
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Quantal Quetzal Alpha 3 prep | Archive: please upload to -proposed | Quantal Quetzal Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | we accept payment in cash, check or birdseed | melior malum quod cognoscis
slangasekinfinity: how far out is d-i looking?00:18
infinityslangasek: Kernels are still several hours out, then promotion to -release, then d-i.00:20
infinityslangasek: So, it's a "when I wander past my computer tonight" thing.00:20
slangasekinfinity: ok00:21
skaetif it gets to be morning time for europe,  check if app-install-data-ubuntu is close to being published before kicking off the builds00:22
infinityPerhaps I'll go find some dinner between now and then.00:22
* skaet thinking dinner might be a good idea for herself too...00:22
infinityskaet: Are we expecting a new app-install-data-ubuntu sometime?00:22
skaetinfinity,  mvo kicked off the scripts for it earlier00:25
skaetit should show up on the link in the pad,  when done.00:25
infinityskaet: Well, when someone uploads it, yes. :P00:26
skaetif its close to morning,  may be worth checking with mvo how close it actually is to publishing, and hold up for it.00:26
skaetinfinity,  was under the impression his script will do that,  but I could have misunderstood.00:26
infinityskaet: If his script automates signing and uploading it, a few of us will likely tell him to stop that. :P00:27
infinityskaet: But I'm pretty sure it just generates a source package that he still manually gives a once-over and uploads.00:27
stgraberjust what I was about to say ;)00:27
skaetinfinity,   ok.00:28
skaetif he's online,  ask how close,  if not, go ahead and get some images started building00:28
skaetor rather you, slangasek, myself, or who ever's still up when the d-i bits publish00:29
infinityslangasek or Laney, according to the wiki.  I'm perfectly happy to pretend not to care about images this month. ;)00:30
infinity(But I'll make sure the kernel and d-i are ready for those who are doing releasy things)00:30
phillwi promise to book mark it... do you have the pad link for ubuntu-release ?00:31
skaetinfinity,  thanks.00:32
phillwis okay.. found it :)00:32
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
* skaet just cleaned up some stale data on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/PackageArchive 01:02
infinityskaet: Tidied a bit more.01:17
skaethmm,   I was stimied a bit on armel since it is still an official arch for natty and oneiric, and would show up in the archive that way.    We may want to restructure this part a bit more for clarity about which archs are official for which releases, but what's there will do for now.    thanks.02:15
infinityskaet: "show up in the archive that way", in what sense?02:29
infinityskaet: The archive makes no distinction.02:29
infinityskaet: And there's a list of which arches as they come in and out of officialness on that page, more or less.02:30
infinityskaet: (Frankly, the only people who care if natty and oneiric were official on armel are paid customers, and they already know :P)02:30
micahgskaet: FYI, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ#Architectures02:30
skaetinfinity,   lets just redirect that section to point to the link micahg points to.   That's much clearer.02:31
infinityExcept that the first line of that wiki section is also a lie. :)02:32
micahgthat's true :(02:33
infinityIt also says nothing about what's *currently* supported, which is probably more interesting.02:34
infinity(please give me edgy security fixed for powerpc, thx)02:34
micahginfinity: see footnote 1 :)02:35
infinityOh.  That's tiny.02:36
infinityBOLD AND RED!02:36
micahgI'll suggest it :)02:38
skaetinfinity,  by shows up in the archive,  I just meant it builds to armel not armhf for specific releases.  In past manifests we didn't separate between armel vs. armhf,  just used arm, so it may be confusing.  see:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/ReleaseManifest02:38
micahgskaet: yes, in precise: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseManifest02:40
micahgah, right no armel ther02:40
micahgoh, yes there is :)02:40
skaetmicahg, actually there is armel in precise's02:40
infinityskaet: Turns out that's a wiki and can be edited. ;)02:40
infinityskaet: Anywhere where it matters from an archive perspective, armel is armel.02:41
skaetinfinity,  all the ones we're talking about are wiki's...   just a matter of finding them all,  and doing the edits to make them consistent.  ;)02:41
infinity(And always was)02:41
skaetand yes,  archive is the one place we can't change.  ;)02:42
infinityAnd also the one place that's right?02:42
skaethmm...   definition of right seems to change with time.    when there was only arm variant,  calling it armel then may have been confusing.  :P02:44
ScottKIt depends on how much of the history you have.02:45
ScottKThere was a Debian arm port before armel.02:45
ScottK(never in Ubuntu)02:45
ScottKBut given that history, calling armel arm was always wrong, IMO.02:46
skaetLooks like the only two Release Manifests with it as arm rather than armel are Natty and Oneiric.02:48
* skaet figures may as well clean them up then.02:49
skaetso there's consistency there.02:49
skaetNatty & Oneiric Manifests are now consistent with the rest.    armel used in all.02:56
infinityskaet: Yeah, it was never right to call it just "arm".02:57
skaetinfinity,  none of the folks doing line sign offs flagged it.  :P02:58
infinityTo be fair, they were mostly management.02:59
micahgskaet: sorry, I seemed to have spaced on some needed Ubuntu Studio uploads, mind if I do them now?  (all smallish packages and mostly arch all)03:11
skaetmicahg,  we're still waiting for d-i so go ahead.     Hopefully they'll all be sorted by the time ubuntu studio starts to build.03:12
micahgskaet: is that still 18:00 UTC?03:13
micahgor will this be a manually triggered build?03:13
skaetmicahg, no,  we're off cron now,  manual triggered03:13
* micahg will try to get it sorted in the next hour as sleep is calling03:13
skaetplease log them on pad.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-release as opportunity targets if they don't go in, in next hour.03:14
=== rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti
micahgok, studio default settings upload, spinning up the -meta upload now03:52
micahgok, new Ubuntu Studio meta uploaded, I think that's it unless there are bugs found04:00
skaetthanks micahg04:06
micahgskaet: also, xubuntu is horribly oversized, don't know if I'll have an answer tonight though04:08
infinitymicahg: Drop the kernel, that'll solve it.04:09
micahgah, awesome, Qt got pulled in somehow04:10
micahgidk, looking04:11
infinityHrm, no, that only seems to be in Ubuntu.04:11
micahgthunar-archive-plugin recommends ark04:12
infinityThat's a remarkably silly recommends.04:12
infinityIf you want to fix it, go nuts.  Still two more publisher cycles until d-i's ready.04:12
infinityOr, rather, two more until I can upload it, 3 more until it's ready.04:12
micahgit's an alternate recommends, that's easily clobbered...continuing to look04:13
skaetinfinity, looks like the kernel's finished building,     d-i upload?04:13
