
glosolioh I reinstalled server one thing I releasied00:16
glosoliwhat can be wrong with not getting auto complete ?00:16
ewookglosoli: ie no tab completion with bash?00:16
ewooktype bash00:17
ewookand try again00:17
ewookif it doesn't work, somehow your default bash-settings doesn't contain auto completion.00:17
glosoliit kinda works, but won't autocomplete for words like apt-get install for install exactly00:18
glosoliprobably because of root ?00:18
ewookinstall shouldn't be covered by completion. it's part of input to the command, not a command.00:19
ewookI might be wrong.00:19
ewookI am wrong00:21
ewookthat's plain weird.00:22
ewook(not being wrong, but the completion not working)00:22
glosoliewook: hah ok00:23
uvirtbotNew bug: #1028204 in apache2 (main) "/etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl contain a regex error at line 169" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102820401:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #1028207 in openssh (main) ""launcher icon size is fixed":" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102820701:41
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edgyhi, how can I tell whether the installed OS is ubuntu server or ubuntu desktop?01:59
glosolidpkg -l | grep gnome02:00
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edgyglosoli: but may be whoever installed it, didn't install gnome or just removed it, can't I tell from the kernel or something?02:03
glosoliedgy: sorry might be not :)02:05
glosolinot sure02:06
edgyok let me explain my problem02:06
edgyI noticed in my desktop when a kernel update is available, a file /var/run/reboot... is created, now in my server I don't get that file so I don't know when to reboot, I thought may be the server does it in a different way02:06
glosoliwha can be the problem that apache won't start after reboot02:10
qman__edgy, if you installed a kernel update, you need a reboot02:15
qman__by default, a simple apt-get upgrade will not update the kernel02:15
edgyqman__: there unattended-upgrades that can boot and i am going to try it02:16
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redactdfyi, the problem i was experiencing yesterday with signed mail not being sent and the tls errors etc was due to our cisco firewall. changed this to be less restrictive and mail is flowing smoothly now :_)03:58
patdk-lapoh, the evil dns and smtp *fixup*04:03
uvirtbotNew bug: #1003230 in vmbuilder "--version causes type error" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100323004:21
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uvirtbotNew bug: #994843 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.25-1.1ubuntu4.1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99484304:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #994992 in samba (main) "Samba not working in Nautilus" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99499204:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #996294 in openssh (main) "package ssh-askpass-gnome 1:5.9p1-5ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99629404:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #997159 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Low,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99715904:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #999153 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.28-1.1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99915304:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #999485 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.25-1.1ubuntu4.1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: подпроцесс новый сценарий pre-installation возвратил код ошибки 1" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99948504:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #1000090 in cyrus-sasl2 (main) "package libsasl2-2 2.1.25.dfsg1-3ubuntu0.1 failed to install/upgrade: libsasl2-2:amd64 2.1.25.dfsg1-3ubuntu0.1 cannot be configured because libsasl2-2" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100009004:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #1000362 in samba (main) "package winbind 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: aliprosessi installed post-installation script palautti virhetilakoodin 1" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100036204:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #1001420 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück" [Low,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100142004:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #1001645 