
=== rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti
=== XorA|gone is now known as XorA
ogra_lool, pingaling10:23
ogra_lool, any idea about bug 1026780 would be appreciated10:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 1026780 in flash-kernel "3.0~rc.4ubuntu4 doesn't honor bootargs from /boot/boot.script anymore" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102678010:27
* ogra_ curses, I/O error on an omap3 desktop install ... 10:29
ogra_(with a brandnew SD and USB key)10:29
ogra_gar !10:31
ogra_ppisati, squashfs errors all over the place with my beagle revA10:32
* ogra_ hasnt seen them in a while 10:32
ogra_ppisati, hmm, i wonder if bug 746137 might be at fault here (we dont have the mechanism anymore to apply that sysctl.d file in quantal)10:40
ppisatiso my rev a is not broken10:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 746137 in jasper-initramfs "Page allocation failure on Pandaboard and Beagle XM" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74613710:40
ogra_LOL !!!10:40
ppisatido you remember my email to you and ming's?10:40
ogra_vm.min_free_kbytes = 8192 ...10:40
ogra_thats the workaround10:41
ppisatithat was a sysctl10:41
ppisatidid we drop it in live?10:41
ppisatibtw, i'm out for lunch shortly10:42
ogra_we dont have the hackish jasper stuff anymore10:42
ppisatiwell, it's a sysctl10:42
ogra_and no replacement mechanism that could apply that hack on a subarch specific basis10:43
ppisatiwell, i guess it's too late to work on it now for alpha310:43
ogra_omap3 wont be there for A3 ( skaetr decision it seems)10:43
ogra_so something to look at for post milestone work10:44
ppisatibesides you, who has a beagle?10:45
ogra_there are lots in the DC we should share out ... apart from that ... we could only randomly ping here or in #beagle or blog about testing images10:46
ogra_not sure, infinity might have one too ...10:46
ogra_probably no XM though10:46
loologra_: Commented in the bug itself, I think you had already found the root cause though10:47
ogra_lool, right, my prob is that even if the user changes the scripts, padckage upgrades will overwrite the changes10:47
* ogra_ reads the comment10:48
loolI don't think flash-kernel generates the boot script anymore; any generated stuff should be temporary files and removed at the end of the run10:49
loolthen it installs boot.scr into the firmware partition10:49
ogra_well, there is definitely a mkimage_script() function10:50
ogra_called for the generic type10:51
ogra_seems it updates on every run actually10:53
marvin24ogra_: the oom bug can be fixed by replacing the GFP_ATOMIC by GFP_KERNEL in the relevant kmallocs10:59
marvin24this worked for our rt2x00 wifi driver10:59
marvin24and may work for other usb devices as well10:59
marvin24mainline commit: 8821102 rt2x00: Use GFP_KERNEL for rx buffer allocation on USB devices11:01
loologra_: mkimage_script just takes a script text file and makes an u-boot image out of it, but it's reading the boot script text from BOOTSCRIPTS_DIR and generating boot.scr in $tmpdir11:09
ogra_lool, right, so it updates on every flash-kernel run11:31
ogra_i.e. boot.scr is always regenerated11:32
ogra_ppisati, see marvin24's comment above11:32
janimoinfinity, thanks for volunteering me to fix issues around mono over a month ago on the cross-arm ml and not telling me. Any more of this and you won't be my second favourite canadian11:53
* janimo must admit he stopped following that list shortly after it started11:53
ppisatiogra_: to me it looks like a different problem12:34
ppisatiogra_: we experience squashfs problems12:34
ppisatiogra_: i mean, corruption12:34
ppisatii don't know if the two are related12:34
ogra_the smsc driver issue eats all your ram12:35
ogra_so i think it is very very likely that it causes the squashfs issues12:39
ogra_easy to test though, i will try once i have time for omap3 again12:39
ppisatilet me cut&paste what i found back then12:43
ppisatiogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1108129/12:45
ppisatimarvin24: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1108129/12:45
