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halvors2I have a problem with "iface eth1 inet6 dhcp" in my config. It's not getting an IPv6 address. How can i figure out what's wrong?00:36
patdk-laplog files :)00:37
halvors2What log files?00:45
qman__dmesg, probably00:47
halvors2Can't find anything wrong...00:52
qman__try ifup -v eth100:52
halvors2What does -v?00:53
halvors2Got IPv6 address on my lan using "iface eth1 inet6 auto". Now i'm trying to get one from my isp (dhcp) with "iface eth1 inet6 dhcp" but can't obtain one...00:59
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halvors2qman_: Any ideas?01:04
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halvors2qman_: When i do "ifup eth1" i get the error message: error: "net.ipv6.conf.eth1.accpet_ra" is an unknown key01:07
halvors2Anyone knows what's wrong?01:08
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1003305 in postfix (main) "package postfix (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Medium,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100330504:26
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halvorsI run a dhcp server (isc-dhcp-server) on eth0, this works fine, when plugging in a pc, it obtain an ip address. But now i'm trying to implement vlans.05:23
halvorsI have the vlan10 interface, wich have the ip address, my problem now is then i not set an ip address on eth0 but use vlan10 for this instead, and changing the listen interface for isc-dhcp-server to vlan10. I no longer obtain an ip address. :( Anyone knows why?05:25
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redactdanybody had problems with postfix not sending emails that are digitally signed in thunderbird?05:58
redactdif i send a signed email it just sits in the queue if i send one thats not signed it gets sent (and received) straight away06:00
redactdthis is to a test email address the server is also running postfix06:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #1027764 in nova (main) "API 'v1.1/{tenant_id}/os-hosts' does not return a list of hosts " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102776406:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #1027765 in php5 (main) "package php5-mysqlnd 5.4.4-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102776506:11
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wizonesolutionsHmm, if I run a cloud image locally with KVM (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/Images#Ubuntu_Cloud_Guest_images_on_Local_Hypervisor_Natty_onward), how do I control the hard drive space allocated to each? I'm basically just virtualizing a couple other boxes, so I don't need it to be flexible or cloud-like.07:22
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wizonesolutionsOh, I see, I can pass <size> in qemu-img create07:31
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wizonesolutionsMaaaaaan, this bridged networking thing for VMs. I still don't get how to actually get the VM to see the host. I've got the bridge on the host set up. It gets hazy from there. Anyone know any good resources with clear use cases and the commands to run for those?08:17
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wizonesolutionshuh. the cloud images want me to have a physical display, and just sorta disappear into nothing when I pass -curses and I can't SSH into them.08:30
wizonesolutionsoh, I guess maybe they take a bit to provision or something08:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #1027823 in nagios3 (main) "defining a service with parameters leads to errors is service is remote" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102782309:06
eagles0513875_hey guys im working with a virtualbox vm of 12.04 and i added a new hard disk and i need to have it mount on start up and im having one hell of a time getting it setup :( how do i determine the disk's uuid09:13
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SimonUKHi everyone.  I have a quick question about the difference between tasksel and apt-get install ItemName^  -  what's the correct procedure here - just go ahead and ask in the open channel ?10:02
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halvorsI installed dibbler-client, now i don't need it anymore. But the configuration files is still there...10:40
