
Kilosgood morning za05:42
KilosMaaz, seen superfly 05:42
MaazKilos: superfly was last seen 9 hours, 24 minutes and 21 seconds ago in private on freenode [2012-07-22 22:18:07 SAST], and has been online on freenode since 2012-07-22 07:43:16 SAST05:42
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
Kilosinetpro, skape se water het nog steeds ys op so 7°c was net n droom06:52
charlhi all06:58
charlMaaz: coffee on06:58
* Maaz flips the salt-timer06:58
Kilosyo charl howzit06:58
charlhi Kilos 06:58
KilosMaaz, coffee please06:59
MaazKilos: Done06:59
charlit's going well thanks, yourself?06:59
charlnicely rested after the weekend06:59
Kilosgood ty06:59
Kilosevery day is the same to me06:59
charli am so well rested i have to recover from being so rested06:59
charlbut luckily i have 5 days for that06:59
charli have a feeling i will have recovered from the rest by mid-day07:00
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!07:02
KilosMaaz, thanks07:02
MaazKilos: No problem07:02
charlMaaz: dankeschon!07:02
Maazcharl: Huh?07:02
charlMaaz: danke schon!07:02
Maazcharl: *blink*07:03
charlbah :P07:03
charlMaaz: botsnack07:03
MaazYay, at last someone thinks about me as well07:03
Kilosyo Banlam 07:48
Kiloshi there sflr 07:49
Kilosyou better?07:49
sflrgood morning all07:49
sflrhey Kilos, yes i'm back at work! :)07:49
Kilosyay thats good news07:49
sflryeah, i was sick of being sick07:49
Kiloshehe the fly and mrs had a son 07:50
Kilosanother one07:50
sflroh wow that is great news! :) didnt know it was THAT close!07:57
Kilosyeah im waiting for him to come online. he posted on fbook07:58
Kilosand the pro told us07:58
charlMaaz: coffee on09:22
* Maaz washes some mugs09:22
charlmore caffiene09:22
charldirty mugs again?!?!09:22
charlyuck disgusting09:22
charltime people start washing their dirty mugs when they are finished09:22
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!09:26
magespawnmorning all\09:27
Kiloshi magespawn 09:38
magespawnhey Kilos09:38
charlhi magespawn 10:00
charlMaaz: thanks10:00
Maazcharl: Sure10:00
magespawnhi charl10:09
charlhi zeref 10:29
zerefhi charl 10:30
zerefever used quickly?10:31
Kilosinetpro, is jy darem by die werk al?10:55
inetprowb Kilos10:55
Kiloshiya maiatoday whats news11:00
Kiloswe gonna have to change you nick to maiasometime11:01
maiatodayhey Kilos11:03
maiatodayyup def not maiaallthetime11:03
Kilosyoure forgiven though11:05
maiatodayok thanks11:05
Kilosmagespawn, who did you address it to?11:08
Kilosmiles sharpe11:08
magespawnno just sent it to the PO Box Kilos.11:09
Kilosyou lie11:09
Kilosi gonna ask other neighbour to check so she will need to,know11:10
magespawnhave you got the tracking number I gave you?11:10
Kilosi dunno if i must give her a letter as well11:10
Kilosdid you address it to kilos or my name?11:12
magespawnno she will need her id though. neither just the PO Box.11:13
magespawnwhat is that number again/11:13
KilosTracking Number: RD 797 533 525 ZA11:14
Kilosyo tonberryE352 11:35
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kilosyo Trixar_za 11:45
Trixar_zaYo Kilos11:46
Trixar_zaHmmm, weird. I've lost the will to fight online. Seems pointless now :P11:54
Kiloshaha youre growing up11:55
Trixar_zaNah, It just takes more effort to argue with people than it does to agree with them and suggest an alternative route that's within their power11:56
Trixar_zaLaziness wins :P11:57
charlproblem is unfortunately that it persists low standards11:57
charlyou allow people to get away with it11:57
Kilosno man you just twist their opinions subtley till they think it was their ideas11:58
Trixar_zaYes and sometimes something wins on merit11:58
charlsounds to me like some major BS11:59
Trixar_zaYou just have to get people asking the right questions so you can give them the right answers11:59