ppisatiwhat i saw was the same squashfs/memory corruption you found now12:46
ppisatibut only on the rev a12:46
ppisation the rev c everything is fine12:46
ppisatii probably already thrashed the system i used back then12:46
ppisatibut i can recreate it12:46
ogra_well, the different revs use different types of RAM12:46
ppisatiproblem with memory allocation in a nic driver != squashfs corruption12:47
ppisaticould be12:47
ogra_is so :)12:47
ppisatithat's why i would like someone with a rev c do repeat my test12:47
ogra_and the turbo mode of the smsc chip will eat all your ram12:47
ogra_until it falls over with an oops12:47
ppisatiok, but here is different12:48
ppisatimy transfer of files over the net was ok12:48
ppisatibut md5 locally was screwed12:48
ppisatii could mount the squashfs on rev c12:48
ogra_its super trivial to echo the proper value into the sysfs and test :) i'm just busy fixing omap4 for A3 atm12:48
ppisatibut NOT on rev a12:48
ogra_(or to force a proper module option to enforce turbo mode off)12:49
janimoinfinity, FYI  I am not sure how easy it usually is to bring up a full desktop from ubuntu-core chroot, but for me it failed both today and last time you first mentioned it14:34
janimomaybe it's due to quantal xubuntu/lubuntu not being installable? It failed in dbus and other coreish packages14:34
janimooh well, I hear rsalveti will make linaro rootfs tarballs of quantal and then I won't have to worry much about it :)14:35
ogra_janimo, ubuntu-core is just deboiotstrap+apt14:35
ogra_if that wouldnt work, no images would work at all14:36
janimoogra_, yes, I know. Too bad it's not always straightforward to apt-get install a desktop from that14:36
janimoindeed that's what I find frustrating and confusing as well14:36
ogra_http://omappedia.org/wiki/OMAP_Ubuntu_Core is a pretty good read14:36
janimoand hence I want tarballs :)14:36
ogra_sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop should definitely work, else we would notice in all other builds14:37
janimoogra_, I guess the steps of bind mounting /proc & co in the chroot are not that unimportant14:38
ogra_i dont think anyone checked xubuntu or lubuntu on arm14:38
janimothat I did not do, even though there were warnings14:38
ogra_bind mounting /proc ?14:38
janimoI used the chroot method qith qemu-arm-static14:38
janimomaking an armhf rootfs on x86 is my goal14:38
ogra_right, no bind mounting for proc or sysfs needed14:39
janimobottom of the page you linked to14:39
ogra_you need to bind mount /dev though14:39
janimofor m in `echo 'sys dev proc'`; do sudo mount /$m ./$m -o bind; done14:39
janimoon that page14:39
ogra_well, it wouldnt fail for sure, but i would do it differently :)14:39
janimoyeah, TMTOWTDI is what annoys me with these things, as opposed to one simple command :)14:40
ogra_you *definitely* *always* need mounted /proc and sysfs ...14:40
ogra_if you work in a chroot14:40
ogra_dev only for cretain things like update-initrtamfs14:40
janimothat is what I usually did when doing images, but now I just copy pasted whatever infinity said on the assumtion that He Knows What He's Talking About (TM)14:41
ogra_your dbus errors are very likely due to missing /proc14:41
janimowell dbus fails to init in the postinst hook14:41
janimook, let's try again14:41
ogra_he should just have pointed you to the panda page14:41
janimowhat was the problem with rootstock again?14:41
ogra_i was actually planning to copy over bits from there to the ubuntu wikipage ... biut then i changed teams and now its just sitting at the bottom of my TODO14:42
janimobasically I need something like that but very simple, something that linaro-media-create coudl consume14:42
ogra_janimo, that we dropped support for it :)14:42
ogra_janimo, but your boss took over, ask him ;)14:42
janimomake-ubuntu-rootfs quantal armhf --extras=ubuntu-desktop, xmoto14:42
ogra_yeah, rootstock at its best :)14:42
janimoogra_, I know , Chris pinged me with a config he uses with live-build14:43
janimostill why there is no simple tool for such a common task is beyond me14:43