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Low,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100164504:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #1001792 in backuppc (main) "didn't upgrade properly -package backuppc 3.2.1-2ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100179204:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #1002521 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100252104:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #1002658 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Low,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100265804:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #1003113 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Low,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100311304:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #993394 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99339404:28
uvirtbotNew bug: #993581 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Low,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99358104:28
uvirtbotNew bug: #993957 in samba (main) "package winbind 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99395704:28
uvirtbotNew bug: #994830 in php5 (main) "package libapache2-mod-php5 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99483004:28
genii-aroundHoly crap bug-bot!04:30
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1024010 in maas-enlist (main) "[SRU] After Commission Action 2 no longer exists" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102401005:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #1028268 in facter (main) "Bareword dns domain makes facter return incorrect info" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102826806:42
jibeljamespage, do you mind if I kill the job natty-server-ec2-daily ? it's been running for 22h06:46
jamespagejibel, not at all06:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #1028280 in openssh (main) "sftp remoteserver "ls -l" error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102828007:06
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jibeljamespage, there is a problem with automated tests of the latest server images. I filed bug 102830109:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1028301 in debian-installer "Quantal Ubuntu Server - sources.list only contains cdrom entries after a preseeded installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102830109:05
jibelmanual installation works fine09:05
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jamespagejibel, thanks for letting me know10:15
jamespagejibel, I normally do a 'call for testing' email to ubuntu-server around about now - are the server ISO images in a good state for testing?10:16
jamespagemanual testing that is....10:16
jibeljamespage, I did a couple of manual installations on amd64 (default install, LVM) and excepted this bug the new squashfs install seems to be working10:18
jamespagejibel, is there a good source of information about the squashfs install that I could reference - it will be of interest to people testing.10:19
jibeljamespage, the best place would be thetech overview but there is nothing there. Daviey would know10:21
jamespageDaviey, ^^  info re squashfs install for call for testing alpha3?10:21
DavieyI will add something to that10:22
DavieyBut really, people shouldn't need to notice the difference10:23
Davieyother than slightly faster install10:23
DavieyOne think roaksoax will be best tasked to do i think, is provide a preseed for netinstall that uses squashes10:23
jamespageDaviey, do the existing automated test cases which use preseeding need to be updated then?10:26
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Davieyjamespage: Should be unimpacted10:40
Davieyjamespage: but seems not10:42
Davieyjibel / jamespage: do you have capacity to look into failing jenkins?10:43
jamespageDaviey, jibel already raised a flag about that - see backlog10:43
jibelDaviey, [11:05] <jibel> jamespage, there is a problem with automated tests of the latest server images. I filed bug 102830110:44
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1028301 in pkgsel "Quantal Ubuntu Server - sources.list only contains cdrom entries after a preseeded installation" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102830110:44
jamespage'Copying data to disk' - nice10:45
jamespagejibel, are we waiting on a re-spin to resolve that then?10:50
koolhead17hello all10:52
