
usr13Wiz_KeeD: (I have never installed flashplugin-installer, don't know why I would....)00:00
Wiz_KeeDPackage adobe-flashplugin is not available, but is referred to by another package.00:01
usr13Wiz_KeeD: Ok, just a sec...00:01
trismWiz_KeeD: usr13 need to enable partner to get adobe-flashplugin00:01
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »00:01
usr13Wiz_KeeD: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:02
Wiz_KeeDi did that usr1300:03
usr13Wiz_KeeD: Ok, just a sec.00:03
=== Fed45 is now known as Fed44
blackshirtanyone from uns solo?00:03
Wiz_KeeDmaybe it was too late, and the former version got allready installed?00:03
Wiz_KeeDyou suggest doing that trism?00:03
=== peto is now known as petoo
trismWiz_KeeD: no, was just pointing out where the package was, I use the flashplugin-installer package (which just downloads the plugin from partner without adding it)00:04
usr13Wiz_KeeD: 32bit or 64?00:04
Wiz_KeeDand how does it work for you trism ?00:04
Wiz_KeeD64 bit usr1300:04
tired_old_manperhaps you are using the wrong default java.... $ sudo update-alternatives --config java00:04
tired_old_man $ sudo update-alternatives --config mozilla-javaplugin.so00:04
Dr_willisWiz_KeeD,  you have done a 'sudo apt-get update' recently?00:05
Wiz_KeeDDr_willis, it's a fresh install, ran it 2 days ago00:05
Wiz_KeeD3 max00:05
trismWiz_KeeD: which browser do you use? could check about::plugins or chrome://plugins to see which version is being used00:06
Wiz_KeeDi tried chrome and firefox00:06
Wiz_KeeDbut i'd like to use firefox00:06
usr13Wiz_KeeD: http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.236-0precise1_amd64.deb00:06
petoowhere should I put my JAVA_HOME variable?00:06
Wiz_KeeDi don't even see adobe plugin there trism00:07
tima-sHi all. I guess I had found a bug00:07
trismWiz_KeeD: it could be that it failed to download, may try removing flashplugin-installer, adding partner and installing adobe-flashplugin as usr13 suggests (or might try: sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-installer;)00:08
trismWiz_KeeD: I know I had a few problems with the plugin not downloading when they switched to the update-notifier hooks00:08
Wiz_KeeDFailure to download extra data filesName-00:09
Wiz_KeeDon reinstall00:09
Wiz_KeeDin a gui window00:09
nannesWiz_KeeD: Can you please post the output of  lshw -c cpu00:09
usr13Wiz_KeeD: adobe flashplayer is in Canonical Partner ppa. Setup repository with:  sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ natty partner" >> \00:10
nannesOld CPUs are not totally compatible with the newer versions of AdobeFlashPlugin00:10
qubitI've got a fresh install of ubuntu precise on a pandaboard. However attempting to install the PowerVR SGX drivers results in "package or module not installed, aborting". Full jockey log at http://paste.ubuntu.com/1102694/00:10
tima-sThe bug is that the date in the calendar which is shown by click on the clock is not correct00:11
usr13Wiz_KeeD:  http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/canonical_partner?dist=natty00:11
nanneslolno, it's an intel i3 :)00:11
trismWiz_KeeD: yeah that sounds like it, try: sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer; then add partner and install adobe-flashplugin00:12
Wiz_KeeDif i knew that was the problem i would have told you00:12
trismusr13: he said he was on 12.04, so that should be precise00:12
Wiz_KeeDdoes purge actually eliminate EVERYTHING related to that packacge?00:12
Wiz_KeeDand how did i add that repository again trism?00:12
trism!partner | Wiz_KeeD00:12
ubottuWiz_KeeD: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »00:12
BlouBloupurge is remove + configuration file removal00:12
trismWiz_KeeD: command at the end00:12
petoohi , where should I put my JAVA_HOME variable? There are many profile files,00:13
rypervenchepetoo: ~/.bashrc will work fine.00:13
Dr_willisWiz_KeeD,   purge does not touch anything in the users home dirs. :) neither does the normal apt-get remove.00:13
Wiz_KeeDDr_willis, this means that it will still be "messy" ?00:13
trismWiz_KeeD: you'll then need to: sudo apt-get update; before sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin;00:13
Wiz_KeeDtrism, doesn't that mean that i'll install ALL updates available?00:13
Dr_willisWiz_KeeD,  no idea what you mean.. the apt-get system does NOT touch any settings or config files in the users home dirs..00:13
Wiz_KeeDi really don't want to do that..00:14
BlouBlouWiz_KeeD: if you want to remove everything related with that package, use autoremove00:14
usr13Wiz_KeeD: uname -a  #What does it say?...00:14
trismWiz_KeeD: no update just updates the repository information00:14
Dr_willisWiz_KeeD,  it would be very bad if it did. :)00:14
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
trismWiz_KeeD: upgrade and dist-upgrade are the arguments that will upgrade softare00:14
Wiz_KeeDBlouBlou, apt-autoremove?00:14
trismWiz_KeeD: software00:14
petoorypervenche: will it work for other users if they log into my machine?00:14
rypervenchepetoo: Nope.00:15
nannesWiz_KeeD: You could just purge the flashplugin-installer, install the one from launchpad (without adding any repo, just downloading & installind .deb file)00:15
rypervenchepetoo: You'll want the one in /etc then00:15
Wiz_KeeDi'd go for the repo first, then maybe a deb00:15
petoorypervenche: then how can I make it available for everyone00:15
nannesand then appurate the presence of libflashplayer.so  in firefox's plugin dir00:15
Dr_willisI just use a flashreplacer extension that plays flash video in VLC. :)00:15
