
skunk_hello, I have a question abour unity search tool01:15
skunk_anyone there??01:15
thumperwhich search tool?01:22
* thumper wanders off to make coffee01:23
tbermanI have questions about the new webapp support04:22
tbermanis this the right place to ask them?04:22
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didrockssil2100: hey, how are you?07:58
sil2100didrocks: hello, rather fine - how about you?07:59
didrockssil2100: I'm fine, thanks!08:01
didrocksworking on gnome-control-center to support the new gsettings keys08:01
sil2100didrocks: excellent - I'm currently testing the migration files on my chroot08:01
didrockssil2100: also, we need to pick the new metacity for the compiz support, I think the key change doesn't work without it :)08:02
sil2100didrocks: new metacity?08:02
didrockssil2100: right, for gsettings support08:03
didrocksas the keys picked by compiz are the metacity ones08:03
didrocks(I wonder why all testing worked btw, I think ws switcher and changing the key should have failed)08:03
sil2100didrocks: what tests?08:04
didrockssil2100: didn't Francis perform some tests on gsettings?08:04
didrocksI think changing the ws keybindings in ccsm should have failed08:04
sil2100didrocks: yes, he did08:04
didrockslike changing those in gnome-control-center08:04
sil2100didrocks: did we have tests for changing keybindings btw.?08:05
didrocksthis shouldn't work and picked by compiz AFAIK until we have the new rebuild on metacity08:05
sil2100Don't remember those in the past08:05
didrockswell, I asked for extra tests with gsettings, right?08:05
sil2100didrocks: yes, we made the extra tests that were in compiz tests/ directory for gsettings08:05
sil2100didrocks: and those were purely gsettings support tests08:06
sil2100I had no knowledge of anything else08:06
didrocksI sent some manual tests to do, also for testing, should just try things that can be broken, I'm doing nothing magical than thinking of what can break :)08:07
didrocksand made the tests up08:07
sil2100didrocks: you sent it to the ML or to Timo/Alan?08:07
didrockssil2100: Timo/Alan (don't remember who), was on IRC IIRC08:08
didrockssil2100: but even without it, it's just a question of trying to figure out what can change and what needs testing08:09
sil2100didrocks: ok, then I didn't know about that - and I wasn't really aware of metacity having anything to do with compiz actually08:09
sil2100didrocks: I just advised Francis to do all settings switching through ccsm until g-c-c is modified08:10
didrockssil2100: I'm even not sure that changing the settings through ccsm for those keys handled by g-c-c works08:11
didrockssil2100: again, not 100% sure08:11
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sil2100didrocks: not sure about the keys, but other settings work08:24
didrockswould worth trying the keys :)08:27
sil2100didrocks: it works for the wall plugin here (workspace switcher)08:32
sil2100didrocks: why did you say a metacity rebuild was necessary..?08:34
didrockssil2100: are the changes done in gsettings?08:35
didrocksif you look at the keys, I don't think it's using the gsettings ones08:35
sil2100compizconfig - Info: Backend     : gsettings08:35
didrockssil2100: I mean, do you see the *keys* changing in gsettings?08:36
didrocksthe one for the ws switcher08:36
sil2100didrocks: one moment then08:36
sil2100didrocks: woah, that's true actually - but what makes those keys different from other keys? I'm shocked08:40
sil2100didrocks: seems that I do not know the insides of how keybindings are handled in compiz08:41
didrockssil2100: it's some metacity/compiz magic ;) will explain you shortly08:41
didrockslet me finish some g-c-c work first08:42
didrocksconcentrate on the upgrade meanwhile :)08:42
sil2100didrocks: aye ;)08:42
didrockssil2100: oh btw08:42
didrockssil2100: what the path already for unityshell settings?08:42
didrocks/org/compiz/unityshell/ ?08:42
didrocks(not the id, meaning org.compiz…, the path written by compiz)08:42
sil2100didrocks: ah, its /org/compiz/profiles/<profile_name>/plugins/unityshell08:47
sil2100didrocks: where profile_name is unity most probably08:47
didrockssil2100: thanks :)08:48
MCRdidrocks: Hi :) What could be the error here: https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/unity/unity.merge-fix-typos/+merge/116216 ?09:46
popeyMCR, don't you need to escape that apostrophe?09:47