Trixar_zaThen you convince them it's their idea11:59
Kilosthen praise them some and they will eat out of your hands12:00
charlthere is an old scotsman that taught my dad the three B's - "bulls*** baffles brains"12:00
Trixar_zaThere is a name for it. I think it's called the Socrates method.12:01
charlthe socratic method?12:01
Trixar_zaWhere you ask questions to guide somebody's taughts about something12:01
charlwell, look at where greece is now12:02
charlnot exactly an example of how to run things :)12:02
Trixar_zalol, well his last words were "I drank WHAT?"12:02
Trixar_zaThe Greeks weren't so bad. It went a little wrong with the Romans though12:03
Trixar_zaAnd then they got beat by people that thought attacking naked made them invincible12:04
Trixar_za(The Celts)12:04
Trixar_zaIt probably does12:04
Trixar_zaIf you see a naked madman and madwomen attacking you with swords, I would be pretty surprised too12:05
charlno i meant it does sound very celtic12:07
charli went to ireland once12:07
Trixar_zaSome of the funniest things about the world history you just can't make up12:10
charlit gets a heck of a lot worse than that12:11
charlthere were some master occultists under the celts12:11
magespawnAt Office      2012/07/19  09:20  HERCULES  First Notification to recipient 12:19
Kilosty magespawn will go give tracking number now12:19
Kilosdidnt get the notification12:20
magespawnso according to them it has been there since thursday last week.12:20
magespawnthey have become a bit of a joke12:22
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosim back12:34
Kilosyo inetpro 12:34
inetproKilos: maiatoday using Mint?12:34
Kilosyou sound like zer12:34
Kilosoh my goodness what happened12:34
maiatodaynope Kilos12:34
inetproeven a desktop named after her12:35
inetproLinux Mint 13 “Maya” Xfce released! http://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=208812:35
maiatodaysome pcs on Precise and one or two on Oneiric12:35
inetprooh maiatoday you awake? :-)12:35
Kilosits the pro stirring the pot12:35
maiatodayI never sleep (almost) I just don't always listen12:35
Kilosinetpro, she isnt deaf, she is just ignoring you12:36
Kilosconfluency, you can still say hi now and again12:37
Kilosinetpro, whats news from the fly?12:37
inetproKilos: I honestly don't know enough about his moves to be able to tell12:40
Kilosoh thought he came on here at 11pm last night12:41
Kilosdidnt know if you were still online at that time12:43
inetprovery interesting13:11
inetproCanonical’s Unity Interface Reaches Fedora http://www.thevarguy.com/2012/07/23/canonicals-unity-interface-reaches-fedora/13:11
inetproThe scathing reviews and bitter user feedback of yesteryear have given way to acceptance and even enthusiasm for the interface13:12
inetpro"...now broken out of the Ubuntu mold, even if only slightly, and it could go anywhere from here"13:14
magespawnthat is a win for all of us. gives us more choice all around.13:15
charlhere is a question for all you people13:27
charlopen source voip clients on ubuntu13:27
charli have tried a bunch and the one is worse than the next13:27
charli want to replace skype with something that is fully open source13:27
charli don't mind if it's sip, jingle or something else, as long as it can get through an ipv4 nat router13:27
charlipv6 would also be an option but if it's tunneled it might be too slow13:28
Kiloscharl, have you tried pidgin13:40
Kilosand there was an alternative to skype a while back13:41
charlKilos: yup i tried it, failed miserably at voice13:42
charlwith both ends using pidgin13:42
Kilosim looking if i saved the alternatives link13:45
Kiloscharl, http://www.jitsi.org13:48
charlyup tried jitsi as well13:51
charlit is a java application, incredibly slow and unstable13:51
charlthanks taking a look at those two links....13:51