petoorypervenche: where exactly in /etc? /etc/profile?00:16
rypervenchepetoo: I'm not so sure on Ubuntu, can someone answer that?00:17
wayneHello all00:17
nanneslol, Pi ↑00:18
wayneI haven't been on here in quite some time00:18
wayneWas hoping I could get some help today00:18
petoowasted his pc's computin g power00:18
bonhoefferhow can i edit a launcher to point to a new script?00:18
wayneSo if someone is available please let me know00:18
escott!info alacarte | bonhoeffer, you could try alacarte, although its usually for creating new entreis00:19
ubottubonhoeffer, you could try alacarte, although its usually for creating new entreis: alacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.2-2ubuntu4 (precise), package size 91 kB, installed size 1116 kB00:19
wayneI was wondering how to speed up boot time I am running Ubuntu 10.1000:20
Wiz_KeeDpraise my brothers00:20
Wiz_KeeDit worked00:20
Wiz_KeeDyou guys are great! :D00:20
r0thawayne: get a SSD00:20
OerHekswayne, see the topic, 10.10 is no longer supported. so maybe upgrade ?00:20
Wiz_KeeDthis is exactly why there is no possible bigger force on the concept of software than opensource00:20
Wiz_KeeDthanks a lot guys! :D00:21
Dr_willisbonhoeffer,  I belive ive right-clicked/properties on some launcher  or .desktop files on the desktop and edited some things on them00:21
OerHeksr0tha, true, a SSD makes a lot of fun00:21
Dr_willisWiz_KeeD,  I just use a flashreplacer extension that plays flash video in VLC. :)   No need for flash for me for most sites00:21
wayneI really like Gnome 200:22
tima-sso , that the date in the calendar is not correct - it is normal? ))00:22
r0thaSSD + 11.10 = perfect boottime00:22
wayneThanks but right now SSD's aren't an option for me.00:23
OerHeksi saved 9 sec boottime by disabling IPv600:23
* Reactor HI ALL00:23
wayneThanks 0erHeks00:23
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv400:23
ceegeif you do the SSD thing, be sure to align the partitions and filesystem, use deadline/noop i/o scheduler, and set noatime, nodiratime in /etc/fstab00:23
bonhoefferDr_willis, i can't edit via right click -- i tried that -- i read online to drag to desktop, right click, i'll try that00:23
Wiz_KeeDDr_willis, most sites? and doesn't it run slower or smth?00:24
ceegethen everything is way faster00:24
bonhoefferhmm. . . can't drag to desktop00:24
Dr_willisWiz_KeeD,  never noticed any speed issues.. It plays in a vlc window in the browser, or external vlc player.00:24
wayneI have been using Ubuntu since 2010, but I am eager to be more of a power user with it00:24
qubitI've got a fresh install of ubuntu precise on a pandaboard. However attempting to install the PowerVR SGX drivers results in "package or module not installed, aborting". Full jockey log at http://paste.ubuntu.com/1102694/00:24
Reactorany one can tell me where i find list of runnig process from /proc/ folder ?00:25
Dr_willisReactor,  you mean the 'ps00:25
Dr_willisReactor,  you mean the 'ps' command?00:25
ReactorDr_willis, yes00:25
Dr_willisps ax :) or any of a dozen options00:25
wayneHas anyone else had problems using Guvcviewer with Ubuntu 12.0400:25
ReactorDr_willis, but i don't want to use ps i want to get it from /proc directely00:26
Reactoryou know path ?00:26
Reactorlike /proc/cpuinfo ,to see cpu running on your box00:26
Dr_willisReactor,  never noticed.. or needed to. its  directory/tree layout - so not sure if there is a single file00:26
Reactorcan i get it by name ?00:27
ceegeif you look in /proc the # directories correspond to the process ID. you can then cat /proc/#/status00:30
usr13wayne: Do you have 11.10?00:32
usr13wayne: Do you have 10.10 or 11.10?00:36
usr13wayne: lsb_release -a00:37
usr13ps aux |grep 142900:40
usr13ps aux |grep 141600:40
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usr13ooops sorry, wrong channel00:43
Andrilhello all00:43
gr33n7007hIs there an emulator for NES ROM's in the ubuntu repositories, as fceu doesn't want to work?00:45
gr33n7007hIs there an emulator for NES ROM's in the ubuntu repositories, as fceu doesn't want to work?00:45
r0thagr33n7007h: sudo aptitude search NES00:46
gr33n7007hIs there a emulator in ubuntu repositories for NES ROM's, as fceu doesn't want to work?00:50
bugaloogr33n7007h,  zsnes00:51
=== THE_dreamer is now known as jiohdi
gr33n7007hbugaloo, I just can't compile it!00:52
gr33n7007hbugaloo, ignore that last comment!00:53
gr33n7007hbugaloo, and thanks00:54
=== Caspercom is now known as Caspercom|Off
TiZSo I've got this weird thing going on with my logitech wireless mouse, where if I leave it idle for a while, like when I'm typing, it stops responding until I shake it vigorously, then it starts moving like normal. What do I do to fix this?01:05
xorfishhi all!01:06
escottTiZ, perhaps it is going to sleep01:09
xorfishwhen in openfirmware, typing dir cd;, \ I get a directory structure, however, typing any contained returns an error, eg dir cd:, \install\ fails... any suggestions?01:09
xorfishtrying to locate yaboot for boot install through OF01:12
TiZescott: That's strange. That doesn't happen when I plug it into the windows laptop sitting next to me. How do I stop it from doing that?01:12
escottTiZ, not sure why it would be different on linux. i would have thought this would be an issue with the firmware in the mouse01:14
TiZescott: I don't know either. :/01:14
xorfishusb mouse?01:14
trismTiZ: I know it happens to me if I enable the autosuspend for the mouse in the tunables section of powertop (it's not enabled by default though)01:15
TiZtrism: But laptop-mode-tools might be doing it.01:16
