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noob7Hi, I reported a bug to launchpad can someone change it to a wishlist bug please Bug #102839211:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 1028392 in ubuntu "shutdown shortcut " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102839211:40
LordOfTimehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1028462 is really a bug against Launchpad right?14:33
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1028462 in ubuntu "Launchpad reports incorrect package" [Undecided,New]14:33
LordOfTimeyep, confirmed as a Launchpad issue :p14:41
* LordOfTime changed where the bug points, and marked the ubuntu bug as Invalid14:41
om26ercan anyone on 12.10 test bug 1027955 please?15:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 1027955 in unity "Clicking on a quicklist item highlights the last item in the list" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102795515:17
hggdhom26er: cannot reproduce15:43
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brendandom26er, i don't see it in the quantal daily15:46
om26erbregma, what if you hold left-click on a quicklist item ?15:46
om26erright click on nautilus icon and hold left click on 'pictures'15:47
hggdhom26er: not even then here. Holding the click does nothing until it is released15:48
brendandoh wait15:49
brendandgot repro steps15:49
brendand1.) hold down left-click on the item15:50
brendand2.) move the mouse15:50
om26erah that might have something to do with the touchpad on my laptop, when I click it might be moving a bit for me ;-)15:54
hggdhyep, confirmed, now16:01
hggdh(although my touchpad is inverted, being left-handed16:01
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alex_mayorgaDoes anyone know workarounds fro bug 1015567?22:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 1015567 in dpkg "upgrade failed: mixed non-coinstallable and coinstallable package instances present" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101556722:57
alex_mayorgaI don't have perl =(22:57
hggdhalex_mayorga: not really, except the probable bypass in comment #623:16
alex_mayorgahggdh: Thanks! Could you dumb it down a bit for me, please?23:17
hggdhalex_mayorga: you would have to edit /var/lib/dpkg/status and add a line "Multi-Arch: same" in the stanza for the offending package23:20
hggdhalex_mayorga: if you are NOT confortable with potentially messing up your system, I strongly suggest to wait for an official resolution23:20
alex_mayorgahggdh: Is there a specific place for this "Multi-Arch: same" or could it go anywhere?23:22
hggdhalex_mayorga: anywhere; usually it is found after the "Architecture: ..." line23:24
hggdhalex_mayorga: MUST be in the offending package stanza23:24
alex_mayorgahggdh: Trying, thanks!23:26
hggdhgood luck. I do hope you saved the file before changing23:26
alex_mayorgahggdh: Do I keep doing the same for other packages that pop23:27
hggdhalex_mayorga: yes23:28
hggdh(as long as it is the same error)23:28
* hggdh calls it a day23:29
alex_mayorgahggdh: Thanks!23:30
alex_mayorgaCould someone take a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/1109228/ and suggest a fix?23:44
hggdhalex_mayorga: what exactly are you trying to do?23:49
hggdhalex_mayorga: first of all, apt-get upgrade? Why not dist-upgrade? There is a difference... quite important (hint: man apt-get)23:51
alex_mayorgahggdh: just trying apt back to a working state I'd say23:52
alex_mayorgaapt/get dist-upgrade outputs pretty much the same thing23:53
hggdhalex_mayorga: there are ~ 1500 packages not upgraded. What are you trying to do? Upgrade a Ubuntu version?23:54
alex_mayorgaguess yesterday was not a good day to upgrade to Quantal23:54
hggdhIDK, I have been running Q for a while now23:54
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1015567 in dpkg "upgrade failed: mixed non-coinstallable and coinstallable package instances present" [High,Triaged]23:54
hggdhyes, and there is a probable bypass23:55
alex_mayorgahggdh: ^^^ that was the beginning of my saga23:55
alex_mayorgaThen I tried as you suggested, I added 3 multi arch: same23:55
alex_mayorgaand here I am =)23:56
hggdhand what is the output of a dist-upgrade?23:56
* hggdh also wonders why is there such a mix of i386 and amd6423:57
alex_mayorgahggdh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1109244/23:57
alex_mayorgahggdh: Dunno, as far as I know this system is amd64 (Linux VPCCW1FFXL 3.2.0-27-generic #43-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 6 14:25:57 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux)23:58
hggdhalex_mayorga: the arch packages have incompatible versions (meaning the i386 are more up-to-date)23:59

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