charlekiga actually has good call quality but the latency is terrible13:51
charlgnu free call sounds promising13:52
charllinphone is cool but haven't managed to figure out how to run that behind a nat yet13:54
charlwithout configuring port forwarding13:54
charli could try it from work because here my laptop has a public (internet routable) ip address on the wlan13:54
charlwe have a /16 ipv4 subnet13:54
charlso we don't use nat13:54
Kilosi dunno what you are talking about13:55
Kilosthe ipv6 thing13:55
Kilosoh 413:55
charlempathy is another one we tried13:55
charlthat has absolutely horrific call quality13:55
Kilosi dont fancy empathry at all13:55
charland apparently no functional noise cancelling / echo cancelling13:56
Kilossomething wrong your pidgin man13:56
charlwhen i try to download google talk i get an .exe13:56
charlcould be but it didn't work for me at all13:56
Kilostry it with someone using the same internet tower as you then you will see if its the net or your side13:57
charli couldn't get any voice from the other end and they couldn't hear me either13:57
charland that was during an open call13:57
charlthe same internet tower?13:57
charllol what the heck is an internet tower :)13:57
Kilosoh you not on broadband13:57
charleh well i am on 802.11g13:57
charlit's not exactly fast but it's good enough for voip13:58
charllemme do a speed test quick13:58
charli seem to be getting 15 mbps down and 16 mbps up13:58
Kilosthats good13:59
Kilosis there someone else at work there you can try on lan14:00
Kilosor have you got 2 pcs there14:00
charlif i ping google.com my ping tends to average just above 10ms so i don't think the latency is too bad either14:00
charland besides, if i skype it's perfect14:01
charlso it can't be the bandwidth14:01
Kilosits by you14:01
Kilostry getting 2 pcs on your lan and try sort the prob14:02
Kilosmaybe you got something missing14:03
Kiloshave you tried kopete14:05
Kilosyou are on ubuntu hey?14:05
Kilosor linux at least14:05
charlyes tried kopete too14:06
charldidn't allow us to make calls at all14:06
Kilospy is python hey?14:07
charlusually yeah14:07
charllooks like a yahoo client though14:08
Kiloshehe good luck14:12
charlyeah linphone and sflphone are the other two i've tried14:13
charllinphone was the one with nat issues and sflphone also had terrible call quality, just like empathy14:14
charli seriously can't believe that there are no good open source options out there14:14
magespawni am out of here later all14:54
Kiloslater magespawn 14:54
Squirmok, this is a debian thing on my raspberry pi15:08
Squirm$ sudo aptitude install vim15:08
Squirm0 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 66 to remove15:08
tumbleweedalready installed?15:11
Kiloshmm Squirm answer?15:24
Squirmtumbleweed: it's not15:25
Squirmvi is15:25
tumbleweeddid it not have anything else to say on the matter?15:25
tumbleweedoh, sorry15:25
tumbleweed2 newly installed, there we go15:25
tumbleweedwhat exactly are we wtf-ing?15:26
SquirmThe following packages will be REMOVED:15:26
Squirm  liba52-0.7.4{u} libaa1{u} libass4{u} libasyncns0{u} libaudio2{u} 15:26
Squirm  libavc1394-0{u} libavutil49{u} libcaca0{u} libcddb2{u} libdc1394-22{u} 15:26
Squirmto name a few15:26
tumbleweedis that a problem?15:26
Squirmtumbleweed: aptitude install vim - it wants to remove 66 packages15:26
tumbleweedthey're all libraries. Presumably nothing depends on them15:26
tumbleweedaptitude uninstalls automatically installed orphan packages by default15:27
tumbleweedapt-get only does when you run apt-get autoremove15:27
Squirmok, that could make sense15:27
Squirmit's on my Pi. which I installed using a debian image15:27
Squirmso they must have packaged them with the image15:28
tumbleweeddid it remove anything that wasn't a library?15:28