ogra_janimo, well, there is again... now that rootstock was revived14:45
rsalvetijcrigby: I'm looking at bug 927781 now, and do you know why we didn't reviewed/applied the patch described at the bug?14:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 927781 in u-boot-linaro "PXELINUX implementation doesn't respect dhcp ConfigFile or PathPrefix values" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92778114:58
rsalvetimight still be useful for Daviey I guess14:58
rsalvetiDaviey: jcrigby also applied a few PXE patches on the latest u-boot-linaro: http://git.linaro.org/gitweb?p=boot/u-boot-linaro-stable.git;a=summary14:59
rsalvetidon't know how useful they can be for you at this point, but jcrigby should be updating the package at quantal soon as well14:59
Davieyrsalveti: ooo, will check that out in a bit.. thanks!!14:59
Davieyrsalveti: do you know if local boot will appear ? :)14:59
rsalvetiDaviey: what you mean exactly?15:01
Davieyrsalveti: PXELINUX config that says.. boot from local disk.15:06
Davieyrsalveti: sorry, OTP right now15:06
rsalvetiDaviey: I think so15:07
Davieyrsalveti: I appreciate there is complexity there15:07
ogra_pfft, rsalveti eats complexity for breakfast15:07
Daviey /nick complexity15:08
ogra_rsalveti, btw,  A3 is on thu. any news about the PVR driver ?15:08
ogra_(else i need to release note it)15:08
rsalvetiogra_: one thing we'd like to check as well, at least with panda, is that if we can enable booting the kernel from zimage and from the usb disk15:08
ogra_ booting the kernel from zimage  ?15:09
ogra_you mean kexec ?15:09
rsalvetiinstead of uImage from first SD partition15:09
ogra_ah !15:09
rsalvetiso we could from u-boot, look at the zimage file at the usb disk, and load that instead15:09
rsalvetiogra_: for pvr it'd be good to get it after A3, it's not in a good shape still, and we'd need to update the xorg driver, pvr driver and probably xorg-server as well15:10
rsalvetibut I believe we'll have to go with the current version anyway, at least to have something15:11
ogra_and ppisati works on a new kernel too that might need adjust ments15:11
rsalvetifrom past experience, waiting a new driver from TI can take ages :-)15:11
rsalvetiTI/SGX :-)15:11
ogra_no prob, i can release note it ... its just that its properly integrated into ubuntu-drivers-common now and everyone will get it offered right after install15:11
rsalvetiogra_: yeah, what reminds me I need to sync with him about the 3.5 kernel15:11
jcrigbyrsalveti, re the pxe magic patch.  I think I lost track of that bug sometime ago.  No reason.15:12
rsalvetiDaviey: is bug 927781 still relevant for you?15:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 927781 in u-boot-linaro "PXELINUX implementation doesn't respect dhcp ConfigFile or PathPrefix values" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92778115:12
rsalvetippisati: ping15:12
ogra_rsalveti, i think there was another similar bug from rbasak btw15:13
ppisatirsalveti: pong15:13
ogra_and indeed i cant find it :/15:14
rsalvetippisati: I'm curious about how you might be maintaining the kernel for omap4 now15:14
rsalvetiare you planning on switching to 3.5?15:14
ppisatirsalveti: yes15:14
ppisatirsalveti: wait15:14
rsalvetippisati: are you tracking and doing the forward-porting by yourself?15:14
ppisatirsalveti: yes15:15
ppisatirsalveti: so far i ported around ~500 patches15:15
ppisatirsalveti: of 170015:15
ppisatiso i'm still in the middle of it15:15
rsalvetiwould probably be a sane idea to sync with andy green as well15:16
ogra_wow, is it really that many ?15:16
Davieyrsalveti: I'm not sure.. can i get back to you?15:16
rsalvetias he'd probably be doing the same quite soon15:16
* ogra_ thoguht there were only powermgmt and framebuffer issues 15:16
rsalvetiDaviey: lazy bastard, need to learn how to multitask ;P15:16
rsalvetiDaviey: but yeah, sure :-)15:17
ogra_i'm surprised that results in 1700 patches15:17
rsalvetithat's just... *huge*15:17
rsalvetijcrigby: would be nice to review the current open bugs for u-boot-linaro15:18