TiZtrism: Alright, that fixed it, I think. Thank you.01:17
=== sixdahs_ is now known as forkb0mb
JoniiMy Zenbook Elantech clickpad does not work well with Ubuntu 12.0401:21
JoniiIt frequently starts miscounting the number of fingers that are on the pad. Last time I lost the ability to move the cursor, and two-finger stretch manipulated the size and place of windows01:22
JoniiUsually it loses ability to drag&drop, and also starts miscounting by not allowing 4 finger tap, interpreting 4 finger tap as 3 finger tap01:23
L3topClean it?01:23
L3topI keed I keed.01:23
JoniiL3top: that has nothing to do with is. It's a software bug. Restarting X always fixes it01:25
L3topIt was an inappropriate joke for this channel. Sorry. I know nothing of multitouch in buntu. Again... sorry...01:26
naryfaHello, can anybody tell me how do I uninstall gnome-shell but leave some of its applications like evolution, transmission ?01:26
naryfahow would I add an option to omit those01:26
escottnaryfa, you can just install those applications as one-off applications01:27
L3topnaryfa: most that you install will install those as well, and the configs will not be destroyed (in general) by a simple remove...01:27
L3topby most that you install I mean most DMs that you would install01:27
naryfaescott: are you sure about those configs? because that's what I want to keep heheheh01:28
escottnaryfa, the configs are in your home directory which is never touched by apt01:28
naryfasorry that was to L3top01:28
naryfamuch appreciated01:28
naryfaso just reinstall the missing apps01:28
xorfishhas anyone else had any issues booting 12.04 to a clean system?01:28
naryfaxorfish: what's the issue?01:29
L3topnaryfa: typically remove, removes the application but leaves the config behind... which is really the majority of the rationalle behind remove --purge01:29
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.01:29
xorfishUnable to boot from cd in any 12 version01:29
L3topThis is not foolproof naryfa... but has never failed me personally01:30
ActionParsnipxorfish: what happens when you try?01:30
ActionParsnip!test | bz01:30
ubottubz: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )01:30
bzActionParsnip: thanks.01:30
xorfishsends me too the blue screen which blinks "?/Smiley"01:30
ActionParsnipxorfish: what gpu do you use?01:31
xorfishits a powermac g5 ... board is 200401:31
naryfaI don't know much about it but would alternative install help?01:32
L3topxorfish: is it PPC?01:32
ActionParsnipxorfish: try the boot option: nomodeset01:32
naryfaActionParsnip: oh that that01:32
* L3top is not familiar with mac gens01:32
naryfaI used that on Arch01:32
L3topxorfish: there is a specific iso for PPC01:32
naryfaOk, let me get rid of gnome shell, brb01:32
xorfishright... tried that01:33
escottxorfish, L3top yes that is PPC01:33
=== xi34 is now known as xi32
Andrilcan a noob user get a bit of help?01:33
xorfishalright... so at boot try the desktop-ppc?01:33
xi32Does anybody know if US dial-up 56k modems work in Japan? I believe RJ11 is one of the standards in use in Japan although I don't know if that is the only thing you have to worry about.01:34
ActionParsnipAndril: ask and see01:34
Andrili need help with this "W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates/main i386 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-updates_main_binary-i386_Packages)"01:34
ActionParsnipxi32: RJ11 is the connector used in all 56Kbps modems01:34
ActionParsnipAndril: can you give a PASTEBIN of the output of:  grep -R partner /etc/apt/*01:35
jagginessxi32, my bet is they dont.01:35
xi32ActionParsnip: does that mean every 56k modem should work worldwide as a general rule? I know I read there were some modems that didn't work in the US due to com ports only supporting up to like 8 and the US ISPs generally ran on 13. or something like that.01:35
L3topAndril: typically running sudo apt-get update twice typically fixes that... but you can look at your /etc/apt/sources.list and delete any duplicates.01:35
escott!ppc | xorfish01:35
ubottuxorfish: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ01:35
benassiany good game for linux?01:35
jagginessxi32, you'll have to see the telecomm specs in japan, and see if n.a ones are compatible..01:36
ActionParsnipbenassi: depends what sort of game you like. I love Urban Terror and the Penumbra series01:36
DWSRAnyone that can help me get hybrid graphics working with my HP laptop? I've tried building fglrx from source, and also using the packages in the Precise repos, but as soon as I try to configure X to use them, it complains about low-graphics mode. Any help?01:36
ceegesometimes apt sources get put in /etc/apt/sources.d/ as well01:36
AndrilL3top thanks01:36
xorfishescott: Bookmark! thanks!01:36
AndrilActionParsnip thanks01:37
benassiActionParsnip  well on win7 I played just CoD and strategies...(like high resolutin games)..01:37
ActionParsnipceege: hence '-R' ;)01:37
benassiand strategies01:37
L3topDWSR: I can try. I have a good understanding of the interaction... but hybrids are terribly unsupported, and my positive results are about 1 in 3. ATI is particularly buggered.01:38
xorfishescott, L3top: will return with good news, perhaps!01:38
ActionParsnipbenassi: there are Linux games, alien arena wins lots of awards too01:38
L3topDWSR: can you tell me what you have done thus far? On one line please?01:38
TheWhiteHatterI like flare01:39
TheWhiteHatterIt's a good game01:39
ActionParsnipbenassi: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/06/adventure-game-journey-down-now-half-price-in-ubuntu-software-center01:39