infinityskaet: See above.04:13
micahgah, that's not it04:13
micahginfinity: fglrx depends libqtcore404:15
infinityHasn't it always done so?04:15
micahghrm, yes...04:16
skaetslangasek,  still around?04:16
micahgand that's not on the image04:16
infinityI didn't realise Xubuntu shipped non-free drivers.04:16
infinityYeah, exactly. :P04:16
skaetLaney,  if slangasek doesn't chime in before you get online,  looks like you'll get to build the first set.04:20
* skaet --> zzz04:20
micahgubuntu-sso-client-qt looks to be the real culprit, blacklisting04:21
infinitymicahg: How's it coming it?04:22
micahgsee above :)04:22
infinitymicahg: I don't see an above explaining where ubuntu-sso-client-qt is coming from. :)04:22
micahginfinity: ubuntu-sso-client recommends ubuntu-sso-client-gui (qt is the only choice now)04:23
infinityAhh, erk.04:23
infinityYou should petition to resurrect the GTK one.04:23
micahghrm, I like Qt personally...04:26
micahghow often are the germinate-output crons generated?04:27
infinitymicahg: Not often, but nothing important uses that output.04:32
infinitymicahg: Or did you just want to see it, so you could be lazy and not run it locally? :)04:32
micahginfinity: I just wanted to verify my work :)04:32
infinity2 */4 * * *             update-germinate04:32
infinityI can force the issue.04:32
micahgok, so I can check in the morning04:32
micahgnah, I should go to bed04:32
infinityYeah, speaking of.04:32
infinityPublisher's going to run over by a couple of minutes. >:(04:33
infinityI should just do my d-i upload on a sleep(1) delay and go do something else.04:33
* slangasek appears04:53
infinityslangasek: Did you bring cookies?04:54
ScottKmicahg: They're dumping the Uone installer, so I think shipping the client-gui will be the only supported way.04:56
slangasekinfinity: no, but I'm chiming in, so <tinkle,tinkle>04:56
micahgScottK: well, IIRC, Xubuntu doesn't ship the U1 client anyways04:56
* slangasek blinks at two new linux flavors appearing in component-mismatches04:57
ScottKOK.  Then I'm confused about what this issue was, but that's fine.  I don't need to understand it.04:57
ScottKslangasek: We're not in final freeze, so they're early.04:57
infinityslangasek: Hrm?  You mean the -5 stuff that's NBS?04:58
slangasekScottK: one of them's for the n900, so I'd argue it's 3 years late ;P04:58
ScottKWell sure.04:58
infinityOh, the two heading to main.  Wow.04:58
ScottKMaybe I'll have something to do with my n900 besides let it collect dust.04:59
slangasekinfinity: linux-n900, linux-qcm-msm; strangely being pulled in via open-iscsi-udeb, vlan-udeb - either a buggy dep declaration, or a c-m bug04:59
infinityslangasek: That's probably just an oops from having no kernels seeded to main for a second.04:59
micahgScottK: Xubuntu ships software-center which needs oneconf which needs ubuntu-sso-client which recommends ubuntu-sso-client-gui of which there is only Qt now04:59
ScottKI see, but it doesn't need a gui?05:00
infinityslangasek: (In that I bumped the seeds for the mainline kernel to the new version before it was published)05:00
micahgScottK: no, it has the GTK gui in it apparently05:00
ScottKI see.05:01
slangasekinfinity: ah05:02
infinityNCommander: What was wrong with backporting the quantal highbank d-i support, instead ot rewriting it? :/05:03
infinityAlright, d-i uploaded for both quantal and precise, that's EOD for me.05:33
* slangasek waves05:35
infinityslangasek: If you feel like reviewing the precise-proposed d-i, that would be lovely.05:36
infinityslangasek: Or, you could wait until the quantal one builds successfully and appears to publish things to sane paths, since the precise one is the same code. :P05:36
slangasekmmm, amd64+i386 d-i builds just failed with a "disk full" error generating the netboot images05:37
infinityOh, FFS.05:38
infinityNew firmware again? :/05:38
slangasekno idea05:39
infinityYeahp, new firmware.05:39
infinityAlthough, not a lot.05:40
infinityKernels might have grown too.05:40
slangasekthe fix for which is... to bump the fs size?05:41
infinityI need to change the Makefile to give me the *^!% size of vmlinux and initrd after it trips over it.05:41
slangasekare you fixing this up, or do you want me to?05:41
infinityI can fix it.  Want to wait for the world to fail, first.05:42
slangasekLaney: fyi, looks like you get to kick off the builds from the pad then; I don't think I'll be around still when d-i catches up05:43
infinityActually, I might leave the d-i image size bump to someone else.  I need to try to not be awake at night tonight.05:46
infinityAnd it wasn't firmware growing, same version of firmware was used in the previous d-i builds.05:49
infinitySo, I guess the kernel grew just a bit.05:49
infinityOr a lot.05:49
infinityOr maybe everything's just been slowly growing by enough to finally hit the limit again.  Don't see any obvious explosions.05:51
infinityMaybe I'll just fix it.05:52
* infinity wonders idly why the powerpc image appears to be growing in base10 units, and the x86 ones in base2...05:53
infinityslangasek: Testing a fix here.05:56
jibelwith the new format of server images, sources.list only contains cdrom entries. filing a bug05:59
infinityslangasek: The good news is that the highbank stuff from the last build spit out the way I expected it to.06:10
infinityslangasek: So, as soon as these amd64 and i386 local builds complete, I'll commit, upload, and go away. :)06:10
slangasekinfinity: sounds like a plan then :)06:21
infinity(uploaded and building)06:23
Laneywe building all flavours for a3?07:50
jibelbug 1028301 with server 20120723.208:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 1028301 in debian-installer "Quantal Ubuntu Server - sources.list only contains cdrom entries after a preseeded installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102830108:11
pittiI fixed bug 1026066, I think that ought to go into alpha-308:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 1026066 in aptdaemon "software-properties-gtk crashed with ImportError in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/aptdaemon/client.py: No module named gobject" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102606608:21
pittiit breaks update-manager, software-properties, and presumably lots of other stuff08:21
jibeladded to the pad. does it affect kubuntu ?08:40
Riddellhmm I don't know09:18
Riddellbut since we have no candidate images yet then may as well wait for that09:21
cjwatsonWhy is bug 1026964 listed as a rebuild trigger?  It's a suspend/resume bug, importance medium, not tagged rls-q-anything.  I don't see why we'd care particularly about it for image builds?09:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1026964 in linux "Lenovo T410s laptop suspends fine, won't resume any more" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102696409:24
jibelcould be a confusion with bug 1027828 which was fixed in kernel 3.5.0-6.609:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 1027828 in linux "[Quantal] black screen on resume on 3.5.0-5.5 (regression from 3.5.0-4.4)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102782809:25
cjwatsonSeems more plausible.  I've changed the pad.09:27
