
philballewGood ideas on making a dead laptop battery work again?08:33
* philballew will also take bad ideas08:33
geirhabuy a new one? :P10:41
bioterrorput new cells :D10:44
philballewbioterror, How hard you think that might be?10:48
geirhabioterror: why the long face?10:49
bioterrorprobably easier and cheaper to just buy a new battery from DX10:54
=== Player_ is now known as Player
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
HeraklesHi , I am looking for some help regarding Networking in a heterogen Network (Windows 7)16:20
HeraklesMy Ubuntu-Menu doesn´t show´s anything else then Windows-network....16:21
Heraklesif i double click Windows-Networks...16:22
Heraklesnothing appears16:22
PlayerHerakles: you need to install samba and Windows 7 pcs need to be set up for sharing without a password16:22
Herakleswait a second...16:22
Herakleswhy do i need to install samba..., the live-cd recognized the Windows-Network....16:23
Heraklesbut the install doesn´t...16:23
Herakleshow come... ?16:23
Herakleswell, thank you Player....16:25
Heraklesyou are right..., samba was not installed...16:26
HeraklesIt seems i never learn anything....16:26
HeraklesWell i was banned from Ubuntu- forum .... can anybody unbann me , please ?16:27
Heraklesnot forum16:28
Heraklesthank you..16:30
Herakles<<--- Ubuntu 7.1 on my machine...16:31
HeraklesI am so stupid..., i can´t belive myself....16:32
Heraklessamba was not installed...tzzz16:32
Heraklesam i still online....it is so quiet here...16:48
stlsaintHerakles: why was you banned from forums?16:50
Heraklesi wrote something like follows:16:50
Herakles1700 bone heads...16:50
Heraklesbecause i was angry...1700 users online and i was missing some spirit...16:51
HeraklesI was banned from #ubuntu  irc-channel, not the forum...16:52
Heraklesall they said was....UPGRADE....16:53
stlsaintHerakles: why are you using 7.10?16:54
Heraklesbut i don´t want to upgrade..., i want to learn a system before i start decide to upgrade...16:54
Heraklesi never learn Linux, and i am tryin since years,,,,16:54
Heraklesconstant upgrades and incompatibilities...16:55
Heraklesmade me sick16:55
stlsaintHerakles: that doesnt make since. You are using unspupported and no longer properly documented so what do you think you will learn?16:56
Heraklesare you just another teacher....in the name of christ ?16:56
stlsaintHerakles: what are you trying to learn?16:57
Heraklesdo i look like a donkey ?16:57
stlsaintHerakles: you are not answering the questions i am asking you. How can we help if you dont answer?16:58
Heraklesnever mind...16:59
Heraklesthank you for your precios efford..16:59
chozenI hope bioterror sees this17:33
chozenthanx so much dude!!!!17:33
chozenI'm recording vids & screencasts nw thanx to your advice17:33
Herakleshmm..., i installed samba, but the Menu "Places" - "Netwoks" - "Windows Network" still doesn´t shows any entries....17:38
Heraklesit worked in the live session before....17:40
Heraklesi configured ip4. manually, and disabled dhcp...17:40
ubot2Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:40
Heraklesin this installed escenario...17:41
philballewyou set a static ip?17:41
Herakleswindows gets
philballewah, well id look at those17:42
Heraklesboth have sub-net-mask of
Heraklesunfortunatley Windows 7 is installed on the other machine...17:45
philballewyou should just run Ubuntu :)17:45
Heraklesso you might lack experience...17:45
philballewbut can you ssh into you your ubuntu machine>17:46
Heraklesi never used ssh in my live time yet...17:46
Heraklesand i dont know how..17:46
philballewso I assume this machine is not headless and has a gui running?17:47
Heraklesthis is my Ubuntu 7.1 machine..., the other is my Windows 7 machine..17:47
Heraklesit worked from live-cd before..., although i could not access the Windows machine, it was recognized...17:48
philballewyour in your ubuntu machine now?17:48
Heraklesboth are online..17:49