ActionParsnipbenassi: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/07/alien-arena-quake-for-linux01:40
DWSR L3top: I've tried following the HybridGraphics guide in the Wiki (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics), the community forum post (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1930450), and just tried to get the Catalyst Control Center to DO anything. Nothing has worked properly.01:40
ActionParsnipbenassi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmzOS4H4o8401:40
* L3top notes that japan has among the highest bandwidth infrastructure in the world, and the price per is cheaper there than anywhere in the world...01:40
TheWhiteHatterPlanning on moving?01:41
* TheWhiteHatter wants to move to a snowy country, like Sweden. TheWhiteHatter likes Sweden01:42
L3topDWSR: two questions... 1 does your bios give you the ability to ONLY enable the discrete GPU. 2 have you been trying to use vga-switcheroo?01:42
DWSRL3top: No and no.01:42
DWSRI'm going to look for a BIOS update for my computer right now.01:43
L3topDWSR: please in a terminal type sudo update-pciids      and then give me the output of lspci -nn | grep VGA   it will be 2 lines.01:43
TheWhiteHatterShould I try updating my BIOS?01:44
L3topDWSR: I would not put a whole lot of hope in the update basket.01:44
TheWhiteHatterMy computer IS 6 years old01:44
L3topTheWhiteHatter: for you? Yes.... that might indeed give you some hope.01:44
* L3top likes Denmark.01:45
jagginessTheWhiteHatter, usually it doesnt make much difference.. unless you're having some problems and are listed as solved with change release notes01:45
TheWhiteHatteris that sarcasm?01:45
ActionParsnipTheWhiteHatter: depends what the upgrades fix and if you are affected by what they fix01:45
L3topNo It is not.01:45
TheWhiteHatterhow does one go about updating said bios?01:45
Andrilhey ActionParsnip http://paste.ubuntu.com/1102775/01:45
L3topHis issue is that (some of) his laptop fans do not operate in linux ActionParsnip.01:46
DWSRL3top: Also on the phone with HP tech support to get some parts ordered in under warranty, bear with me.01:46
TheWhiteHatterI seem to be doing okay01:46
TheWhiteHatterI thought you had dial-up?01:46
ActionParsnipL3top: you'd need to check what the new thing fixes, its good to keep updated though01:46
TheWhiteHatterthought DWSR was l3top01:47
TheWhiteHattermy bad01:47
TheWhiteHatterthe names are the same color on my end01:47
L3topI am near dialup. I am .5mbps dl and .10 up TheWhiteHatter.01:47
TheWhiteHatterL3top: how do I update bios?01:47
DWSRL3top: Yes, I( get two lines. You want pastebin?01:47
L3topDepends on the machine TheWhiteHatter. You will need to consult the manufactueres website.01:47
TheWhiteHatterOky Dokey01:47
DWSRL3top: apparently Unity doesn't like my graphics adapter now.01:48
L3topActionParsnip: I say keeping your temps in check is worth whatever else it breaks01:48
ActionParsnipAndril: try:  sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.bkp.2012-06-02_11-41-12; sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.distUpgrade; sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.save01:48
L3topDWSR: its two lines... just paste them here.01:48
DWSRL3top: Not on IRC from the same machine. Let me type, sec.01:48
L3top!ssh | DWSR01:48
ubottuDWSR: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)01:48
DWSRL3top: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300] : Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0046] (rev 02)01:49
ActionParsnipAndril: you have some fluff there, that  should clean up01:49
killer_while running cod i get "http://paste.ubuntu.com/1102779/"01:49
TheWhiteHatterokay going to update bios01:49
xorfishTheWhiteHatter: determine your Bios and which version you have before updating.. helps ensure you locate the correct update path01:49
ActionParsnipAndril: also run: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1102780/01:49
DWSR01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300] : Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Manhattan [Mobility Radeon HD 5400 Series] [1002:68e0]01:50
* L3top raspberries at screen01:50
L3topDWSR: what version of fglrx are you on now please (apt-cache policy fglrx | grep -i installed)01:51
L3topDWSR: do you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file? If so I would like it in a pastebin01:51
DWSRAnd sec for pastebin01:52
DWSRL3top: xorg.conf doesn't exist, but it appears some backups from my failed attempts do.01:55
DWSRWould you like a pastebin of those?01:56
L3topdont need them.01:56
DWSRbtw, tty7 displays the login screen properly, then when I login I don't get a desktop.01:57
L3topWhat I would like a pastebin of is: xrandr -q01:57
DWSRI just see my desktop. No shell.01:57
L3topSo long as X is active... that will work DWSR01:57
DWSRCan't open display.01:57
L3topWhat is currently displayed on tty7 DWSR?01:58
DWSRMy wallpaper and the cursor.01:58
DWSRThat's it.01:58
xorfishback... ppc disk at book brought me through a grey>black>blinky screen01:58
ActionParsnipxorfish: tried the boot option?01:59
L3topOn tty2 or whatever, please try DISPLAY=:0 xrandr -q01:59
DWSRCan't open display :001:59
decciI have openLDAP configured on my Ubuntu machine. All I need is adding 3 groups: Enterprise1, Enterprise2 and Enterprise 3 plus few users to each group..How can I doit?01:59
L3topcapitalized, correct DWSR?02:00
xorfishActionParsnip: I tried pressing "c" to boot from disc... no avail... then to OF and tried boot cd:, \install\yaboot02:00
ActionParsnip!bootoption | xorfish02:00