jibelI added a comment to the report09:27
ogra_Laney, is there any reason you dropped all the arm precise preinstalled lines from default-arches ? you have to explicitly call a preinstalled build anyway so nothing would attempt to build them unless you say so09:37
ogra_(having the entry helps to keep track what arches were built when, even though nothing uses this entry)09:38
Laneyogra_: I was advised to do so by slangasek.09:39
ogra_hmm, k09:39
* ogra_ doesnt get why though, its just historical data and doesnt do any harm09:40
* cjwatson fixes ubuntu-server/precise09:43
ogra_cjwatson, is server completely switched to squashfs now ?09:47
cjwatsonogra_: ubuntu-server/daily is09:48
cjwatsonogra_: just for the base system though09:48
ogra_so we are depending on the live builder with it ... thats what i wanted to know09:48
cjwatsonno plans to go beyond that in quantal09:48
ogra_(bottlenecks etc :) )09:49
cjwatsonit's best looked at as a cached debootstrap (although it actually has the server seed in there too)09:49
cjwatsonAny objection to me rebuilding world after the next publisher run completes (which will be in ~1hr since we're in the fastdowntime window)?  I believe all the rebuild triggers are at worst pending publication.10:04
jibel+1 to rebuild the world10:25
ogra_as long as you keep the weather do what you want with the world :)10:26
Davieycjwatson: rebuild would be good10:46
cjwatsonHah, the health checks are really pretty confused by squashfs-base.11:21
cjwatsonI may have to turn the installability check off for server unless I can think of something clever.11:21
cjwatsonWhich I suppose isn't totally out of the question; maybe I can bodge something using the manifest ...11:23
ogra_hmm, apt-setup failures on omap4 server12:12
ogra_cjwatson, is there any way to convince live-installer to not call update-initramfs ?12:23
cjwatsonogra_: are we talking performance or what?12:23
ogra_it calls it before flash-kernel-installer is done (which runs apt-install u-boot-tools)12:23
ogra_so it fails missing the mkimage command12:23
cjwatsonit's in the console-setup hook, I think, but let me check12:24
ogra_i cant find a debconf key for supressing update-initramfs in live-installer :/12:24
cjwatsonit'll need (a) me to think about it (b) code changes12:24
cjwatsonhang on a bit :)12:24
ogra_need a log ?12:24
ogra_its slightly confusing that the actual failure shown is in apt-setup ... which fails since in-target didnt return properly12:25
cjwatsonwouldn't hurt but I was just doing a test install here, so if it's >0 effort don't worry about it12:25
ogra_logger thinks its from live-installer12:27
cjwatsonright, yeah, the c-s hook12:27
ogra_Jul 24 12:09:08 base-installer: warning: /usr/lib/post-base-installer.d/25live-installer-console-setup returned error code 112:27
cjwatsonsurprised you didn't have the same problem with trad base-installer though12:28
cjwatsonyou know, you could fix this in f-12:29
cjwatsonif you wanted12:29
ogra_how, i cant hard depend on u-boot-tools12:29
cjwatsonjust have it do the apt-install earlier, say in a base-installer hook12:29
ogra_sicne f-k deals with lots of other bootloaders too12:29
cjwatsonwould involve splitting it up a bit12:29
cjwatsonit'd need some care with where you move flash-kernel out of the way12:30
ogra_how about calling flash-kernel-installer as part of live-installer ?12:30
cjwatsonhow about not :-P12:31
cjwatson(I would very much rather live-installer not have to know about f-k)12:31
ogra_why not? we need the bootloader setup anyway12:31
ogra_so we could as well do it early12:31
ogra_hmm, k12:31
cjwatsonthe hooks are available so it's not necessary, anyway12:32
cjwatsonI mean, if you want flash-kernel-installer to run as a live-installer hook, be my guest, but you're still going to need to leave flash-kernel-installer.postinst in place and figure out a way for it to notice that it's already been called12:33
ogra_well, calling it twice wouldnt do any harm12:33
cjwatsonI just don't think we should change live-installer for it12:33
ogra_apart from wasting time12:33
cjwatsonthere's /usr/lib/live-installer.d/ though12:34
* ogra_ was pondering about post-base-installer.d/20live-installer-flash-kernel12:34
cjwatsonlive-installer.d is better, I think - this flow is specific to live-installer so better to use a hook that's also specific to live-installere12:35
cjwatsonlet me just check where direct apt-install is enabled12:35
ogra_hmm, but live-installer.d has no ordering12:36
cjwatsonnever mind that, bigger problem12:36
ogra_how do i make sure f-k is done before update-initramfs12:36
ogra_oh ok12:36
cjwatsonnever mind that12:36
cjwatsonapt-install only queues until install_extra is run12:36
cjwatsonwhich isn't until after post-base-installer.d hooks are run12:36
cjwatsonso this approach is a non-starter whatever way you slice it12:36
* ogra_ wonders if there is a way to just solve it thgrough seeding ... but i guess that would mean all arm images end up with u-boot-tools again12:38
cjwatsonI think I have a better idea12:38
cjwatsonjust fleshing out the details12:40
cjwatsonadd a post-base-installer.d hook with an early number (say 01) that dpkg-diverts update-initramfs and installs a symlink to /bin/true in its place12:40
cjwatson(put that in the flash-kernel-installer udeb)12:41
cjwatsonthen undo the diversion in flash-kernel-installer.postinst, just before you call update-initramfs12:41
cjwatsonactually probably before the apt-install calls so that the nslu2-utils case mentioned there still works (although I realise that doesn't matter for Ubuntu)12:41
cjwatsonthat means we don't have to play whack-a-mole with anything that might indirectly call update-initramfs12:42
ogra_ok, doesnt that also need a dep to live-installer in flash-kernel-installer ?12:42
cjwatsonI don't see why - it would work just as well with the other style of base system installation12:42
ogra_ah, well, if it isnt there the file will be a no-op12:42
ogra_yeah, thinko :)12:42
cjwatsonit would probably speed things up a bit12:43
cjwatsonwhich I assume you don't mind12:43
ogra_its very fasdt already :) but yeah, i dont :)12:43
cjwatsonso I think that's all doable entirely within flash-kernel - are you OK with fleshing out the details of that?12:43
ogra_yes, just looking for the place the file has to go12:44
cjwatsonbe a bit careful about interaction with ubiquity, I guess12:44
cjwatsonsince that calls flash-kernel-installer and probably won't have done the diversion, unless you take steps for it to do so12:44
ogra_ubiquity ?12:44
ogra_yes, also normal d-i alternates wouldnt use it12:44
cjwatsonthey would if you used a post-base-installer hook12:45
cjwatsonso you'd have to either arrange to do the same diversion in ubiquity, or else have flash-kernel-installer.postinst not mind if the diversion isn't there12:45
ogra_f-k-i will have to check if the diversion exists first in any case12:45
cjwatsonthe latter's probably a good idea in any case12:45
cjwatsonjust check for the existence of the diverted file, probably easiest12:45
ogra_if it doesnt it wont try to revert it ...12:45
ogra_grr, one day we should make update-noifier check for the arch of a device so it doesnt always offer me to upgrade from my armhf images on my x86 desktop12:55
