
Alison_ChaikenGreetings, Ubuntu GeniusBar staff.03:02
Alison_ChaikenI have one Lintian error I just can't figure out.03:02
Alison_Chaikenlintian complains that my package name should match my shared-object library name.03:03
Alison_ChaikenBut it already does!   When I check what SO library is in the package, I get "libfoo0" and the package is called libfoo0_version.deb.03:04
Alison_ChaikenAssuredly the main package should not be called foo0_version.deb?03:04
Alison_ChaikenMaybe the package that contains libfoo0 is not the one it's complaining about, but other packages don't contain libfoo0.03:05
RAOFAlison_Chaiken: It's easier to discuss things with context; can we have the lintian output & the contents of your package in a pastebin?03:07
Alison_ChaikenSure RAOF, pastebin coming up.03:07
Alison_ChaikenRAOF, here it is: http://pastebin.com/1CmUTUw403:11
RAOFThat's not a package-name-should-match-SONAME warning?03:12
RAOFThat's saying that you should probably use a .symbols file; which is true, they're quite useful.03:12
Alison_ChaikenRAOF, without "-i -I" flags for lintian, I get the other warning.03:13
RAOF(As long as it's C)03:13
Alison_ChaikenSo it's the same error.03:13
RAOFIt's not the same error; can you pastebin the output without “-i -I”?03:13
Alison_ChaikenHmm, I guess the SO library is there, but the symbols control file is missing.03:13
Alison_ChaikenSure, will take a moment, as I'm building in a Qemu and have to transfer to paste.03:14
Alison_ChaikenHmm, you're right: that package doesn't give the error!03:15
Alison_ChaikenMust be a different package . . .03:15
Alison_ChaikenAh, it's the main executable package!03:16
Alison_ChaikenPaste in one minute.03:16
Alison_ChaikenRAOF, http://pastebin.com/F08uj7Uu03:18
RAOFAlison_Chaiken: And does the nobdy package contain libnobdy.so.0?03:19
Alison_ChaikenI think I get it RAOF: I included libfoo in the main package, and shouldn't have!03:19
Alison_ChaikenSo that library is in two packages, one of which does in fact have (I think) the correct name.03:20
RAOFYes; libnobdy0 is the right name for that package.03:20
Alison_ChaikenSo main executable package is called nobdy though, right?03:21
RAOFIt can be called whatever you want, but if the project is called “nobdy” then nobdy seems like a good name ☺03:21
Alison_ChaikenAnd then package with libnobdy.so.0.1.11 in it should be called libnobdy0, and libnobdy.so.0.1.11 shouldn't be in nobdy package.03:21
Alison_ChaikenAmazing how I was stuck on this an hour, and as soon as I annoyed someone else by asking, I saw that the library was in two packages, sigh.03:22
RAOFThat's the way it goes ;)03:22
Alison_ChaikenI need a stuffed penguin to ask questions.03:22
Alison_ChaikenA stuffed penguin is charming, but an inflatable penguin is disturbing.   Or is the other way around?03:23
Alison_ChaikenAnother less pressing question is, debuild is giving me a "secret key not available" even though I saw which key to use in ~/.devscripts, which used to solve the problem.03:26
Alison_ChaikenI have a workaround, but even "source ~/.devscripts" before debuild doesn't work.03:26
Alison_ChaikenI can't figure out which wrong key debsign as used by debuild uses.03:27
Alison_ChaikenOr why, apparently, debuild no longer uses the environment in .devscripts.03:27
Alison_ChaikenI'm using 12.04 in a Qemu.03:27
RAOFAlison_Chaiken: If you pass -k$YOURKEY to debuild manually, does it work?03:32
Alison_ChaikenRAOF, I tried that, but it still doesn't work.03:33
Alison_ChaikenAfter debuild exits with debsign error, DEBSIGN_KEYID=1234 debsign works!03:34
RAOFSo the problem is not that debuild isn't getting the environment correct, it's that debuild isn't finding the key you've specified. Does your qemu environment *have* that key?03:34
Alison_ChaikenYes, gpg --list-keys shows it.03:34
Alison_ChaikenCool, I took that SO library out of the main package and now, except for lack of man page, my packages are lintian-clean: yahoo!03:35
Alison_Chaiken(This has taken me months.)03:35
Alison_Chaikendebsign is using a directory in /tmp for its work.03:37
RAOFDoes gpg --list-secret-keys show it? You need the private key to sign anything.03:37
Alison_ChaikenI bet it looks there for the keys when invoked from debuild but since it starts from CWD when I invoke it alone manually, it works.03:37
Alison_ChaikenYes, gpg --list-secret-keys and gpg --list-keys both show the key.03:38
Alison_ChaikenOtherwise, post-debuild manual explicit debsign invocation wouldn't work.03:38
RAOFYou're not doing something odd like running debuild as root?03:39
Alison_ChaikenIt's not that the key isn't there, it's that debsign finds it and debuild doesn't.03:39
Alison_ChaikenNope, running debuild as me with default fakeroot stuff.03:39
ScottKRAOF's question is a key one.03:39
Alison_ChaikenScottK, I'm sure I'm doing something odd!03:39