jamespagehey koolhead1710:53
jibeljamespage, we are10:53
* koolhead17 bows to jamespage 10:53
koolhead17Daviey: i need my cookies10:53
jibelright after next publisher run which should happen in less than 15 minutes10:54
koolhead17jamespage: howdy?  that hadoop charm was for presentation by mark i guess at oscon10:54
jamespagekoolhead17, I think m_3 used the stock hadoop charm from the charm store - not sure would have to check10:55
jamespageits the one we used for scale testing during UDS Q10:55
koolhead17jamespage: well juju is awesome10:56
jamespagejibel, I'll do the call for testing once thats working again10:57
koolhead17BTW i missed all folks during OSCON11:03
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glosolihow to  make directory writable by webserver ?11:47
Jeeves_chown www-data:www-data ${dir}11:47
glosoliJeeves_: thanks11:51
Jeeves_Please not that that's not very smart, security wise.11:51
Jeeves_But there are no other options11:52
glosoliJeeves_: I understand, it's likely to happen when using something build up on php11:53
zulgood morning12:06
glosoliAs far as I understand Devcot is the most proper way of getting IMAP running on Ubuntu Server12:24
glosoli ?12:24
mardraumdovecot? it's fine software, but there are a lot of mature imap solutions out there.12:25
glosolimardraum: can you name some ?12:26
mardraumnope, use google12:26
glosolimardraum: I did already, checking by priority in Google Search results, Dovecot seems to be the most widely used one12:27
mardraumsure, if that's important to you, use it?12:27
glosoliah ok..12:27
pmatulisglosoli: dovecot is well liked in the ubuntu community, as is postfix12:33
glosolipmatulis: ok, I like things which are widely used even though sometimes they are not the most proper ones, but it helps getting support more quickly than trying to build  bike from group up12:34
glosolifrom ground up"12:35
pmatulisglosoli: dovecot is a perfectly proper IMAP server and postfix is a perfectly proper MTA12:35
glosoliI am not sure what's MTA12:35
ubottuA Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA12:36
glosoliPici: thanks, I always forget there are bots who can answer with proper commands typed12:39
jibel_jamespage, quantal server builds are back to normal12:39
zuljamespage:  ping so i was thinking about the openstack database migration qa stuff..12:45
zuljamespage: so i was thinking something like the following12:46
zuljamespage:  compare the database to a previous run of the test, with the current test, if there is changes, restore the old database, update the database and then run the devstack exercises12:47
m_3koolhead17: yes, the hadoop charm was the one from the charmstore... lp:charms/hadoop12:48
koolhead17m_3: awesome :)12:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1028365 in openstackbook "guestmount installation not mentioned" [Undecided,New]12:53
koolhead17can anyone tell me if its new dep inside 12.04/essex12:53
koolhead17or more about what "guestmount" is meant for12:53
jamespagejibel_, \o/12:53
jamespageright - everyone test now!12:54
zuljamespage: but i am testing! :)12:56
zulkoolhead17:  its like nbd12:56
koolhead17zul: so is it needed as dep with nova ? someone reported sayining nova needed it12:58
koolhead17i have asked him about his env12:58
zulkoolhead17:  no its another option12:58
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1028365 in openstackbook "guestmount installation not mentioned" [Undecided,New]12:59
koolhead17i have asked him 4 his env12:59
jamespagezul, lemme just send this email and I'll be with you13:02
zuljamespage:  no now! :)13:06
jibel_jamespage, ouch, minimal server install pulled ubuntu-standard13:09
jamespagejibel_: side effect of the installer changes?13:11
jamespageDaviey, ^^ poke minimal virtual is very broken....13:11
Davieyjamespage: How so?13:12
Davieyi see13:12
jamespagewrong kernel, wrong modules, wrong base - in fact all wrong!13:12
Davieyjibel_: that is something that is reasonable to release note.. i'm not going to bust a gut over that i think13:13
patdk-wk*release note* minimal installs have been supersized13:15
jamespagedisk space is overrated anyway13:16
patdk-wkit's more the cron jobs and other stuff though :)13:17
jamespageif anyone in channel would like to help with testing ISO images for ubuntu quantal alpha 313:20
jamespageplease see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2012-July/006359.html13:20
jamespagezul: OK - now13:20
* jamespage reads backscroll13:20
zuljamespage: okies13:20
