
Synx_I'm installing Xubuntu :DDD00:55
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syddrafWhy is it that when I click the title bars of windows to move them they sometimes vanish and/or jump around the screen like an ADHD child on crack?03:00
Unit193Bug #100193603:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1001936 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "GTK3 Grab/Move Triggered on Mouse Click" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100193603:02
Unit193Current bug that hasn't been fixed yet.03:04
syddraf*sigh* Ok, thanks. Hopefully it'll get fixed... unlike the xinerama bug.03:04
Unit193Yeah, though I haven't hit it badly recently.03:05
syddrafThese two bugs are the only ones making me hate using *buntu right now. I can't drag things onto two of my monitors, and my windows randomly vanish03:05
Unit193Well that's not good at all, rather hope they get those in the next release.03:06
syddrafIt looks like the Xinerama bug is permanently not-going-to-be-fixed03:07
alexis_Hola a todos, existe algun canal chileno de xubuntu, gracias04:43
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.04:43
xubuntu003I need some help, is anybody available10:38
xubuntu003I place the 12.04 cd to boot at my old pc and a black screen appears having at the bottom two signs the one is a circle with a man in it and the other is something like a box. And then nothing else happens. What can I do?10:45
SkippersBossxubuntu003, can this old pc boot from stick ?? How much memory is in there. Which xubuntu version are you trying to boot=== ? details for the old pc ??11:03
SkippersBossWhat does the Lubuntu cd do ??11:03
xubuntu324Hi everyone. I'd like to thank you for a great distro. I wasn't a XFCE user before untill I tried Xubuntu. Everything works great. I feel that there has been alot effort to make this release so great. Unfortunately i have one problem and it really makes me uncomfortable. The problem is: "thumblerd". I don't know exactly what it is but it makes my system so very slow and it eats up sometimes more than 1 Gb RAM and uses about %47-714:17
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ochosixubuntu324: it's the thumbnailing-service14:53
ochosixubuntu324: it should only be running/active when you're e.g. in a folder with images14:54
xubuntu324Thank you for your info. But why does it uses so much resorces? I've been a KDE user and had never seen the thumbnailer-service acting like this before. Is there any other way to get thumbnails without having this thumblerd problem?14:56
Dicetumblerd ate my whole cpu when I had folder with big buck bunny torrent open14:57
xubuntu324It doesn't make any difference if I'm in images or just plain dokuments folder. The moent I open Thunar it gets weird.14:58
xubuntu565alguien habla español?15:21
xubuntu565is someone here?15:21
xubuntu565please i need help about xubuntu15:22
xubuntu565it can't run15:22
xubuntu324I'm waiting too. What kind of help do you need?15:22
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:23
xubuntu565the first time i opened xubuntu, it show me the text mode15:23
xubuntu565and now it show me a black screen15:23
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:23
xubuntu565i'm running the last version with an alternate cd15:24
bazhang!nomodeset | xubuntu56515:24
ubottuxubuntu565: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:24
xubuntu488Is it completely black or is there some text or a cursor?15:24
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xubuntu565the instalation was well, but i can enter in graphic mode15:24
xubuntu565other people have the same problem15:25
xubuntu565i think this is because the graphic card (trident acelerator cyberblade)15:25
xubuntu324How can I solve my problem with thumblerd?15:25
xubuntu565but i don't know how to solve it15:26
xubuntu565with other linux is equal15:26
xubuntu565but i installed ubuntu 6.10 and it runs very well15:27
xubuntu565please, someone can answer my question???15:27
xubuntu488bazhang mentioned that you may need to boot with the parameter 'nomodeset' to stop the problems with you graphics card15:28
xubuntu565how can i do this?15:28
xubuntu488How to set nomodeset : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313215:29
xubuntu565thank you, i'm going to try this15:31
b00010111some of you have a good tip for setting up xubuntu with full disk encryption using a key-file and not a password? I followed this guid: http://blog.markloiseau.com/2012/05/ubuntu-aes-xts-plain64/17:42
b00010111exept the cryptsetup luksFormat command, there I used a key file stored on a usb device17:42
b00010111update-initramfs seems not to support keyfiles17:42
b00010111so booting up ends with shell and the mapper missing17:43
b00010111manually creating mapper would be an optin17:44
b00010111any hints are much appreciated17:44
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newuserhello people.19:23
newusertrying to run a gmp4 avi file in ubuntu. Using mplayer. can anyone help install the drivers. not sure which one to install. Tried lib32gmp3 after gooling it says it's not there.19:24
well_laid_lawntried xubuntu-restricted-extras ?19:25
newuserI checked everything in teh software repos.19:26
well_laid_lawnthat's a package19:26
well_laid_lawn!info xubuntu-restricted-extras19:26
ubottuxubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Xubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 57 (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB19:26
newusercool. thank you. Let me install it. :)19:27
RandomousHello, guys. I've installed Xubuntu recently, and I'm having a bit of trouble updating it. Anyone cares to help? :)19:58
Unit193Well, what's the problem?  Try opening a terminal and typing  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:59
RandomousNo, no19:59
RandomousThe thing is that there is not enough space on my separate /boot partition.19:59
RandomousNow, my question is. Could I resize it? And before I'd resize it, I would have to move some other partitions, and that's the part that concerns me the most. How safe is the moving of partitions?20:02
