=== apachelogger___ is now known as apachelogger [02:17] Has a decision been made yet as to whether LO will be replaced with Calligra in 12.10? [02:25] No. [02:25] It's done so temporarily and we'll evaluatate it. [02:29] ScottK: Ok. I've been using it semi-daily without issue. Going to stress-test Words a bit this weekend. [02:29] Looks pretty solid to me so far with RC2. If you need help evaluating further, ping me [02:30] ronnoc: Let me know when it can save MS Office documents and then I'll consider it has a shot at being ready. [02:31] IIRC it opens, but not saves. Correct? [02:33] Yes. [02:34] And no one I have to exchange documents with outside my house (same for my wife and kids) deals with anything bug MS Office docs. [02:35] I used to email customers both the MS Office version and the ODF version as an evangelization effort, but then I found out there are spam filters that treat unknown mime types as spam signs and they didn't know about ODF. [02:35] Makes it tough to get work done. [02:35] ScottK: ouch! I never thought about the filter / mime type issue [02:36] So everyone just use ODF is not any kind of solution IME. [02:38] I seem to remember a snippet about the Devs considering that a wontfix item, but maybe that was from back in the KOffice days...not sure [02:38] Could be. [02:39] I do have it installed and have managed to get a pptx or two imported with it that LO wouldn't do. [02:45] that's cool. I read a bit about the /doc issue, and - of course - it's a manpower issue thought of course they would like to save the save support [02:45] *though of course === ronnoc_ is now known as ronnoc [03:13] I find that sorting spreadsheets in LO was easier than with Caligra, coming from not knowing how to do so with either.