
alex_mayorgaAnyone here that could help me get over bug 1015567?01:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1015567 in dpkg (Ubuntu Quantal) "upgrade failed: mixed non-coinstallable and coinstallable package instances present" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101556701:13
DaekdroomGah. I hate how Gwibber every once in awhile reconfigures itself to not send tweets, only receive. :(01:38
DaekdroomGotta dig Launchpad to check if there's a bug #01:38
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X-tonicThere was a post on planet.ubuntu.com about accpeting py3 as default py for 12.10. Is this expected within the schedule?05:59
gnomefreakaanyoen else not have GUI, anyohe know how to start Unity from CLI?06:21
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Pawel_128hi, why did you change default scheduler to Deadline?08:28
philballewHas anyone here having problems with jockey?09:11
gnomefreaksorry not me09:23
* gnomefreak testing upgrade again but i will keep my eyes open for jocky issues09:24
gnomefreakjockey even09:24
philballewalright, sweet`09:24
gnomefreakanyone having mouse/keyboard issues?09:32
tanelilatest updates and a reboot dropped me into grub09:51
tanelihow to boot again?09:52
tanelioh, and it completely halts if it tries to scroll, so using tab to explore is tedious, have to constantly reboot09:53
gnomefreaki ran into that issue when i installed from daily installer so i went with aan installer i know works. you can ask the bot about wiki pages for grub09:55
gnomefreak!grub2 taneli09:55
gnomefreak!grub2 > taneli09:55
ubottutaneli, please see my private message09:55
tanelioh, thanks09:56
taneligot it to boot, only to find out that kernel does not support xfs?09:57
taneliat least that's my reading of the line "No filesystem could mount root, tried: ext3 ext4 fuseblk"09:58
gnomefreaki dont remember anyone having issues with xfs in 12.0409:59
gnomefreakanyone know if fglrx works in 12.10?10:00
tanelii can't figure out how to recover -- if somebody knows for sure that 12.10 latest updates support root on xfs, please mention, otherwise it's reinstall time10:24
trijntjewill wubi be supported for quantal and later? I recall something about it being removed, but I cannot find any announcements to that effect10:34
MrChrisDruiftrijntje; wubi is removed from the default disk, but there is a separate download with wubi on it still10:53
trijntjeMrChrisDruif: so the project is still active, thanks!10:54
MrChrisDruifAfaik, yes10:55
taneliah, i had an old image still available, booted to it, reinstalled 3.5.0-6 image and now it works11:13
tanelii guess initramfs/initrd was misconstructed and missing xfs?11:13
tanelignomefreak, thanks for pointers, bye11:13
BluesKajhiyas all11:55
DaekdroomAm I supposed to have the ubuntu-release-upgrader packages installed?12:35
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om26ercould anyone test bug 1027955 please?15:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1027955 in unity (Ubuntu) "Clicking on a quicklist item highlights the last item in the list" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102795515:14
DasEiThe alternate-iso with it's 900MB won't boot in my vbox (md5sum fine), and I can't find a netinstall either; d/l'ing desktop now, is there no way for a finer grained install ?15:24
DasEinvm, I changed the virtual cd from sata to ide, there the alternate is bootable :)15:35
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lehjris there any chance of getting this fixed before quantal ships? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/102235118:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1022351 in linux (Ubuntu) "BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 0000000000000080" [Medium,Triaged]18:41
micahglehjr: from the upstream comments, it looks like it'll make it in at some point, not sure if that's before release or not18:43
lehjrmaybe it just seems like a bigger issue to me because I have the effected hardware, but no root access, no ability to reboot or shutdown from within the OS seems to be a pretty big deal18:44
lehjr+ no network access at all to that18:45
micahgyou might want to ask in #ubuntu-kernel, this is just a support channel18:46
lehjroh, thank you, I really wish that I had known about that channel sooner :D18:47
smallfoot-when ubuntu will replace /usr/bin/python from 2 to 3?21:58
smallfoot-when will update weston in repo, cuz its old and boring21:58
smallfoot-12.10 looks to be like a shit boring release21:58
bekksThn jump of a sky scraper "armed" with a bunjee, when in dire need of "action". :)22:00
IdleOne!language | smallfoot-22:04
ubottusmallfoot-: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:04
lehjrhypothetically speaking, what happens if wayland isn't ready for the beta release?23:01
lehjrI'm looking specifically at this: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-q-system-compositor23:05
micahgwell, it's not even the default anywhere yet23:06
lehjr...and thinking back to February when the big announcement was that Wayland was almost ready for a 1.0 release23:06
lehjrAfter looking at the Wayland mailing list I don't think it will be default anywhere for awhile. Really, I'm not confident that there will be a 1.0 release this year, but I'm not a developer23:09
lehjrbut they're talking about freezing the API as of today with a 0.95 release, something you don't generally expect when you announce 5 months before that there will be a 1.0 soon23:15
lehjroh well, not that important, at the moment. I'm just hoping it doesn't turn out to be another pulseaudio :-P23:18
alex_mayorgaCould someone take a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/1109228/ and suggest a fix?23:49
IdleOneheh 1597 packages not upgraded23:52
IdleOnesudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:52
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