MCRpopey: ?09:48
popeyMCR, ??09:48
MCRpopey: Do you mean ´ instead of ' ?09:49
popeyi mean \'  or ''' instead of '09:49
popeybut that's just a guess :)09:49
didrocksgreyback: hey, I see some gconf code in unity-2d, but it seems there is no key used, right?09:50
didrocksMCR: mmrazik is reponsible for the merger now09:50
greybackdidrocks: no key used. It's reading metacity' gconf stuff I think09:51
didrocksgreyback: I'm switching metacity to gsettings09:51
didrocksgreyback: so, it won't work anymore09:51
MCRpopey: Maybe that is why I instinctively avoided using it in the first place ;), but it would be nice to know if that is the problem. Maybe I should search the code for other usecases of ' to be sure...09:52
greybackdidrocks: hmm ok, then unity-2d will probably need a few changes. Let me see...09:52
MCRdidrocks: What does this mean ?09:52
didrocksMCR: you should ping mmrazik when the merger isn't working properly in your opinion :)09:52
didrocksgreyback: few keys from what I see09:54
MCRdidrocks: ok, but no mmrazik around here - in the worst case I will have to rebase again ;), so thanks for the info.09:54
MCRdidrocks: One other question: Do you know if lp:compiz merges are on hold ?09:55
didrocksMCR: yeah, it's frozen until sil2100 can get the gsettings version out09:55
MCRdidrocks: Thx 4 the info. :)09:56
MCRagain ;)09:56
didrocksno worry ;)09:57
MCRI am proud to announce I've fixed "Simple Animations" for Compiz, btw - so if someone wants to try some new open/close animations: https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/compiz/compiz.merge-plugin-simple-animations/+merge/11504809:59
MCRwell, new is not completely correct term here, but anyway...10:00
MCR*a completely10:00
greybackdidrocks: only places I see unity-2d reads gconf are "/apps/metacity/general/titlebar_font" and "/apps/compiz-1/plugins/unityshell/screen0/options/show_hud"10:02
didrocksgreyback: indeed, both needs to be changed10:02
didrocksgreyback: do you think you have resource for those changes?10:02
didrocksgreyback: same with all the patches related to unity-2d in metacity10:03
MCRJohnLea: AFAIK, design was not completely satisfied with how animations currently work - we could assign animations much more fine-grained to specific actions, but also applications and we have a lot of additional animations we could use to do that and be impressive, while providing clarity for the user.10:05
sil2100didrocks: but only compiz is blocked right now, right?10:26
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didrockssil2100: right10:31
sil2100didrocks: hows it going with converting g-c-c and metacity?10:32
didrockssil2100: all is locked into itself, I will write an email after a break10:33
sil2100didrocks: ok - I have tested the migration files on my chroot and it all looks good, but I'm building compiz and unity on my PPA now so that Alan and the others can test it on real systems10:34
sil2100Here are the two proposed MRQs for including .convert files10:34
didrockssil2100: see my comment on the compiz MR10:35
didrocksseems you didn't note what I wrote here on Friday ^^10:35
* didrocks really takes his break now, postponing it for too long :)10:35
sil2100didrocks: I did that10:35
sil2100didrocks: see the first line - it checks whether the unity .convert files are installed10:35
didrockssil2100: hum? the diff is wrong or did I miss anything?10:36
sil2100271+ try:10:36
sil2100272+ with open('/usr/lib/compiz/migration/compiz-profile-unity.convert') as f: pass10:36
sil2100273+ except IOError as e:10:36
sil2100274+ print "No unity profiles installed, only migrating Default"10:36
sil2100275+ migrate_file('compiz-profile-active-Default.convert')10:36
sil2100276+ return10:36
sil2100277+ f.close()10:36
sil2100No need to check the gconf active_profile if unity is not installed10:36
didrocksah, hum, not really elegant code ;)10:36
sil2100So all the checks for gconf are irrevelant - not needed, right ;)?10:36
didrockssil2100: right, but if we change the call later on or the file profile name, you have to change it twice10:37
didrocksinstead of one10:37
didrocksso I would rather go the way I describe which just add one line10:37
seb128didrocks, go running!10:37
seb128you will chat later10:37
didrockssil2100: and use os.path.isfile()10:38
didrocksrather than opening and reading the content10:38