ubottuxorfish: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.02:00
TheWhiteHatterWhat do I use to bunr .iso images to CD in ubuntu?02:01
xanguabrasero TheWhiteHatter02:01
TheWhiteHatterUbuntu doesn't see my disc...02:02
DWSRL3top: http://pastebin.com/1iF5nPiZ02:02
DWSRL3top: Sorry, just got off the phone with the completely ******* useless tech support lady.02:02
DWSRWho can't speak English.02:02
* L3top can't do much if it ISN'T English... or Latin... so... hard to hate.02:03
igotchuwhy is ubuntu 12.04 so slow02:04
DWSRL3top: It's simple. I call FOR ENGLISH TECH SUPPORT.02:04
DWSRIf I do not receive said service, why am I bothering to buy your junk?02:04
DWSRBut I digress.02:04
jagginessigotchu, because it's cool02:04
igotchuright>>> it use to be02:04
TheWhiteHatterxangua: It's telling me there is no disk in the drive02:04
DWSRL3top: Anyway, the Laptop has an HDMI/VGA output, which is why I assume it says VGA1 disconnected.02:05
DWSRL3top: And that's the right res for my panel02:05
L3topLVDS is the laptop monitor. Nothing else is connected.02:05
xorfishI have to go eat... I will try to return another day. Thank-you for the assistance.02:06
L3topDWSR: lsmod | grep -Ei '(vesa|fbdev|radeon|intel|fglrx)'02:07
TheWhiteHatterI reallI really hope this works...02:07
TheWhiteHatterActually, before I do something stupid02:07
TheWhiteHatterI'm going to put the BIOS update iso on my bootable flash drive02:07
TheWhiteHatterUsing a program I loaded in Wine02:07
TheWhiteHatterSound safe?02:07
DWSRL3top: http://pastebin.com/Ke8L10F102:08
TheWhiteHatterL3top: yes02:09
DWSRL3top: Unity not starting is a new thing. Before it was starting properly.02:09
DWSR(It is Unity as the default shell, right? Or are we back to Gnome?)02:09
L3topI would NOT try and update bios via wine to mount a manufacturers utility. Bad news... bad bad bad news02:09
ActionParsnipDWSR: Unity is a shell for gnome02:10
L3tops/utility/windows utility/02:10
DWSRActionParsnip: It's shellception?02:10
TheWhiteHattercool, found an ubuntu compatible multiboot usb creator02:11
TheWhiteHatteris it safe to put the BIOS update .iso on a bootable flash drive?02:11
ActionParsnipDWSR: it simply replaces gnme-panel as the default shell. It's still Gnome desktop02:11
ActionParsnipTheWhiteHatter: try with unetbootin02:12
DWSRActionParsnip: Shellception sounds cooler.02:12
DWSRActionParsnip: :P02:12
TheWhiteHatterunetbootin only lets me put 1 distro...02:12
ActionParsnipDWSR: yeah...02:12
ActionParsnipDWSR: if 3d is giving you issues, try the 2D session02:14
DWSRActionParsnip: 1) It wasn't up until just now. I imagine that a complete reconfig of Xorg will probably fix it.02:14
DWSR2) I want it to work. Seriously. Why is this so difficult? AMD provides drivers for this.02:15
_cbAll of a sudden I don't have maximize/minmize icons for geany. How do I fix?02:15
ActionParsnipDWSR: didn'tyou say there was an itel gpu there too?02:15
TheWhiteHatterOkay, I shall use unetbootin02:15
DWSRActionParsnip: Yeah, it's the Intel/AMD hybrid.02:15
TheWhiteHattereven if it means sacrificing one of my precious flash drives02:15
ActionParsnipDWSR: therein lies the issue02:16
ActionParsnipDWSR: if it was ONLY ATi, then it'd be fine02:16
TheWhiteHatterUbuntu just experienced it's third "internal error" in 5 minutes02:16
ActionParsnipTheWhiteHatter: have you tested your RAM using memtest from Grub02:17
TheWhiteHatterabout 2 weeks ago02:18
TheWhiteHatterwhoops, wrong window02:19
goddardhow can i get rid of the toolbar on a second display?02:21
ActionParsnipzyx: howdy02:23
L3topDWSR: This is almost surely an exercise in futility... your ATI module is loaded, but it is not active on the intel header due to confusion... and I am stretched thin across channels... and I didn't like your SPAEK ANGLISH rant... Your best bet is to purge the fgrlx driver, reinstall the mesa drivers, install vgaswitcheroo, and live with it. I am afraid stuff I wrote needs support. Don't take it personally.02:23
_cbminimize, maximize,close icons have disapeared for Geany everything else seems ok. How do I fix?02:24
DWSRL3top: apt-get purge?02:24
DWSRL3top: Or something else?02:25
zyxnow thats a pain02:25
ActionParsnip_cb: same in the 2D session?02:26
Topher82hello all :)02:26
L3topDWSR: http://pastebin.com/vvSarVVF02:29
Topher82ok so I got kubuntu 12.04 installed on my SSD and for auto trip enabled (thanks to help from you guys) but like every other boot my bios seems to not be able to see the SSD. reboot another time or two and it seems to run a chkdsk or something on boot (black screen for a long time) then boots just fine.02:29
TheWhiteHatterL3pot: brasero is telling me my CD is full.02:29
TheWhiteHatterL3pot: it's brand new02:29
_cb /msg NickServ identify cali02:30
L3topsorry TheWhiteHatter... have to handle stuff I wrote that broke.02:30
L3topafchannel really... still.02:30
Topher82auto trim*02:30
_cbActionParsnip yes 2d too02:30
TheWhiteHatterActionParsnip: Help with brasero? it says my brand new cd -r is full.02:31
ActionParsnipTheWhiteHatter: try xfburn02:33
TheWhiteHatterinstalling now02:33
zyxoooh. .  google said this is really a chat room. . . hahaha what a noob i am. googling IRC hahah02:34
ActionParsnipzyx: its a support channel, chitchat in #ubuntu-offtopic02:35
TheWhiteHatter#ubuntu-offtopic is a chat room02:35
TheWhiteHatterxfburn works great!02:37
Topher82I'm just trying to decide if this is a linux, laptop, or SSD issue. it's like the bios just randomly likes to not see the SSD02:37
zyxoh thanks for that  great info. "is a chat": noted. it just confuses me, seeing this codes in front of me. i feel like im inside an IDE.02:39