halvorsWhat should i do?10:40
kaneyhi, could anyone point me in the right direction with a stupid network problem please ?11:16
SimonUKkaney I'll try...11:18
kaneythanks, 2 servers with 2 bonds working correctly, bond0 = 192.168.0.x, bond1 = 10.0.0.x.  I can ping the internet and each 192 addr but can not get it to route across bond1 for internal :(11:20
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SimonUKthat's not really a stupid question, it's an advanced one!  Out of my league, but hopefully someone here will respond !11:36
kaneyok thanks, centos 6.3 just does it, for some reason ubuntu doesn't11:36
kaneyi'll ask in #ubuntu as well11:36
SimonUKyeah I've found it very quiet in this forum for some reason.  Am asking my own questions in #ubuntu too.11:37
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redactdkaney, are you trying to setup internet connection sharing?11:57
redactddoes anyone know a fix for postfix and openssl 1.0.1 in precise? getting heaps of tls errors11:57
kaneyno it will be an active/active samba11:57
redactdhmm sorry i can't help you with that11:59
kaneyi have no idea why it wont do it, centos 6.3 just works :(12:01
zulgood morning12:07
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stgraberhallyn: around?14:40
hallynstgraber: yup14:41
stgraberhallyn: one little inconsistency I just noticed is that you need to set_config_item("lxc.network.type") but get_config_item("lxc.network"). Would it make sense to instead change that to set_config_item("lxc.network")?14:41
hallynstgraber: sure  (yeah that one did look odd to me before)14:46
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hallynstgraber: i will leave lxc.network.type as working (bc that works through the generic parsing code)14:46
hallynand just special case 'lxc.network' in set as an alias to lxc.network.type14:46
stgraberhallyn: cool. That'll make my Container.network implemention a bit less hackish :)14:47
stgraberhallyn: ok, no problem with keeping lxc.network.type working14:47
hallyndoes get_item(lxc.network.type) work?14:47
stgraberhallyn: nope14:52
stgraberhallyn: getting False14:52
hallynstgraber: oh wait14:54
hallynstgraber: 'get_config_item("lxc.network") ' shows all the nics...14:55
hallynstgraber: 'get_config_item("lxc.network.0.type") gives veth14:55
hallynand you set 'set_config_item("lxc.network.0.type") right?14:56
hallynso a 'set_config_item('lxc.network") would only make sense if it created a new array of nics14:56
hallyni think i'm confused about what you want14:56
hallyncan you give me a pastebin of what you want (vs what you currently get)?14:57
stgraberhallyn: oh, I see... for some reason I assumed I couldn't use "lxc.network.X" until X was first defined (by adding it to .type)14:57
hallynyou mean network had been defined in config, but lxc.network.0 didn't work?14:58
hallynor was network empty?14:58
hallynstgraber: (just checked, yeah that works for me)14:59
stgraberhallyn: nope, there's nothing to fix, it was just me assuming I would be able to do set_config_item("lxc.network.1.type", "veth") as I only had one entry in lxc.network15:00
hallynmaybe it would seem semantically cleaner to add a 'add_nic('veth')' wrapper to the api15:00
stgraberthe python API will have that15:00
stgraberthat's what I'm implementing now15:00
stgrabercontainer.network.add(type), then container.network[index].property = value15:01
alex88what's the equivalent of /etc/ld.so.preload in ubuntu?15:01
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stgraberhallyn: hmm, how do I remove a network? :)15:28
stgraberI vaguely expected clear_config_item("lxc.network.X") to work, but that's not the case here.15:28
xnoxstgraber: just switch off the router15:29
* xnox hides15:29
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hallynstgraber: i'ts supposed to.  lxc.network.X should call the lxc_clear_nic() fn.  what actually happens?15:38
hallynoh i think i see15:39
hallynstgraber: do the nic settings get cleared?15:39
hallynbut the nic sticks around?15:39
stgraberhallyn: I don't have settings on the nic yet (working on that), but the nic is still listed in lxc.network at least15:39
hallynoh wait15:41
hallynstgraber: heh, yes i was only supporting 'lxc.network.0.ipv4' (and ipv6)15:42
hallynstgraber: you wanted to only 'clear' lists right?15:42