sil2100didrocks: I read somewhere it has security issues10:38
sil2100didrocks: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/82831/how-do-i-check-if-a-file-exists-using-python10:38
didrockssil2100: hum? really? it's used everywhere and in the standard library10:38
sil2100didrocks: nothing serious, I just used what they recommended10:39
sil2100didrocks: but I'll probably switch to os.path.isfile() if you use it frequently10:39
didrockssil2100: well, at worst, if the file doesn't exist (it's talking about os.path.exist()), the script will return 110:39
didrocksand there is one thread here :)10:39
sil2100didrocks: ok ;)10:40
didrockscan you do the change at the end then?10:40
didrocksat least, there is just one flow that way10:40
sil2100didrocks: will do10:40
didrockssil2100: thanks!10:40
* didrocks really goes now10:40
sil2100Well, as I said, I just didn't want to do any gconf calls when unneeded - but if it's not a problem, I'll just change it10:40
sil2100didrocks: have fun!10:40
didrocksthanks :)10:40
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ryeuhm, has anybody seen bug #995916 reappearing recently (week/2 ago) with gimp in current most-up-to-date + proposed precise?11:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 995916 in Unity 5.0 "No launcher icon or Alt+Tab entry for Gimp windows" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99591611:03
popeyrye, i haven't11:10
sil2100rye: not sure, we'll look into this though11:10
ryepopey: so when you start gimp it adds the launcher icon and appears in alt-tab?11:12
popeyrye, yes, i just tested it before saying "I haven't" :D11:13
popeyI dont use gimp often but I know i have in the last week or so11:13
alo21hi all11:13
alo21I read this page (http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/technologies/launcher/), but I did not understand how does it work11:14
alo21I also saw at hello-unity11:15
alo21can someone help me, please?11:16
seb128rye, do you use unity 3d?11:18
seb128alo21, hey, what issue do you have?11:18
alo21seb128: I would like to integrate my app with unity launcher11:20
seb128alo21, the documentation you pointed should help you, what issue do you get?11:20
alo21for example I would a count on the icon11:20
ryeseb128: yes, unity standard, not 2d11:21
seb128rye, ok, dunno then, it works here11:21
ryeuh-huh, launching gimp shows the launcher, when all windows appear the launcher disappears11:21
ryewhich is weird11:22
alo21seb128: it tells me "NameError: name 'unity_launcher_entry_get_for_desktop_id' is not defined"11:22
seb128alo21, where is your code? what ubuntu version do you use?11:22
alo21seb128: I use ubuntu 12.0411:23
alo21seb128: my code is in my pc :)11:23
alo21seb128: would you like to see it11:23
seb128alo21, I mean, can you share your source code? like copy it on http://paste.ubuntu.com11:24
alo21the code, not the pc11:24
alo21seb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1106249/11:25
alo21here my code11:25
alo21it is a little bit long and not very cleare11:25
alo21seb128: this code should sends a clipboard to an IP11:26
seb128alo21, oh, you can't use a C api like that in python11:26
alo21seb128: where python one are?11:26
seb128alo21, on the page you gave before11:27
seb128launcher = Unity.LauncherEntry.get_for_desktop_id("evolution.desktop")11:27
seb128alo21, that's the python version11:27
seb128from gi.repository import Unity11:27
seb128launcher = Unity.LauncherEntry.get_for_desktop_id("gedit.desktop")11:28
seb128in your case11:28
alo21seb128: what library should I use?11:29
seb128alo21, libunity11:29
seb128or you mean?11:29
seb128alo21, install gir1.2-unity-5.011:30
ryeseb128: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4Nb4ZYNYFg - that looks weird11:34
seb128rye, dpkg -l | grep unity11:35
seb128rye, dpkg -l | grep bamf11:35
seb128to a paste please11:35
ryeseb128: hm, i have webapps version, let me try w/o that11:37
seb128rye, good, you might to restart unity,bamfdaemon11:37
ryei should have started with checking this...11:37
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didrockssil2100: so, if you change any shortcuts in g-c-c, the new shortcut is working right? Like changing ws11:58
sil2100didrocks: not sure if when changing in g-c-c - but when changing in ccsm, it works12:00
