
* infinity likes it when http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/sru-report.html is empty.00:42
infinitybjf[afk]: No more SRUs.  Ever.  Thanks.00:43
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
bjfinfinity: So let it be written, so let it be done00:51
=== rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti
=== smb` is now known as smb
smbppisati, morning08:02
ppisatiguys, do you know where i can get the "qrt-test-kernel"?08:44
ppisati(sleeping with airco turned on was such a bad idea...)08:45
ckingsmb, http://www.amazon.co.uk/64GB-KingSpec-50-pin-Solid-State/dp/B0036YWAVY09:29
ogra_ppisati, gah, just trying an omap netboot install, seems we're missing the NIC driver udeb 10:00
ppisatiogra_: omap3 or omap4?10:04
ogra_omap ... so 310:04
ogra_i havent tried omap4 yet ..รถ just trying to get an install on the beagle to test your kernel atm10:05
* ppisati wonders: didn't we compile it in?10:05
ogra_well, i didnt see a NIC at all10:05
ppisatiah, so it's the previous kernel (the one in master) not the one in master-next10:08
ppisatido you have a console?10:08
ppisatidmesg | grep smsc10:08
ppisatis a module10:11
ppisatilsmod 10:11
ppisatiand see if it's there10:11
ppisatippisati@tangerine:~/ubuntu-quantal$ ls -la debian/nic-usb-modules-3.5.0-2-omap-di/lib/modules/3.5.0-2-omap/kernel/drivers/net/usb/*sms*10:13
ppisati-rw-r--r-- 1 ppisati ppisati 24120 Jun 26 12:06 debian/nic-usb-modules-3.5.0-2-omap-di/lib/modules/3.5.0-2-omap/kernel/drivers/net/usb/smsc95xx.ko10:13
ppisatiit's there10:15
ppisatiand it's present even in the soon to be uploaded:10:16
ppisatippisati@tangerine:~/ubuntu-quantal$ ls -la debian/nic-usb-modules-3.5.0-6-omap-di/lib/modules/3.5.0-6-omap/kernel/drivers/net/usb/*sms*10:16
ppisati-rw-r--r-- 1 ppisati ppisati 24112 Jul 23 13:33 debian/nic-usb-modules-3.5.0-6-omap-di/lib/modules/3.5.0-6-omap/kernel/drivers/net/usb/smsc95xx.ko10:16
ogra_no lsmod on netinst :)10:16
ppisati-rw-r--r-- 1 ppisati ppisati 283372 Jul 23 13:38 ../nic-shared-modules-3.5.0-6-omap-di_3.5.0-6.6~next_armhf.udeb10:16
ogra_cat /proc/modules ;)10:16
ogra_but i'm already installing live atm10:16
ppisatiah k10:17
ogra_will come back to netinst 10:17
ogra_live is fine, it just seems to be missing in the debian-installer based setup (i.e. udeb)10:17
cooloney_ppisati: hey, man.10:18
cooloney_ppisati: did you try the wifi on my new panda ES in Portland?10:18
ppisaticooloney_: nope10:18
ppisaticooloney_: mine works here on my es here10:19
cooloney_ppisati: hmmm. i can't connect to my 2 APs but my old Panda does10:19
cooloney_ppisati: probably i have to use wired connection10:19
ppisaticooloney_: i'm connected via both wired and wifi10:20
ppisatiflag@panda:~$ ifconfig wlan0 | grep inet inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::dcad:beff:feef:0/64 Scope:Link10:20
ppisaticooloney_: ^10:21
ppisatii'm using the network manager10:21
cooloney_ppisati: great, thanks flag10:21
cooloney_i will try again10:21
ppisatiand i can tear down eth010:22
ppisatiand my network keeps working10:22
ppisaticooloney_: ^^10:22
* ppisati has just noticed that we don't install traceroute by default!!!10:24
ppisatitcpdump is there but not traceroute10:25
ogra_ppisati, since liker 5 releases ...10:25
ogra_use tracepath ;)10:25
cooloney_ogra_: a quick question, do you know what's the difference between ubuntu-server daily image http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/ and preinstall image http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily-preinstalled/current/10:32
ogra_yes, preinstalled doesnt build atm :)10:32
ogra_and will soon be dropped completely for all builds apart ac10010:33