Alison_ChaikenBut as a newb, I haven't screwed much with debuild or debian/control.03:40
ScottKIn any case, if debsign works, you've got a signed package, so it's a win.03:40
Alison_ChaikenAnd I'm running as me, not root.   I understand that $HOME is different for root, which means ~/.gpg and ~/.devscripts wouldn't be found.03:40
Alison_ChaikenAnd in fact, error message says "Alison Chaiken <alchaiken@gmail.com>": secret key not available03:42
ScottKWhat are you putting after -k when you run debuild?03:43
Alison_ChaikenIn .devscripts I have DEBUILD_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_OPTS="-k'Alison Chaiken <alchaiken@gmail.com>'"03:45
RAOFOh! I didn't know that worked; I've always used my keyid.03:45
Alison_ChaikenRAOF, it *used to* work!03:46
ScottKI didn't know that for a long time either.03:46
Alison_ChaikenActually, it still sort of works, as the error message has the right ID for me, but it doesn't find the corresponding key.03:46
ScottKIt was a happy day when I discovered it.03:46
Alison_ChaikenI actually did RTFM, but I missed some of the Clues.03:46
ScottKAlison_Chaiken: Try -k alchaiken@gmail.com03:47
ScottKAlso I'd try it directly in the debuild invocation: debuild -k alchaiken@gmail.com03:47
Alison_ChaikenWill do.03:48
ScottKWhen I've had to use -k, I always only used the email address, not including the pretty name.03:49
Alison_ChaikenScottK!   That was it dude!03:54
ScottKSo, I sort of came in on the middle of this story.  Is this a package you're trying to get into Debian/Ubuntu?03:55
Alison_ChaikenSo "-k'$DEBFULLNAME $DEBEMAIL'" used to work, but now it wants "-k'$DEBEMAIL'" instead.03:55
Alison_ChaikenYessir, ScottK.    I work on a project which already has one component in, and the others are now Lintian-clean, except that someone has to write a man page.03:56
Alison_ChaikenUnfortunately me.03:56
Alison_ChaikenI will pastebin my .devscripts so that the helpful RAOF can see.03:57
ScottKI suspect that "Alison Chaiken <alchaiken@gmail.com>" is not '$DEBFULLNAME $DEBEMAIL'.  That's probably  "Alison Chaiken alchaiken@gmail.com"03:57
Alison_ChaikenGood point, ScottK.   I wasn't actually using the macros.03:57
ScottKIn any case, that's just used to pick the right key, so there's no need to use more than the email address.03:58
Alison_Chaikenhttp://pastebin.com/PnKngjiD RAOF now works.03:59
Alison_Chaiken9 PM, time for dinner!03:59
Alison_ChaikenThanks, motu, for your never-failing help.   This channel and #openembedded have never ever failed me.04:00
ScottKAlison_Chaiken: BTW, your email address doens't need to be quoted.  It doesn't hurt, but it's not needed either.04:00
Alison_ChaikenI really appreciate it.04:00
ScottKYou're welcome.04:00
Alison_ChaikenScottK, there was a wise man named Murphy . . .04:00
Alison_ChaikenBut I *do* believe you.04:01
ScottKGlad to help.  And besides, us old folks have to stick together....04:02
Alison_ChaikenAs a penance, every week I go on #pandaboard or Pandaboard mailing list and answer one or two of the most F FAQs.04:02
Alison_ChaikenSo if you want to know why the Pandaboard doesn't work when you plugin your USB mouse, or you can't figure out to tell if HW acceleration of graphics is working on Panda, I'm you're girl.04:03
Alison_ChaikenNot really, but let's let Ricardo Salveti and Rob Clark answer hard questions, no?04:03
ScottKBTW, please help with our developer documentation.  People who've been doing it for a long time are too experienced to write stuff for new people.  Now is when we need your help.04:04
Alison_ChaikenBut I am tired.   "sudo make salmon-salad".04:04
Alison_Chaikensudo -k'alchaiken@gmail.com' salmon-salad04:04
* ScottK had salmon salad tonight (really).04:04
Alison_ChaikenScottK, you be da man!   Did you save me any?04:05
ScottKIt's also three hours later here, so it was awhile ago.04:05
Alison_ChaikenYou must be hungry again then.04:05
ScottKThere was a little left, but it'd been sitting on the table for several hours and I figured it wasn't going to survive the trip home.04:05
Alison_Chaiken7 AM meeting with darn Europeens, meaning 10 hours from now . . .04:05
ScottKNo.  Not really.  Italian tradition is to stuff the guests full, so I"m still recovering.04:06
Alison_ChaikenI went to a company picnic.   I arrived late and ate all the leftover grilled chicken and ribs.04:06
Alison_ChaikenBut I rode a cycling century yesterday and feel entitled.04:06
ScottKThat sounds dangerously like exercise.04:07
Alison_ChaikenNo ribs for dinner though.   And now the TdF is over!   Maybe I'll read a book . . . no write man page.04:07
Alison_ChaikenAre you a Boston Ubuntun?04:08
ScottKNo.  I live outside Baltimore.04:08
Alison_ChaikenI'm the only resident of Mountain View, CA who doesn't work at Google.04:08
Alison_ChaikenI keep my doors locked at night so the recruiters can't get in.04:08
