
bkerensagreg-g: hi :D01:04
bkerensagreg-g: will u be there tomorrow? my talk is in F151 at 11:5001:04
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greg-gbkerensa: what is your talk on?03:10
bkerensagreg-g: How Mozilla Community seperates itself from other projects and can compete with Google products04:19
pleia2bkerensa: I need to skip out early (they asked us to be upstairs by 12:20) but I'll attend part of it :)04:20
bkerensapleia2: if u can take a pic that would be amazing :D04:41
pleia2bkerensa: I owe you one :)04:41
pleia2(not sure I can get it published in a magazine though ;))04:42
bkerensapleia2: nah... I nominated you because you deserved it.04:44
bkerensapleia2: did u get voodoo?04:44
pleia2that too, but I meant pictures-during-presentations!04:45
pleia2nope :\04:45
pleia2I don't have plans tomorrow after conference though (aside from doing a little Work work, but I can do that later in the evening)04:45
bkerensapleia2: yeah I think the Ubuntu Hour fell through since Jono and Jorge left and our local folks all have plans04:45
bkerensaactually one local got hurt at debconf I guess04:46
pleia2doh :)04:46
bkerensaor so I hear04:46
pleia2oh yeah, he blogged about it04:46
jussibkerensa: do something really cool, take a picture yourself of the audience - I think it would be a nice insight for many to see what it looks like from up front :D05:56
dpmgood morning all06:25
jussiHuomenta dpm06:34
dpmhey jussi, morning :)06:34
nothingspecialello czajkowski11:27
elfyhi czajkowski11:31
czajkowskihows folks?11:32
elfypretty good thanks - the weekends beckons :) you?11:33
nothingspecialgood thanks :)11:33
elfywe are both still smarting after a mad spam attack on the forums earlier - we are desperate for vb4 :(11:34
czajkowskielfy: is there a RT open on it ?11:35
elfylol - jcastro I think said the forum has the oldest ticket :) https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=1673311:36
elfy8th March 2011 :p11:37
czajkowskiI've seen older on locoteams11:37
czajkowskimuch older11:37
czajkowskielfy: no details of the spam attack on it though11:37
elfywe got a security update a while ago - some staff got accounts hacked11:38
czajkowskiI'd add those details to the ticket11:38
elfywell no - we don't generally11:38
czajkowskimight actualy help :)11:38
elfyok - I'll tell the rest that we should then - I know I've spent probably 5 hours this week on spam bans - vb4 has a tool that talks to stopforumspam - we'd love that :)11:39
czajkowskielfy: just one person should update it with the details11:40
elfyok - maybe an admin would be best then11:40
elfyI'm sure they'd do so :)11:40
elfyI'll put my goblin head on otherwise :)11:41
elfythanks czajkowski11:41
czajkowskiyup locoteams tickets old as 4 years ago11:42
elfyit'd be funny if it wasn't11:42
czajkowskiteam is no longer around11:42
elfyforum is :)11:44
elfyhi cprofitt11:44
elfyczajkowski: thanks for that - I posted in the staff's what's going on with the upgrade thread11:51
elfyanything to help I suspect11:51
akgranernigelb, you saw it too already?  TDKR =AWESOME!11:58
nigelbakgraner: TOTALLY!11:59
nigelbakgraner: gonna go again tomorrow!11:59
akgranerMe too - the other Graners haven't seen it yet12:00
czajkowskielfy: give me a shout when they update the ticket if you like and I'll go poke people again12:00
elfyok czajkowski I will - thanks :(12:00
czajkowskiwhy the face112:00
elfy:) I mean12:00
elfybeen a long week - little one has been home from school in bed ...12:01
czajkowskiheh no worries12:02
czajkowskiI had 4 hours of meetings yesterday and was in bed very early12:02
czajkowskishall be offline all weekend I think resting12:02
elfynice - I shall be having a weekend with no-one in the house - a bit of peace :)12:04
czajkowskime and the bf are going suit shopping and we need to get a present for a couple who have gotten engaged12:05
czajkowskilast weekend I want to go into London,12:05
czajkowskithe torch goes outside the office next week though12:05
elfyoh right - torch cam through my town last weekend - it rained so heavily it waas bouncing ...12:05
czajkowskigoes right outside the Canonical office12:06
czajkowskion Thursday, but am in the office Wednesday, not sure I can be arsed going in and dealing with the traffic and restrictions12:06
czajkowskifollowing week won't leave the house, then I'm off for 9 days holidays! whooo12:06
elfyI go to london on very rare occasions - last time was about 25 years ago12:06
elfyyay - off somewhere nice?12:07
czajkowskiI live 15 mins from London bridge :)12:07
czajkowskidown south to Dorset12:07
elfyI live 15 minutes from the solent :)12:07
czajkowskiah southhapton12:07
elfyI like Dorset - clean once you are outside of Bourneouth and Poole  - very clean county I think12:07
elfyI'm in Lymington12:07
czajkowskiah ok12:08
czajkowskiI don't know the places well, so a chance to see some out south england12:08
czajkowskibf grandmother has a cottage in dorset, and we're going down via Portsmouth12:08
elfyI like West Sussex12:08
elfyyep - along the coast road then12:09
czajkowskiwhich reminds me need to sort out the car12:09
elfyjust don't hit there at 5pm - but if you are used to London traffic it'll be nothing I think :)12:09
czajkowskiyah last day it took me 90 mins to get home due to new bus route thanks to the flipping olympics!12:10
elfyread the newsbiscuit olympic things while you are on the bus - at least you'll laugh :)12:11
czajkowskiI usually catch up on all my non work mail on the way home data plan ftw!12:11
jcastrohey everyone15:27
jcastrothe bottom 3 ads are new ones from app developers, support them by giving them an upvote!15:27
czajkowskijcastro: what does that do15:31
czajkowskiwhat are ads?15:31
popeythey appear on the side of the askubuntu site15:32
popeyif you get enough votes15:32
czajkowskitime to go poke LP folks :)15:34
czajkowskiand is it ok to solicit up votes?15:37
czajkowskipopey: ?15:38
* popey points to jcastro 15:39
czajkowskijcastro: is it ok to post to G+/FB etc asking for votes?15:39
jcastrothey're just community ads15:39
jcastroit's not like "go vote so this guy can win a million dollars"15:40
jcastroso something like15:40
czajkowskiheh gotcha15:40
jcastro"support app developers by voting for your favorite apps!" or something15:40
jcastroyour folks hopefully will at least vote for the lp ad. :p15:40
czajkowskiso many areas to log into15:41
czajkowskiFB/G+ evil ideniti.ca which posts to people who actually engage with us on twitter15:41
jcastrois mark's keynote from yesterday anywhere?15:48
jcastroor was it stream only?15:48
nigelboh man.15:52
nigelbI open a random js file on a random website in debugger15:52
nigelbI scroll through the js file15:52
nigelb@author Stuart Langridge15:52
meetingologynigelb: Error: "author" is not a valid command.15:52
mhall119nigelb: we're *everywhere* :)16:00
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dpmsee you all in a week!16:29
bkerensajcastro: it will be up later... it usually takes a couple weeks18:11
jcastrobah man21:57
jcastroI clobbered with your blog on planet21:57
jcastroyou steal all my thunder. :p21:57
bkerensajcastro: your thunder is amazing :)22:46

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