
Ankmanah, dpkg00:05
clacheAnkman: With dpfg -i. Or with gdebi in graphic.00:06
clache*dpkg i-00:07
MusashimaruAnkman, click on it.... :)00:07
Musashimaruthen click install :)00:08
MusashimaruThis is too difficult... :)00:08
Ankmaninstall "was greyed out00:09
Ankmananyway, instaled gmail phone plugin00:09
Ankmannow need someone to ocall ;-)00:10
clache"Gdebi est installé par défaut dans Ubuntu versions 8.04 LTS à 10.04 LTS.  Dans les versions ultérieures d'Ubuntu, les fonctions d'installations  de paquets locaux sont désormais intégrées à la Logithèque Ubuntu; Gdebi n'est donc plus nécessaire. " <----Il était encore présent sur lubuntu 11.10 qui n'avait pas la logithèque mais synaptic. Plus dans la 12.04.00:16
Ankmanscanning myself (ubuntu) from my server in the intranet i get only port 3689 "rendezvous" open00:20
Ankmanwonder what that is00:20
Ankmanmore important. will i get laid tonight? ;-)00:20
MusashimaruAnkman, usually it is greyed because of unsatisfied dependency01:04
Ankmani assume because i wasn't root01:06
Ankmanit installed without problems using dpkg -i01:06
MusashimaruAnkman, usually it asks for root password when you click install... but never tried on 12.0401:07
Ankmanit didn't :-)01:08
Ankmani assume when i reboot (is usb stick) it is all gone again01:08
Ankmanjust wanna test if gmail phone works. not installing this plugin on a "real" linux as i don't trust googe01:08
Musashimaruok, Teletoon is dead... no Simpsons01:15
Musashimarunow it's back....01:33
Ankmanf*cking thunderstorm01:54
Musashimarunon, c'est bien l'orage01:57
Ankmangetting water in here again :-(02:01
Musashimaruhere too...02:02
Musashimaruthat's fun02:02
Ankmanin the room?02:27
Ankmanthat's not fun02:27
Musashimarudon't need to wake up to deink02:36
Ankmanand to go fishing you don't need to leave the room02:43

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