TheWhiteHatternow xfburn is hung at 99%02:39
ma111I got a bit funny question, for hunspell or ispell users, can I change the spelling suggestions to start at 1 and not at 0 ?02:40
ma111it's not the most natural way for me to need both hands for correcting the spelling, it used be from 1 up, not its from 0 up02:40
ActionParsnipTheWhiteHatter: 99% of what?02:41
NiKonhow do you hook up ones xbox i got a switch and i setup a dns dhcp on my computer still dont know what is up02:41
TheWhiteHatterburning the disk02:41
ActionParsnipNiKon: how do you mean 'hook up'?02:42
ActionParsnipTheWhiteHatter: give it a while..02:42
NiKonlink xbox with network on the switch02:43
ActionParsnipNiKon: can you ping the IP of the xbox?02:43
NiKonill try that02:43
TheWhiteHatterIt's a 1.8MB iso...02:45
NiKontry ed but no response02:45
NiKonima try turn it and on02:46
ActionParsnipNiKon: then I'd check the networking config in both systems then, make sure they are both on the same network address and so on02:47
NiKoni got the xbox network hooked from my cpu dir to a switch02:49
ActionParsnipNiKon: do the first 3 IPs of both system addresses match02:50
TheWhiteHatterHere i go to update my BIOS, WISH ME LUCK02:50
NiKoncan i list ip so u can hilp02:50
ActionParsnipNiKon: ifconfig    will show the IP in Ubuntu02:51
* alchemis19 wish's TheWhateHatter some luck02:51
=== alchemis19 is now known as alchemist9
NiKon10.42.1.0, the ones the xbox should connect to02:55
TheWhiteHatterI almost had a heart attack...02:57
chuxxsssHi all02:57
TheWhiteHatterI misread the bios update thing and thought it erased my bios but failed to update02:57
TheWhiteHatterThat was scary02:58
TheWhiteHatterSO MUCH BEEPING02:58
=== dark3n is now known as dark3n|off
TheWhiteHatterI'm going to go change my pants02:58
alchemist9TheWhiteHatter: read everything twice on a bios update lol..02:58
NiKonlol ya02:59
ActionParsnipNiKon: and what IP does the ubuntu system have?02:59
IlikeMoosei have a problem: when burning 12.04 onto cd-rom one of the discs fouled up and wouldn't work on the install so i had to burn another one, i didn't have a sharpie on hand and i mixed the 2 discs up. how to i find out which one of these is the good disc?02:59
[Relic]anyone have any idea how to set the fan speed on an Nvidia card and have it take effect when it starts up?03:00
alchemist9IlikeMoose: there should be a media check option on the disk, just boot and check..03:00
ActionParsnipNiKon: that's why then, you need to change the IP to match the xbox03:00
IlikeMoosealchemist9: thanks03:01
ActionParsnipIlikeMoose: you can mount the CD, change directory to the root of the CD then run:  md5sum -c MD5SUM03:01
ActionParsnipIlikeMoose: it will check all the files are ok03:01
IlikeMooseActionParsnip: i like that option better :)03:02
NiKondoes dns need to be auto03:02
chuxxsssHi all, need help please with virualbox and AROS on ubuntu 12.04....03:03
alchemist9chuxxsss: what exactly do you need help with?03:04
naaseihi all where can I find java for ubuntu?03:04
naaseiI need to install java03:04
bazhang!java | naasei03:05
ubottunaasei: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.03:05
keithclarkI have an emachines netbook and my microphone does not work, any ideas on how to fix?03:06
chuxxsssSetting up Virtualbox to run AROS on my ubuntu  machine. having problems.03:06
alchemist9keithclark: does your mic show up in alsamixer?03:07
alchemist9chuxxsss: is virtualbox installed?03:08
IdleOnechuxxsss: might try asking #aros03:08
chuxxsssYes Virtualbox installed.03:08
keithclarkalchemist9, shows up but no response03:09
chuxxsssIdleOne, Try no one answering in that channel.03:09
IdleOnechuxxsss: what is the problem?03:09
alchemist9keithclark: hmm it could be a driver issue..  let me check something...03:11
keithclarkalchemist9, thanks03:12
chuxxsssIdleOne, not sure on the setting own get to the display or grub start then says it is running blank screen.03:12
YuukaHello keithclark03:12
alchemist9for the life of me can't remember the forsaken tools name..03:13
YuukaHello synaptix03:13
keithclarkYuuka, hey03:15
JoseeAntonioRYuuka: Please, stop greeting random people. It may be annoying for someone.03:15
YuukaI'm annoyed right now03:16
YuukaBecause of all the pings I'm getting from this channel03:16
Topher82anyone familiar with SSDs?03:16
bazhangYuuka, did you have an actual support question?03:17
bazhangTopher82, try ##hardware03:17
alchemist9keithclark: try sudo alsaconf and see if your card is automaticly detected..03:17
YuukaNo, I didn't03:18
YuukaI shouldn't have to03:18
bazhangYuuka, this is support only chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic03:18
TheWhiteHatterL3pot: did you fix that thing, that broke.?03:18
* alchemist9 wanders off into off-topic land03:18
YuukaI'm pretty sure the 1463 people in here aren't only here to ask for support.03:19
YuukaIf so, ubuntu needs to  be more user-friendly03:19
YuukaHEH HEH03:19
TheWhiteHatterNo, but they are'nt being chatty cathy03:19
bazhangYuuka, take it elsewhere03:19
TheWhiteHatteruse #ubuntu-offtopic for chat03:19
YuukaIs it a problem?03:19
YuukaAm I harming anyone?03:19
YuukaWhat was that for?03:19
synaptixThank you baz03:19
rypervencheYuuka: Welcome to IRC.03:20
YuukaYou're thanking him?03:20
bazhangYuuka, lets move on. chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here03:20
YuukaI've been on IRC longer than you.03:20
IdleOneYuuka: We have separate channels for general chat and for support. This is the support channel.03:20