hallynit's not hard for me to make that work, but will we make it semantically inconsistent with what you originally wanted?15:43
stgraberhallyn: I can't remember asking for clear to only clear lists explicitly, so I'm definitely happy with it clearing whatever key it's being passed (whatever the type)15:44
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hallynstgraber: pushed.  untested atm15:57
stgraberhallyn: cool. I'll test in a few minutes/hours15:58
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stgraberhallyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1106744/16:55
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1027719 in glance (main) "glance-client package has incorrect description" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102771917:01
hallynstgraber: looks good17:03
adam_gzul: what did you use to generate the git commit list thats in the changelog for first batch of openstack SRUs? do you have any easy way to re-generate based on the current delta between our package and tip of stable/essex?17:07
zuladam_g: i stuck something in debian/bin to make life a bit easier17:07
jcastrosmoser: hey did you know you can configure gsutil for both s3 and the google thing? I didn't know it did s317:08
zuladam_g: for nova at least17:08
adam_gzul: oh cool17:08
smoserjcastro, google storage provides s3 compatible api17:10
smoserbut i guess i didn't realize that that was what gsutil would have been using.17:10
jcastroyeah but I was like, using the tool to copy things back and forth from s3 to GS17:10
jcastroit's just nice, one tool for 2 storage solutions17:11
hallynhm, i'm confused.  an m1.medium amazon instance should have a 400G vdb right?17:16
RoyKhallyn: heh - ask amazon ;)17:21
hallynsmoser: ^17:23
smoserhallyn, whats in a name?17:24
smoserit wont be named vdb17:24
smoserbut you should have a second disk attached that is ~ 400G, yes.17:24
hallyni can't find it ;)17:25
hallynudisks can't find it17:25
hallynlemme try blindling mknod'ing17:25
smosercat /proc/partitions?17:26
smoserhallyn, i suspect you're seeing this17:26
hallynsmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1106804/17:26
hallynsmoser: i've never had this happen before (but i dn't usually use sid either)17:27
smoserrad that article.17:27
smoserthe ami is probably not registered to get you that.17:27
RoyKbtw, xvda - isn't that xen?17:28
smoserxvdX is xen, yes.17:28
hallynok thanks17:29
smoserhallyn, you do point out a bug/assumption in ubuntu-ec2-run17:32
smoserit assumes you get the first one, so it doesn't explicitly add '--block-device-mapping' for ephemeral017:32
hallynsmoser: ok, i jsut created an hand-attached a volume :)  thanks.17:35
smoserhallyn, you could have just re-launched with --block-device-mapping17:36
smoserthe difference is the one you get "for free" is not EBS backed.17:36
smoserwhich means faster (likely)17:37
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jibeljamespage, did you change the configuration of precise-server-ec2-daily on the internal jenkins recently ?18:06
jibellike Friday ?18:06
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1028074 in maas-enlist (main) "Duplicate MAC address in enlist command if multiple NIC's on the server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102807418:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #1028068 in maas "Enlistment failure leaves node in cobbler, not in MAAS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102806818:22
r3dLunchb0x_using ubuntu server 11.04, server was rebooted, no default route came up with network. I checked /etc/network/interfaces and the "gateway" line is there18:28
r3dLunchb0x_anything else I need to chekc18:28
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jamespagejibel - yes I did - I added the proposed testing18:39
jamespageit checks stuff in proposed as part of the daily tests - we had a kernel regression that I'm sure you are aware of18:39
r3dLunchb0x_ using ubuntu server 11.04, server was rebooted, no default route came up with network. I checked /etc/network/interfaces and the "gateway" line is there anything else I need to check?18:43
patdk-wkthat is the whole file look like?18:43
patdk-wkwhat does :)18:43
* patdk-wk can't think and type at the same time18:43
r3dLunchb0x_patdk-wk: it has the l0 and eth0 interfaces.18:44
