
=== jalcine is now known as Jacky
dpmgood morning06:26
johhnnhello, in my app the indicator does not show on top panel when running the app as root? how to solve this?11:00
newUSRhi all12:08
newUSRhave a question about organization of my app12:09
newUSRi've used quickly to create main layout12:09
newUSRnow i want to add openGL window using gtkglext12:11
newUSRthat openGL should be packed into preconstructed widget that i created in glade12:11
newUSRwhere should i do this?in main()?12:12
newUSRi really want to keep my app extensible and easy to upgrade12:13
newUSRany good suggestion is welcome...tnx12:15
nanderssonHi, where do I put my app.desktop-file when I package my .deb? I have had a look at the gnome-games packages for guidance but I couldnt find them. I looked in debian/ for .desktop-files but couldnt find any.12:56
nanderssonJust found it in data/ thanks anyway :)14:36
nanderssonOne thing I am not clear about though is why an underline proceeds Name and Comment in gnomine.desktop.in.in:14:38
nandersson[Desktop Entry]_Name=Mines_Comment=Clear hidden mines from a minefield Exec=/usr/games/gnomine14:38
dpmnandersson, it is so that it can be marked for translation14:46
dpmif you leave out that underscore in the .in file, the name and comment will always be in English14:47
nanderssondpm, Ah, okey. Thanks a lot!14:48

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