philballewlsb_release -d17:49
Heraklessince more then 10 minutes..17:49
philballewoutput of ^17:49
philballewwhats the output of lsb_release -d in the terminal?17:50
Herakles--->Ubuntu 7.1017:50
philballewtheres your problem17:50
Heraklesholy crappp17:51
philballewYour running a version that has not been supported for years17:51
ubot2Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120417:51
philballewinstall that....17:51
ubot2Factoid 'wow...' not found17:51
Herakleskill all now....-quick17:51
philballewall the docs you want will cover that and not 7.1017:51
Herakles@host -see status...17:54
Heraklesalive ?17:54
HeraklesNew York city ?17:54
HeraklesWashington DC17:54
HeraklesI am frustrated....17:55
Heraklesdo you get my point ?17:55
Heraklessick of upgrading...17:56
Heraklesi am trying to get a productive system....17:57
Heraklesnothing else...17:57
Heraklesso loonely...17:58
Herakleson this side of the moon....17:59
philballewyou should use the support software though17:59
Heraklesthank you for your efford philballew18:00
philballewI try :)18:00
Heraklesman grep18:01
Herakles<<----is a silly man...18:04
Heraklesthe holy Ubuntu-commandment....UPGRADE....18:05
Heraklesor die tryin....18:06
Herakleswelcome back, shadeslayer18:09
stlsaintHerakles: you have no reason not to update. You will not be offered support on a EOL release18:19
Heraklesbest before ?18:19
prateekpi am getting curl: (7) couldn't connect to host18:23
prateekpplease suggest me how to remove this error18:24
cortmanCan you ping the host you're trying to curl to prateekp ?18:28
prateekpno output is comming18:29
prateekpterminal is hanged kind of18:29
prateekpunknown host18:30
prateekpit says18:30
prateekpcortman : i am not able to ping it --- i says unknown host18:34
cortmanThen you have the wrong address or are not connected to the internet prateekp18:36
cortmanCan you get to it in a browser?18:36
prateekpi have done proxy settings for web browser but how to do that for terminal18:40
bioterrorchozen, you're welcome18:40
prateekpi think that would solve the problem18:40
cortmanOh yes- you should set system-wide proxy prateekp18:44
cortmanIn the gnome-control-center18:44
prateekpwhere can i find gnome-control-center18:46
cortmanyou're using unity prat18:56
=== helium is now known as Guest53005
Guest53005jest tu kto :) ?19:07
HeraklesHi, I can not find my Windows machine in Ubuntu..., what do i have to do...19:08
Heraklesto connect to my Windows 7 machine... ?19:08
Guest53005Hi all19:08
Guest53005:D Sorry for PL19:08
Herakles<<--- I am using Ubuntu 7.119:08
Guest53005Why so old ver?19:09
Heraklesso old...19:09
Heraklesbecause it looks better than you do...19:09
Guest53005If I'm right there weren't Windows 7 released when ubuntu 7.1 was.. so19:10
Heraklesno.., just because i like it...19:10
HeraklesSoo, wanna share oyu knowledge about Ubuntu ?19:10
Guest53005if you like look of it you can use ubuntu 12.04 w/ GNOME 219:10
Heraklesstop bothering , please...19:10
stlsaintGuest53005: dont waste your key strokes. He is set on being stuck with a EOL release19:10
Unit193Herakles: It's end of life has passed, there will be no security or other updates and it's unsupported, if you really want to use it (though HIGHLY recommended that you don't), you'll have to figure it out yourself.19:11
HeraklesiUnit, what is your age ?19:11
stlsaintUnit193: omg thank you19:11
Guest53005yeah, as they said19:11
Herakleswe know...19:11
Heraklesdont meant to offend..19:12
Guest53005so now everybody can help me ^^19:12
Guest53005I've a problem with my ubuntu 12.04 tty19:12
Heraklesdowngrade then...19:12
Unit193Herakles: This also isn't a social channel, if you wanted that you can try #ubuntu-offtopic or the network wide #defocus.19:13
Unit193Guest53005: What's up?19:13
Herakleskick me19:13
Guest53005After some time(since booting ubuntu) my tty dissappear. When i switch to it w/ CTRL + ALT + F1 I've no video signall...19:13
