
slangasekstgraber: so is that latter sysvinit change cleaning up after previous incomplete sysvinit migration code?00:01
slangasek(I suppose that's why it might be in sysvinit instead of lxc?)00:01
slangasekstgraber: also, can you please put a version guard on that upgrade code?00:02
stgraberslangasek: yeah, and lxc doesn't have any package inside the containers, so we don't have a way of fixing them other than SRUing initscripts for that. In theory the check I uploaded shouldn't even match a setup that's not broken but I should have indeed added a version guard on top of that if someome actually wants the "broken" setup.00:54
slangasekstgraber: <nod> the risk of a false positive is small, but I'm paranoid about upgrade code not having version checks; so please fix that in quantal and in the SRU :)01:00
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stgraberslangasek: please reject the SRU then, I'll prepare an updated postinst02:01
slangasekstgraber: rejected, thanks02:23
stgraberslangasek: re-uploaded to -proposed, testing the one to quantal to make sure I didn't mess up anything in the version check02:25
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psusiso I'm trying to figure out how to bootstrap an x32 system by practicing building i386 packages from amd64... if I run debuild -ai386, it seems to build an i386 binary package ( though dh_strip tries to run i686-linux-strip instead of strip, so I had to make a symlink ), but I can't figure out how to get debuild to pass gcc -march=i38603:36
slangasekpsusi: so debuild -ai386 will set DEB_HOST_ARCH and friends; packages that know about cross-building will take this as a hint to *do* cross-building, which means they'll look for a cross-compiler03:38
slangasekpsusi: so they will look for i686-linux-gnu-gcc - provide this and have it do the right thing03:38
psusislangasek, right... I guess that's why dh_strip was trying to run i686-linux-strip instead of just strip....03:38
psusibut the actual build didn't complain about not being able to find i686-linux-gnu-gcc03:39
psusiit seemed to run gcc and build just fine... just barfed at dh_strip, which I got around with a symlink03:39
slangasekideally i686-linux-gnu-gcc could be implemented by gcc itself just knowing what to do; but at a push, you can make it a short wrapper script that calls exec gcc -m32 $@03:39
slangasekright, then your test package seems to not be cross-build-friendly03:39
slangasek(which package?)03:39
psusibut... while it built an i386 binary deb, the actual binaries are still amd64 since it isn't telling gcc the right -m03:40
scientesslangasek, yes i tested using multi-arch for that, it works great!03:40
slangasekdepending on the package, it may be using gcc as a fallback03:40
infinitypsusi: Yeah, it's obviously hardcoding the compiler, which is not cross-friendly.03:40
psusihrm.... that could be03:40
slangasekand maybe creating i686-linux-gnu-gcc will be enough to make it happy03:40
scientesjust using a -m32/-m64 wrapper for -afoo that can be satified by multilib03:40
slangasekagain, which package?03:40
infinityOr, I suppose it could be cross-friendly but falling back in the absense of triplet-cc, yeah.03:40
scientesslangasek, you need symlinks for binutils, and gcc/cpp/etc, and then it works03:41
psusiso... you are saying to get it to work, I have to write a wrapper gcc script to run gcc -m32?  can't get dh to be happy just running gcc and adding -m32 to the CFLAGS?03:41
scientesbut yeah i had that working great03:41
scientespaulliu, yep, i'll go find what i was using03:41
scientespaulliu, slacker_nl   this works: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1102847/03:42
scientesi called it "gcc-32", and you could easily make a similar gcc-6403:43
psusiit seems kind of silly to have to invoke all of the cross compiling machinery when the native gcc supports the "cross" arch, you just need to add a flag03:43
psusibut you're saying that's just how you have to do it?03:43
scientespsusi, the "c99" "c89" commands work exactly the same03:43
scientesof course this is called by the full qualified name03:43
scientesi got blocked on trying to wrap my head around how the packaging for gcc-defaults-cross might work03:44
scientesi think it should be packaged like this IMHO03:45
psusiso if you have to pretend you are doing a full cross compile... why doesn't our gcc package come with the cross compiler wrapper script to add -m32?03:45
scientespsusi, it could either be part of (gcc|g++|gobjc)-multilib packages, or a seperate package03:46
infinitypsusi: You could certainly file a bug to that effect.03:48
psusihow do you smack bzr bd into passing options to debuild?  it pukes on -ai38603:58
infinity-- perhaps?03:58
infinity(I don't use it, just a wild guess)03:58
ScottKpsusi: -- $OPTIONS03:59
psusigood guess... I was thinking that but the man page doesn't show it ;)03:59
ScottKYes.  I've written bugs about it.03:59
ScottKIt's not a guess.  I knew because I couldn't find it either and had to ask.03:59
ScottK"inconsitent interface" is on my reasons to avoid UDD kinds of things.04:00
ScottKWho'd have thought -S -- -sa -us -uc was a good plan?04:00
psusihrm... when I add -ai386, it says /usr/include/linux/errno.h can't find asm/errno.h04:02
scientespsusi, install libc6-dev:i386 ?04:04
psusiohh... I guess gcc expects a separate 32bit headers directory04:04
scientespsusi, or rather apt-get build-dep -ai386 <package>04:05
slangasekScottK: it's equally valid to call it as -- -S -sa -us -uc, if that makes you happier ;P04:12
psusihrm.. so why does apt-get want to remove the native amd64 -dev packages to install the i386 ones?04:13

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