patdk-wkgetting great speeds right now, no one else download the iso :)13:25
patdk-wkok I'm done :)13:28
patdk-wkthat was a fast two iso's13:28
jamespagezul, that would infer that we care about database migrations on every package update/commit during the dev release?13:29
zuljamespage: kind of..i think it more infers that we care if the database schema changes than we care because the database schema doesnt change on every packages commit/update13:31
jamespagezul, OK - I think I get it13:32
jamespageso we test upgrades *when* a fresh schema is different from the previous tests schema snapshot?13:32
zuljamespage:  yeah13:33
zuljamespage:  i think that database schema tests can be done on a kvm thingy13:33
jamespagezul, how where you thinking of handling creation of the image to then upgrade?13:34
zuljamespage:  i was thinking of keeping a sql dump in a bzr branch13:34
jamespageah - one sec - I see - we just install the data snapshot before we try to upgrade13:34
jamespageinstall rather13:35
jamespagezul, it works for me13:35
zuljamespage: good because i started writing this up yesterday :)13:36
jamespagezul, \o/13:36
zuljamespage: just have to do the all in one scripted kvm install13:36
jamespageI still need to work on that jenkins/auto package build test stuff13:36
zuli totally forgot about that13:38
koolhead17zul: so if one runs qemu he needs guestmount i suspect not incase of KVM13:40
zulkoolhead17: no if nbd fails, it will try using guestmount and if libguestfs is not installed then it will just fail13:40
jamespagezul, yeah - I 'forgot' to13:42
zuljamespage: heh13:42
koolhead17ooh. so running openstack in Qemu will need one of them. i just closed making it invalid for doc as we tested it on KVM :(13:42
zulhow convient13:42
jamespagebut I promised I would do it - tracking down test failures in glibc + google-perftools killed my time for a few days....13:42
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1028470 in apache2 (main) "apache2+ssl hangs on high load" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102847014:41
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pmatulisjamespage: it would be nice if the columns on [1] could be explained.  what do these mean, for the 'amd64 server' row:15:05
pmatulis4/18 (1)2/4 (4)1/1 (1)15:05
pmatulis[1]: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/226/builds15:05
jamespagepmatulis, so 4/18 (1)15:06
jamespage4 tests completed15:06
jamespageout of 18 tests in total15:06
jamespagewith 1 failure15:06
pmatulisah ok15:06
pmatulisand the 3 bugs cover those 6 failures?  ideally?15:07
jamespagepmatulis, yes - patdk-wk and I overlapped and confirmed each others iscsi test failures15:10
pmatulisjamespage: i see, good.  btw, i just fired up a normal and preseed install.  so far so good15:10
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jamespagepmatulis, +1 and thanks for helping out! much appreciated15:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #1002111 in nova "iptables being run on a nova-api server" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100211115:16
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1028501 in cloud-init "cloud-init selects wrong mirrors for arm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102850115:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #1028509 in nova (main) "'nova rescue' fails if an instance image does not have a kernel_id" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102850915:41
a1fahas anyone played with vlan trunks to vbox  via ubuntu server?15:48
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giteshHi. I just install ubuntu server 12.04LTS Two days back, here.16:24
giteshThe first thing that I wanted to start Internet , I am trying but I couldn't .16:25
giteshCan someone please help me?16:25
zuljust ask the question16:26
giteshHow do I connect ubuntu server to Internet ?16:27
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giteshI have wired connection.16:31
RoyKgitesh: do you have an ip address set? run ifconfig - then check if you have a default gateway - netstat -rn16:33
RoyKcheck dns config - cat /etc/resolv.conf16:33
giteshRoyk. ok, I collect that info. brb.16:34
RoyKif all looks well, try to resolv something, like "ping bbc.com" (16:34
RoyKnot all hosts answer to ping requests - I tried cnn.com first, it doesn't, bbc.com does16:35
giteshI should be master in  server internet configuration. Coz it's first of all thing should be done, i guess.16:35
Threshold460guys what is the server address so i can connect via my client please?16:50