cooloney_ogra_: yeah, it's about 1 month ago.10:33
cooloney_ogra_: so can i just download the daily image and dd it to SD for installation?10:33
cooloney_ogra_: awesome, thx10:33
ogra_there is also a boot.scr-serial on the server image now10:34
ogra_it defaults to framebuffer as x86 does but you can just cp boot.scr-server boot.scr to get a serial installation10:34
ogra_(right after dd'ing)10:34
cooloney_ogra_: ok, got it. will try 10:34
ppisati"everytime you use something different from traceroute, Van Jacobson kills a kitten"10:41
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* ppisati -> out for lunch10:45
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* henrix is out for lunch too11:19
apwogasawara, i assume the plan is for -6.6 to be our A3 kernel13:09
ogasawaraapw: yes, that's my intentions13:09
ppisatihggdh: when you are awake, give me an update on bug102752414:00
hggdhppisati: I am awake14:02
hggdhppisati: all tests come from git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/kernel-testing14:03
hggdhppisati: the QRT home is lp:qa-regression-testing (bzr). I understand the kernel-testing grabs from there14:06
hggdhppisati: you can branch the QRT, and then run (from ./scripts) 'make-test-tarball' to select a specific test. In our case, it is 'kernel-test-security'14:08
hggdhthen copy the tarball to the system, untar it, and run as 'sudo ./test-kernel-security.py -v'14:08
ppisatiah easy, why i didn't figure it out by myself...14:21
rtghenrix, how about a pull request for the leap second fixes ?14:22
=== cnd` is now known as cnd
henrixrtg: ok, i'll do that14:23
hggdhppisati: I also pinged jjohansen on this bug14:25
apwbug #102752414:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 1027524 in linux-ti-omap4 "QRT failed on test_072_config_debug_rodata and test_072_strict_devmem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102752414:30
henrixrtg: pull request sent14:34
rtghenrix, ack14:34
apwyay filebug has stopped working ...14:38
* cking needs more coffee14:53
* josepht hands cking coffee14:53
* ogasawara back in 2014:54
ckingbah, jetlag is a brain killer14:56
ppisatihggdh: /home/flag/canonical/qa-regression-testing/scripts14:57
ppisatihggdh: [flag@newluxor scripts]$ ./make-test-tarball 14:57
ppisatihggdh: make-test-tarball <test script>14:57
ppisatihggdh: ls *kernel-test-security*14:57
ppisatihggdh: ls: cannot access *kernel-test-security*: No such file or directory14:57
ppisatihggdh: the correct instructions are:14:58
ppisatihggdh: [flag@newluxor scripts]$ ./make-test-tarball kernel-security/mem14:58
ppisatiand it says:14:59
ppisatiCopying: mem14:59
ppisatinow i only have to figure out what "Copying: mem" does...14:59
hertonppisati, not sure if it helps or what problem you're getting now, or if you solved already, but our autotest clone has a "snapshot-qrt" script, that does the tarball in a bit of different way15:08
hertonppisati, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/autotest.git;a=tree;f=client/tests/qrt;h=f21db82b572fcd5be43f924c286e1b293ec30f34;hb=HEAD15:08
=== juarlex_ is now known as juarlex
hggdhppisati: [cerdea-aws]cerdea@xango3:/build/buildd/qa-regression-testing/scripts$ ./make-test-tarball test-kernel-security.py 15:32
hggdhCopying: test-kernel-security.py15:32
hggdhCopying: testlib.py15:32
hggdhCopying: install-packages15:32
hggdhCopying: kernel-security15:32
hggdhSkipping 'private/qrt/kernel_security.py' (couldn't find 'private')15:32
hggdhTest files: /tmp/qrt-test-kernel-security.tar.gz15:32
hggdhTo run, copy the tarball somewhere, then do:15:32
hggdh$ tar -zxf qrt-test-kernel-security.tar.gz15:32
