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chrisccoulsonseriously, i'm never going to take time off work again. having to catch up makes it not worthwhile ;)13:40
bhearsumchrisccoulson: srsly13:48
bhearsumi usually end up more stressed the day after i come back than when i left :)13:48
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, yeah, that's what's happened with me13:49
dupondjesomebody did a great work on firefox package :)16:46
artnaycould someone revert bug 899828 from "fix released" to "confirmed"?18:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 899828 in chromium-browser "no chromium-daily-ppa for Precise Pangolin / 12.04" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89982818:59
micahgartnay: no point, having a bug won't change the reality19:00
micahgand it's not a bug in the package anyways, it's a community bug :)19:01
artnaymicahg: sure, it's a (lack of) packaging bug19:01
artnayit's bugs like http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=135341 why I really appreciate the existence of daily chromium builds ;-)19:04
bkerensamicahg: so I hear that TB might only get another year of updates or two at max?19:14
bkerensaand there are talks on seamonkey too19:14
Unit193Community supported.19:15
micahgartnay: yeah, just lack of time ATM for them, are you interested in helping with them, I'm collecting names ATM and after I'm done with my current project, will see who's willing to help keep them going19:23
micahgbkerensa: I'm still catching up on all the threads, that doesn't sound good19:23
bkerensamicahg: are you on any of the internal lists or just the public ones?19:25
micahgbkerensa: mostly public19:25
mdeslaurbkerensa: where did you see that?19:29
bkerensamdeslaur: tb-planning19:47
bkerensaI don't think anything is in stone yet19:48
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xjjkanyone else seeing blank awesomebar entries w/ Aurora?23:25
xjjkhrm, no… something w/ my profile23:26

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