* ogra_ just noticed the 50 or so popup messages behind his terminal window12:56
stgraberogra_: what's wrong with that, if you have qemu-user-static installed, you can totally upgrade from your armhf images ;)13:12
ogra_stgraber, right, and that works very well, i once did that in the middle of a customer call13:12
ogra_at the end of the call, when i rebooted my machine i noticed what had happened since it didnt boot anymore :)13:13
stgraberhehe :)13:13
stgraberyeah, in my experience you at least need a few important amd64 packages for it to work (upstart, libnih, mountall, iputils, isc-dhcp)13:14
stgraberas qemu-user-static doesn't like ptrace or netlink13:14
stgraber(and on a physical machine, you'd probably need binfmt in the initrd with the rest of the initrd being amd64)13:15
ogra_cjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1108165/ does that look ok ?13:15
ogra_oh, the ${ROOT} is definitely wrong13:17
cjwatsonogra_: some over-indentation, I'd spell out "flash-kernel-diverted" in full, 'set -e' in the post-base-installer hook, and please make the source file for the hook be "post-base-installer.d/01live-installer-flash-kernel-diversion" rather than under live-installer/13:17
cjwatsonand actually drop "live-installer-" from that - this isn't live-installer specific13:17
cjwatsondo you need --local on the undivert too?  I forget13:18
cjwatsonmight be best to match there13:18
ogra_i just stole the code from livecd.sh :)13:18
ogra_there it worked like this13:18
cjwatsonmm, maybe dpkg-divert was lax, I think maybe best not to rely on it always being so though13:19
cjwatsonthe docs say "When adding, default is --local and --divert original.distrib. When removing, --package or --local and --divert must match if specified."13:19
cjwatsonwhich implies to me that if you add with --local then you must remove with --local too13:19
skaetgood morning13:21
ogra_cjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1108178/13:23
* ogra_ thinks that will fly 13:24
* ogra_ dputs13:25
LaneyI have a work item to fix unseeded universe final freeze, but I forgot what we said13:35
Laneycan anyone remember?13:36
ogra_skaet, i always lose the pad url (used to be in the channel topic) ... could you add a rebuild note for armhf omap4 once flash-kernel 3.0~rc.4ubuntu11 has built13:37
Laneywas it that we asked people to use proposed after that point?13:37
ogra_skaet, omap4 server that is13:37
skaetLaney, cjwaton - In looking at the pad and tracker,  trying to figure out if the latest published set of images has the app-install-data-update or only some of them (am guessing its a some of them since a-i-d-u only published 2 hours ago)13:38
skaetogra_,  doing13:38
Laneysome, the rest are still churning through13:38
ogra_skaet, "<cjwatson> Any objection to me rebuilding world after the next publisher run completes (which will be in ~1hr since we're in the fastdowntime window)?  I believe all the rebuild triggers are at worst pending publication."13:38
skaetLaney do we know which of the built ones don't have it.13:38
ogra_skaet, that was 3h ago, based on it i would a ssume a complete rebuild of everything13:38
skaetogra_,  since it published 2 hours ago,   I think it was overlooked in the full trigger13:39
skaetso,  some have it, some don't.13:39
skaetogra_, http://pad.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-release  :)   have added your flash-kernel already,  and I'll put the link in the topic next.13:43
Laneylooks like the desktop images do have it13:43
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Quantal Quetzal Alpha 3 prep: http://pad.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-release | Archive: please upload to -proposed | Quantal Quetzal Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | we accept payment in cash, check or birdseed | melior malum quod cognoscis
skaetthanks Laney.13:44
ogra_skaet, thx !13:44
Laneywhere are the logs on the server?13:45
ogra_which server ?13:45
ogra_nusakan ?13:45
ogra_ /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/logs/13:45
Laneyah yeah found13:45
ogra_though if you need a live-build log that lives on the respective live builder machines13:46
ogra_w3m celbalrai.buildd/~buildd/LiveCD ... on nusakan would give you http access to the armhf build logs13:46
Laneyoh, they are mirrored separately?13:46
ogra_they are created on different machines13:47
Laneythought nusakan might fetch them back13:47
ogra_iirc they are mirroed to the same place but with a delay13:47
Laneywas just going to grep for the version of app-install-data-ubuntu they got13:48
ogra_http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/ then gets them last13:48
ogra_just look at the manifest and list files in the image dirs on cdimage13:48
skaetogra_,  re: dropping arm images from precise daily builds - because they're not denoted as LTS, so keeping them automatically building with the precise dailies as we ramp up to 12.04.1 wasn't needed.13:48
ogra_(manifest for live, list for alternate)13:48
ogra_skaet, nothing buiolds preinstalled automated :)13:48
skaetLaney,  other way is to just grep the manifests of the built images for the right version.13:48
ogra_(at least for precise)13:49
skaetogra_ we're turning on the automated builds for all of the LTS participants from now until 12.04.1 FF,  which was motivation for making sure it reflected manifest.13:52
ogra_skaet, right, but nothing executes daily-preinstalled in crontab for precise13:57
ogra_so default-arches isnt relevant13:57
ogra_anyway, its gone now, just dont blame me if in two years nobody can anser which images we built in 12.04 :)13:58
Laneythat's why we have vcs history13:59
skaetogra_,   fair enough.13:59
ogra_Laney, heh13:59
Laneyyou could tag it when we do a release13:59
ogra_Laney, well, up to now we never touched default-arches for past releases, thats new with 12.0414:00
ogra_(to make sure everything works the same as it did on release day)14:01
ogra_(in case you want to do a rebuild, which never ever happened for arm)14:01
skaetLaney,  tagging when doing a release is a good idea, esp now that there's new hardware being added after the release.14:02
LaneyI suppose using it would be difficult though, because you'd have to have either the old changes or the current14:02
ogra_that might gert tricky to coordinate since the cdimage code isnt bound to ubuntu releases14:03
ogra_*snap* :)14:03
skaetdate of change should have the info, but tagging would make it a bit easier.    yes,  being able to recreate exactly what worked on release day  is a goal we need to accomplish as well.14:04
ogra_the current setup does that very well14:04
ogra_all scripts that touch any release specific bits are also in release specifc subdirs in debian-cd14:05
skaetogra_ has we ever had to try it out in ernest?   ie.  was there ever a case a full recreate was executed?14:05
ogra_no, but there were rebiulds for certain oem images before they switched to OBS14:06
ogra_and mibile images too ... many of tehse wer built out of sync with the release schedule for older releases14:07
ogra_sigh, my typing starts to annoy me today14:07