Squirmbmysql-common{u} qt4-qtconfig{u} vlc-data{u} 15:28
Squirmok, vlc failed to install, so that one is fine15:28
tumbleweedright, a bunch of those are things vlc depends on15:29
Squirm(I don't know how that b crept in before mysql15:29
Squirmthat could make sense15:29
SquirmI understands now15:29
Kilosyo superfly congrats man16:23
nuvolario/ g'evening17:11
nuvolarinaand oom Kilos 17:11
nuvolarilo Squirm 17:11
magespawnEvening all17:13
nuvolarihowdy magespawn 17:13
nuvolarihad a good day?17:13
magespawnHi nuvolari 17:13
magespawnRelatively, yes17:14
magespawnAnd yourself?17:14
nuvolarimagespawn: doing good thank you17:15
nuvolariKilos: ping17:17
magespawnHad a laptop today that would not boot today, caps lock light flashing indicatedna coruppt bios so attempted to repair it, only to find 30 mins later it had no hard drive.17:18
nuvolariwhere did it go??17:19
Kilosnuvolari, pong17:20
Kilossorry was eating17:20
magespawnNo I idea, and the person who brought it in did so for somebody else so they also had no idea17:20
Kiloshaha @ magespawn 17:21
magespawnApparently the owner lent it to somebody who said it crashed and that it would not start.17:21
Kiloshahaha thats so evil17:22
magespawnLooks like the drive got up and left on its own.17:22
Kiloslappy drives arent cheap17:23
magespawnI wonder sometimes if there is not somebody out there who is testing me.17:24
magespawnBizzaro Monday.17:26
Kilosweird. what does the owner say mage17:26
magespawnDo not know yet, they are coming in tomrrow.17:28
Kilosthats shocking17:28
magespawnFriend brought it in today.17:28
magespawnReally strange.17:28
Kilosthieves everywhere17:29
magespawnThat along with the stolen laptop last week.17:29
Kiloseish diewe17:29
Kilosouch, from the shop?17:29
magespawnGuy brought it in for formatting and for me to remove the password, had no charger and a cracked screen with an assest sticker on it.17:31
magespawnGigabyte netbook17:31
Kiloswow and now its gone magespawn ?17:32
Kilostrying to get a new one outa you?17:33
magespawnNo Kilos cat by the tail17:34
magespawnThe guy who brought it to me had either stolen it or recieved stopen goods.17:34
Kilosah sorry17:34
magespawnThe guy who brought it to me wanted me to crack the password then format it so that he could use it.17:35
Kiloshope you have a sign up anyway about all stuff brought in is at owners risk17:35
magespawnYes and always tell ppl the we cannot be resposible for data loss too.17:37
Kiloslife sucks at times hey17:38
magespawnWierd couple of days though.17:39
Kiloswb AndChat|68096 17:42
=== AndChat|68096 is now known as magespawn
magespawnBack again, like a cold.17:45
charlgood evening17:46
charlMaaz: coffee on17:46
* Maaz flips the salt-timer17:46
Kiloshi charl 17:46
nuvolariMaaz: coffee please17:46
Maaznuvolari: Done17:46
KilosMaaz, coffee please17:46
MaazKilos: Sure17:46
nuvolarilo charl 17:46
nuvolariMaaz: botsnack17:46
magespawnMaaz, coffe please17:46
Kiloshys geskok17:46
magespawnMaaz, coffee please17:47
Maazmagespawn: Yessir17:47
MaazYay, at last someone thinks about me as well17:47
Maazmagespawn: Go get it yourself!17:47
Kiloscoffee magespawn 17:47
Kilosawyou too fast17:47
charllo nuvolari 17:47
magespawnHey typing on a touch screen too17:47
magespawnHi charl17:48
charlhi magespawn 17:48
KilosMaaz, move it17:49
MaazIf I get anymore cheek Kilos you can do it yourself next time17:49
MaazCoffee's ready for charl, nuvolari, Kilos and magespawn!17:50
Kilosthe fly is online but not saying anything17:50
KilosMaaz, ty17:50
MaazYou are welcome Kilos17:50
magespawnThink he might be a bit busy.17:50
nuvolarithatks Maaz 17:50
magespawnTy Maaz, botsnack17:51
Kiloshe wont acknowledge that17:51
Kilosnick first17:51
magespawnMaaz, ty , botsnack17:51
Kilosthats new17:52
magespawnA smile from a bot.17:52