Unit193Well, they recommend you backup.20:11
pleia2Randomous: perhaps uninstall some older kernels to make more space?20:12
Dicemerging boot partition to root could be easier20:12
RandomousHow can I determine which kernels aren't in use? I have a few files that start with the same name, but they end differently. Also, Dice, I would like to avoid that option, but if I have to, I'll resort to it. Thanks for all the answers so far, guys!20:15
Diceuname -a tells currently used kernel, you basically need only that if it works20:16
Diceboot to newest one if you aren't on it20:17
RandomousSays I'm on 3.2.0-2620:17
RandomousAnd I see some -23 files in my boot partition. Can I erase those?20:18
RandomousAll of those, or just initrd.img-3.2.0-23-g?20:19
Dicesafe to remove all20:19
RandomousOk, thanks a lot! :)20:19
RandomousYou saved me! :)20:19
Dicelinux-image is probably bigger than initrd20:19
Unit193Would be better to apt-get purge them.20:20
RandomousActually, I don't have linux-image. Initrd is the biggest file in there. Around 20 mb. Is that the whole command, or do I need to specify what is apt purging?20:21
RandomousAh, never mind, found the commands. But still, I don't have linux-image. :/20:24
RandomousAh, damn it. Removed the old image, but I still miss 8 mb. Ok, I think I'll move the /boot partition to /. I guess there is guide on it on the net. If I don't find anything, I'll come in again. Thanks for all your help, you've been great, guys! :)20:28
newuserhello people.20:53
newuserI'm trying to play a security cam vid. it's got gmp4 something for avi compression. it fails to play in mplayer.20:54
newusererror says loading codec dll: 'gxamp4.dll' Win32 loadlibrary failed to load: /usr/lib/codecs/GXAMP4.dll20:54
newuseranybody who can help identify what is really need to play?20:55
genii-aroundnewuser: You're running mplayer inside of wine running on xubuntu?20:57
newuserno, just running mplayer from cli.20:57
newusersudo apt-get install mplayer; mplayer securityvid.avi20:57
Unit193I generally like to try things with VLC as it appears to run them all, but there are additional packages that you may need from the medibuntu repo.20:58
newuserfull disclosure running ubuntu 12.04 but #ubuntu is less responsive to more technical issues than #xubuntu.20:58
newuserlet me try vlc then.20:59
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:59
newuserlove the legal reasons. lol.21:00
newuserwish for a "I don't mind anyway button" during install the Windows(R) the whole into a single click install.21:00
newuserdang, don't see a gmp package but hopefully it might be in w32codecs.21:03
newuserlol@ package hot-babe21:03
genii-aroundApparently GeoVision uses it's own proprietary mpeg4 encoding21:08
newuserok beautiful, vlc says it doens't support the audio or video format. Unfortunately there's not way to fix it.21:16
newusergenii-around: but do they make a player or driver available?21:16
genii-aroundnewuser: I'm looking into it but it seems like no native Linux decoder...looks like perhaps your best bet is to extract the Windows GXAMP4.dll file it wanted originally from a driver disk and put it in /usr/lib/codecs21:20
newuseryeah, I saw their website. they have some apps for android devices. but nothing that says >>click here<< to view the darn videos you recorded.21:23
newuserif they have a winders utility I can throw it on a laptop and install it. but I think you're right, I just don't see a linux version for it.21:24
newuserI do appreciate you looking.21:24
genii-aroundnewuser: I would suggest: wget wget ftp://geo-demo-japan.dipmap.com/FAQ/patch/v8400Codec.zip    then unzip it, copy the v8400Codec/GXAMP4.dll file to /usr/lib/codecs21:24
genii-aroundMeh, typos21:24
newuserI'll probably just try to windows it for my cousin who is needing to see this from of her stores and she doesn't have access to actual playback system 'coz she's here out of her own town.21:25
newuserok, that probably is a good idea. I was afraid to download that v8400codec on windows. you never know what install when you hit setup.exe21:25
newuserlol, mplayer crash by bad usage of /CPU/FPU/RAM21:27
newuseragain, I appreciate your helps. thank you very much. I'll just install it on windows.21:27
genii-aroundnewuser: It actually has 8 different Windows dll files in that zipfile, it may be you need more than just the original one it was asking for21:27
newuseryeah I just did: sudo cp v8400/* /usr/lib/codecs/21:28
newuserto give it all of tem.21:28
newuserlol, let's try installing wine and running wmplayer.exe in wine.21:29
AzelphurDoes anyone know what binds super+L to screen lock? I want to disable that22:20
Azelphurit doesn't seem to be in the standard xfce keyboard shortcuts menu22:20
RandomousHello, guys! What do you think of this: I have a /boot partition that I want to expand. It's a bit tricky, cause there are partitions next to it. However, the partition that is right next to it is swap. So, I boot up PartedMagic, go into gParted, wipe the entire swap, grow the /boot, and then make another swap partition (I actually have 200 mb or more spare on the swap). After that, I just edit fstab, to asign the new swap partiti22:23
Randomouson. Does anyone know if that's a bad idea? :)22:23
genii-aroundRandomous: Might want to disable swap in fstab first time, them do mkswap/swapon in your booted system then edit the fstab accordingly22:26
RandomousSo, I should boot without the swap partition, and then make it in the system? Did I understand that right? I just wanna make sure :)22:27
genii-aroundRandomous: That is the idea, yes. The mkswap and swapon commands should be done from inside the system you want to use them from22:29
RandomousAlright. Nice to know. Could I just use swapoff for the current swap partition, or do I need to get into fstab right away?22:30
genii-aroundIt would probably be "proper" to do the swapoff first, yes, but not essential22:31
RandomousOk, thanks a lot! :)22:32
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