ogra_so for picked images that always worked ... as well as for point releases of earlier LTSes14:08
jibel_wubi is missing from the tracker is it building ?14:08
skaetogra_,  heh,  its the trackpad on this machine that keeps on flipping my cursor where I don't want it to be.   Thanks for the explanation.   Was curious.14:09
ogra_colin can surely give more details if needed, he designed the system with the rebuiolds in mind from the beginning14:09
Laneyjibel_: yeah, crunching through14:10
skaetjibel,   builders are still going,  and WUBI's last (see pad for order builds were kicked off in)14:10
Laneyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/FinalFreeze check what I wrote at the end there.14:12
Laneyseparate UUFF goes away and becomes this.14:12
skaetLaney,  looks good to me.   Post to ubuntu-release maillist,  with a pointer to the update, and if no issues raised by end of week,   consider it done.14:14
micahgchrisccoulson: you realize that we're in alpha3 freeze, right?14:25
seb128micahg, no need to crosspost that accross channels14:25
seb128kenvandine, chrisccoulson: please upload to quantal-proposed during a3 time ;-)14:26
micahgseb128: cross post?  sorry, I must have missed something :)14:26
chrisccoulsonheh, oops ;)14:26
seb128micahg, doh, my IRC client played me tricks, I though that was #ubuntu-desktop14:26
seb128micahg, sorry about that14:26
kenvandineseb128, whoops...14:26
ScottKLaney: What does the archive is frozen mean in the context of your wiki update?14:33
Laneythat was preexisting, but it means frozen in the launchpad sense14:34
ScottKSo what's the term for when we're in the "only accept things that cause babies to catch fire no matter what part of the archive it's in." state?14:36
ScottKI think terminology is a significant part of why people get confused about this stuff.14:37
Laney"Deadline"? :-)14:37
Laneyyou could add a sentence abou tthat14:38
tumbleweedwell, the nice thing about proposed, is if you're uploading there, there isn't such a state14:38
Laneyit only says "consider"14:38
tumbleweedif the uploads don't get to -release, they'll go to -updates14:38
tumbleweed(assuming they're SRU worthy, but at that point, they should all be, right?)14:38
Laneynot really14:39
Laneyadd something about how on release day all uploads must go to proposed, and if they are not SRU worthy and are too big then they may be rejected14:39
tumbleweedrequiring all uploads in the last 1.5 days to be SRU worthy seems reasonable to me14:43
Laneythat's what we had before14:43
tumbleweedam I taking us around in circles? damn14:44
Laneywe're trying to get as many fixes as possible in14:45
Laneyso we should just say that the closer we get to release, the less chance your upload has of getting in14:45
tumbleweedthat's fairly clear, you should say it something like that14:46
micahginfinity: seb128: we missed the recommends on libwebkitgtk-3.0-0 :(14:47
* micahg was wondering why c-m was still exploded with gstreamer goodness14:48
LaneyScottK: tumbleweed: try that14:48
micahgor badness in this case :)14:48
ScottKLaney: Rather than say final freeze is final for unseeded universe, I think it would be clearer to say that even though the archive as a whole is frozen, final freeze doesn't start for unseeded universe until X.14:50
LaneyI'm trying to say that we don't have a final freeze here14:50
Laneyjust keep uploading your stuff and use proposed so that it can become an SRU if you miss the release and your bugs are good enough14:51
skaetogra_ what's the bug number for the flash-kernel fix?14:52
ogra_skaet, no bug, we immediately worked out the fix when it showed up14:52
skaetogra_,  ack.    thanks14:52
ogra_it is fgallout of the squashfs change14:52
tumbleweedLaney: it works for me. i was going to say that it could be clearer that fixes are still welcomed. But if one reads to the end of the paragraaph, I think it is14:53
Laneyfeel free to reword if you can improve it :-)14:53
skaetLaney,  what time did you kick off the first build of everything?   (or did cjwatson do it?)14:57
Laneyhe did a second round14:57
Laneyabout 0800UTC14:57
micahgskaet: so,  libwebkitgtk-3.0-0 is recommending universe codecs ATM which might balloon any images with universe enabled, but since this is only an alpha release and size isn't really a blocker, and webkit take 1.15 days on armel, I think maybe it should just be release noted?14:58
Laneyupload it to proposed?14:58
micahgyeah, was thinking to do that14:59
micahgmeh, was hoping not to be TIL for webkit, but whatever14:59
Laneyso we get it if we can, otherwise: release note14:59
micahgdo we need a tracking bug?14:59
ScottKLaney: There is a difference though.  For a final freeze upload, you don't need test cases, etc.  Once it is an SRU, different rules apply, so it's not as simple as keep uploading.14:59
skaetmicahg,  yes.  tracking bug and  Release Note is appropriate.14:59
skaetmicahg,  go ahead and add the note to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/TechnicalOverview/Alpha3,  we can delete if it ends up going in easily enough.15:00
Laney"Hey, these images contain loads of cool stuff!"15:00
micahgheh, right :)15:01
LaneyScottK: Indeed, people may have to come back and do more work. Although I think zero-day SRUs are a bit more lax?15:01
stgraberskaet: in case you aren't reading #ubuntu-testing, dhcpd currently fails to start on quantal, at least with LTSP, but very likely in any scenario. So far it looks like it's a potential apparmor/kernel regression. I'm trying to get someone from #security to look at it.15:01
tumbleweedLaney: it's more than coming back to do more work15:02
tumbleweedyou need a tracking bug in the upload15:02
tumbleweedand yes, zero-day SRUs could probably use better documentation15:02
micahga 3 hour test build for a15:05
micahg* a 3 hour test build for a control file change is fun, right?15:05
Laneydoes it parallelise?15:05
micahgno, I think that's broken ATM15:06
Laneyoh, woe15:06
Laneywas going to give it to The Cloud15:06
micahgI think I have a WI somewhere for that15:07
skaetLaney,   did you manage to figure out which of the images are going to need to be respun to pick up the right version of a-i-d-u?15:07
Laneyall will be fine15:07
Laneycolin's rebuilds were after it got published15:07
skaetLaney,  :)  happiness indeed15:07
skaetLaney,  can you take a look at http://pad.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-release,  and confirm I've got the history section accurate now,  as well as the status of the current images building/needing to rebuild?15:17
skaet(history section is after the current set of images)15:18
ogra_the new flash-kernel is done btw armhf server daily can be rebuild15:18
micahgskaet: wiki update for webkit issue, pad updated, test build in progress, est ~2hrs until it's done15:19
Laneyskaet: yeah, lgtm15:20
Laneywhat's the page that lists the bugs we're tracking?15:20
skaetLaney,    http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/reports/defects  under Quantal Alpha 3 shows summary of what's been found so far,  once a bug is logged.15:25
LaneyI meant the rls-q-incoming and nominated ones15:25
skaetbut folks aren't all adding the tag yet,  so iso tracker is good to cross check against.15:27