Kilosno a smile not some remark17:53
magespawnMaybe he will winkmat me next time.17:53
KilosMaaz, seen superfly 17:56
MaazKilos: superfly was last seen 21 hours, 38 minutes and 12 seconds ago in private on freenode [2012-07-22 22:18:07 SAST], and has been online on freenode since 2012-07-22 07:43:16 SAST17:56
Kiloswas on here years ago17:57
Kiloseither him or the pro helped me get here from the lists17:57
Kilosthat was ubuntu 8.04 or 8.10 time methinks17:58
Kiloshey not_found you have a good day?18:00
not_foundfine day thanks uncle Kilos ... and you?18:01
magespawnI think we actually started here with in a fews days of each other Kilos.18:01
magespawnBrb fish two bed time.18:01
Kilosim good ty not_found why you so queiet>18:02
Kilossupposed to great when you come online18:02
Kiloshi Cantide 18:03
Cantidehey Kilos :D18:03
Cantideever vigilant, i see :D18:03
Kiloshow much studying did you do today18:03
not_foundI waved twice if I am not mistaken... must have been when it was quiet... then got busy :p18:03
CantideKilos, not much, i'm afraid18:03
not_foundsorry uncle Kilos 18:03
CantideMondays are tough at work - double balancing ._.18:04
Kilosnp not_found 18:04
Kilosonly mondays?18:04
Cantideonly mondays are double :p18:05
Cantideother days are much better18:05
Cantidehow was your day?18:05
Kilosgood ty, busy looking after sheep and cooking18:05
Cantidesounds interesting :p18:06
Kiloscooking is a pain you have to go stir every 10 mins so food dont burn18:06
Cantidehas anyone tried those web apps in 12.04 yet?18:07
Cantideoh yeah :p i forgot about that18:07
Cantidebeen a looooooong time since i cooked -.-18:07
Kilosi been cooking daily for 2 months now18:08
Cantidechef mode :p18:09
Kiloslol yeah18:09
Cantidei enjoy cooking18:09
Cantidejust no time for it now -.-18:09
Kilosme too18:09
Cantidework, study, sleep18:09
Kilosbut takes time away from pc18:09
Cantidewith the odd bit of cycling and gym thrown in18:09
Cantidemore time at pc == better18:10
Cantidetherefore cooking is evil18:10
Kilosone of you guys must try tinycorelinux18:10
* Cantide looks it up18:11
Cantideis it like puppy or damn small?18:11
Kilosif you have an eth0 connection your smiling18:12
Kilosbut sooo different from ubuntu18:12
Cantideoh, interesting distro 'o'18:13
Cantideif i had a need for it, it would be awesome18:13
Kilosits great for old small pcs18:14
Kilosno 700 meg install18:14
magespawnBack, family crisis, fish two's guppie has died.18:14
Kilosoh my thats sad18:15
Kilosflush it18:15
Kilosbuy new one tomorrow18:15
magespawnNot in hluhluwe.18:15
Kilosweekend trip to empangeni coming up18:16
magespawnBesides this one has been living in a pyrex bowl for the last 3 months.18:16
magespawnGot carried home in the palm of her hand.18:17
Kilosi used to spend hours in front of my fishtank'18:17
Kiloslove the algae eaters they like creepy crawleys18:18
magespawnMmm indeed, bit much for a 6 year old though.18:18
Kilosthats the prob with pets18:19
Kilosthey die too soon18:19
Kiloseven dogs18:19
magespawnJack Russells are good, live a long time, if they are not killed by snakes.18:23
magespawnBrb fish 118:23
Banlamget a tortoise18:26
Kilosya they live long18:26
Kilosdogs like 14 max18:26
Banlamour lab is 10 atm18:27
Banlamlast two we had lived to about 12 and 14 i think18:27
Kilosx7 mkaes old18:28
Kiloslike 98 of our years18:28
Kiloshi Banlam 18:29
Banlamhey Kilos :)18:29
Banlamanyone played with mikrotiks and routerOS before?18:30
magespawnHey back.18:31
magespawnHi Banlam 18:32
Banlamgood evening18:32
magespawnI have seen it before, but never worked with it.18:33
Cantidehttp://www.gizmag.com/sapphire-disk-lasts-10-millions-years/23357/ <- this would make a good pet '-'18:34
Kilosmagespawn, is the only diffs tween desktop and server editions the gui?18:37
magespawnPretty much18:38
