
lifelesswgrant: PPA's requeue on build-dep failures, right ?00:49
wgrantlifeless: Mostly00:50
lifelesswhat are the exceptions ?00:52
StevenKlifeless: One is if the build got marked as failed rather than dep-wait00:52
wgrantlifeless: And virtual packages00:53
psusibug #8978 has been incomplete since january... why has it not expired?02:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 8978 in grub (Ubuntu) "Grub - Error 21 returned" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/897802:11
psusihrm... actually it was incomplete since 2010... in january it was moved to new and back to incomplete02:12
wgrantpsusi: It's probably because of the bug watch02:15
wgrantIIRC bugs with bugwatches (eg. bugs imported from Ubuntu's Bugzilla, in this case) are excluded from expiry02:15
psusihrm... how does a bug have a bug watch, yet does not have a task linked to it?02:16
wgrantFor not very good historical reasons watches and tasks are pretty unrelated.02:16
wgrantExcept that a task can delegate its status and importance to a watch if it so desires02:17
wgrantYou can see at the bottom of the RHS sidebar that there's a watch to ubuntu-bugzilla.02:17
psusihrm... I see...02:17
thumperwhere do I specify the bug supervisor for a project03:48
wgrantthumper: The Bugs tab03:50
wgrantThere's a portlet listing the bug supervisor, with an edit link03:50
DaBookshahdoes launchpad provide a windows build system? (I notice quite a few hosted projects provide windows binaries)04:12
DaBookshahI'm assuming not04:12
wgrantDaBookshah: It does not.04:13
DaBookshahMy impression of sourceforge is that the project pages just look like complete shit, yes?04:14
DaBookshah2/3 page of ads, 1/3 page of project-related content04:14
wgrantYeah, their layout can be a little... distracting... at times.04:14
DaBookshahI'm trying to pick a system for hosting a project open-sourced from work04:14
DaBookshahWill I be able to find somewhere which will offer me free website hosting distinct from a hosting "platform"?04:15
DaBookshahOr do I need to rely on a platform (sourceforge, launchpad) as a basic "website"04:15
wgrantSourceForge.net provides website hosting too, I think04:16
DaBookshahOh. Free?04:16
wgrantThey used to, but I haven't had cause to use SF.net in yeeeears, so I'm not sure what it's like these days.04:17
DaBookshahOk maybe I'll go with sourceforge :/04:21
lifelessgithub do too I believe, thought IMBW04:34
RAOFGithub have most of the interesting parts of webhosting, I think.04:39
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oly_hi, i have been playing around with the ppa system thats all fine how ever i want to update the files i have uploaded running the dput command a second time fails saying the files alread exist09:54
oly_anyone able to point me in the right direction ? do i need a flag for dput or do i remove the debs from launchpad ?09:54
Lasallyou have increase version number09:54
oly_oh simple as that :)09:54
oly_it was a bug in the packaging files so did not think to increase the number09:55
bigjoolsif the upload was rejected, just dput -f10:00
bigjoolsonly need to bump version if the package was accepted10:01
oly_the upload was accepted, but when i tested the files went to the wrong place :)10:02
oly_Lasall, suggestion worked anyway thanks uploaded a new version now to retest10:02
oly_getting there slowly with this whole packaging buisness :)10:02
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marnomancerDoes anyone know how to add my project to my team page, project was earlier individual, hence made separately, but now that I have a dev team, I need to add it to my team's page.12:50
ccxCZwhere should I go for loggerhead support?12:56
ccxCZI use it in serve-branches mode but it just returns 40412:58
mgzmarnomancer: as in, you want to change the project to be owned by the team, rather than owned by you?12:59
marnomanceryeah. if possible, by both13:00
marnomancerprefer the team13:00
wgrantccxCZ: Sounds like you might need the workaround I described in bug #94882513:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 948825 in loggerhead (Ubuntu) "Loggerhead unable to serve as deamon behind apache" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94882513:05
czajkowskimarnomancer: sorry was on lunch13:06
mgzmarnomancer: tell czajkowski the project and team name and she can do that.13:06
ccxCZwgrant: specifying file:// uri helped, thanks13:08
wgrantccxCZ: Great.13:09
ccxCZbtw is there some way to change the prefix in the "To get this branch, use: bzr branch prefix/fooproj" message?13:10
ccxCZI couldn't find it last time I looked at configuration / sources13:10
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czajkowskimarnomancer: do you mean you want the owner  changed?13:21
marnomancerI mean I want the project to be owned by the team rather than just me, though I'm the project lead atm.13:21
czajkowskimarnomancer: ??13:21
mgzczajkowski: as in https://launchpad.net/PROJECT/+edit-people13:23
mgzfrom him, to the team13:23
rick_h_marnomancer: what's the project, your account, and the team you want it moved to?13:23
marnomancergimme a sec...13:24
czajkowskimarnomancer: right so you will see an edit icon13:24
czajkowskiand you're able to change that13:24
czajkowskiright beside maintainer13:24
marnomanceri'll check13:24
rick_h_ah right, I was looking under administer13:24
rick_h_czajkowski: ftw!13:24
marnomanceron the project page, right?13:24
rick_h_right, under "Project information"13:25
marnomancergot it! :D thanks, people! you're awesome!13:26
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czajkowskimgz: jelmer vila will be on calls for the next two hours can you keep an eye on this channel please13:55
czajkowskinot till 4pm it seems13:56
jelmerg'day czajkowski13:56
jelmerczajkowski: sure :)13:56
mgzI'm going to be semi-buried too so poke vila if you need help jelmer13:58
* vila pokes himself to get out of jet-lag induced state13:59
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact:-| Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad Help contact:- | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: htt
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dobeyi can't seem to click the "Report a bug ->" link on the bugs.launchpad.net page for a project/package. clicking it just does nothing18:33
czajkowskidobey: known bug but it should be fixed18:33
czajkowskirick_h_: ping pong18:34
czajkowskidobey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/102486618:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1024866 in Launchpad itself ""report a bug" link in the involvement portlet on bug listings is broken" [Critical,Fix committed]18:34
dobeyah; committed != released18:34
rick_h_czajkowski: it's still trying to land :/18:35
czajkowskirick_h_: awww18:35
rick_h_czajkowski: got stuck behind another branch in the rollout...but it's on qastaging and ok'd so just wanting for the other fix and a NDT18:35
czajkowskirick_h_: thanks18:35
czajkowskidobey: there you go :)18:35
* czajkowski goes back to munching on dinner 18:36
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materkamilwhat about this code http://wrzucacz.pl/file/515134307215320:15
materkamilit's my easy 'CMS'20:15
materkamildownolad = pobierz20:16
dobeymaterkamil: i don't understand the question20:18
materkamilWhat do you think of this code20:18
dobeyi think this is the wrong place to be asking that20:19
materkamilSo where to ask20:20
dobeyi don't know. in #php perhaps20:20
dobeythis is a general help/support channel for launchpad.net20:20
materkamilThis channel is invite-only. You must have an invite from an existing member of the channel to join.20:22
czajkowskimgz: ##php20:31
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LordOfTimeany launchpad admins online?23:08
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lifeless!ask | LordOfTime23:27
ubot5LordOfTime: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:27
LordOfTimelifeless:  needed an admin specifically, just posted a question against Launchpad itself instead23:44
lifelessLordOfTime: There are admins here but they respond to specific questions, not checks for whether they are here :)23:46
LordOfTimelifeless:  i just posted a question against Launchpad itself *anyways*23:47
LordOfTimewhich they'd likely ask me to do given what i needed done anyways23:47

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