Thresholderhello guys i am trying to install ubuntu server and got stuck..anyone could help me out please?16:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:53
giteshRoyK, I found nothing.16:57
giteshalso, for default gateway, netstat -rn : I found an empty table.16:59
Thresholderok sorry...i was trying to install vnc in ubuntu server 12.04 but i didn't exit root as per the guide i'm following and now I get - mkdir: cannot create directory `.vnc': File exists - error17:00
giteshRoyK, also dng config was an emty file.17:00
ThresholderThis is the guide I am following http://www.torrent-invites.com/seedbox-tutorials/181210-ubuntu-server-w-gui-permenant-auto-connecting-ssh-tunnel-fail2ban-etc.html17:00
RoyKgitesh: what do you have in /etc/network/interfaces?17:01
giteshRoyK, just a minute :)17:02
giteshRoyK: about etc/network/interfaces There were two lines : 1>auto lo 2> iface lo inet loopback17:07
RoyKtry adding 'auto eth0' and 'iface eth0 inet static' or with 'inet dhcp' - google for ubuntu network config17:09
RoyKgitesh: also - check with ifconfig -a that ubuntu actually sees your nic17:09
giteshCan someone point me somewhere?, I want to learn. gateway , router , etc/17:10
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:10
giteshRoyK: Okay, i do auto eth0.17:10
RoyKgitesh: does ifconfig -a show it17:10
rdw200169gitesh Linux Routers by Tony Mancill, if you can survive that, you'll never need help again17:11
RoyKgitesh: http://kurl.no/XvO717:11
giteshrdw200169, RoyK. Thanks for your supports.17:12
giteshI will have to check ifconfig -a17:12
giteshrdw200169: 450 pages of pdf  :)17:20
rdw200169gitesh aw, c'mon its a good book, Mancill deserves a little cash ;)17:20
RoyKyou don't need that book to make networking work on ubuntu17:22
RoyKa quick google goes a long way17:22
giteshrdw200169: pain, pain. I will read and try directly. need days. Thanks for the link :p17:22
rdw200169gitesh all things worth doing are generally difficult17:23
giteshRoyK, ok. Yet.I want for ubuntu only.brb17:24
giteshRoyK: about ifconfig -a , eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:15:c5:4a:16:5a17:34
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giteshRx and Tx errors17:34
RoyKwell, just set a static ip address on that17:34
RoyKthen test17:35
giteshRoyK: ok. How do I get my static IP?17:36
RoyKsee above17:37
RoyKor google it17:37
RoyKlike I said17:37
RoyKyou won't get a tutorial on irc - you might get some good hints, and you may as well get some kicking if you ask too many stupid questions17:38
giteshok, sorry.17:38
savidIs there a way to install third-party nginx modules without rebuilding nginx from source?  Anyone know of any PPA's that include optional third-party modules?17:50
RoyKsavid: any module in particular?17:57
savidRoyK, fancyindex17:58
RoyKhm... perhaps http://bit.ly/MUMu8c17:59
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glosoliI checked webmin isn't in the repos should I use deb package provided by webmin team or use tar gz ?18:10
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ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.18:13
pdtpatrickQuestion - anyone having problems with precise using PXE  + preseeding? I have a Dell R410 server with onboard RAID controller. I'm then setting LVM on the mirrored drive via preseed. However, after server finishes and restart, it never boots and gets stuck at initramfs, complaining that it cannot find root filesystem.18:14
RoyKglosoli: hint number one: Learn the commandline - it's not hard, and it will take you a long way, far longer than any web-based admin tool18:16
glosoliRoyK: I am not sys admin :) and doing this job not because I want to...18:16
ubottuzentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).18:17
genii-aroundHeh, too slow18:17
glosolican it work with dovecot mess ?18:17
RoyKno idea18:17
RoyKif you want something easy to manage for email, try zimbra18:17
RoyKnot supported officially by ubuntu, but works fine if on a separate machine or vm18:17
RoyKjust don't mix zimbra with an existing ubuntu install with apache and postfix and all - it's not easy...18:18
RoyKglosoli: but then - if you have an ubuntu server, setting up a vm is a no-brainer18:18
glosoliRoyK: yeah, well the only thing I am lost at now is dovecot nto being able to find proper documentation of how to create an user, as the project itself of dovecot is bad docummented (I am in risk to be called stupid)18:20
RoyKglosoli: the only "hard" part, is to setup a bridge to allow for direct routing, but then again, it's not that hard, just a little fiddling with /etc/network/interfaces18:20