ScottKMust be horrible.  I get enough emails from them even this far away.04:09
Alison_ChaikenThe winos on the street and the toddlers in the playpens work for Google now.04:09
Alison_ChaikenI expect Google recruiters to offer a free personality test any day.04:10
ScottKHard to tell.  I'm old enough now that some college graduates look like they're about 12 to me.04:10
Alison_ChaikenScottK, the judge isn't going to believe that excuse.   He heard it before.04:10
ScottKNo doubt.04:11
Alison_ChaikenAll right, now I'm genuinely going to look in the fridge.04:11
* ScottK has a look at Debian RC bugs.04:11
ScottKOK.  Two (fixes) uploaded.  I think I'll call it a night.05:12
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frafuHi, I am trying to split a debian source into two binaries. Could anybody please tell me whether it is possible to indicate in the package1.install file to put everything from usr/ into it apart the usr/dir1 directory? The usr/dir1 will go into  package2.install. I tried with -usr/dir1 in package1.install, but it does not work.10:15
tumbleweedno, it's not possible. dh_install copies, it doesn't move10:19
tumbleweedbut you could call dh_install -p package1 -Xusr/dir1 --autodest (I think)10:19
frafutumbleweed: thanks for the reply. The package uses python3-distutils-extra and here is the corresponding line in debian/rules:  $$python setup.py install --root=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp --install-layout=deb; Is there a way I can pass the parameters you indicated to it?10:26
frafutumbleweed: setup.py install also does not seem to have an exclude option10:28
tumbleweedfrafu: so, that setup.py install will install to debian/tmp10:31
tumbleweedthat's the usual way we build multi-binary packages10:31
tumbleweedthe upstream build system installs to debian/tmp, we copy from theere into debian/$package...10:31
tumbleweedwhat I'm suggesting is that you override dh_install and add a second dh_install call with the parameters I suggested10:32
frafutumbleweed: Thanks; it seems to work. Now I wonder, why the original developer overrided dh-auto-install with  $$python setup.py install --root=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp --install-layout=deb instead of overriding dh_install the way you indicated. Do you have any idea? Could it be because the rules file uses dh $@ --with python3  --without python-support?10:44
tumbleweedfrafu: dh_auto_install drives the upstream's installation mechanism10:47
tumbleweedi.e. make install10:47
tumbleweeddh_install is what copies the things that the upstream installed into teh package10:47
tumbleweeddoes that make sense?10:47
tumbleweedIf I'm building a python source package that builds python & python3 binary packages10:48
tumbleweedthen I'll often do python setup.py install --root=$(CURDIR)/debian/python-foo10:48
tumbleweedand python3 setup.py install --root=$(CURDIR)/debian/python3-foo10:49
tumbleweed(ok, not exactly that, but conceptually similar to that for the purposes of this conversation)10:49
tumbleweedand then I don't have to do anything with dh_install, my work is already done for me10:49
frafuI talked to early; "dh_install -p onboard -X/usr/share/onboard/models --autodest" did not help; the models directory is still in the package. It is indeed a package that is prepared for building  python & python3 binary packages. I will try the following: I leave the original dh-auto-install override and I add the dh-install override; will it make sense?10:54
tumbleweedtry stripping the leading /?10:55
tumbleweedbut I'm just guessing there10:55
tumbleweedyes, re adding a dh-install override. That's exactly what I'm saying10:55
frafutumbleweed: /usr/share/onboard/models is now also missing in the second binary package, as if dh-python did not understand the p option; that option is also missing here: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/dh_install.1.html11:12
frafuThe name of the first binary package is included in the name of the second binary package; but I suppose that this is not the problem!? The problem is probably that dh-python does not understand the p switch.11:15
frafu /usr/share/onboard/models were previously in both binary packages; now it is in none; I will probably not come around listing explicitely all leave of the directories to go into the binary packages in the package.install files.11:19
frafuI have to go now; I will probably come back much later today. tumbleweed: thanks for the explanations.11:21
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Laneydear github, where your diff button?19:41
jtayloradd it to the ur19:42
Laneyyou are right19:42
ScottKAppropriately intuitive U/I for a Git based service.19:43
tumbleweedeven better: .patch19:44
tumbleweedand yes my least favourite github feature19:44
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