
=== jrgifford is now known as Guest45074
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spmhrm. has the nice popup for subscribing someone else to a bug gone walkies? I just had the old method via a separate page to do so.05:41
wgrantspm: You were probably too quick05:42
spmtoo practiced at it, you reckon?05:42
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crassfor build recipes, how do I specify ppa dependencies?08:27
jelmercrass: specify them in the PPA you're building into08:35
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: czajkowski| Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad Help contact:- | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
crassjelmer: ok, so if in the recipe I change the ppa apkg goes into then I need to make sure the new one has the right deps, sounds like. It seems a little strange that way because the building appears to be done in the recipe section of the website, not the ppa08:37
jelmercrass: building is done in the ppa08:39
crassjelmer: it appears as though deps for a building pkg are not satisfied from pkgs with in the building ppa. Does this seem wrong?08:56
crasshere's the buildlog: https://code.launchpad.net/~crass/+archive/libtorrent/+recipebuild/277658/+files/buildlog.txt.gz08:56
jelmern pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy : Depends: libtorrent-dev (>= 0.13.2~) but it is not going to be installed.08:59
jelmer                                 Depends: libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev but it is not going to be installed.08:59
crasshmm, maybe its libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev then08:59
jelmerdo you have libtorrent-dev in a PPA that's a depeedency?09:00
crassjelmer: no, unless a ppa is automatically a dependency of itself09:01
crassI would expect that dependencies are also resolved from already built pkgs in the building ppa09:01
jelmerthey are, although the package would have to be available for the same distroseries09:01
crassthey are: https://launchpad.net/~crass/+archive/libtorrent09:02
crassand libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev should coe from the distro09:03
wgrantcrass: They all failed to build09:03
wgranthttps://launchpad.net/~crass/+archive/libtorrent/+packages ← observe the red Xs09:03
crasswgrant: I see some built pkgs in the ppa09:04
wgrantCompleted builds 0 successful 36 failed09:04
wgranthttp://ppa.launchpad.net/crass/libtorrent/ubuntu/pool/main/libt/libtorrent/ and http://ppa.launchpad.net/crass/libtorrent/ubuntu/pool/main/r/rtorrent/ only show source packages, no binaries09:05
crassoh, yes, you're right09:05
crassits strange how https://code.launchpad.net/~crass/+recipe/libtorrent-daily says successful build, yet the arch builds are failures09:06
jelmercrass: that's for the source package though09:06
crasshah, ok, that's good to know09:07
jelmercrass: the binary packages listed opn that page have all failed too (see the two rows below "Successfully built")09:07
crassyes, I was confused by the simultaneous success and failures. Now I understand09:08
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crassbah! So why are the libtorrent and libtorrent-rasterbar projects the same? I think libtorrent is supposed to now be the Rakshasa one...09:36
crasshmm even https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/libtorrent thinks so in the "Upstream connections", and thus is currently wrong09:36
crassany ideas why https://launchpadlibrarian.net/110176204/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-amd64.ufraw_0.18%2Bcvs20120715%2Br1906-0~r38~crass~oneiric1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz fails to install libjpeg-dev? its definitely in quantal10:28
wgrantcrass: That URL says oneiric10:34
wgrantNot quantal10:34
crasswgrant: indeed it does. And Oneiric has no libjpeg8-dev, however why isn't libjpeg-dev tried to be resolved then? the dep expression says "libjpeg8-dev | libjpeg-dev"10:36
wgrantThe resolver is a bit stupid.10:38
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crasswgrant: indeed it does. And Oneiric has no libjpeg8-dev, however why isn't libjpeg-dev tried to be resolved then? the dep expression says "libjpeg8-dev | libjpeg-dev"10:43
maxbHe replied, but apparently it got lost in your connection drop: < wgrant> The resolver is a bit stupid.10:44
crassoh, thanks10:44
maxbIn slightly more detail, it only tries to install the first alternative of a set10:44
crassso what's the point of the alternative syntax then? for future implementation?10:45
geserit's just the resolver used in the buildds that has that problem, other resolvers (e.g. apt) handle them correctly10:46
crassgeser: so I assume there's already a bug for that?10:47
geserprobably, at least it's known to the devs10:48
maxbIIUC fixing it is contingent on upgrading launchpad-buildd to a modern version of sbuild10:50
geser(for around 2 years already)10:53
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crassI'm confused by this build failure: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/110173616/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-amd64.ufraw_0.18%2Bcvs20120715%2Br1906-0~r38~crass~quantal1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz11:39
crassThe source has a 'configure' file, buut make isn't seeing it (and thus thinks configure is a rule). Is something deleting the configure file after the source is retrieved?11:49