* skaet added a couple this morning already15:27
Laneyogra_: so teach me, what's the right invocation to do your respin?15:28
ogra_well, depends, do you onyl want to rebuilds armhf+omap4 ?15:28
slangasekogra_, Laney: yes, the fact that *all* the precise preinstalled lines were being removed escaped me; it would've been more straightforward to just make sure they weren't in the crontab15:28
ogra_*sigh* my typing15:28
ogra_slangasek, thats what i meant :)15:29
Laneyah well15:29
Laneyogra_: let's say yes for now15:29
LaneyI assume there's an env var you set15:29
ogra_Laney, omap4 only: ARCHES="armhf+omap4" buildlive ubuntu-server daily && ARCHES="armhf+omap4" for-project ubuntu-server cron.daily15:30
ogra_essentially just grab whats in crontab for a specific flavour and use ARCHES=15:30
ogra_(mind you, thats usually two commands in succession so you need to set it twice)15:31
* skaet nods15:32
Laneyok, doing15:35
* apw has noted that linux-lowlatency is lagging the main kernel. i would like to update it. i am unsure if you care to have it in A3, so i was proposing to upload it to quantal-proposed and you can either promote it before or after the freeze lifts. is that reasonable?15:38
Riddellooh kubuntu images15:40
skaetapw,  seems reasonable.15:41
skaetapw,  please note it on the pad as opportunity target,  with the links so we can track.15:41
jibelskaet, alternate fails to install on Mac, there is a loop on detection of USB devices. Connect/Disconnect ... forever15:43
jibelskaet, I'll confirm with another hardware15:43
jibelmac mini that is15:43
skaetjibel,  thanks for flagging.   post bug number when you're got it.15:43
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infinitymicahg: I thought seb uploaded for that?  Or did he miss a bit?15:46
micahginfinity: missed a bit15:46
infinitymicahg: Poop.15:46
micahginfinity: I've got a test build going and will upload to -proposed when it's done15:46
infinitymicahg: Hah, I was just about to suggest I bounce something to proposed, but it's all you.15:46
micahggives my machine something to do while I'm testing webkit in precise15:47
ogra_no need to put any arm netboot images on the tracker, they are all broken15:58
ogra_(they will need a complete overhaul for the new flash-kernel and i didnt get to them yet (next on my TODO))15:59
skaetogra_ ack.   have put a note on the pad,  and marked them for rebuild on the iso tracker.   add details/bug numbers to the pad as you get them.16:03
stgraberhmm, something's wrong with the bot...16:04
stgraberthe disabled entries are good, but the updated ones shouldn't have shown16:04
* ogra_ hugs his ac100 images ... 16:04
ogra_the only arm images that work ootb this time :)16:04
infinityogra_: A "complete overhaul"?16:05
infinityogra_: Did f-k not provide a sane interface on upgrade here?16:05
ogra_infinity, well, f-k and upgrades are another bug i have to catch (thanks to you :P )16:06
ogra_infinity, its the fact that there are no partitions on the MMC in netinst ... so f-k doesnt knwo what to do16:06
stgraberskaet: looks like apparmor not logging is some kernel weirdness on my machine, the actual failure can be fixed in isc-dhcp. I'll upload a fix to -proposed in a few minutes16:07
infinityogra_: I didn't literally mean upgrades, I just meant that f-k and f-k-i should still be presenting a similar interface, so changing d-i shouldn't be required, right, just fixing f-k?16:07
infinityogra_: My netboot images all have partitions...16:07
ogra_infinity, in the img file ?16:08
ogra_would be intresting how you got these since d-i doesnt have any dep on any partitionintg tool :)16:08
infinityOh, maybe the d-i images don't.  My PXE images do.16:09
infinityThat's not "a complete overhaul", though, it's a question of a simple tweak.16:09
ogra_well, i have to wrap a partiton table and a partition around them16:09
ogra_and an mbr16:09
infinityYeah, cargo-cult debian-cd, that's what I did for PXE. ;)16:10
infinityBetter yet, now that I understand this problem, bug me about it in ~1 week, and I'll JFDI.16:10
ogra_and given that we have never found a way to make omap systems recognize parted created partitions for booting (CHS binding) it will be an intresting effort16:10
ogra_since i assume colin wont allow me to make d-i build-dep on fdisk or sfdisk :)16:11
ogra_alternatively we could hack up parted to actually force creation of the mbr and first partition during install but thats even harder to achieve16:12
ogra_(beyond parted in d-i really really scaring me)16:12
infinityogra_: Erm, it doesn't need to build-dep on them, they're essential.16:14
ogra_oh !16:14
infinityAnd I'm sure some images already use either one or both.16:14
ogra_that should make it a bit easier16:14
ogra_since i can just copy the logic from debian-cd then16:14
jibel_bug 1028526 breaks ltsp, not sure of the importance for server16:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 1028526 in isc-dhcp "dhcpd failed to start with apparmor denied: capname="dac_override"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102852616:15
jibel_skaet, stgraber ^16:15
micahgRiddell: is there supposed to be a Kubuntu DVD listed on the pad?16:15
Riddellmicahg: no it's gone16:15
apwskaet, ok the builds are in progress and its on the tracker thingy [12]16:16
micahgRiddell: ah, ok, it's still showing up in seeded-in-ubuntu (and the seeds still exist), but no worries16:16
stgraberskaet, jibel_: jdstrand is preparing an upload now, we'll need to respin any image containing isc-dhcp-server16:18
balloonsfyi, hggdh noticed the download links are wrong for ubuntu server armhf+ompa4: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/226/builds/19353/downloads16:19
balloonsI'm going to change to correct now16:19
balloonsprecise should keep the -preinstalled, but quantal should move to the daily16:20
stgrabersounds right16:20
ogra_balloons, preinstalled is completely dead in quantal, yeah16:21
ogra_apart from ac10016:21
ogra_all arm images you care about are now identical to their x86 pendant16:21
balloonsyes -- we need to review all the download links for them to make sure they are pointing properly to the right images16:22
balloonsI'll do that16:22
ogra_balloons, also note that there wont be rebuilds of preinstalled precise ...16:22
balloonsjust wanted to make everyone aware before I dove in :-)16:22
ogra_so not sure you need to keep them on the tracker at all16:22
balloonsogra_, just historical purposes.. we want the old links to be correct16:22
stgraberballoons: you might actually want to use "SERIES" as a placeholder in the links and not make the links series-specific, so we don't need to update them all for quantal+116:24
balloonsstgraber, I'm noticing all the md5sums appear to be broken as well16:24
balloonsyikes yikes16:25
balloonsok, just on those images.. ;-)16:25
ogra_indeed they are16:25
ogra_they will likely match with the broken dl paths though :)16:26
ogra_lol, funny that ubiquity just informs me that the UX team is hiring ...16:30
balloonsstgraber, on the SERIES thing.. it seems like we don't have them linked on cdimage to allow that16:30
balloonsstgraber, notice there is no quantal (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/)16:31
