
ronnocanyone know if anything ever came of Project Silk? 02:45
=== skreech__ is now known as Daskreech
Riddellhola chicos08:14
Riddellronnoc: I suspect not08:17
Riddellbut maybe afiestas' webaccounts will be the successor08:17
ronnocthanks Riddell08:49
Riddellhi Jekyll, are you the top notch bug triager from KDE?10:13
Riddellanyone else experience kde bug 303812 ?10:23
ubottuKDE bug 303812 in widget-battery "Power applet in KDE4,9 cannot read change of battery state (Unity can)" [Major,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30381210:23
Riddellwhen I unplug my power it stays at 100%10:23
CIA-81[networkmanagement] Jonathan Kolberg * 19 * debian/ (changelog control plasma-widget-networkmanagement.install) Add libopenconnect-dev to build-dependencies (LP: #923587)10:36
Riddellbulldog98_: oh?  what does that do?10:40
BluesKajhiyas all11:55
apachelogger"Your membership in kubuntu-members is about to expire"12:20
ScottKYou'd still be an indirect member, I believe, so you probably don't escape so easy.12:56
apacheloggery u no let me go :P13:49
Riddellyou're too valuable13:49
Riddellrenew renew!13:49
apacheloggerI still have 6 days left, I shall carefully think about it :P13:50
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Riddellalpha 3 candidates images for the testing!15:40
ubottuTesting help needed in #kubuntu-devel ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, em15:40
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Riddellit's always fun with you yofel 15:47
* yofel hugs Riddell15:49
yofelsame with you :)15:49
yofelI'll try to at least get some KVM runs done15:49
Daskreechoh right  Kubuntu alpha16:03
jsubl2so whats a good way to test the new image,  virtualbox or ??16:05
Riddelljsubl2: virtualbox is good yes16:05
Riddellor hardware install16:05
Riddellwhichever you prefer16:05
Riddellrecord results at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/226/builds16:06
jsubl2ok noted.  where are the images16:06
Riddellclick on an image then "Link to the download information"16:06
Riddellthat'll tell you the various ways to getit16:07
jsubl2i am new at this.  But i have wanted to contribute16:07
Riddellthanks for getting into it :)16:07
jsubl2I am recently retired unix admin.  One of my goals was to get involved.16:08
Riddellgo find bugs!  (cos next you'll want to fix them :)16:09
jsubl2ok.  i noticed the links for learning that.  so i will definetly read those.16:09
Riddellad block isn't on by default any more, anyone remember if that's deliberate?16:12
jtechidnathe best I can find is bug 37237916:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 372379 in kubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Konqueror ships ancient EasyList blocklist" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37237916:27
Riddellrings a bell16:30
RiddellI think the problem there was the adblock settings being static in k-d-s16:30
Riddellbut rekonq has an automatic update feature16:30
yofelhm, did the OEM install get dropped from the desktop image? F4 only shows 'Normal' as mode16:31
yofelhm, nvm16:32
yofelthe menu is confusing16:32
shadeslayer!testers 16:38
ubottuTesting help needed in #kubuntu-devel ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, em16:38
shadeslayerDigikam needs testing : https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental16:38
Riddellooh digikam16:38
Riddellshadeslayer: remember we're in alpha freeze so remember to upload to -proposed when ready16:47
shadeslayeroh ... ok16:47
* shadeslayer will remember16:47
* shadeslayer will test installing the cd once I get a DVD tomorrow16:48
shadeslayerdarn, should have got one today when I went to buy my mouse16:48
Riddellusb keys so much better in my opinion16:49
shadeslayertell that to Apple16:49
Riddellcor, new images17:43
Riddellyofel: ^^17:44
Riddellhmm but still syncing to mirror17:45
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1028567] plasma-desktop crashed with SIGSEGV when changing battery monitor settings @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1028567 (by johannes)19:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1028567 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "plasma-desktop crashed with SIGSEGV when changing battery monitor settings" [Undecided,New]19:34
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=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
