14:19
jrwrenand I don't mean that as an insult.14:19
jrwrenI mean most people aren't smart enough, and by most I don't mean 90% or 99%, I mean 99.99% or more14:19
snap-ljrwren: None taken. You have to really understand the machine14:19
jrwrenhow many instructions are there on x86_64 ?14:19
jrwrenincluding SSE adn all versions of SSE{234}14:20
snap-lWhich one? There's variations with each of them14:20
jrwrenthe fastest ways to do something...14:20
jrwrenthe fastest call on one chip is not the fastest call on another.14:20
snap-lI find it interesting that RISC ultimately won, by emulating CISC14:20
jrwrensnap-l: haha, yup.14:20
jrwrenyeah, those volumes and intels equiv are great, but DAMN that is a lot of information14:29
jrwrenadn you really have to know it all to be better than a compiler.14:29
jrwrenand really, there is no reason, as in ZERO reason to write machine code directly. a good macro assembler does the same thing.14:29
jrwrena lot of the macros are pretty nice and not THAT different from an imperative langauge.14:30
snap-lThis is an excellent (if a bit dated) book on the internals14:30
jrwrenI took a course on it in college.14:30
snap-ljrwren: I'm throwing that out for everyone else. :)14:31
jrwrenand designed my own CPU with my own SIMD instructions14:31
snap-lI know you surf sinewaves in you sleep14:31
jrwrenno, I actually wish I did.14:31
jrwreni'm making it sound WAY cooler than it was.14:31
snap-lhttp://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780735611313.do <- this is also a neat book14:32
jrwreni just realized we are about 1/2 way between ubuntu release cycles14:32
snap-lYeah, I know14:32
jrwrenyes, but its written by Petzold, so I'm less receptive :)14:32
jrwrenj/k, Petzold is great.14:32
jrwrenI like how Code talks about Braile :)14:33
snap-lYeah, it's one of the few Microsoft books I like. ;)14:33
snap-lrick_h_: Did you have a chance to play with Squeeze Player?15:20
rick_h_snap-l: I gave it a half hearted attempt to run it and gave up when it just hung spinning15:47
rick_h_snap-l: I'll try to play with it some more, but haven't had much time since last night yet.15:52
snap-lYeah, no worries.15:52
rick_h_but did see if it would work out this morning for fun15:52
rick_h_this is why I need a year off to hack on bookie http://heynemann.github.com/r3/15:54
rick_h_that would be fun to tinker with if we had a few thousand users15:54
snap-lIn order to use r³ you must have a redis database running. Getting one up in your system is beyond the scope of this document.15:55
snap-lputting it mildly. ;)15:55
rick_h_hmm, I wonder if the input stream setup would be too slow to really break the thing open15:58
rick_h_the big thing with hadoop is HFS which makes that stuff work nicely15:58
jrwrenhadoop runs on JVM, adn so does not exist to me.16:30
rick_h_heh, so no lucene or jenkins16:30
rick_h_those are the big 3 java I don't avoid still16:31
rick_h_but that only talks to lucene...it still needs to run16:32
rick_h_"extension for accessing Java Lucene"16:32
jrwrener... damn, there was someone who had a port.16:32
rick_h_whoosh is good for small stuff, xapian or elastic I guess16:32
jrwrenmaybe that is what I was thinking16:33
rick_h_those are my big 4 in fulltext (whoosh just being because I'm python and it's python)16:34
jrwrenxapian sounds familiar.16:36
jrwrenelastic is too generic a name.16:36
jrwrencool but still jabba.16:38
jrwreni'm morally opposed to jabba16:38
snap-ljrwren: How can you hate on Java? It's awesome. Especially Tomcat. It's like it gives you a coffee-break before it can even serve "Hello World"16:40
brouschJava is awesome. It gives me Eclipse and Android16:50
brouschI'm dropping Python and going full-on Java16:50
snap-lThat's not the only thing that dropped. Apparently you were dropped on your head. :)16:54
rick_h_jcastro: must be giddy, he's been pushing for years for web app integration and finally talked mark into putting a full team on it :P17:40
rick_h_and sneaky mark getting everyone to need to use the indicators and such to make it all work17:41
brouschEh? Ubuntu is turning into Jolicloud?17:42
rick_h_brousch: go look at  twitter or G+ it's getting swamped out there17:42
jjesseso you have to be connected to internet then?17:43
rick_h_jcastro: hah!17:43
rick_h_I wanted to see a slide at the end of hte video that was "NOW LEAVE US ALONG JORGE!"17:44
jjesseso its basically using a bookmark on the dekstop?17:44
rick_h_no, using web servie apis to integrate with the existing tooling/apis of unity17:44
rick_h_so it's a lot more in depth than just a bookmark17:44
rick_h_at least it appears, my first time seeing it is this video as well so not seen the code/work to add a new service17:45
jcastroso like, when you get mail and stuff it's integrated with the launcher and indicators17:45
jcastroyou can use the hud to "compose a message"17:45
jcastroand so on17:45
krondor_so now Google can just ditch chromeos right and run native unity? :P17:46
brouschjcastro: Does it handle mutiple accounts? Like I have Gmail for home and Google Apps for work17:48
jcastroyeah afaik it treats each one as a sandbox17:48
jcastroso you can have like, an icon for work mail, one for home mail17:49
jcastroI haven't played with it yet though17:49
jjesseand then the launcher to compse a message would have to pick?17:49
brouschThat would be nice17:49
brouschjcastro: Quit improving Unity. I might be tempted to try it again17:50
rick_h_poor brousch has to rethink the hate :P18:13
brouschI don't hate it. There are just a few non-configurable usability things that annoy me enough to not use it18:29
rick_h_jcastro: doh, the techcrunch interview says it's powered by some FF extensions18:43
rick_h_thankfully doing chrome extensions is a ton easier than FF ones18:43
krondor_is it normal to want to hit people that use the term "putty" over "ssh"?18:53
rick_h_I think the normal thing is to look at them like they're stupid and you don't know what they're talking about18:54
snap-lkrondor_: No graybeard court would convict you.18:54
krondor_I think it just means I need to wrap things up early today18:55
snap-lkrondor_: Just tell them to stop using a wannabe Macintosh18:56
krondor_I think that would offend in multiple subtle ways, nice!18:57
snap-lI work hard to offend so you don't have to. :)18:58
jrwrenjjesse: don't believe the hype, its a bookmark on the desktop or in the unity search menu19:09
jjessehype ignroed19:12
=== randy__ is now known as JaceAlvejetti
rick_h_cool, looks like chrome extentions already there. https://code.launchpad.net/~webapps/unity-chromium-extension/precise23:21
rick_h_curious to look at how they tested the extension23:22

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