jdstrandskaet: should this (isc-dhcp) use quantal-proposed or quantal?16:31
stgraberballoons: only point releases show up as /SERIES/SERIES-<media type>-<version>.iso, so for all products at this point we should have two entries16:32
skaetjdstrand,  quantal directly.16:32
skaetwe'll be doing a respin for it.16:32
stgraberballoons: PRECISE with /ubuntu-server/SERIES/VERSION/SERIES-<media type>-<arch>.iso16:32
stgraberballoons: and a generic entry with /ubuntu-server/VERSION/SERIES-<media type>-<arch>.iso16:32
balloonsstgraber, yes, but that will fail for quantal16:33
stgraberballoons: no16:33
balloonsubuntu-server/quantal is a 40416:33
stgraberballoons: read again ;) you only use /SERIES/ for POINT-RELEASES16:33
balloonsstgraber, lol :-) I'm multitasking here.. Let's plan to review the links as post-alpha3 follow-up16:34
balloonsI'll add it to the agenda16:34
balloonsI see some download links are missing rsync's, etc16:34
balloonswe should clean all of them up and do best practice (aka, use series), etc16:34
balloonsand stgraber yes, I agree on making them as static as possible :-)16:35
stgraberFor Ubuntu server amd64, you'd have two entries:16:35
stgraberseries == precise: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/SERIES/daily/VERSION/SERIES-server-amd64+mac.iso16:35
stgraberseries == NULL: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/VERSION/SERIES-server-amd64+mac.iso16:35
stgraberwith these two entries, we should be good until 14.04.1 where we'll have to add an entry with /SERIES/ for that series16:36
jdstrandskaet: ack16:36
jdstrandit'll be soon, I'm building locally and will test/upload16:36
Laneydoesn't 9 affect pretty much everything?16:37
stgraberLaney: if you want isc-dhcp (all binaries) to be on the same version everywhere, yes. If you're just interested in the fix, no.16:39
stgraberisc-dhcp-client and isc-dhcp-common are indeed on pretty much all images, though the fix will just change the init script of isc-dhcp-server, that's only seeded on server, alternate and edubuntu IIRC16:40
Laneyclimbing time. back in ~3h16:54
* ogra_ wonders whgat the heck pulls redboot-tools into the omap images 16:54
* skaet --> lunch, biab16:57
stgrabersame here, biab16:58
micahgskaet: is there a reason xubuntu was left out of the rebuild commands for desktop and alternater images?17:15
ogra_infinity, were you planning to do some mx5 tests ? else we should probably drop them from the tracker if no testers are around17:28
infinityogra_: I hadn't planned to do any.  I'd rather drop the image and build a netboot, to be honest. :P17:32
ogra_lets do that then17:32
ogra_i would have tested if i had the HW17:32
ogra_but i dont and there is no community17:32
ogra_(and i think we should rather keep the currently rare builder cycles for omap3 than for mx5)17:33
* ogra_ goes out to mow the lawn17:34
infinityGrr.  Who feels good about a new d-i upload? :P17:36
micahginfinity: aren't we already rebuilding the world for isc-dhcp?17:36
infinitymicahg: Ahh, I haven't been keeping up with the channel.17:37
micahginfinity: maybe not, not sure what the call on that was17:37
micahgand I don't see it on the pad except for Ubuntu Studio17:37
infinityWell, the current d-i named the highbank initrd incorrectly.  Other than that, it's a no-change for other arches.17:37
micahgnevermind, it's on there17:37
micahginfinity: so, no plans to rebuild the world ATM :)17:38
infinityWell, it doesn't throw things out of sync.  Maybe I'll just upload anyway, and if there's a rebuild later, it'll get picked up.17:38
* infinity does that.17:40
micahginfinity: local webkit build still not done yet :(17:42
infinitymicahg: If it's just changing debian/control, is a test build really necessary?17:42
micahginfinity: well, there's a new gobject-introspection, it really depends on if anything related in the archive has changed since the last upload I guess17:45
* skaet back18:04
skaetmicahg,  its an oversite,   just checked and  isc-dhcp-server is in the .list for the alternate.  Have added to the pad for rebuilds18:11
* micahg wants to cry, his 3 hour webkit test build failed due to lack of space :(18:13
skaetmicahg,  you're right, xubuntu wasn't in the rebuild scripts.   I've added it now.18:22
skaetLaney,  slangasek ^  does it make sense to do the builds for xubuntu desktop now?   for xubuntu alternates,  I think we should wait until the isc-dhcp-server fix lands, since its close.18:23
stgraberskaet: according to rmadison isc-dhcp-server is built and published on everything but armel18:26
micahgok, let's go for a set then18:28
skaetthanks stgraber.18:28
skaetstgraber,   we've still got edubuntu dvd,  ubuntu studio, and wubi building to get through on the desktop,  but  we should be able to get the alternate and server build (except arm ones).18:29
infinityskaet: We don't build armel images, no need for the "except arm" there.18:30
skaetinfinity,  d'uh.  good point.18:31
skaetinfinity,  is there anything else about to land for the arm images?18:33
infinityNothing ARM-specific.18:34
infinityCan't speak to the work others have been doing today.18:34
skaetLaney, slangasek - I've started a rebuild of the alternates for ubuntu, xubuntu and lubuntu to pick up the isc-dhcp-server fix.18:37
skaetogra_,  is there an ETA on when you'll be finished the reworking for the new flash kernel?18:43
jibel_is hope to see wubi today definitely lost ?18:49
skaetjibel_ no,  its just backed up behind edubuntu and ubuntu studio dvds18:49
skaetedubuntu dvd is building now.18:50
* skaet thinks we should probably rearrange the order on the pad....18:50
jibel_ok, good night then o/18:50
* highvoltage peeks in18:51
stgraberskaet, Laney: did you use ARCHES= for edubuntu? we're not releasing omap4 for alpha3, so if you want to save a couple of hours, just override ARCHES to "amd64 i386"18:52
skaetstgraber,  Laney kicked it off,  but I suspect not.18:53
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skaetmicahg, ^ Xubuntu alternates available to try now.19:12
skaetLaney, slangasek have updated the pad to make it explicit that any further rebuilds of Edubuntu are only for i386 and amd64.19:35
skaetok,  we've gotten the last of the build lives out,  next up,  Xubuntu Desktop,  then a rebuild of Ubuntu Sever20:53
skaetServer even.20:53
shadeslayeruhm, why does Ubuntu Server have a mac image21:04
shadeslayerseems a bit pointless imo21:04
skaetDaviey, ^21:05
shadeslayer( fwiw I don't see the point of mac images atm because afaik they don't do anything special and cannot be booted from USB drives )21:05
stgraberamd64+mac is supposed to contain the required tricks to allow booting from Mac EFI, the standard amd64 image doesn't boot21:06
shadeslayerstgraber: it does :)21:06
stgraberon a clean mac without refit or any other efi tricks?21:06
shadeslayerI've done it before21:06
shadeslayeryou burn a CD/DVD , hold down the 'C' key21:07
shadeslayerand it boots the CD21:07
shadeslayerafter installing, you hold down the option key to choose which OS to boot21:07
shadeslayerhere's the fun part, Fedora managed to get proper EFI boot working21:08