yofelevening Quintasan20:24
Quintasanyofel: sup20:24
yofelstill working through real life backlog that piled up during a month of test and exams20:24
Quintasanstill getting things moving here20:27
Quintasanshadeslayer: >implying FF ever worked properly20:30
shadeslayerapparently alot of users like FF20:30
ScottKSo I guess shadeslayer has passed the exams excuse on to yofel now.21:27
yofellol, pretty much ^^21:28
shadeslayerhaha :D21:28
LinkmasterQuestion about installing things, and their appdata: when a program installs, its appdata creates ~/.whatever, correct? Well, if you have enough ~/.whatevers, it creates a mess..how hard/difficult/whatnot would changing the install route to ~/.appdata/games.../programs.../etc  ??21:38
shadeslayerQuintasan: if you're free, could you test digikam21:39
Quintasanshadeslayer: hmm k21:39
QuintasanLet me finish my Quntal upgrade21:39
yofelLinkmaster: application configuration files aren't that standardized. Some applications use ~/.<app>, some use ~/.config/app/ ~/.local/share/app/ as per XDG standard21:44
Linkmasteryofel: hm, I thought as much. I was wondering though, since it would organize things a little more after the initial ~/.whatever mess21:45
QuintasanLinkmaster: It wouldn't be Linux if everything was seating neatly organised ;)21:51
LinkmasterOh hush =P thanks guys for at least asking, I was totally flamed in another channel when I presented the idea =P21:52
QuintasanLinkmaster: It's the part of the surprise, when looking for udev files you totally exect the rules to sit in /var/some/where/where/you/do/not/expect/it21:53
* Linkmaster snorts21:54
Linkmastertrue enough21:54
yofelLinkmaster: well, feel free to point people to the freedesktop spec - I doubt everyone knows it even exists (or they just don't care)21:56
Quintasanlol freedesktop21:56
QuintasanHeard that name somewhere in the depths of dbus21:57
LinkmasterI've never heard of that before21:57
yofelLinkmaster: I was talking about http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html specifically22:08
Quintasanapachelogger: It has come to my attention that despite our greatest efforts at Project Neon we did not manage to produce a sane daily build system for Amarok 2. A long and bloody and tedious investigation revealed that the culprit behind our apparent inability to do so was caused by a monstrosity called qtscriptgenerator. It's hideous core consists of qmake and other unspeakable horrors which scarred shadeslayer into using his "exams" 22:14
Quintasanexcuse everytime anything Amarok-related came up on the channel. Not only it is hideous and wrecks havoc within Project Neon members but I also noticed that even the mighty warrior called Phonon is not able to tame the beast and must resort to dirty tricks. That it is only the tip of the iceberg Esquire! Even our fellows from the old lands of Debian seem to have given up slaying the beast (qtscriptgenerator doesn't work with Phonon and 22:14
Quintasanuses some hacks to do so). As the result of the aforementioned thing we decided to call upon the mighty Overlord of KDE Multimedia lands, who happens to be you as we speak, for help with taming the beast as it would be beneficial for both Kubuntu and KDE shires.22:14
shadeslayeroh boy oh boy22:15
jsubl2i installed the latest test image.  I think i missed something it tried to install grub to sdb  which is the flash drive i was installing it from.  22:17
jsubl2i am thinking maybe it was me and not a bug.. but not sure22:17
Riddelljsubl2: worth testing again22:49
jsubl2yeah i will22:50
QuintasanRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1008967  any idea if someone is working on that so I don't do the same stuff twice?22:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1008967 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] plasma-widget-redshift" [Wishlist,New]22:51
Quintasanyofel, shadeslayer: ^^22:53
shadeslayernot me22:53
yofelme neither - and if then that person should be assigned to that22:54
shadeslayeryofel: can you give me root rights for lb?22:54
RiddellQuintasan: I think it's all yours22:56
yofelshadeslayer: done22:56
QuintasanRiddell: I'll get to it shortly then22:56
apacheloggerQuintasan: does not compute22:59
Quintasanapachelogger: Read it until it does22:59
QuintasanIf it doesn't then you need more booze23:00
apacheloggernow I get it23:00
apacheloggerjust remove the phonon bits?23:00