Kilosor has the server got other stuff too18:38
superflyHello Kilos, magespawn, etc.18:38
Maazsuperfly: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell superfly Thinking of you and hope all is good with baby and mommy" 11 hours, 17 minutes and 57 seconds ago18:38
magespawnNot that I know 18:39
Kiloshi there superfly all good there?18:39
Kiloshows mrs_fly ?18:40
superflyPiekfyn oom Kilos18:40
Kilosyay you didnt come keep us informed18:40
superflyShe's doing well, managed to convince the doc to let her go home a day early.18:40
magespawnHi superfly, and the larvae?18:40
superflyKilos: I was hardly on my computer18:41
Kiloswe noticed but fb got informed18:41
Kilosbut we forgive you18:42
superflyKilos: yeah, cause a large number of people who want to know about it are on Facebook18:42
Kilosgustav told us18:43
Kilosso we knew18:43
superflymagespawn: great.18:43
superflynoisy sleeper18:43
magespawnAwesome stuff.18:44
magespawnYou are about to learn time management to the extreme18:45
Kilosha ha ha18:45
Kilosirc really gonna suffer18:45
superflymagespawn: more like toddler herding, which is only slightly less difficult than cat herding18:45
Cantidecatnip needed18:46
superflyCantide: doesn't work on 3 year olds18:46
Cantideyou haven't used enough then >_>18:46
magespawnWait till they are both moving around.18:47
Cantidemy niece is difficult to handle, and she's only 14 months .-.18:47
superflyCantide: just wait till she's 2 and a half.18:47
Kilossuperfly, we are all very happy for you and mrs_fly 18:47
Cantidesuperfly, I will hopefully be faaaar away by then :D18:47
superflythanks Kilos18:48
Kilosi can go sleep now18:48
Kilosnight guys , sleep tight18:48
superflyNight old man18:49
Kiloshaha cheeky18:49
Cantidenight Kilos ^^18:49
magespawnKids are great for a lot of things, grey hairs being one of them.18:50
superflymagespawn: hopefully not too soon!18:51
magespawnMy oldest is 10 and I feel like I am just now geeting used to it all, and having a life again.18:57
magespawnGetting my feet on the ground.18:59
superflymagespawn: how young is your youngest19:00
charlnn all19:04
magespawnI am also out of here, night all.19:14
* not_found now has a very nice keyboard for android :)19:40
not_foundeven has tab :p19:40
inetproGood morning 19:46
inetpronot found: what keyboard is that? 19:57
inetproEish! 19:58
inetpronot_found ^^19:59
* inetpro on the mobile20:00
inetprojust got upgrade to jelly bean 20:01
inetproand already there's one thing I hate about it 20:01
not_foundinetpro, swiftkeyboard 320:02
inetprocan no longer use the search key for tab completion 20:02
not_foundit doesn't have it on the main page however which is a pita...20:03
not_foundtakes 3 keys to do it...20:03
inetproyou also have SwiftKey 3?20:04
not_foundsorry meant swiftkey 320:04
* not_found fails at android20:05
not_foundI almost went and installed CyanogenMod on my phone20:05
inetproHmm.. where do you find tab? 20:05
not_foundone sec20:05
not_foundpress 12320:05
not_foundthen the little one with { and something else20:05
not_foundthen you have tab, up and down left right and many odd keys20:05
inetproHmm.... 20:06
inetprodoesn't work for tab complete 20:07
inetprobut yes I see it 20:07
not_foundOh crap... I haven't tested it for tab-copmplete yet... that is going to suck big time (I read people moaning that the tab button didn't take them to new input fields but just tabbed the text block they where in...)20:08
not_foundtypical... :(20:08
* not_found has to go buy the wife some cheese cake now (it is midnight) (and she isn't even pregnant) 20:08
inetpronp 20:08
inetprogood night 20:09
* inetpro gonna sleep now anyway20:09
* not_found is sad about paying for a keyboard that doesn't do what is needed :'(20:37

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