chuYuuka: He asked to take the chit-chat elsewhere. You can sit in here 9and answer questions, if you are able to). But please leave this channel strictly for support and bring the chit-chat to #ubuntu-offtopic.03:20
keithclarkalchemist9, command not found03:21
Jillyis trying to decide if she needs to buy a used macbook pro. :)03:22
NiKongot it working on wireless fml03:22
Topher82good evening all. I've been having problems with kubuntu 12.04 on here. I swapped the HDD in my Acer Aspire 3820T for an OCZ Agility3, I got linux installed and trim enabled, no swap file just installed / to the full drive. and now like every other boot the bios seems to fail to see the HDD entirely. if I reboot once or twice it boots but seems to sit on a black screen for a long time (I assume it's running a chkdsk of some sort to repair03:23
Topher82the partitions)03:23
alchemist9keithclark: hmm my other suggestion is sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa ... odd they keep removing tools that work...03:23
L3topDWSR: Still here?03:24
L3topTopher82: check noacpi boot option.03:25
keithclarkalchemist9, yup and now my touch pad stopped working.....this is frustrating03:25
skritei installed ubuntu from the bare mini iso, what package do i install to configure a printer / scanner?03:25
L3top!info cups | skrite03:26
ubottuskrite: cups (source: cups): Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.2-9ubuntu1 (precise), package size 1217 kB, installed size 4098 kB03:26
vmesonsI have a Dell Latitude E6400  running 12.04-current - it doesn't suspend reliably (50% works). Any suggestions?03:26
Topher82I think I enabled that during the install03:26
Topher82how or where would I do that now after install?03:27
L3topvmesons: I would need more info as to what is failing.03:27
bwat47skrite: and if you want graphical configuration system-config-printer03:27
L3topTopher82: apt-cache policy cups03:27
skritebwat47: gotcha, thanks03:27
L3topTopher82: apt-cache policy cups | grep Installed03:27
alchemist9keithclark:hmm issues galore03:27
vmesonsL3top: most serrvices shutdown, the disk light goes idle ,and it hangs. Let me check the kern.log03:27
skritebwat47: after install, how do i execute?03:28
Topher82ok the grep line gave me no output03:28
L3topvmesons: I would check /var/log/dmesg and /var/log/syslog03:29
Topher82  Installed: 1.5.3-0ubuntu103:29
Topher82  Candidate: 1.5.3-0ubuntu103:29
Topher82  Version table:03:29
Topher82 *** 1.5.3-0ubuntu1 003:29
FloodBot1Topher82: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:29
Topher82        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates/main i386 Packages03:29
L3topcapital I03:29
vmesonsL3top: ack.03:29
bwat47skrite: if you installed cups and system-config-printer gnome just running "system-config-printer" from run should work03:29
L3top!pastebin | Topher8203:29
ubottuTopher82: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:30
Topher82blarg totally my bad didn't realize how much text that was lol03:30
skritebwat47: thanks !03:30
L3topHowever I got what I was looking for... you did not capitalize the I I am guessing.03:30
L3topvmesons: are you using chrome by chance?03:32
keithclarkalchemist9, 'alsa is not installed'03:32
vmesonsbut I usually kill it before trying to suspend.03:32
L3topvmesons: I have seen a couple of folk having issue with suspend due to chrome. Please submit a bug.03:33
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:33
* vmesons will check if a chrom free login -> suspsend works and if not I'll file a bug.03:34
L3topvmesons: ps aux | grep -i chrome prior to shutdown03:34
L3toper suspend03:34
vmesonsL3top: sure.03:34
keithclarkalchemist9, any ideas?03:34
L3topkeithclark: I am not familiar with your issue... but... in almost any case alsa should be installed. Can you please restate your issue?03:35
vmesonsL3top: I don't have a clear record of a failed suspend. The last one was a couple of days ago but they're not hard to reproduce. Tomorrow probably.03:35
L3topkeithclark: apt-cache policy alsa-base | grep -i installed03:36
L3topvmesons: if you could pastebin what you believe is a clear record... perhaps I could help03:37
keithclarkL3top,   Installed: 1.0.25+dfsg-0ubuntu103:37
DWSRL3top: Yes.03:38
DWSRL3top: You less busy now?03:38
L3topDWSR: yes sir. Did you see my earlier post?03:38
DWSRL3top: With the commands?03:39
DWSRL3top: I don't understand how to install vgaswitcheroo03:39
L3topDWSR: No, the completely ineffective ones.03:39
L3topI keed, I keed.03:39
Dave-_My english not too good, but I try to make my known. Does anyone have a torrent link for the v12 LTS iso? my download takes too long on normal and I keep losing the file when the power dies03:40
DWSRI never qualified how useful the commands are. :P03:40
L3topone moment DWSR.03:40
Dave-_I look on the website but they not make the torrent link there as I can see03:40
L3topDave-_: what language do you speak?03:41
L3topUno momento DWSR.03:41
Dave-_L3top: I speak the spanish and the C++ (:03:41
Dave-_but do you understand my question, I've been taking english on the rosetta stone03:42
L3top!es | Dave-_  perhaps you will be better served here.03:42
ubottuDave-_  perhaps you will be better served here.: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:42
DWSRL3top: That really didn't seem to help btw.03:43
L3topDave-_: I do... but I believe that your solution will be better understood via the channel for your lang03:43
Dave-_L3top: Thank you alots...03:43
Dave-_l3top: is there a torrent file even because I think that the other people would do the slow too...03:44
