
cfhowlettupgrade to 12.04 delayed to painfully slow download speeds in China but: mission accomplished.  12.04 64  bit now in full effect.  While exploring graphics options I found ~ NO font manager???02:34
len-dtcfhowlett, Being an audio guy... what does a font manager do?02:36
cfhowlettlen-dt: in previous versions, display the various fonts for preview purposes and/or create a catalog for design purposes02:45
len-dtIs there one that you like over others?02:46
cfhowlettwhatever the default was in 10.04 was fine for me.  No opinion on others I never tried them.02:46
len-dtThere is talk of creating a publishing workflow, so that would fit in.02:47
cfhowlettlen-dt: I HIGHLY recommend it.  You never know what you'll miss until it's gone.02:47
len-dtThough of course it would be useful in graphics as well.02:47
cfhowlettIn re: audio, is there a podcast workflow available?02:48
len-dtI would hope the tools are there, but an official workflow no.02:48
cfhowlettlen-dt: is there a workflow template?  I would be willing to take a crack at writing one ...02:49
len-dtAny of the podcatses I have listened to have just been recorded conversations, so I may be missing something.02:49
cfhowlettlen-dt: workflow = how to with the available tools, right?02:49
len-dtYes. And suggest tools if they are not available. It is ok to add more.02:50
cfhowlettyeah, all the tools seem to be standard in US, but I haven't seen a write up.02:51
len-dtWe are also looking at a menu item that open software center with extra software that makes sense to that menu.02:51
len-dtailo, is working on docs starting next week some time... though he has lots done too.02:51
len-dtLots of the web page is his.02:52
cfhowlettI'll keep a lookout.  As it is, my local LUG has expressed interest in podcasting with Ubuntu, so I'll draft up something for them.02:52
len-dtGreat! we could use a copy or even a link to it.02:53
cfhowlettlen-dt: wilco02:53
len-dtwhere in the menus we have now would you put a font manager?02:53
len-dtRight. There is a package called font-manager. (gnome) I will sugest we add that or ask for something better.02:54
cfhowlettnote: this is to be distinguished from the font CREATION tools which also seem to be gone02:54
len-dtI don't know if we should go there, but will ask. The one I am talking about seems to be install and preview02:55
len-dtI don't think these will be backported to 12.04, but a good possibility for 12.10.02:56
cfhowlettlen-dt: exactly what I had in mind.  Makes a nice tool for demo'ing US to creatives02:56
len-dtIt also doesn't seem to drag along any depends.02:57
cfhowlettlen-dt: nice.02:58
len-dtand it happens to end up in the right submenu.02:59
cfhowlettlen-dt: "I love it when a plan comes together."02:59
len-dtI seem to be the main worker bee these days, so I will ask and if no complaints over a week, just do it.03:00
cfhowlettlen-dt: thanks.  looking forward to it.  Backport would be nice as I only boot LTS releases03:06
len-dtapt-get install font-manager03:07
len-dt(with sudo)03:07
cfhowlettright.  thanks03:07
BitPuffinWeh, right click is very slow :(14:50
BitPuffinWell, desktop right click anyway, rest is good14:51
MishHello People! Is anybody online right now? If yes can I ask a  question?15:03
MishUm Hello! Is anyone online?21:30
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:31
MishHaha I was expecting something like that. Anyways, on to my question. I run Ubuntu Studio and I want to remove a specific program, MyPaint. However if I try to do that (either via the software centre or synaptics) I am told that I need to remove this package as well, "ubuntustudio-graphics". I want to know whether doing this will remove all graphics packages too like inkscape and blender.21:35
GridCubeif im not mistaken, that i might, ubuntustudio-graphics might be just a metapackage, so deleting it wont do any harm21:36
Unit193Nope, it's fine to remove.21:36
MishThank You (Please forgive me for any inconvenience. Next time I'll be well versed with IRC etiquette)21:38
GridCube;) no problem21:38

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