=== cpg is now known as cpg|away
RoyKglosoli: dovecot isn't badly documented, but it's documented for sysadmins, which is the bad part18:21
RoyKglosoli: do you have a spare ip address on this server?18:21
glosoliRoyK: ah yes, it your comment makes more sense, and doesn't hurt them too much :)18:21
RoyKglosoli: all sysadmins have been non-sysadmins at some time ;)18:21
glosoliRoyK: nah it's container, virtual dedicated server18:21
RoyKfor use with most stuff, or just the email sever?18:22
glosoliwell I am studying Software Engineering, sys admining is not meant to be my job, but some experience is good proba ly18:22
glosoliRoyK: OpenERP, PHP Webs, Email Server18:22
RoyKit definetely won't hurt you...18:22
rdw200169glosoli some?  I work with 'developers' all day every day; i write software too, but the sysadmin part is what makes me indispensable18:22
RoyKglosoli: ok - setting up a vm on that thing may be a bit hard :P18:23
lamontwhat zimbra does to the unpublished internals of postfix should never be done18:23
* RoyK has been a sysadmin for 15+ years18:23
rdw200169glosoli just look at the median income for a Senior Linux SysAdmin in the NYC market and compare that with a Java Developer18:23
glosolirdw200169: well depends on company probably, if serious projects I prefer having serious sys admin who does it for life :)18:23
RoyKlamont: erm - have they patched it and not released sources?18:23
bachallyn: i have a question about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/+bug/924281 when you have a moment.18:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 924281 in lxc "cgroup-lite not installable inside 'lxc create -t ubuntu' container" [High,Fix released]18:24
glosolirdw200169: and how does it compare18:24
rdw200169glosoli my income is … nice.  very nice.  I have recruiters banging down my door frequently.  I have job security.  Java Developers?  They churn those out by the thousands at every university in the country.  Linux?  Nobody teaches that anymore...18:25
glosolirdw200169: in my college people has linux lectures to be honest18:26
RoyKrdw200169: nice as in what?18:26
rdw200169glosoli And when I say 'Linux' I really mean 'Unix' and all that.18:26
lamontRoyK: ISTR that they just called internal functions in ways that were not nice, and subject to breaking on any point release.18:27
glosoliin btw, your income is nice as in what ?18:27
lamontthough maybe they stopped doing that18:27
rdw200169glosoli don't bash the benefits of SystemsAdmin experience; even for a developer its a very very nice bonus18:28
hallynbac: ask away.  (running tests elsewhere, will answer soon)18:28
glosolirdw200169: I don't :) as I said the experience itself is good, but you hadn't said yet how does it compare to java dev salary18:29
bachallyn: the bug is marked fixed release from back around march.  i'm still seeing the exact symptoms and need clarification/advice from you as to if it should be expected to work.18:29
bachallyn: this is with a precise host and a precise container18:29
rdw200169glosoli i leave that to your research; the internets are filled with statistical data per region on income and cost of living adjustments18:30
glosolirdw200169: Sys Admin salary median in usa is 72 000  year, for medium developer its 86000 :)18:30
glosolitalking about median for medium developer ,not for senior18:30
rdw200169glosoli and you're throwing in the regular Sys Admins.  Windows Admins are a dime a dozen.  Focus on Senior Linux Systems Administrator please18:31
skritehey all, i have some quick questions about mysql-cluster. we want to start with three machines, and if one crashes, how difficult is it to set up it's replacement?18:31
rdw200169skrite: 1) specify a master with the best write performance. 2) the other two servers should be slaves 3) don't even think about master-master replication scenarios18:32
skriterdw200169: right, but what about mysql-cluster ?18:32
rdw200169skrite: ah right18:32
skriterdw200169: i found that master-master was going to create headaches and early graves18:32
rdw200169skrite: personally i despise MySQL with the passion of a thousand suns; but I digress, Paying Oracle is a mortal sin18:33
glosolirdw200169: still Senior Java developer gets more compared to Senior Linux Admin :)18:33
rdw200169skrite: as such, i have no idea18:33
rdw200169glosoli: then go be a java developer.18:34
glosolirdw200169: meanwhile doesn't differ to much and I understand your point :)18:34