nyreptilequestion: i have some iptables rules i'd like to have enabled at bootup but i dont' want to use the stupid ufw thing03:44
veryhappyhey guys does ubuntu 12.04 already contain gnome 3.4 and if yes how can i update there?03:44
L3topDave-_: it depends on your connection and your repos.03:44
Dave-_Hang on I ask my sister, she speaks the better english03:44
MindALotI know google should tell me this, but I can't tell what is old suggestions versus recent.  I've messed up my other ubuntu install somehow, might be related to video drivers.  Is it still suggested that I download the latest graphics drivers from AMD if I plan to play games (wine + steam) ?03:44
nyreptilecan I just save my iptables rules using iptables-save and then have it load on bootup?03:45
L3topDWSR: I havent given you a solution other than to name it. I do not have your hardware available to me, and you are the first to ask where to find vgaswitcheroo.03:45
Dave-_Hey, davey wants to know whether or not the installer iso for v12.04 of ubuntu, he says the LTS one also, is available as a torrent. our bandwidth is pretty bad, and the power is kind of unstable too. He keeps losing the ISO because of power outage when downloading it the normal way03:46
L3topDWSR: i am not trying to be obstinant with you. Have you completed the steps I gave you in pastebin?03:46
DWSRL3top: And I know that you're not.03:47
chachindang 1466 users03:48
L3topDWSR: ^03:48
chachini wish i had that many on my ircd :o03:48
L3topdo you have an ubuntu support question chachin?03:48
chachinnah just curious to see what amount of users is today03:49
DWSRL3top: /boot/config-2.6.* doesn't exist. Do I need to build a custom kernel?03:49
L3topder what DWSR?03:49
veryhappyhey you guys i wanted to install gnome 3.4 in ubuntu 12.04 and kde 4.7 i think03:50
veryhappyis that possible?03:50
Dave-_Hey... does anyone know the answer or should I tell my brother it doesn't exist?03:50
ghostchickDave-_,  yeah it exist as a torrent03:51
L3topchachin: This channel exists to provide support for *buntu. If you do not have a support question or answer...  the number of users is avail without your offtopic commentary.03:51
chachinim gona idle like everyone else then.03:51
Phiscribeveryhappy you want to be able to switch from gnome to kde?03:51
Dave-_L3top: I found it for him but thanks for your help03:52
Dave-_have a good day03:52
veryhappyPhiscribe: what the heck, i mean not i want to change from gnome to kde ;) i want to upgrade my gnome to the latest gnome version available and also my kde to the latest one that's it ;)03:54
=== Nullifi3d is now known as Nullifi3d|Pi
=== Nullifi3d|Pi is now known as Nullifi3d
Phiscribesudo apt-get install kde-standard or sudo apt-get install kde-full will get you kde, i THINK its 4.7,not sure, but for all gimp 3.4, you may have to go to an ppa, im not advising on it as it seems unrefined to me, i advise picking what you want and using one not haveing multiple, but thats me, im not a fan of the bleeding edge04:00
veryhappyand gnome as well?04:00
veryhappyi mean i tried to install gnome04:00
veryhappybut it doesn't really look like THAT gnome that i could try out in fedora04:01
assesdoes anyone here want a picture of my ass04:02
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.04:02
assesok then04:02
veryhappyasses: no, thank you i think we all take a pass04:02
Phiscribeubuntu 12.04 has some gnome 3.4 and some 3.2. you might have to use a ppa as a source to get it all, i dont like ppa's as they tend to break things, http://www.noobslab.com/2012/04/install-gnome-shell-34-and-extensions.html04:02
Phiscribeor here http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/new-gnome-3-4-release-offers-features-fun-ui-finesse, but be WARNED use at own risk04:03
veryhappy_something that i really hate when i get kicked by my own connection04:03
veryhappy_could an op please kick veryhappy that i can use it again?04:04
veryhappy_or can i do a "ghost" on it04:04
Phiscribeuse the ghost command to kick your ghost04:04
Phiscribegood luck04:04
=== veryhappy_ is now known as veryhappy
veryhappythank you04:05
veryhappynow i got it back04:05
jenkem110youre welcome04:05
veryhappywell and gnome isn't available in that latest version it came on fedora, right?04:05
veryhappyi missed for example the sidebars and so on04:05
vmesonL3top: http://pastebin.com/850sPGhX = 35: Jul 20 23:46:40 fidler anacron[22851]: Normal exit (0 jobs run) -- wait then reset.04:06
sponixhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnutls26/+bug/937537  --> Workaround is to get the deb libgnutls26_2.12.18-1 from Debian Sid and restart04:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 937537 in transmission (Ubuntu) "libgnutls26 2.12.14 breaks SSL tracker support in Transmission" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:06
sponixIs there a chance anyone feels like Fixing this _sometime_ ?04:07
veryhappyok i think it's nearly the same with gnome as with kde04:08
veryhappyso i'll go now.04:08
veryhappythank you all04:08
sponixI'm on 12.04 LTS, and this has been a known issue since the Alpha versions it seems, yet no one seems to care enough to fix it04:08
veryhappyyou've helped me out, tc04:08
debbrwhat ca ni use to search for files that contain text i want?04:08
debbrim on 1204:08
debbrnautilus in 12 doesnt give an option to find files containing text04:10
vmesonL3top: exit chrome, ps <opt> -> no chrome: menu-> suspend - hangs: http://pastebin.com/850sPGhX - see line 35:04:11
L3toplooking vmeson.04:12

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