
HganavakJust downloading the ISO for Lubuntu, anyone know if it works with Wubi?03:42
Unit193Wouldn't say anything really works well with Wubi.03:45
HganavakBeen using Wubi fine for last couple of years Unit193, why do you say that? Assuming I'm content with the overhead03:47
holsteinyou can always install ubuntu with wubi and install LXDE03:47
holsteinit should work as wubi works03:47
Unit193But I'd guess Lubuntu works as well with it as Ubuntu.03:48
holsteinshould.. in theory..03:49
philballewUnit193, Maybe its just nothing works well with ntfs04:34
Unit193Try NTFS-3g, it's not so bad.04:37
vltrahello everyone05:43
vltracould anyone point me in the right direction? I am new to ubuntu and i would like to learn how to use the "terminal". Any ideas as to where i can find resources (besides doing a google search)?05:45
Phiscribewhata ya wont to accomplish at the terminal or just want some basics?05:46
vltraI would like to be able to manage my settings, install & remove programs... disable guest account... and eventually learn about how to create my own drivers for e.g. printers...05:48
Phiscribewell i know what you said, but i think some google fu is needed, making DRIVERS for printers? yikes, ill say the man command is your friend, you type man <program> like man ls or man apt   to see the help manual for that program, gack to google....  https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ie=UTF-8#hl=en&safe=off&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=linux%20command%20line%20guide&oq=&g05:49
vltrasweet!! This is a good start!!! THANKS!!!!05:51
vltrahave you ever heard of backtrack?05:53
vltrai tried using it... as the newbie I am ... and I failed miserably... i didn't even know how to install flash through the terminal05:54
Phiscribeeh well, backtrack is a whole distro, like ubuntu, its goal is to be a penetration testing platoform (security) as for installing flash thru the terminal, i suppose you could, but which version? the offical one that is closed, or some of the gui replacements?  i just use the gui isntaller like synamptic packatge manager to search for stuff, though i can use apt-get just fine, if you go with05:57
Phiscribethe closed flash from adobe, youll have to most likely go to adobe's site and follow the instructins05:57
Phiscribeare you using lubuntu now?05:57
vltrai am using ubuntu 12.04 lts05:59
Phiscribeif you got zero command line experience, (terminal) well its gonna be a learning curve, sometimes using the gui along side can be helpful05:59
vltrathe backtrack i was using previously was kde edition backtrack r505:59
vltragood advice06:00
Phiscribeah well this channel is for lubuntu 12.04, (though basicaly it is ubuntu with lxde) but maybe the channel #linuxbeginners would be a good place for you, (though its not heavily populated)06:02
vltraok... i will give it a try!06:03
Phiscribewait thats #linuxbeginner   not with the s on the end06:03
vltra^_^ cool!!06:03
vltraPhiscribe, thank you for all your help!06:04
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peto1my nick17:52
peto1didnt know somebody would be using my nick17:52
peto1my vlc doesn't show  me video, it gave me a problem saying required resolution is different something like that17:53
peto1any idea?17:54
nutsackkerhow long does lubuntu take to install???19:37
bioterror~20 mins19:37
nutsackkerim using a 1.8ghz, 512mb ram (2gb swap), and 80hdd19:37
bioterrorgotta write that down to my memos19:38
Phiscribei have only black shorts, write that in there too!19:41
SAKKEDhow can i see my lubuntu version number?20:14
Unit193lsb_release -a20:19
kanliotcan you find system profile and benchmark20:19
kanliotor what unit said SAKKED20:19
SAKKEDfound that system profiler and benchmark20:22
SAKKEDsays ubuntu 12.0420:22
SAKKEDi thought it would say Lubuntu20:22
SAKKEDbut it says Ubuntu X-D20:22
kanliotyeah that's normal20:22
kanliotwhat version u running?20:23
Zachster1996Will installing lubuntu from wubi wipe youre hard drive21:11
Unit193Not that I know of, but I'd highly recommend you to dualboot rather than try wubi.21:12
Zachster1996I just want to try it out without using a live cd21:13
Zachster1996Does anyone know how to install linksys ae1000 on lubuntu21:38
LordOfTimeis that a wifi dongle or something21:38
Zachster1996Its a wireless adapter21:40
Zachster1996How do u install ndis wrapper w/out internet21:42
kanliot it's a pain, but if you know linux a little bit, you can download the package and install it manually with a usb key21:45
Unit193Either apt-offline, or !offline.21:47
JohnMattI have a quick question about the install. The download page refers to 700 MB. Is that RAM or drive space?21:54
Unit193That's the ISO size for download.  (lagging a bit here, just a sec)21:57
JohnMattUnderstood. The line ends with, "... try the alternate installer to install on computers with less RAM." That's the part that confused me.22:00
Unit193Yes, the alternate can do with less ram than desktop CDs.22:00
JohnMattOk. So the "less RAM" reference has nothing to do with 700 MB.22:02
JohnMattGot it. Thanks very much.22:02
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HganavakCan someone explain to me the difference between the package installer, package manager, and software center?22:42
Unit193Where do you see the menu items?  Installer/manager kind of sound like "Update manager" and synaptic, while Software Center is just the pretty UI for installing stuff.22:44
HganavakThey're all under system tools, Gdebi, Synaptic and Software center respectively22:46
Unit193Ah, gdebi is more for installing deb files, though that's not recommended.22:50
HganavakDoes Lubuntu not come with any screen clipping tools?23:08
Unit193Meaning screenshot?  Printscreen takes a pic and puts it in /home/user using scrot cli tool23:09
HganavakBasically, but as in you select the desired region of your screen Unit193; not just a picture of the entire screen - every distro I've used has come pre-installed with one23:13
Unit193There is one, just no GUI for this current one.23:13
Unit193-s, --select              interactively choose a window or rectangle with the mouse23:14
HganavakOkay, sorry what's the command? It's not printscreen23:15
Unit193That should put a screenshot in your /home/user/, but open a terminal and type  scrot --help23:16
Unit193That too.23:17
HganavakSweet cheers23:17
Unit193If you'd rather use a GUI, you can install one of the many other tools that have one as well.23:17
Turtle32422Sorry for probably very simple question, I'm new to lubuntu using the xbmc OS, how can I change the default settings that turn off the monitor and/or computer after X inactivity.23:38
Turtle32422If that was unclear, my laptop is shutting down after just a few minutes of inactivity, I'm not sure if its directly a setting or if the monitor turns off and as a result the computer shuts down (the only display is the HDMI out)23:39
Unit193"Lubuntu using the XBMC OS"?  And there should be the xfce4-power-manager installed to configure that, you can open a terminal and paste xfce4-power-manager-settings to directly open it.23:41
Turtle32422I guess technically "XBMCbuntu" : http://xbmc.org/about/ Its basically media player software, one of the distributions includes lubuntu as the OS for a home theater PC. I appreciate the help, new to *nix23:44
Turtle32422do i need to run this as root?23:44
Turtle32422nvm, its saying I should "sudo apt-get xxxx"23:45
Unit193Well, do they have a support channel?  That's installed by default in newer versions of Lubuntu at least.23:47
Turtle32422is that > lubuntu 11.1023:48
Turtle32422i can look more for a support channel, thanks for your time23:50
Turtle32422yeah I guess that wasn't the power manager, it said it wasn't running and gave me the error "gtk-warning **:unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap"23:53

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