hallynbac: it's possible that you need to use the apparmor policy taht supports nesting18:34
hallynbac: but, i'd say open up a bug18:34
skriterdw200169: yes, i just have 5 years of code that rely on mysql18:34
glosolirdw200169: I don't do Java lol.. :)  and I don't live in USA :)18:34
hallynbac: oh, yes.  you definately need to use the nesting policy18:35
rdw200169glosoli one thing to consider is this new thing called 'DevOps', which is like both in one18:35
glosolirdw200169: I understand your point, don't count me for these who don't value, I value the experience :) But people here in Lithuania where I live thinks sys admining is some easy fun.. so you got paid little for it :)18:36
bachallyn: i'm not sure what that entails.  hint?18:38
rdw200169skrite: yeah, i know where you're coming from with that.  MySQL in the Lamp days was an epidemic that has survived into a plague for many operations.  Hence, the whole NoSQL movement to handle massive amounts of overly-relational MySQL data to ease the relational burden18:39
gary_posterbac, googled: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/05/04/lxc-in-ubuntu-12-04-lts/18:40
gary_posterlook for "Container nesting"18:40
skriterdw200169: he he. yeah. i have lots of ideas if i were to build this system again.18:40
hallynbac: sorry, i'm waiting for my laptop to finish updating to see if the new lxc ships with teh policy you need or not18:41
hallynjust another min18:41
stgraberhallyn: quantal does18:41
hallynstgraber: precise-updates?18:41
rdw200169skrite: all things considered, though, since you're using MySQL-Cluster, i've been reading up on the data sheet, and its obvious you get some sort of replicable redundancy, both within the cluster and to another cluster off-site18:41
gary_posterstgraber, is the one from your blog post the one we should use in lucid?18:41
gary_posteror should we steal from quantal?18:41
gary_posterprecise-updates would be cool18:42
stgraberwe can't really justify introducing a completely new apparmor policy as an SRU18:42
stgraberand quantal has a completely different structure for the apparmor profiles18:43
hallyndrat, yeah, not in precise-updates18:43
stgraberI'm kind of planning to start maintaining an lxc backport in precise-backports once we have the API changes landed in quantal18:44
hallynstgraber: that reminds me, i'm hoping wed night to upload some quantal bugfixes;  if you have anything small you want to queue up in the bzr tree i'll look for that before merging18:44
gary_posterah ok stgraber, hallyn.  So stgraber's blog post is the best source?18:44
hallyngary_poster: yeah18:44
skriterdw200169: mysql and mysql-cluster use the same query language, right? so if there was an ultimate failure, restoring from a mysqldump (or similar) would be possible. This is good. just wondering what goes into recovery because i know that a minimum of three machines are required18:44
gary_postercool, thank you hallyn18:44
stgraberso then you'll have the packages in precise-proposed for the fixes without any new feature, and precise-backports for the new cool stuff18:44
hallynstgraber: i suspect most ppl would use backports :)18:44
hallynalso might be worth considering a store for container policies18:45
stgraberhallyn: make sure to upload to -proposed (alpha3 freeze)18:45
rdw200169skrite: one would assume so, but i haven't used it, so i don't know ;)18:45
skriterdw200169: i see, ok, thanks18:45
patdk-wkI used to, but too many times it would break me, so I use my own ppa, that I backport to18:46
hallynstgraber: yup18:46
stgraberhallyn: yeah, I'm expecting most people will want the new cool stuff, though I know at least some want no risk of regression and stability, so having both -updates and -backports should cover that.18:46
patdk-wkalso means I keep up with security updates correctly, as backports don't18:46
hallynstgraber's backport will :)18:46
micahgwell, backports is on by default now, but pinned lower, so it's not all or nothing, you can choose which apps you want from -backports18:47
hallynstgraber: how will you handle the versioning?18:47
micahgstarting in natty it's pinned lower and oneiric it's on by default18:47
stgraberyeah, I'd probably be pushing to -backports instead of my PPA once we start doing that. Currently my PPA is usually 30min or so behind what we push to quantal, so we should be fine for any security/bugfix ;)18:47
patdk-wkI'm still on lucid, as precise .1 isn't out yet, and still have upgrade issues18:47
micahgstgraber: I think you know enough backporters to push things through quickly if need be :)18:48
