
lifelessI think --xml is in a plugin00:05
lifelesswritten for IDE integtation00:05
mnnhi everyone... has been there any progress on this?00:22
Noldorinmnn: yeah, sounds highly advisable. the python 2.7 argument doesn't quite work for me...00:24
Noldorinit can always be conditional functionality00:24
Noldorinon the build or version of python installed00:24
mnnand what about gnutls along with python-gnutls?00:25
mnnthat way python 2.7 won't be required00:25
Noldorinpy2.7 seems like the more elegant way00:25
Noldorinbut yeah, that's feasilbe00:25
Noldorinespecially as a plugin00:25
Noldorinmnn: there way forward with this, as with most experimental/new technology in bzr, is a demonstration plugin00:26
Noldorinas proof-of-concept at the very least00:26
mnnNoldorin: I have little knowledge about ftp/ssl but I could try it... anyway I have more pressing concern:01:54
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1027529 in Bazaar "Cannot push/operate on SFTP; no useful error message" [Undecided,New]01:54
mnnseems like old issues with SFTP transport are crawling back:01:54
ubot5Ubuntu bug 681047 in Bazaar "Random failures on SFTPTransport tests on windows" [Low,Fix released]01:54
mgrandii haven't had any problems with sftp on windows or mac...01:55
mnnhowever, I believe the sftp server I'm using is not hosted on windows01:56
mnnmost likely linux01:57
seanyis it possible to `bzr log` all revisions that aren't part of the branch anymore?03:07
seanyi.e. do not have revno anymore03:07
lifelessseany: bzr heads03:38
ls3hello. Is it safe to remove some older /tmp/bzr-index-* files ?  (2 wks+)04:40
ls3I'm trying to read about what they are but all I've gained is they are used for caching04:40
ls3i just have 440 3M files clogging up /tmp ..04:41
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spiv(in case ls3 comes back): anything bzr leaves in /tmp is safe to remove, and probably also a bug (in the bzr-index plugin maybe?)05:20
seanylifeless: thanks!07:45
bzrnewbhi guys13:18
bzrnewbAnyone around?13:19
jelmerhi bzrnewb13:21
bzrnewbhey jelmer13:21
bzrnewbare you well acquainted with bzr hooks by any chance?13:22
bzrnewbi require very specific assistance and google seems to be failing me today13:22
jelmerbzrnewb: a bit13:23
jelmerbzrnewb: please just ask your question - if there's somebody around who can help they'll hopefully speak up13:23
bzrnewbsweet thanks13:23
bzrnewbis it possible when pushing to run a post_push hook only if there are changes in a specified directory13:25
jelmerbzrnewb: inside of your hook you could check if there were any changes?13:25
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bzrnewbah that's not a bad idea.13:27
jelmerbzrnewb: the hook params should contain the old and the new revid13:27
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jelmerso it should be a matter of just checking that those are different13:27
bzrnewbWould you do it file by file?13:28
jelmerbzrnewb: what do you mean exactly by "changes in a specified directory" ?13:28
bzrnewbexcuse my ignorance here, I've only just started setting up a continuous integration environment at my new office13:28
jelmerbzrnewb: committed changes that were pushed that weren't present remotely before the push?13:28
bzrnewbbut only for one of the directories in the branch13:29
jelmerbzrnewb: you could probably call Repository.revision_tree() for old-revid and new-revid, and then use new_tree.changes_from(old_tree) to get the list of files that have somehow changed13:30
bzrnewbgreat stuff13:30
bzrnewbI'll go investigate13:30
bzrnewbThanks jelmer13:30
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