r3dLunchb0x_read somewhere that file shouldn't be touched.18:44
patdk-wkyes, believe everything you read on the internet18:44
r3dLunchb0x_just wondering why after a reboot that my default route didn't show up. I am scheduling a reboot tonight to make sure it does, yet I wanna make sure everything is there for it to work.18:45
patdk-wklike I said, I can't see your interfaces file, so I dunno18:46
r3dLunchb0x_where should I put it? pastebin.org?18:46
patdk-wkif yo uwant18:46
r3dLunchb0x_patdk-wk: here it is http://pastebin.com/8ueKWUpz18:50
jibeljamespage, that'd be it; the publisher is going mad again. It really dislike changes to matrix jobs and returns 404 for some ec2 builds during publication. I'll fix it. thanks!18:51
jamespagejibel, ah - sorry18:52
jamespagefeel free to disable the matrix plugin if that is the case18:52
r3dLunchb0x_patdk-wk: what's odd?18:52
patdk-wknothing is wrong with it18:52
r3dLunchb0x_is there something else I could check. Don't want to stay late to perform a reboot and it NOT work... ;-)18:53
jibeljamespage, the problem is not the matrix plugin but publisher. I think I'll replace it with some rsync+inotify and everyone will be happy.18:55
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hallynahs3: got a working package for netcf 0.2.0 for sid.  Still doing some testing, hoping to get you a package by tonight19:24
hallyn(building libvirt with it atm)19:25
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ahs3hallyn: sweet.  thx, dude20:16
K4kHey, I've been banging my head against this for a few hours now and I'm about to throw it out (the web application, not Ubuntu). I've got php5, apache2 and mysql-server all installed. I've setup the database for the web application and given the relevant information to the db config file for the application. It's still just displaying a blank page when I enter the URL, however. Permissions appear to be fine as well. Is there anything you have to do (su20:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #1020267 in python-pytyrant (universe) "[MIR] celery, pyparsing, python-cl, python-gevent, python-mailer, python-pytyrant, python-redis" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102026720:36
ewookK4k: have you verified that the account you assigned your webapp has the correct permissions?20:38
RoyKK4k: possibly not an ubuntu thing - probably a thing for the web app you're using ;)20:38
K4kgranted all on the database20:38
K4kRoyK: I'm thinking you might be right. It's Lessn, if you're familiar with it, a basic url shortener20:38
K4kthe Readme seemed straight forward enough, but it keep presenting a blank page20:39
ewookK4k: how did you create the user?20:39
K4kCREATE USER 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';20:39
K4kGRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON db.* TO 'user'@'localhost';20:40
ewookK4k: cool. then yes, I'd blame Lessn :)20:42
ewookK4k: just verify that you've set the correct configs.20:42
K4kgot a really neat domain name today to use as my personal url shortener.20:42
K4kewook: well, the interesting thing is that I've had to go through the php code and re-write some of it :/20:42
K4kthe config dir is "-/"20:43
K4kwhich was giving me issues20:43
K4kso I changed it to "c/"20:43
K4kand had to go find all calls to "-/" and change to "c/"20:43
K4kI'm thinking it's just shoddy code anyway20:43
Skaagweird issue here. I run apachetop -f access.log but the interface is unresponsive. I have to ctrl-c out of it.20:48
Skaagusually the keys respond, such as ? and "f", but nothing is happening. The time at the top does increase, but it's like it's choking on somehting...20:49
uvirtbotNew bug: #1028130 in python-pytyrant (universe) "should use Architecture: all" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102813020:50
r3dLunchb0x_how do i install firefox on a server for users to access?20:55
ewookK4k: looking at it myself atm. it's ... messy.20:56
ewookr3dLunchb0x_: apt-get install firefox and allow X11-forwarding.20:57
r3dLunchb0x_ewook: as supuser or as the user who wants to use it?20:57
ewookr3dLunchb0x_: the installation needs to be performed as a superuser.20:58
ewookr3dLunchb0x_: as does the X11-forwarding for SSH in the sshd config.20:58