Heraklesthank you Unit19319:13
Guest53005It also happens when i often switch from tty to unity19:13
stlsaintGuest53005: have you tried using ctrl+alt+f719:14
stlsaintoh, nevermind than19:14
Guest53005Yes i know what this stuff ctrl+alt+f1, 2 3 does and after some time tty consoles stop work19:14
stlsaintwhat do you mean no video? as in your desktop server (x11) does not work?19:14
Unit193You can check for info logs in /var/log/syslog and the command dmesg19:14
mh0Guest53005: I have had that issue before, but never really understood why19:14
Guest53005My Unity works well but when i switch to tty i get no signal..19:15
Guest53005maybe a bug?19:15
stlsaintGuest53005: meh, could be19:15
HeraklesUnit193: are you trying to fool me ?19:16
HeraklesI have a problem with my machine...19:16
Guest53005I can say too I was changing some options in grub(vga=795) to change tty video resolution. It was successful.19:16
stlsaintah that may have sometihng to do with,19:16
Unit193!eol | Herakles, last warning.19:16
ubot2Herakles, last warning.: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:16
* stlsaint has never changed tty settings19:17
Herakleswarn your parents...19:17
Guest53005Before that I've had no signal in tty or a poor 800x600 res.19:17
Guest53005I can switch from unity to tty and everything works well, but after some switching or staying a longer time in unity tty works no longer :/19:18
Unit193Guest53005: What happens if you  sudo service lightdm restart  from tty?19:20
Guest53005I'll try now19:21
Unit193https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/946572 Doesn't quite sound the same.19:22
ubot2Ubuntu bug 946572 in unity "unity in Precise freezes randomly, but pointer moves and can switch to tty" [Undecided,Expired]19:22
stlsainthelium_: sup19:23
helium_it restarted my Unity session as expected19:23
helium_do I have to do this in terminal when tty stops working?19:23
Unit193TTY stops, or you seemed to say Unity stopped working.19:24
helium_tty stops19:24
helium_I said19:24
helium_To make everything clearly understandable: When I boot ubuntu both tty and unity work fine. After some time(5-10 mins) when i try to switch to tty i get No video signal, unity is still working well.19:25
cortmanhelium_, you have multivt enabled in the boot options I assume?19:25
helium_i'll check19:26
helium_if it has to be in grub settings, then no19:27
helium_tty just stopped working for me19:28
helium_ctrl + alt + f1 = no signal19:28
helium_maybe it's framebuffer problem ?19:29
helium_acpid problem?19:32
helium_hmm i just get message w/ available kernel update maybe it would help? what do you think?19:34
cortmanI'm not real knowledgable on that to be honest helium_ - have you tried posting on the forums?19:35
helium_yes on the Polish Ubuntu forum about 2, 3 days ago, but still no answers19:36
cortmanHave you tried ubuntuforums.org?19:36
cortmanYour English is quite good enough. :)19:36
helium_ok I will try19:37
helium_I'm looking on my syslog now19:37
helium_hmm it looks interesting19:37
cortmanThe reason I suggest it is because you'll have *hundred thousand eyes looking at it there, rather than 68 here. Not to discourage you from using IRC.19:37
helium_ok :)19:38
Unit193If you type  dmesg  you'll get more info as well.19:39
helium_but there's no time information19:39
helium_how can i start AptDaemon?19:39
helium_There are no clues in syslog, except "AptDaemon quit" when tty stopped working19:44
helium_Can you tell me how to enable hibernation?19:47
=== cortman is now known as captain-jack
helium_I've not solved my problem, but thanks everyone :)19:56
helium_I've posted it at Ubuntu Forums19:56
helium_good night to all19:56
helium_and I also want to greet you from user "bdfhjk" :)19:56
captain-jackso long helium_ - good luck. :)19:57
helium_thanks, bye :)19:57
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