apacheloggerlast I saw it their overlay was kaput/incomplete23:00
QuintasanWe want you to fix that23:00
apacheloggerwhat for?23:01
QuintasanSo it works half-decently?23:01
QuintasanOr don't make Amarok 2 depend on that hell23:01
apacheloggerno one uses the phonon bindings23:01
apacheloggerand I don't see what for it would be used23:01
apacheloggerconsidering qml shebang is in master now23:01
QuintasanAmarok 2 depends on that crap for some reason unknown to me23:01
apacheloggeramarok scripts need the advanced qt bindings23:02
QuintasanThat's qtscriptgenerator, right?23:02
QuintasanAnd we need to get that building to get dailes working23:02
apacheloggerit semi-auto-generates qtscript bindings for stuff23:02
apacheloggerQuintasan: patch it I say23:02
QuintasanI think yofel made it work just today with some nasty hacks but that's a effing short-term solution imo23:03
QuintasanGod knows when it will break again23:03
yofelwe want you to fix phonon so we *don't* have to patch it23:03
apacheloggerwhat's wrong with phonon?23:03
yofelwell, or make qtscriptgenerator build without requiring a 'phonon.h' that includes all phonon headers23:03
apacheloggerqsg is not phonon compatible23:04
apacheloggeronly qtphonon had that master header23:04
apacheloggeras all qt foo has master headers23:04
Quintasanapachelogger: I don't really care for where the Qt foo is and where it is. Can you do something about that or we have to patch the hell out of it and pray it doesn't break anytime soon?23:09
Quintasanwhere it is not*23:09
apacheloggerqsg is not part of kdemm nor kde23:10
apacheloggerso I cannot do anything about it23:10
apacheloggeryou could however patch in a phonon.h at debian/kubuntu level23:10
apacheloggerseeing as the package tries to be compatible to qtphonon that sounds like a must-have tBH23:10
QuintasanWe can do that but I doubt Debian folks will do that23:10
yofelQuintasan: they already do that...23:16
QuintasanOh, okay.23:16
QuintasanSo we are back to square one.23:16
Quintasan[plasma-widget-redshift]% tar zxvf 148737-redshift-plasmoid-0.4.2.tar.gz 23:17
Quintasangzip: stdin: not in gzip format23:17
Riddellremember: Digikam needs testing : https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental23:17
QuintasanRiddell: Done, works.23:17
shadeslayeryeah, I need to upload that23:18
* shadeslayer looks at special things to be done to upload to proposed23:19
Riddellshadeslayer: if you upload it it can be a nice feature for alpha 323:19
Riddellput quantal-proposed in the changelog23:19
* Riddell snoozes23:19
Quintasanargh need to repack the tarball23:20
Quintasanor wait23:20
Quintasanwhatever, will mail the developer firs23:20
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: btw, how has the flat hunting been going? I've found myself searching for one as well.23:27
QuintasanJontheEchidna: Oh, well, good. I'm going to sign the rent contract tomorrow23:28
QuintasanIt's not the best one but that's the only one that looks sane and affordable23:29
JontheEchidnayeah, there has to be a balance23:29
QuintasanOf course we will be looking for better one but I take what I can get at the moment23:30
JontheEchidnagood, good23:30
JontheEchidnaI've looked at one place today which was pretty nice. I'm due to look at another thursday and hopefully I'll have a decision by the end of the week23:30
QuintasanNow that reminds me I have to get up early tomorrow.23:31
QuintasanHell, gotta get rolling, will be around for 4.9 tagging tomorrow23:32
JontheEchidnathe difference between the apartment 10 km from uni vs. the one 2 km is $175 a month, but it would probably be worth it.23:32
JontheEchidnasince 2 km is easily in walking/biking distance23:32
JontheEchidnaplus, everybody wants the one 2 km away, so I may not be able to get that one :P23:33
QuintasanJontheEchidna: Well, good luck in finding good offer :P23:34
* Quintasan totters off to bed23:34
JontheEchidnayou too :)23:34
apachelogger175 USD are like 3.91 GBP23:34
QuintasanGood night.23:34
apacheloggerQuintasan: nini23:35
* yofel is off to bed as well - good night23:35
apacheloggeryofel: nini23:35
JontheEchidna~150 euros a month more for the one 8 km closer :P23:36
CIA-81[digikam] Rohan Garg * 49 * debian/changelog Release to quantal-proposed23:42
apacheloggeris that distance for travel-by-bird or travel-by-bike?23:42

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