rsalvetiwe could probably have a few other interesting ones15:18
rsalvetiand probaly a few that are already fixed as well15:18
ppisatirsalveti: TI told me they will skip 3.5 entirely15:18
rsalvetiogra_: another thing we need to change is to start using uEnv.txt instead of boot.scr15:19
ppisatiogra_: i tried cherry-picking some stuff15:19
ppisatiogra_: but it was impossible in the end15:19
ppisatiogra_: the more i advanced15:19
rsalvetippisati: hm, then why we're forwardporting to 3.5?15:19
ppisatiogra_: the more new patches relied on some that didn't were suppoed to be there15:19
ppisatiogra_: etcetc15:19
rsalvetiso it can be maintained by the kernel team as well?15:19
ppisatirsalveti: because our master is 3.515:19
ppisatirsalveti: and we want it to be a rebased topic branch15:20
ppisatirsalveti: as we did since natty15:20
rsalvetioh god, I see a lot of pain there15:20
ogra_rsalveti, yeah, i feared the switch to uEnv.txt15:20
ogra_especially since we would have to hack up flash-kernel a lot again15:20
ppisatianyway, i'll shot andy an email to tell him that i'm doing it15:20
ppisatibtw, so far so good15:21
ppisatiboards boot, etcetc15:21
rsalvetiso many kittens...15:21
rsalvetippisati: cool, yeah, please always keep him in the loop15:21
ogra_(i'm still working on the flash-kernel 3.0 fallout in many areas, even though we switched before A1)15:21
rsalvetias I know he's crazy sometimes and also work heavily on forward-porting stuff15:21
ppisati"everytime you use something different from traceroute, Van Jacobson kills a kitten"15:21
ppisatitoday's facebook status :)15:22
ogra_pfft, ubuntu hasnt used it in years :)15:22
ogra_dont be reluctatnt to progess !15:22
infinityjanimo: Oh, I "volunteered" you as a possible person for mono issues and then got distracted by other things and forgot to talk to you about it, apparently.15:30
infinityjanimo: Would you be interested in making the hardfloat port actually work, instead of being the icky softfloat-on-hard thing that it currently is?15:31
janimoinfinity, I was pinged by directhex today and started looking at it15:32
janimonot sure how much work it is or whether I'll be able to do it but I am setting up the build tree, writing my first C# hello world, etc15:32
janimoI have a simple app calling floor() from libm which misbehaves as the minimal testcase now15:33
infinityjanimo: Well, there's already "hard float" support in the upstream code, sort of, in bits.  But turning it on doesn't work. :P15:44
infinityjanimo: And, of course, the current build doesn't work for other reasons (ie: can't link to C libraries usefully).15:45
* ogra_ sighs ... 15:50
ogra_i find the fact that my install tests now take 1.5h vs 10min pretty annoying15:51
ogra_but i guess i cant have everything15:51
infinityogra_: Yeah, but on the bright side, fewer images to test. :P15:53
ogra_well, testing 3 desktop images simultaneously i was done in 10min in the past :)15:53
ogra_now the only fast one is ac10015:54
ogra_gar and omap4 doesnt init the display again :(15:55
janimoinfinity, ah so the situation with mono is different than what I was presented :)15:56
infinityjanimo: What were you presented with?15:56
janimoas in, no hard float abi at all, everything else works :)15:56
infinityjanimo: Well, that's sort of true.  But only because we're not enabling the HF ABI bits, because that appears to work even less.15:56
janimowhich would have been just a matter of writing new code - not necessarily easy but also not mono style wild goose chase15:57
janimoI thought the work needed is fairly well localized in the tree15:57
infinityIt might be.  I'm not sure. :P15:57
janimoso our current build does not work on armhf either because it cannot link to C libs?15:58
infinityMy goal was just to make it build enough to unblock all the dep-waits, and then I ran out of time to care about it working properly.15:58
infinityjanimo: No, it "works".  Well, it also "links".  What I meant was that it can't correctly call into them, because, well, it's not HF.15:58
infinityjanimo: So, any float calls explode, obviously.15:58