gesercrass: I've downloaded the tar.gz. listed on https://launchpad.net/~crass/+archive/ufraw/+sourcepub/2566735/+listing-archive-extra (I hope to picked the right build) and there is no configure in it, only configure.ac12:10
geserlooks like you need to run autogen.sh somewhere (either in the build recipe (not sure if it's possible there, didn't use recipes yet) or during the build (either in clean or in your config-stamp target))12:13
bdrunghi, can someone check that lp_login in https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/ubuntu-sponsoring/trunk/view/head:/launchpad.py is correct?12:31
bdrungis Launchpad(credentials, lp_instance, cachedir) correct?12:31
jmlbdrung: yeah, I think so.12:37
jmlbdrung: does it work?12:38
jmlthat's always a good test of correctness12:38
bdrungjml: it does not work perfectly12:40
jmlbdrung: oh wait, don't do that, do what's on the help page12:42
bdrungjml: can you provide a patch? i should continue study for my exam tomorrow instead of digging deeper into it.12:44
jmlbdrung: I'm sorry, but I can't.12:44
crassgeser: but if you look at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/quantal/ufraw/quantal/files, its definitely there12:56
crassI know that autoconf will fix it, but I'm confused how the problem exists in the first place12:57
=== Guest49605 is now known as slank
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LordOfTimeJust for the record, there was a bug filed against ubuntu that's not actually an ubuntu bug, but a bug in Launchpad.  I've set it to be against Launchpad though.  See https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/102846214:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1028462 in Launchpad itself "Launchpad reports incorrect package" [Undecided,New]14:43
LordOfTimemight also want to read my comments as wel..14:44
dobeyLordOfTime: looks like a browser config issue, actually\14:48
czajkowskimgz: vila jelmer can you keep an eye on this channel on a call14:59
mgzis that a sarcastic sure, or an intoxicated sure?15:02
jelmerit's a sure that's misspelt as badly as your "no problems" :P15:03
LordOfTimedobey: still not a bug against ubuntu15:09
LordOfTimedobey: but it might be a conf issue15:09
LordOfTimealthough it does this in IExplore and occasionally chromium15:09
LordOfTime(doesnt on ffox, autoclears)15:09
LordOfTimedobey: he filed it against ubuntu itself15:09
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romaiahi all, I have some pending build since 2011 here: https://code.launchpad.net/~stoq-maintainers/+recipe/stoq-unstable18:04
romaiaHow can I cancel those?18:04
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blizzkidlo all. call me stupid, but how do I file a "needs packaging" bug in lp?19:50
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ahayzenHi, is there anyway to search for bugs by programming language in launchpad or is this not currently possible. Thanks in advance, Andy20:47
dobeyahayzen: not really possible no. you could use the API to search for projects with a certain language in their language fields, then search for bugs on those projects, but it doesn't necessarily mean the bugs will be fixable in that language. and bugs themselves don't have a language tag on them21:04
ahayzendobey, Ok thanks21:04
ahayzenWas just wondering because I would happily solve Python bugs, if i could easily find them. But the bugs vary in languages so it is difficult to find one which I could solve.21:05
dobeyahayzen: you could search for python tracebacks by searching for "/usr/lib/python2.7" for example21:26
ahayzendobey, ooo Ok thanks, harvest.ubuntu.com seems to be the most useful thing so far, as you can look for bugs by packages or opportunities ..... anyway keep up the good work guys, Launchpad is AWESOME :)21:27
kirklandI'm trying to use python-launchpadlib on an up-to-date 10.04.4 system22:01
kirklandI drop to a python shell22:01
kirklandand run:22:02
kirkland>>> from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad22:02
kirkland(which works)22:02
kirklandand then22:02
kirkland>>> lp = Launchpad.login_with('supybot Bugtracker', 'production')22:02
kirklandwhich puts me into w3m22:02
kirklandI successfully login with a username and password22:02
kirklandbut I kind up end up in an infinite loop22:02
kirklandwhere I click "continue"22:02
kirklandand then it shows me my username, etc., and I choose to sign in22:03
mgzkirkland: I get that with lynx22:03
mgzI don't think it's related to launchpadlib, I think SSO broke at some point (semi) recently22:03
kirklandmgz: interesting22:03
kirklandmgz: is there a workaround?22:03
mgzif you set the web browser envvar to something graphical they do what sso expects22:03
kirklandmgz: perhaps another command line browser?22:04
kirklandmgz: ugh, this is a server in amazon22:04
mgzright, which is a pain22:04
jelmerit might be worth trying links ?22:04
mgzyou can copy credentials from your local machine to the instance, but python-keyring being pants makes that annoying too22:04
wgrantkirkland: You can access the URL on any machine22:05
kirklandwgrant: okay ... "which" url?  there are about 27 redirects :-)22:07
wgrantkirkland: If you Ctrl+C the browser it'll probably be visible in the terminal22:09
kirklandwgrant: okay, that might have worked...22:09
wgrantI'm surprised that Lucid's w3m doesn't work22:09
wgrantIt used to22:09
wgrantI suspect that mgz is right, and SSO broke something22:10
wgrantMight test later22:10
kirklandwgrant: no doubt, i've used it before22:10
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