stgraberwe'd need cjwatson for the details, but in theory, the state of things on most Macs is that i386 will boot fine (holding c, then install), amd64 might boot but won't install, amd64+mac will boot and install21:08
stgraberyeah, Fedora has a couple more tricks in their boot sector that Ubuntu doesn't have yet21:09
stgraberthat's why we still have a separate image21:09
shadeslayerwell ... if it's just the booting part, I am 99% confident that it just works with the standard desktop image21:09
shadeslayerI'll test alpha 3 once I buy a DVD tomorrow21:10
micahghrm, shouldn't a blacklist entry prevent the inclusion of a binary and its dependency tree?21:10
shadeslayerstgraber: I'd absolutely love to see Fedora's modifications included in ubuntu so that I don't have to burn DVD's21:11
micahghttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.quantal/revision/909 did I miss something?21:11
shadeslayerI'd do it myself, except I have no idea how all of that works :P21:11
* shadeslayer can volunteer for testing however21:11
micahgah, I included the wrong binary :(21:12
ogra_skaet, for netboot you mean ? i was hoping to be done by end of the week21:14
stgrabershadeslayer: yeah, it's been on Colin's todo list for a few months, it's not trivial as we're not using the same tools at all and IIRC there was concern that Matthew's tricks would regress some currently working setups21:15
skaetogra_, ok,   wasn't sure if it was something needed for A3 or not,  from the comments.   I'll assume not then.21:15
shadeslayerstgraber: ahh ...21:16
ogra_skaet, well, its definitely to much change to get into debian-installer right now21:16
shadeslayerall of it seems very magical to me tbh21:16
skaetogra_,  can you add a release note to the TechnicalOverview/Alpha3 about it?21:16
Davieyshadeslayer: Was that an offer to help?21:17
ogra_i actually wanted to have it ready by monday but instead had to fix the server builds first ....21:17
ogra_skaet, no problem, will add something21:17
skaetthanks ogra_21:17
shadeslayerDaviey: sure, except I don't know shit about EFI and how stuff works in GRUB21:17
shadeslayeroh plus21:17
shadeslayerone more thing that needs to be done is that the i915 module should be compiled into the standard kernel, that way you can switch off discrete graphics21:18
* skaet has kicked off the server rebuilds21:18
micahghrm, is updating the blacklist file not enough?  I still seem to have ubuntu-sso-client-qt even though I added it to the blacklist file21:19
shadeslayerDaviey: I barely have EFI booting at the moment21:19
shadeslayerpure EFI boot I mean, not that BIOS emulation crap21:19
slangasekshadeslayer: it may have worked for one particular mac case that you tested; it does not, in general, work reliably on EFI Macs21:39
shadeslayerslangasek: right, I'm just interested in why exactly we have Mac ISO's21:39
slangasek*that* is why21:39
slangasekbecause the non-mac image does not, in general, work reliably on EFI Macs21:39
shadeslayerwell ... I have a EFI mac21:40
shadeslayerLate July 2011, MBP (8,2)21:40
shadeslayerslangasek: and didn't work as in didn't even boot?21:41
shadeslayeror  did not work as in "Fans did not come up causing machine to get insanely hot"21:41
ScottKNo boot.21:42
slangasekshadeslayer: doesn't boot.  you really need to talk to cjwatson if you want specifics; but the answer is still the same, we can't get rid of amd64+mac images until our image build scripts do the same handling for EFI boot that Fedora has now implemented21:42
ScottKFSVO sane.21:43
ScottKOh, you said same.21:43
shadeslayerslangasek: I'm not saying get rid of them, I'm curious as to what special magic goes into the Mac builds21:44
shadeslayerand that it doesn't make sense to have mac builds for Servers21:44
slangasekthe special magic in the mac builds is that they don't include EFI support21:44
shadeslayerthey *don't* include EFI support? 0.o21:45
slangasekso they *only* boot in bios compat mode, which Works21:45
slangasekas for the server builds, that's certainly up to Daviey (and the Ubuntu Server folks generally) to decide21:45
shadeslayeruhh .. ok21:46
shadeslayerslangasek: any particular model where the standard image didn't work?21:47
slangasekI wouldn't know the details21:47
shadeslayerright, will wait for cj then21:47
Laneystgraber: but you are having omap4 in general?21:48
stgraberLaney: we have omap4 for dailies as preview images for our a10 images that we hope will start appearing a bit later this cycle21:49
stgraberLaney: so we don't release omap4 as we don't want people to expect us to release an omap4 image for 12.10 as our target is a1021:49
Laneyso it should be in default-arches but overridden for manual milestone builds21:50
* Laney wonders why we have all of the for p in <one thing> there21:51
Laneyjibel_: skaet: wubi is starting now21:52
slangasekLaney: cut'n'paste is easier? :)21:53
skaetLaney,   WUBI published already with latest21:53
Laneyoh, well this is from the stuff i queued up this morning21:54
skaetLaney,  anything else in your queue that's not on the pad?21:55
Laneywubi is last in the order, so I doubt it21:56
skaetLaney,  coolio.   WUBI emerged from the full rebuild that cjwatson started around an hour ago.21:57
Laneywonder how his were faster21:57
Laneypasted all of the timings i could find in there21:58
skaetThanks Laney21:58
Laneyespecially the arm buildd was fighting contention though21:58
skaetcjwatson started his off at 1100 UTC as one big set,   when did you start yours off?21:59
LaneyI just used the rune on the pad22:00
skaetyeah,  I thought yours had all finished when he started his,  so must have been some weird contention going on.22:00
Laneyoh well22:01
stgraberinfinity: lp:~stgraber/ubuntu-archive/tools/detect-broken-bugs22:08
stgraberinfinity: lp:~stgraber/ubuntu-archive-tools/detect-broken-bugs even22:08
Laneyskaet: are we intentionally not building alternates for kubuntu?22:45
skaetLaney,   Riddell had indicated he wasn't interested in them for the Alphas, since they may be going away.22:47
hggdhogra_: there still?22:48
skaetif Riddell or ScottK, want them built,  we certainly can.22:48
Laneyright. The manifest says they're still coming, so wanted to check.22:48
* Laney EODs. see ya22:48
skaetLaney,  right thing to do.  :)   I'll go update the manifest to be a bit clearer on it.22:49
Laneylowlatency kernels in NEW btw22:50
infinityLaney: Is not.22:50
Laneywell wouldya look at that22:51
RiddellLaney, skaet: yeah I think we do want alternates for kubuntu still22:55
micahghrm, no answer about the seeds :(23:01
stgrabermicahg: I don't remember exactly how the seed blacklist works, but in most of the cases, that's not the right thing to use as it won't be respected when manually installing xubuntu-desktop or doing a netboot install23:03
micahgstgraber: yes, but I don't mind these things in those cases :), just on the images23:04
micahgand they're not in -desktop23:04
hggdharmhf-omap4 server image -- no working keyboard, bug 102866423:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 1028664 in debian-installer "keyboard does not work on quantal-server-armhf+omap4.img" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102866423:10

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