
MaynardW1tershey guys, i am running ubuntu studio from a flash drive with persistent memory. I used a windows universal usb installer to install to the usb stick, does anyone know how to use the persistence? to keep data?15:42
holsteinMaynardW1ters: i always just do an install15:42
holsteini install to the USB device, and have a full normal install there with persistence15:43
holsteinshould be that when you make changes, those changes are saved in the persistent area15:43
MaynardW1tersso lets pretend I have a windows xp machine to work with15:44
MaynardW1tersi need to mount the ubuntu studio dvd15:44
holsteini dont use XP15:44
MaynardW1tersthen when im going through the install simply point at the usb device15:45
holsteinbut, i dont think you need to mount devices in windows15:45
holsteinanyways... you can have the hard drive out if you want15:45
holsteinim saying, have the installation media, and the USB15:45
holsteindo a normal install, selecting the USB as the source15:45
holsteinor, read up on how you just made the USB stick you made15:46
MaynardW1tersholstein: i thank you for the suggestion, but right now i am able to boot from the drive, it does ask me if i want to install it everytime, but thats not a big deal, so im going first spend some time trying to get this working before I reinstall over it15:46
holsteinsounds like you have a LIVE usb15:47
holsteinthats the way it'll work15:47
holsteini would read up on grub15:47
MaynardW1terswhen creating, it gave me the option of 4gigs of persistence which i selected, so i feel like it shouldnt be too hard to get it working15:47
holstein!grub2 | MaynardW1ters15:47
ubottuMaynardW1ters: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:47
holsteinMaynardW1ters: sure.. but what gave you that? what is "it" expecting? is that from inside windows? do you need persistence?15:48
MaynardW1tersthe universal usb installer gave me that option when moving the ubuntu studio dvd iso to the usb,15:49
MaynardW1tersit was from inside windows15:49
MaynardW1tersI absolutely want the persistence15:49
MaynardW1tersI dont understand why grub would be playing a major part in this15:49
holsteina normal install will give you that and more and on a proper filesystem15:49
holsteinMaynardW1ters: if you install as i am suggesting, you can install grub to the hard drive you have instead of the USB and "break" boot15:49
holsteinif you are saying "how do i get a persistent booting USB" im anwering with, cont bother, just install to the USB and be aware of where grub is going15:50
holsteinthe end result is a fully functioning normal system on an EXT filesystem... if thats what you want15:51
MaynardW1tersso you are recommending that I end up editing the grub config on the internal hard drive, and have it pointing to the usb as a boot device with a 'proper' install on it, is that correct?15:51
holsteinMaynardW1ters: i just install grub to the USB stick so its literally the same as now, just with a fully functional system with persistence15:52
MaynardW1tersyea you are right, currently the liveusb is on a fat32 filesystem, which will limit my file sizes.15:52
holsteinim suggesting you read about and become aware of grub so you do not end up with grub on your main hard drive15:52
holsteinin that scenario, the USB will need to be present for your system to boot *anything*15:52
holsteinthat will seem broken to you, even though that will be the default action15:53
MaynardW1tersi understand the basics of grub, and i am pretty sure i can avoid that problem15:53
holsteini have, in the past, just unplugged the internal hard drive, installed to USB as normal, and that gives a systemn that will boot, and have grub on the USB stick15:53
holsteinMaynardW1ters: its automatic to install grub on your hard drive15:54
MaynardW1tersso, If I already have a liveusb of ubuntu studio, and I can boot to it, then it should be able to allow me to use that liveimage to install a proper system to that usb.... ill try that15:54
holsteinMaynardW1ters: if it were me, i would either get a xubuntu alternate iso, install and customize the grub install location, and intall the ubuntustudio stuff... or, unplug the hard drive15:54
holsteinMaynardW1ters: depends on how that USB stick is partitioned.. you wont be able to blow out the entire stick15:55
holsteini used to make one big partition, and not make a swap partition15:55
MaynardW1tersand now you do something different?15:56
holsteini just have normal installs15:56
holsteini dont need USB booting systems like that.. and nothing in ubuntustduio will benifit from flash media like that15:56
MaynardW1tersso now you have swap, because ubuntu usually sets up some type of swap by default?15:56
holsteinMaynardW1ters: in theory, you dont want swap on flash memory like that15:57
holsteinMaynardW1ters: did i really care? no.. its just a USB stick, or flash card15:57
holsteinbut still, they have limited write cycles, and having swap can "chew" them up15:58
holsteindid i have USB sticks with swap? sure.. would i bother not having swap? if i wanted a system for a long time, i might.. but i wouldnt lose sleep over it15:58
holsteinsetting up a USB stick live with persistence was a pain though.. i did it once to say i could then i just started doing normal installs15:59
MaynardW1tersholstein: on my netbook, ive seen huge increases in responsiveness from gnome to xfce to fluxbox16:05
MaynardW1tersi understand ubstudio uses the subuntu as a base, have you tried any ultra light window mangers16:05
holsteinwe use the XFCE ui.. we had the normal gnome2 before that16:06
holsteinwe will not be going any lighter than that for user experience16:06
holsteinubuntustudio *is* ubuntu, and you can use any DE or window manager you like16:07
holsteinall our packages are in the repos, and you dont have to use the metapackages16:07
MaynardW1tersi understand that, just wanted to hear about your experiences16:07
holsteinyou can install lubuntu, and install just what you want/need16:07
holsteinMaynardW1ters: i use openbox on debian on a regular basis16:08
MaynardW1terswell im using an 11.04 and some of the newest stuff isnt in there, but i really like being able to use fluxbox16:08
holsteinon my studio production machine, i am still running 10.04 with gnome216:08
holsteinMaynardW1ters: you are "able" to use fluxbox with any version16:08
MaynardW1tersi understand, and will be trying that16:08
len-dtholstein, just so you know, there is a selection of where grub is installed on the live image. It is in the manual section.19:57
holsteinlen-dt: COOL.. i saw it blast right past it there for a while19:58
len-dtI have also found that if there is a drive I don't want grub on, I can just mount it before running install and the installer will leave it alone.19:58
holsteinlen-dt: thats a nice trick!19:59
len-dtI learned this from having my netbook end up unbootable once...19:59
holsteineasier than pulling it out19:59
holsteinlen-dt: hehe.. yeah, thats how i learned too19:59
len-dtI know how to redo grub, but lots of people don't.20:00
holsteini just took a day and learned20:05
holsteini broke it in VM and restored.. broke it on a few boxes a few different ways and restored20:06
len-dtI know too many people who just panic.20:06
holsteini used to just calmly re install :)20:06
len-dtI had fixed LILO many times before GRUB showed up.20:06
holsteinat first, im sure i would panic and not even relize what was borked20:07
holsteini really started using linux just before 8.04 released20:07
holsteinone of the mepis releases was my first fulltime linux system i ran and didnt break20:07
len-dtI started just around slackware .8 or something when I couldn't get OS/2 to do what I wanted. Never have run an MS system.20:08
len-dtI was running a BBS back before Inet got big.20:09
holsteinnice... i need to do something like gentoo or arch... something that will make me learn a little more20:10
holsteinim using debian on a daily basis now, but im not really learning much more20:10
len-dtI have only so much room in my brain... still learning lots already. The stuff about making packages is keeping me busy20:13
holsteinlen-dt: thanks for helping us with your talents!20:14
len-dtholstein, I can see why LTS is released as .04 and not .10 ... There is no one around in the summer ;-)20:15

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