sil2100didrocks: but the gsettings variable is not modified actually12:00
didrockssil2100: can you try in g-c-c?12:01
sil2100didrocks: works as well12:06
didrockssil2100: ok, that what I reckon, so saved in gconf12:09
sil2100Ok, need to reboot, need to switch something in bios12:09
sil2100didrocks: so, hm, what about those key shortcuts?12:19
didrockssil2100: I'm writing a long email, will forward it to you12:22
sil2100didrocks: thanks!12:23
* sil2100 is afraid of long e-mails12:23
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didrockssil2100: just fwed you it12:48
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sil2100didrocks: thanks! Just reading it right now12:53
didrocksgood luck :)12:54
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alo21how can I install libunity for python?13:04
alo21can someone help me with  unity, please?13:09
seb128alo21, I told you before13:10
seb128alo21, install gir1.2-unity-0.513:10
alo21seb128: yes... I really sorry, but my computer gone down for a while13:12
alo21seb128: and what library should I import?13:14
alo21in a .py?13:14
seb128alo21, the example is on the page you gave before...13:14
alo21seb128: can I import the example's library with the other (like time, os, sys, etc..)?13:15
seb128alo21, from gi.repository import Unity13:15
seb128alo21, launcher = Unity.LauncherEntry.get_for_desktop_id ("gedit.desktop")13:15
seb128alo21, just that13:15
alo21seb128: If I run that example alone is all ok. But if I run it within another code i got an issue13:16
seb128alo21, what issue?13:18
alo21seb128: fortunatly, now is all ok, but I cannot see the notification's number13:20
seb128alo21, how did you set the number?13:21
alo21seb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1106410/13:21
alo21seb128: Have I to set a loop?13:21
alo21is it mandatory?13:21
seb128alo21, you have gedit.desktop in your launcher?13:21
alo21seb128: I have a file open with gedit13:22
seb128alo21, yes you need an event loop13:23
alo21seb128: so... If I want a progress bar during a process.. I have to use thread. right?13:24
seb128alo21, no, you can use idle callbacks13:25
alo21seb128: idel callback in pygtk?13:29
seb128alo21, it's gobject13:30
seb128ide_add or timeout_add13:30
alo21seb128: for example, how can I add a count: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1106426/13:35
seb128alo21, what do you mean?13:37
seb128alo21, that example should work, it doesn't?13:37
alo21yes it is.... I set the count at 124. How can I add 1 cont avrey 5 sec?13:38
seb128alo21, put the count in a variable and increment the variable in the function?13:38
alo21seb128: what about it: paste.ubuntu.com/1106439/13:45
alo21seb128: but it does not increment the "lo" value13:47
seb128alo21, why do you need to pass it as a function argument if you defined this way?13:48
seb128alo21, the local definition take over the first one13:48
seb128alo21, you increment the lo from the function, not the one you want13:49
alo21seb128: sorry, but I did not understand13:54
seb128alo21, you increment the lo function that is local to your function, not the one you want13:54
seb128alo21, that one goes away when your function return13:55
seb128alo21, don't use the same name for 2 variables13:55
alo21seb128: could you write me a little axample, please?13:57
DebolazWI'm curious about something; When wayland replaces X completely some time in the future, how will compiz integrate into the solution?13:57
seb128alo21, no, I'm busy with other stuff sorry, it's trivial, just drop the "lo" argument to your timeout callback13:57
seb128alo21, you don't need it, lo is defined for the file13:57
seb128alo21, by doing that you just replace the variable you want to use13:57
seb128DebolazW, at the same place it does today?13:58
DebolazWseb128: So it will essentially just be a client to wayland?13:59
seb128DebolazW, not sure to understand the question13:59
DebolazWWell, I guess it might be better to point me to some page or debate discussing how the system components will ideally be attached together when the wayland transition is completed.14:00
DebolazWIf such a thing exists.14:00
seb128DebolazW, I don't think wayland is close enough for a such plan to exist yet14:01
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alo21seb128: I've done... thank you for your patience.14:23
seb128alo21, yw!14:24