janimoinfinity, ah ok, so just the FFI is broken then as expected. phew :)15:59
infinityjanimo: It works just enough to be used as a build-dep to make the rest of the archive build, it works for pure mono code (but it's not HF), it breaks for linking to other languages in a floaty fashion.15:59
infinityjanimo: Working towards making the p/invoke tests pass would probably be enough to say "hey, it works".16:00
ogra_wow, omap4 display wasnt broken, its just that plymouth bug and that casper takes over 10min to boot16:00
janimoalright then. I'll be on it this week along with other tasks, see if I can understand the issues enough that there is a chance they don't get cut off from wheezy - the reason I got pinged today16:01
ogra_so i sit in front of a black screen for 10min16:01
janimoI saw the general call to action in february but I hoped people who actually care about mono will solve it, upstream included16:01
* ogra_ really expects a lot of complaints from the community about the switch to live images16:01
ogra_they didnt get even remotely faster16:01
janimoogra_, I would take them even if they were slightlu slower just for the amount of maintenance work being cut16:02
GrueMasterogra_: Live images woudn't be faster, they only allow an easier way to install on faster media.16:02
janimothen any optimization in live will translate here too16:02
ogra_janimo, well, its adds 1h20min tzo the install process16:02
janimoalso, easier wa to install is something that should be synonimous with ubuntu16:03
infinityogra_: Slow install that leads to faster runtime doesn't hurt my feelings any.16:03
janimothe current preinstalled are all but easy16:03
infinityogra_: You forget that most people install once or twice, not over and over again like you. :P16:03
ogra_the copying step takes about 1h ... booting alone takes over 10min thanks to casper etc16:03
ogra_infinity, agreed ansd i dont want to go back16:03
ogra_but we will definitely get complaints16:04
infinityYep, we will.16:04
infinityBut we always do.16:04
ogra_heh, true16:04
infinityOur community is small but remakably vocal. :P16:04
infinityremarkably, too.16:04
GrueMasterOh, if only you had someone dedicated to testing these images.16:04
infinityGrueMaster: Then you'd be the one complaining. ;)16:04
GrueMasterBut at least my bitchiness can be mellowed with beer.16:05
ogra_GrueMaster,  we will ... i'm in boston next week to take care for that16:05
ogra_at least for the automated side16:05
GrueMasterGood luck with that.16:06
GrueMasterServer side should be 100% automatable.  I had a start on some good ideas & started laying the groundwork, but was cut short.16:07
GrueMasterNot sure how you would automate the desktop stuff.16:07
ogra_GrueMaster, arm images are built identically to x86 now ... the only bit i have to solve is the booting16:07
ogra_(thats for server as well as desktop)16:07
GrueMasterThat part is easy.  Use usb boot to boot a custom kernel/initrd that pulls an image from the network and flashes the SD.16:08
infinityYeah, they already do that.16:08
GrueMasterSo the hard part is automating the desktop install.  On x86 it is done through libvirt.16:09
* janimo is looking forward to the ac100 live installer :)16:15
ogra_janimo, that wont happen16:15
ogra_uness you want to do it (and write a ton of partman reciepes to actually make it work)16:15
janimoso all that nice talk above and turns out you are still evil16:15
ogra_i'm just lazy16:16
janimobetter than evil for sure :)16:16
ogra_no, seriosly, before adding a live image for ac100 i would rather create a minimal server one for it :)16:16
ogra_so that people dont have to remove unity :)16:16
ogra_which apparently every second seems to do16:17
infinityI'd rather brick all the ac100s, pretend Tegra2 never happened, and will a new ARM netbook into existence.16:17
janimoogra_, why not make the default image xubuntu then or something16:17
ogra_infinity, so bribe KEybuk that his team finally releases something arm based ;)16:18
janimoinfinity, the omap3 sucks more than tegra2 :)16:18