K4kewook: yea, I've re-read the README and found that I somehow nuked the .htaccess file but after re-extracting the zip it's still failing20:59
r3dLunchb0x_ewook: I think I already have the X-11 forwarding, just wanted to make sure about the user installation. Thank you, I'll give it a shot really quick and let you know how it goes.20:59
ewookr3dLunchb0x_: no worries. gl.20:59
ewookK4k: mhm. I'm going through the code atm :p.21:00
K4kwell, let me know if you see anything glaring that I'm not seeing which would cause an issue. I don't claim to be a php expert but from what little I know it all seemed in working order21:01
r3dLunchb0x_ewook: worked like a charm. thank you. thought it would be that simple but been surprised before with Ubuntu! lol21:02
ewookr3dLunchb0x_: I know, it's very nice when it just works ;)21:02
r3dLunchb0x_ewook: yeah.21:03
ewookK4k: I'm no php expert either, but just the thing with his "-" causes me headache.21:04
K4kanytime I wnt into that dir I have to change the name because I can mv it but I can't cd21:04
xr1rrtrying to generate a CSR cert with OpenSSL but its only giving me a private key not a private rsa key.. any ideas or help21:05
K4kand it's not permissions related. I just 777'd the whole thing, same results21:06
hallynahs3: well, libvirt seems broken on sid, i can't run it even on stock updated sid, so i couldn't test with that.21:08
hallynahs3: but http://people.canonical.com/~serge/netcf3/netcf_0.2.0-1.dsc  is testing nicely for me21:08
kuulHi, Iam trying to install ubuntu 12.04 server onto microSD card but the installer cannot find the disk.. how ever when i try desktop version it install on microSD card just fine. Is there some driver i should load for the server from desktop?21:08
hallynjamespage: ping21:25
jamespagehey hallyn21:25
hallynjamespage: sorry, i know you've explained it before,21:25
hallynbut what does "Provide a test to check the status of the VM after upgrade (nested VM's): TODO" mean?  :)21:25
jamespagehallyn, I think it relates to nested KVM testing21:26
jamespagehmm now I'm thinking about it I can't remember21:27
jamespageif it was that21:27
jamespagemust have been21:27
hallynso we set up a vm,21:27
hallynwe do an upgrade,21:27
hallynand we want a way to verify that it was successful?21:28
K4kewook: are you kidding me? I think it was simply related to missing php5-mysql... grrr21:28
ewookK4k: hahahaha21:28
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ewookK4k: you're right! I don't have that on the server I tested it on either :p21:29
hallynjamespage: unfortunately i don't think i was at that session, so the only thing i remember is asking before during team mtg...21:29
jamespagehallyn, I ran it and I can't remember specifically what we discussed21:29
ewookK4k: good spot, thanks :p21:30
K4k4 hours well spend @_@21:31
jamespagehallyn, it relates to "- Upgrade of server running existing VM's to latest development release"21:31
jamespageso its actually a - run a server; create some vm's, upgrade the server and prove the VM's  are still working21:32
jamespageif that makes sense21:32
hallynjamespage: solve the halting problem?21:33
hallynbut ok, so we don't run upgradein the guests, rather we upgrade the host and check whether vms still run?21:33
jamespagehallyn, I think so - do you think it adds value?21:33
hallynyeah...  the things i'd most want checked may not be feasible,21:34
hallynbut we coudl at least set up a guest which just shuts itself down;  if it doesn't halt after 1 min we call it bad21:34
jamespagehallyn, its probably worth checking in with jibel as I think he has the other part of that test setup21:34
jamespage"[jibel] Add a profile to auto upgrade testing  to support VM upgrade testing (nested VMs)"21:35
hallynalthough it almost seems like i'td be better to add this as a funky nested testcase to the qa-regression-testing for libvirt21:36
hallynI assume you mean not just kvm, but a full libvirt-qemu setup21:36
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hallynjamespage: ok, maybe in august i need to take a week or half-week to dive deeper into both this and the lxc-testsuite junit xml output (translated: but the bejeezus out of you about howto)21:39
jamespagehallyn, sounds good21:40
jamespageit might be a good idea to agree some overall objectives for automated testing and engage the QA team as well21:40