alo21seb128: now I am wondering... how can I update a launcher status if I am running a pygtk loop?14:24
alo21have I use thread?14:25
seb128alo21, what do you mean?14:25
alo21seb128: for example I have a window open on my desktop14:25
alo21seb128: to keep thi window open, my programm run a loop. right?14:26
alo21seb128: and the unity launcher tun a loop too, to keep it satus on. right?14:27
seb128alo21, well, most programs run an event loop and wait for events to do actions yes14:27
alo21so.. if for example this programm have a button which rise the count on launcher...14:28
alo21seb128: when I push the button, the count rise up14:29
alo21seb128: if I push this button, I go into "launcher" loop.14:30
alo21seb128: and them how can I exit from it, to push the button again?14:30
seb128alo21, that's not how event loops work, they will just keep dealing with events where they arrive14:38
alo21seb128: for example I made this programm14:57
alo21seb128: where cac is a .py to manage my icon on the launcher14:57
alo21seb128: but I got an error14:58
tbermanseb128: who should i talk to wrt the unity webapp support?15:24
seb128tberman, try racarr or kenvandine15:24
kenvandinetberman, #ubuntu-webapps15:25
fgintherdidrocks, Bonjour! Can you please ack the precise nomination for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-design/+bug/83971715:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 839717 in Ayatana Design "Launcher - when a user starts dragging a item, any folded launcher icons that are valid drop receptacles should unfold." [Critical,Fix committed]15:26
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sil2100seb128: I'm pushing the nux SRU to my PPA for testing - if all seems fine and Jay will ACK it, we'll be ready to push it for the release16:21
seb128sil2100, ok16:21
sil2100seb128: I also opened a bug for the 2 performance fixes https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nux/+bug/102802016:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1028020 in nux (Ubuntu) "Performance fixes for GdkPixbuf conversions and QueueDraw calls (SRU)" [Undecided,New]16:22
sil2100I have added it to the changelog so it is trackable16:22
seb128sil2100, great, thanks16:22
sil2100seb128: as for the SRU descriptions for unity - sadly Francis couldn't work on them on Friday, but I did a bunch of them today - so by tomorrow we should be cleared with that16:23
seb128sil2100, great, I pinged the SRU guys but as I though they were all busy on friday, I hope they can review it today16:23
sil2100seb128: excellent, thanks16:24
spoleebamorning campers,  I'm attempting to get a clean build of libunity into the official fedora repos. I've hit one snag. Fedora F17 and rawhide ship libgee 0.7.x which has some api differences from libgee 0.6.x series.  I'm prepared to do the work to patch the calls from libunity into libgee on my own over the next few days, but before I start on that, I was wondering if libgee 0.7.x is already on someone's radar screen for roadmapping purposes. I'd hate to16:24
spoleeba duplicate work unncessarily16:24
seb128mhr3, ^16:24
seb128spoleeba, we will probably update at some point but I don't think anyone started work on that16:25
spoleebaseb128, okay I'll branch trunk and generated some bzr commits. Would you be a person I should ping to look over a potential libgee 0.7.x support patchset for merge sometime in the next month?16:27
seb128spoleeba, in libunity? you should talk to mhr3 rather16:27
spoleebamhr3, tag you're it16:27
spoleebaseb128, once i make changes, I'll probably need some help from someone crafting tests to make sure the patches are correct16:29
nmarqueskenvandine, ping16:31
spoleebanmarques, good morning16:31
nmarquesspoleeba, hello16:31
spoleebanmarques, i havent had a chance to follow up with the OBS Fedora repo guy yet16:32
nmarquesspoleeba, according to the email he sent to fedora-devel he moved to Fedora :)16:32
nmarquesspoleeba, so I've requested a new devel proj (X11:Unity) and I'm making the port to openSUSE16:32
nmarquesspoleeba, before my former repo gets all twisted16:32
kenvandinehey nmarques!16:33
nmarquesspoleeba, either way we can help each other :)16:33
kenvandinethx for the reminder.. let me go digging16:33
spoleebanmarques, im still very interested in knowing how much vendor patching still has to be done or not done16:33