ogra_janimo, because i dont want to invest more time than it takes to keep tehm installable16:18
infinityjanimo: omap3 has neon, at least.  tegra2 is the source of so many headaches.16:18
janimoas a product, not as something to deal with internally16:18
infinityjanimo: If it wasn't for tegra2, I could just say "armv7 == neon" (as so many upstreams mistakenly do), and carry on.16:19
janimoI thought marvell too had some neon-less armv7?16:19
infinityNot any that we care about, if they do.16:19
janimobut agreed, stupid thing from nvidia to hope their GPU is a good enough neon replacement16:19
infinityTegra3 is, by all accounts, quite lovely.16:20
infinityI'm kinda hoping the Trimslice guys upgrade.16:20
infinityI'd even consider buying a T3 trimslice.16:20
GrueMasterMarvell, possibly Calxeda.  Not sure about the Samsung SOC.16:20
janimoinfinity, I'd settle for a tegra3 tablet where they max out the RAM16:20
ogra_come on pandaboard, pedal faster ...16:58
* ogra_ is still in the same install ...16:59
ogra_and its still removing packages ...16:59
GrueMasterHence why I had 7 pandas running tests.  :)17:16
RoyKI wish there was a way to attach a few SATA interfaces to my panda...17:19
GrueMasterRoyK: USB-Sata?17:19
RoyKaka slow-as-hell-disk-io17:19
GrueMasterNot true sata for sure.17:20
RoyKso I'm using a good-old pc mobo for this :)17:20
ogra_RoyK come on, at least you can create users with the gui now after your bug from precise was finally fixed :)17:20
RoyKyeah - saw it17:20
GrueMasterBut a SSD in a usb case is decently quick.17:20
RoyKhaven't test yet, though17:20
RoyKGrueMaster: SSD on USB is like a ferrari with tractor wheels17:21
jhobbsexcept i'd pay good money for a ferrari with tractor wheels17:26
ogra_just to pay more money to get proper tires ?17:27
GrueMasterogra_: If you have to ask why, this isn't for you.  :P17:28
RoyKsay, an Intel 520 SSD connected on USB2 - whoooaahhrghghhzz!17:31
prpplagueRoyK: you can do sata via the GPMC, but it takes some work17:38
scientesRoyK, you mean usb3 :P17:44
RoyKscientes: afaik the samba doesn't have usb317:45
RoyKprpplague: if that's the same thing as running the SD card, it's limited to about 32MB/s, which isn't very amusing17:46
scientesit really just needs sata17:46
RoyKbut then again - not an issue - I thought I could use a panda for a homeserver, but found I couldn't, so I use a fat pc instead :D17:47
scientesRoyK, i use a sheeveplug w/ sd, but a hard driver with sata would be nicee17:48
prpplagueRoyK: no, i get about about 120MByte/s transfers17:49
RoyKprpplague: hm... good :) But I guess my RAID-6 on seven drives may live better on a fat box ;)17:57
prpplagueRoyK: indeed, but your commend was to attach a few sata to the panda17:58
RoyKyep - and that was the original question - then I found I needed more space and ...17:59
kunguzI have a beagleboard C3. I have successfully installed Ubuntu-arm on it with Xfce desktop envorinment. I have been using it with a dvi monitor. Now I wanted to switch to svideo. I have edited uenv.txt in boot partition. I have set the display as tv and mode as 640x480@60. Unfortunately, I can not see the desktop with my display.18:27
kunguzI can see the kernel booting up phase18:27
kunguzBut not the desktop, any ideas on how to find a cure for the case?18:28
kunguzI can see lightdm is running under the list of top18:30
kunguzI have trid to sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm but no chance :(18:38
kunguzI have manually stopped and restarted lightdm through rs232 link but still no luck :(18:39
kunguzI am using ubuntu 12.04 by the way.18:40
kunguzKernel 32.1318:41
kunguzKernel 3çü2.1318:41
kunguzKernel 3.2.1318:41
kunguzThere is a xorg.conf file under boot partition table. I have deleted it so that xorg should reconfigure itself. But still the same :(18:45
infinitykunguz: "kernel 3.2.13"?  So, not an Ubuntu kernel?18:47
kunguzinfinity: that's what I end up when I type in uname -a18:50
infinitykunguz: Right, which means it's not an Ubuntu kernel.18:50