hggdh$ cd ./qrt-test-kernel-security15:32
hggdh$ sudo ./install-packages test-kernel-security.py15:32
hggdh$ ./test-kernel-security.py -v15:32
hggdh[cerdea-aws]cerdea@xango3:/build/buildd/qa-regression-testing/scripts$ 15:32
hggdhppisati: I for got the ".py" in the test name15:32
ppisatihggdh: ok, let me retry15:37
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
joshhunt_not sure if this is the proper place, but i got an email yesterday for usn-1515-1, but www.ubuntu.com/usn and the corresponding rss feed does not show said USN.15:59
ogasawara** Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting16:00
joshhunt_is it just that the feed was note updated?16:00
jjohansenhggdh: you did?17:09
hggdhjjohansen: I did what?17:10
* hggdh is operating in single buffer mode today17:10
jjohansenhggdh: sorry reading backscroll, pinged me on bug #102752417:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 1027524 in linux-ti-omap4 "QRT failed on test_072_config_debug_rodata and test_072_strict_devmem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102752417:11
=== juarlex_ is now known as juarlex
hggdhjjohansen: yes, there was a Q on the error from ppisati 17:11
jjohansenhggdh: so what is the question?17:13
hggdhjjohansen: comment # 3: test_072_config_debug_rodata (__main__.KernelSecurityTest)17:14
hggdhCONFIG_DEBUG_RODATA enabled ... (skipped: only x86) FAIL17:14
hggdhthis is clearly not arm related17:14
jjohansenhggdh: okay, odd that it would report that its skipping and FAIL17:16
ppisatihggdh: check the /dev/mem stuff too, i bet it doesn't find the correct headers and goes belly up17:16
* cking --> EOD17:21
hggdhppisati: will do17:27
* henrix --> EOD17:36
smb /me -> EOD17:42
* ppisati -> EOD17:42
* rtg -> lunch17:53
lehjris there any chance of getting this fixed before quantal ships? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/102235118:48
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1022351 in linux "BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 0000000000000080" [Medium,Fix released]18:48
ogasawaralehjr: I can take a look to make sure it gets applied for Quantal.  It probably won't make the Alpha-3 release, but I should be reasonable for it to be applied before it officially releases in Oct.19:17
ogasawaralehjr: I'll try and throw together a test kernel for you too to use in the interim19:18
lehjrthank you, very much appreciated19:18
Chlorekhi dudes19:19
ChlorekI'm looking for ubuntu kernel sources, with aufs etc.19:19
Chlorekbut patched for grsec19:19
Chlorekdo you have any?19:19
* rtg -> EOD21:00
bjftyhicks: bug 994247 i am hitting this on latest Precise21:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 994247 in ecryptfs "BUG() when opened miscdev fd's are used after being inherited/passed" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99424721:29
bjftyhicks: very repeatable running the lp-994247 test in ecryptfs tests21:30
hertonbjf, I saw today that a fix for it is coming through 3.2.24 proposed stable21:57
hertonbjf, "eCryptfs: Gracefully refuse miscdev file ops on inherited/passed files"21:57
bjfherton, thanks21:58
hertonbjf, on gomeisa in my home dir, there are built kernels with it, but it's just the upstream kernel (build/stable-builds/3.2.24), if you want to test21:59
hertonjust the version of the packages are misleading, they are 3.2.23, but in fact they contain the proposed 3.2.24 patches :P21:59
* herton -> eod22:14
lehjrogasawara, Thanks for the kernel, I'm installing it now but it's giving errors during install 23:22
lehjrbad return status for module build on kernel: 3.5.0-6-generic (x86_64)23:23

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