nmarqueskenvandine, the info was for spoleeba16:33
nmarquesspoleeba, that's what I came to check with kenvandine16:33
spoleebanmarques, at this point the bulk of the work might just be missing depedency stack elements as packages16:34
spoleebanmarques, do you have review ability?16:34
nmarquesspoleeba, for ?16:34
nmarquesspoleeba, in Fedora ?16:34
spoleebanmarques, we might be able to tag team through a series of packages and get them through review as a stack16:34
spoleebanmarques, yes in fedora16:34
spoleebanmarques, i know adamw will also help with reviews as well16:35
nmarquesspoleeba, not really, I only maintain 1 package in Fedora, Matthias Runge is my sponsor and Dan Callaghan is my co-maintainer16:35
nmarquesspoleeba, but I can help with reviews or co-maintaining16:35
spoleebanmarques, im currently working through the libunity stack... to get all the application support bits into the repo16:35
spoleebanmarques, if you maintain you have review capabilities i thought16:35
nmarquesspoleeba, then I do :)16:36
nmarquesspoleeba, my interest on Fedora is mainly on EL side16:36
spoleebanmarques, then we probably have enough interested maintainers to make a conherent push16:36
nmarquesspoleeba, well, I have some people on SUSE side to help with the ports to gcc 4.7 ;)16:36
kenvandineseb128, do you know if we still have any gtk patches that are required for unity?16:36
nmarquesspoleeba, we can all work together :)16:36
kenvandinei think we have one required for appmenu16:37
kenvandinebut none that are needed for unity specifically16:37
nmarquesspoleeba, this is, upstream, fedora and suse16:37
spoleebakenvandine, required for appmenu or desired?16:37
kenvandinerequired, i am pretty sure16:37
kenvandineseb128, ^^16:37
seb128kenvandine, we still have one to expose some set_grab for ido16:37
nmarqueskenvandine, that stuff to export widgets through DBus ?16:37
nmarqueskenvandine, the app_grab hack ?16:38
seb128required for old appmenu16:38
seb128gmenus doesn't require patches16:38
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seb128so that one gtk patch is going away over time as stuff are ported16:38
spoleebaseb128, is the gmenu stuff in unity trunk?16:38
seb128spoleeba, yes, gmenu support was in unity 516:38
seb128the precise version16:38
spoleebaseb128, for Fedora purposes...we dont have to suppor the old appmenu at all in our deliverable...we've got no technical debt in our packages for that support16:39
spoleebaseb128, so to get a clean set of packages into fedora at all...not having to patch gtk is a huge win16:39
seb128spoleeba, well, it's not a technical debt, it's so standard gtkmenus got exported16:39
seb128spoleeba, you will not have appmenu working well with most apps without that patch16:40
seb128but appmenu isn't an hard requirement in unity16:40
seb128you can use unity without appmenu-gtk16:40
seb128you will just don't get the menus in the panel for stuff not using gmenus (which is still most of the world)16:40
spoleebaseb128, fine with me16:40
seb128the other patch required is a small one to expose a grab api16:41
kenvandineso it should be much easier to get this packaged now :)16:41
seb128I think ido uses it for the indicator-sound slider grabbing16:41
kenvandinei think we dropped that?16:41
* kenvandine is probably wrong... since seb128 maintains gtk :)16:41
seb128kenvandine, we dropped the offscreen stuff from ido, let me see if it means we stopped needing that gtk patch16:42
spoleebaseb128, worst case we can turn that into a noop and just lose that functionality?16:42
seb128spoleeba, yes, that's only for indicator sound to not have the indicator closing when using the slider16:42
seb128so specific to an indicator16:43
nmarquesspoleeba, an initial package from over 1 year ago already had a patched ido for not using that patch in Fedora16:43
seb128kenvandine, src/idoscalemenuitem.c:  ubuntu_gtk_widget_set_has_grab (scale, TRUE);16:43
nmarquesspoleeba, it wasnt Adam who did it, but some other dude, nevertheless Adam most likely remembers it16:43
seb128kenvandine, still used16:43
spoleebanmarques, shrug... im not hearing any showstoppers16:44
kenvandineso we are done to just one patch :)16:44
kenvandinenot bad16:44
spoleebanmarques, though Im not sure the OBS repo is a good starting point or not for submittable effort16:44