kunguzinfinity: I did all the updates with sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade18:50
infinityIf you got that image from anywhere other than ubuntu.com, you might want to talk to the people who made it.18:51
infinityPerhaps in #beagle18:51
kunguzLinux omap 3.2.13-x7 is the beginnig line what uname returns18:51
infinityYes, see above.18:51
infinity(Where did you download the image from?)18:51
kunguzinfinity: this is where I found the image: http://rcn-ee.net/deb/rootfs/precise/ubuntu-12.04-r4-minimal-armhf-2012-07-16.tar.xz18:52
kunguzinfinity: so I need some image without a desktop env.18:52
kunguzinfinity: any suggestions?18:53
kunguzinfinity: I do not want to run gnome on a 256 mb ram device :D18:53
infinitykunguz: The server image from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/release/18:53
infinitykunguz: Not that I'm saying that the Ubuntu kernel would treat you any better than rcn-ee's, but at least I know how it works. :P18:54
infinitykunguz: But you could also talk to the folks in #beagle (rcn-ee hangs out there too) about rcn-ee's image.  Either way.18:54
infinityOur kernel comes with security updates and such, though.18:54
kunguzinfinity: thanks, I will try my chances over there18:54
scienteskunguz, that is out of date too for mainline 3.2, the current 3.2 stable release is 3.2.2318:57
scienteswhich is the base of the ubuntu 3.2 kernel (they just fake the version numbers in a confusing way)18:58
kunguzscientes: I have all the repository in my update list. When I give sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade, it should upgrade itself, right?18:58
infinityNo, cause you don't have any Ubuntu kernel packages installed.18:58
kunguzinfinity: and the way to install them is?18:59
infinityYou could try installing linux-omap, but rcn's kernel being a higher version, flash-kernel will be a bit confused, unless you move his out of the way.18:59
kunguzinfinity: sudo apt-get install linux-omap?19:00
infinitykunguz: Yeah.  But, read above.  May not do what you think it should because of the "newer" kernel already there.19:00
kunguzinfinity: I am giving it a try to see if anything goes better :)19:01
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kunguzthere was a loss of internet connection, now I am back. I hope I did not miss any suggestions19:06
kunguzOk, now my beagleboard C3 is installing linux-omap. It will take a while19:08
kunguzit is great that beagleboard provides usb-otg connection so that I can share my internet with the beagleboard.19:09
kunguzNow I am rebooting my beagleboard19:15
kunguzalthough I installed the new kernel, it appears that it boots to old kernel19:17
kunguzhow do I make it boot into the new kernel?19:18
kunguzthere is no grub :) so I guess I have to change something in uEnv.txt?19:20
kunguzany directions might help :(19:22
kunguzGuys, I really need help. Can anyone at least comment?19:24
kunguzhow do the location of the kernel image? so that I can boot using something like bootm 0x8030000019:28
infinitykunguz: Like I said, flash-kernel would have done the right thing if the other (newer-versioned) kernel weren't there in /boot.19:29
infinityWell, this is assuming that in all other respects, that's a "normal" Ubuntu image.19:29
infinityAnd I really can't say, cause I don't use rcn-ee's images.19:29
kunguzinfinity: thanks anyway19:30
kunguz infinity: I am going to reinstall ubuntu with a server-image.19:34
kunguzinfinity: preinstalled-server image is without a desktop and it is light compared to the ones with desktop?19:35
infinitykunguz: Yeah.  Ignore the size of the image itself, that's mostly just a package pool on the image, the actual software installed is very minimal.19:36
kunguz600 mb is quite large, I hope this solves my problem.19:40
scientesif you need to trip space after install you ran remove /usr/share/doc/*19:41
jimericksondesktop is broken with last update. login screen is all i get.21:47
Inoperablehi ppl21:47
Inoperableanybody here with a galaxy tab 2?21:47
jimericksonpandaboard ES (omap4)21:55

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