jamespageso everything hangs together...21:40
ahs3hallyn: cool.  i've picked up the netcf bits.  i'll see if i can get them uploaded in the next couple of days21:58
hallynahs3: one upcoming update:  I'm re-doing the manpage.22:02
hallyn(which currently isn't there)22:02
ahs3hallyn: nod.  good idea.22:02
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hallynahs3: i'll send it uptream for comment before I put it in the package (unless you want to see now what it'll look like)22:06
ahs3hallyn: hrm.  nah, if you and upstream agree, that's the key point for me22:07
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hallynahs3: ok do you want me to wait to upload the package with the manpage until I hear back from upstream?22:46
hallynahs3: well, i've pushed it to http://people.canonical.com/~serge/netcf4/netcf_0.2.0-1.dsc, so you have your pick :)22:49
glosolihey, I am checking if x11-common should be installed by default or shouldnt ? I tryed installing some dependencies for OpenERP and it f*** up all the server for me, init.d scripts are mad and not working22:50
glosolihttp://dpaste.org/Jx03V/ anyone had similar problem ? I get that error always even trying to install any package and etc23:05
pmatulisglosoli: what does this give you?  'apt-get -f install'23:10
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pmatulisglosoli: how did you get like this?  provide some *detailed* history/context23:13
glosolipmatulis: I got into installing some dependencies for my OpenERP, probably there was some dependencie mismatch and I stupidly rant something like autoremove which removed x11-common at first place and from that on I seem like having no solution for fixing up things and couple of websites down on my fault :/23:14
glosolitbh I think it was python-pydot package which rant me into the conflicts at first23:14
pmatulisglosoli: i don't understand 'got into installing some dependencies for my OpenERP'.  what command(s) did you use?23:15
pmatulisglosoli: apt should take case of dependencies23:16
glosolipmatulis:  http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2012/02/how-to-install-openerp-6-1-on-ubuntu-10-04-lts/ this tutorial shows all the commands I used, but as I said installing some packages gave me error and I probably rant carelessly apt-get autoremove23:16
glosolipmatulis: it all started from something like this: http://dpaste.org/wqYCt/23:17
pmatulisglosoli: so you never got to step #5?23:21
pmatulisglosoli: everything installed was a genuine ubuntu package?23:21
glosolipmatulis: there were things installed from PyPi23:21
pmatulisglosoli: well23:21
glosolipmatulis: So probably not, I got into all steps, just went back when I got errors from OpenERP whcih were likely of some package missing so I started checking23:22
pmatulisglosoli: i don't know then, you are using non-standard python libraries and you downloaded something with wget.  it's hard to get help on these kinds of blunders23:23
glosolipmatulis: yeah, understandable, thanks anyway :)23:23
pmatulisglosoli: if you just started out i recommend re-thinking your approach23:24
glosolipmatulis:  nah I had setupped same system on older ubuntu versions before using same tutorial23:24
pmatulisglosoli: ok, guess you finally got bit23:25
genii-aroundglosoli: Does the /tmp directory exist on your machine?23:29
glosoligenii-around: what theā€¦ hmmm strangely no23:30
glosoligenii-around: how could I get it back ?23:30
genii-aroundglosoli: mkdir /tmp23:30
genii-around( since you're already using root anyways )23:30
pmatulisglosoli: you removed your /tmp directory?23:31
glosolipmatulis: nooo...23:31
glosoligenii-around: still same problem23:32
glosoliyeah big hmm :/23:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #1028182 in openssh (main) "ssh connection failure error message confusing when talking to dual IPv4/6 host" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102818223:46
genii-aroundglosoli: The tempnam manpage says it looks for TMPDIR value. I would suggest to try: TMPDIR=/tmp && export TMPDIR   .. then see if -f install completes23:48
glosolisame error23:49
genii-aroundglosoli: I'm out of immediate ideas on it then.23:49
glosolidoh probably I will save some time if I start reinstalling server...23:50
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