
StealthyHello there guise. Just a quick question. I recently installed ubuntu studio in my lenovo notebook and noticed it dos have a little latency when working with lmms (Linux Multimedia Studio), so I got ahead and installed ubuntustudio on my desktop. In my desktop there is still a little bit latency, but I could work there. Still, it would be a little more comfortable to work on the netbook, so I was wondering, is there any upgrades I could do on the16:31
Stealthy netbook that would reduce latency? Maybe I should upgrade to 4GB ram?16:31
len-dtStealthy, what are your jack settings?16:37
len-dtOr is this just MIDI?16:37
len-dtStealthy, if this is MIDI timing (we're working on that as it happens) Here is something you can try.16:40
StealthyI guess my jack settings are the default ones... have not messed with them16:40
MishUh Len...Is there a place where I can view all the icons used by Ubuntu studio? My laptop broke down and I am posting this from a different machine.16:41
StealthyI'm not sure whether it's a midi or an audio problem. I just use my keyboard as a midi device, in order to control a soft synth, and I get a little bit latency16:41
StealthyThanks a lot for answering lend-dt. Can you wait for me a little bit? I'd like to boot into my ubuntustudio partion and give you my exact jacka and lmms settings...16:43
Stealthythanks, I'll be right back!16:48
len-dtMish,  http://www.ovenwerks.net/UStudiodocs/menu.html shows some of them.16:49
len-dtThere is no publishing one yet though. So you are free to feel creative  :)16:50
len-dtMish, actually you are free to feel creative with any of them. They don't have to look anything like what the ones are we are using.16:52
len-dtSo long as they are a good representation of the task they represent.16:52
* len-dt is good at misusing words16:53
=== Mish_ is now known as Mish
len-dtMish, did you get any of that?17:00
MishSorry I got disconnected for some reason. Yes I do seem to have gotten most of it17:01
Mishthanks for the link17:02
ubuntustudio01hey there len-dt, thanks for waiting17:11
ubuntustudio01this is the guy with latency problems on a notebook17:11
ubuntustudio01I took some screenshots of my jack settings and my lmms settings, could you please take a peak at them? I will paste the urls right away...17:12
StealthyHello there. Just a quick question. I recently installed ubuntu studio in my lenovo notebook and noticed it does have a little latency when working with lmms (Linux Multimedia Studio), so I got ahead and installed ubuntustudio on my desktop. In my desktop there is still a little bit latency, but I could work there. Still, it would be a little more comfortable to work on the netbook, so I was wondering, is there any upgrades I could do on the17:27
Stealthy<Stealthy>  netbook that would reduce latency? Maybe I should upgrade to 4GB ram?17:27
Stealthythese are my settings on both jack and lmms:17:27
ailoStealthy: Just lower the "frames/period" in qjackctl Setup17:36
Stealthycool. Thanks a lot alio!17:36
ailoOn a decent desktop, you should be able to set it to 64 without much problems17:36
ailoStealthy: But, having the pulseaudio bridge active, will likely cause a few xruns17:37
Stealthyshould I uninstall pulseaudio, maybe?17:37
ailoIf you don't need the pulseaudio bridge, uncheck "Enable D-bus interface" in Setup -> Misc17:38
ailoStealthy: It's no pulseaudio per se that might give you problems at lower latencies. It's the bridge between them. By default, pa will connect to jack17:38
ailoAll though, you still need to set PA to use jack sinks, if you plan on using the bridge, in PA settings17:39
StealthyCool. I will follow your advice! Thanks a lot!17:39
ailoStealthy: I would think, 128 would be a fair limit on your netbook17:39
StealthyNice. Thanks a lot again!17:40
Stealthy ( ((17:41
Stealthy  \ =\17:41
Stealthy __\_ `-\17:41
Stealthy(____))(  \----   ChTrSrFr17:41
Stealthy(____)) _17:41
StealthyThumbs Up17:41
len-dtailo, I missed him. I actually think his problem may have been the MIDI timing problem you had. I was going to suggest he make the high rez timers available to audio apps.18:16
ailolen-dt: He only mentioned latency, which he would have, if he uses 1024 frames/period18:35
Len-nbailo, Thanks for catching him18:39
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carloselastra_That's O.K.22:02
carloselastra__well, at least i'm in22:15
BordenQuick question, what is a good audio interface to use with ubuntu studio. I have this 'maudio firewire solo' that I am slightly less than impressed with.23:47
len-dtholstein, might know, but #opensourcemusicians probably has a wider range of personal experience.23:49
len-dtI personally use an M-Audio delta 6623:50
len-dtI have no complaints with it. I use a mackie 1604 as mic preamps to feed it.23:51
BordenThanks, I'll write that down.23:51

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