kenvandinespoleeba, nmarques: we've worked hard to reduce the need for patching16:44
nmarquesspoleeba, forget OBS :)16:44
nmarqueskenvandine, and hopefully you will get a few honor points for Ubuntu with that ;)16:45
nmarqueskenvandine, thx for the effort :)16:45
kenvandineand seb128 :)16:45
nmarqueskenvandine, maybe I finish now what I started 2 years ago16:45
spoleebakenvandine, i'll make it a point to lavish praise for closing the gap when we get these packages through fedora's review process16:46
kenvandinepeople seem to think we like maintaining patches...16:46
nmarqueskenvandine, for SUSE I'll work with the hacks16:46
kenvandinewe try very hard not to :)16:46
kenvandineawesome guys!16:46
spoleebakenvandine, people seem to think a lot of things about alot of people...myself included16:46
nmarqueskenvandine, lets go for the full fledged experience ;)16:46
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nmarquesspoleeba, Jeff, let me know when you create a meta bug report for this16:48
spoleebakenvandine, while im stuck on the ass end of an island out in the middle of the northern pacific next month... I should be able to push through all the packaging for unity16:48
nmarquesspoleeba, so I can subscribe it and follow it/help with the review16:48
spoleebakenvandine, not sure i'll internet access..but even off the grid I can get the packageset roughed out16:48
nmarquesspoleeba, ./query ?16:48
nmarquesof no interest for the channel16:49
mhr3spoleeba, we don't really do anything crazy with gee, were there such big changes?16:49
spoleebamhr3, call to some functions changed number of arguments... libunity fails to build.  I wasnt going to touch it until I talked to you guys for a status report. when I get back home tonight I can provide a more detailed summary for you16:51
mhr3spoleeba, changed args vala-wise or c-wise?16:52
spoleebamhr3, C wise I believe  as it references a .h header file in the error message.16:52
mhr3spoleeba, then i'd suggest to just touch the vala files, i wouldn't be surprised if it passed then16:53
spoleebamhr3, the libunity vala files?16:53
mhr3spoleeba, yes16:54
spoleebamhall119, i'll look tonight.  I believe you and I are on something like a 9 or 10 hour time difference so irc probably isnt going to be the best way to communicate16:54
spoleebamhr3, sorry that was for you16:54
mhall119no worries :)16:55
mhr3spoleeba, if touching won't feel free to create a branch, but i'm not sure we want to transition to unstable gee right now16:56
mhr3won't work*16:56
spoleebamhr3, im not expecting you to transition... but i have to16:56
spoleebamhr3, i just want to make sure the patchset i produce is reusable so when you do make the jump you can use my changes16:57
mhr3spoleeba, right, but no worries, imo it'll work just fine if you let valac rebuild the c files16:57
spoleebamhr3, if its a tiny patchset I can just carry it as a vendor patch in the packaging16:58
mhr3spoleeba, sure16:58
spoleebamhr3, well that's all i need for now.16:58
mhr3cool, eod for me.. :)16:59
nmarqueskenvandine, one last question :)17:01
nmarqueskenvandine, are you aware of any Xorg patches?17:01
kenvandineafaik there are none needed17:01
nmarqueskenvandine, trunk and gcc 4.7 works ?17:02
kenvandinewell... i think17:02
nmarquesok... so I'll just backport the necessary bits to last stable17:02
kenvandinequantal is gcc 4.7 by default17:02
kenvandineso i assume it is building with 4.717:02
kenvandineunless the package is overriding that17:02
kenvandinei actually know very little about the unity package17:02
kenvandinei mostly look after the rest of the stack :)17:03
nmarqueskenvandine, sry :) I was used to speak to ya in the past... old habbits17:03
kenvandineno worries17:03
kenvandinei can always try to answer your questions17:03
nmarquesnone so far17:03
nmarquesbut I'm starting today to port stuff for the new namespace, X11:Unity17:04
nmarquesand need to speak to GTK+ maintainer to see if we can slip the GTK+ patches in 12.217:04
kenvandineexport CC=gcc-4.617:04
kenvandineexport CXX=g++-4.617:04
kenvandinejust checked the debian/rules17:04
nmarquesI know vincent didn't opposed to the widget grabbing patch17:04
kenvandinelooks like the package is still using 4.617:04
nmarquesnot sure about the menu-proxies, but since it's going to be dropped soon, thats a plus17:04
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