stgraberhallyn: I'd have to check the backport policies again as it's been a while since I last read them, my guess is <quantal version>~12.04.x or something similar (so much higher than precise but lower than quantal)18:49
hallynah yeah18:49
micahgyep, that's the current versioning scheme18:49
hallynof course you'll have to disable seccomp (and such).  assuming i get that enabled18:49
stgraberhallyn: well, we might be able to backport libseccomp too. Precise's kernel supports seccomp2 right?18:50
hallynor if it does, a different api.18:50
stgraberah, that's annoying :)18:50
hallyni *think*.  could be wrong18:50
stgraberis libseccomp clever enough to detect kernels that don't support it and deal with that?18:50
micahghrm?  I think it does18:51
hallynwell it'll at least return -1 on seccomp_init(0.18:51
stgraberif so, we probably should backport libseccomp too, so that when the quantal kernel is backport to precise (as part of the LTS hardware enablement), we get the feature to work for free18:51
hallynthen users just can't enable seccomp through the config.  yeah maybe it's no big deal.18:51
hallyni'm sick of bisecting, btw18:52
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Dulcindo i have to reboot ufw somehow for ports to become open?19:07
Dulcinafter adding rules*19:07
hallynDulcin: did you add rules with the ufw command?  then no, i don't think so19:14
hallynyou can confirm with 'iptables -L' which will show the active rules19:14
hallyni'm pretty sure ufw is active as soon as you commit19:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #1028585 in ipvsadm (main) "Memory allocation problem with ipvsadm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102858519:21
jdstrandDulcin: 'sudo ufw enable'19:22
jdstrandthat's it. do that before or after adding commands19:22
jdstrandadding rules19:22
jdstrandDulcin: if you edited /etc/ufw/*rules, then you will want to do 'sudo ufw reload'19:23
Dulcinhallyn jdstrand, apparently it wasn't ufw acting up, but my mysql my.cnf which only allowed localhost connections19:27
Dulcinbut thanks for the tips19:27
jdstrandgotta listen to connect :)19:28
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skritehey all, still reading up on and trying to decide some things about mysql-cluster. what forum would be good to post some basic questions to? i want to know a couple of things before i get started.19:48
Davieyadam_g: Happen to have a screenshot of Ubuntu's Horizon handy?19:54
adam_gDaviey: i do not off hand19:55
adam_gDaviey: one sec, i can get one19:55
Davieyadam_g: thanks!19:59
skaetjamespage - what's the lastest on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1028458 ?   valid bug or not?20:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1028458 in ubuntu "iSCSI root based servers appear to fail to boot completely" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:02
smoserhallyn, kvm in precise seems to have broken mouse grab?20:02
jamespageskaet, its a bug but I don't think it should block anything20:03
patdk-wkskaet, it seems me and jamespage where hitting two different bugs, but thought we where hitting the same :)20:03
jamespageskaet, its def not critical as I first thought20:03
hallynsmoser: with the latest update?20:04
skaetjamespage,  ok.   I'll remove it from the respin consideration list.    Is it worth a release note?20:04
jamespageskaet, I would say so20:04
skaetpatdk-wk,  do I need to worry about yours?  ;)20:04
jamespageskaet, the server looks like it failed to boot20:04
cyclicfluxYooooo whats happening?!?20:04
patdk-wkskaet, defently :)20:04
patdk-wkmine just errors to initrd, and won't boot20:04
skaetpatdk-wk,  number?20:05
smoserhallyn, i don tknow when that would have been20:05
hallynsmoser: works for me20:05
patdk-wkskaet, same20:05
hallynare you using SDL?20:05
skaetlol,  misread the earlier comment.  gotcha.20:05
skaetok,  release note it is.20:05
patdk-wkmore though, I think it might have more to do with /run not being mounted or something20:06
patdk-wkbased on that line 505 error20:06
smoserhallyn, you're sure?20:06
patdk-wkbut it does mount, just takes longer than expected20:06
smoseri just ran kvm from a desktop iso20:06
adam_gDaviey: is there a specific panel you want?20:06
patdk-wkatleast my guess20:06
smoserif i click in the window, it does not capture my mouse at all.20:06
smosermouse moves freely inside and out, and 'ctrl-alt-f1' goes to desktop rather than vm20:06
hallynsmoser: does it grab the mouse, but clicks don't go through?20:07
cyclicfluxI had a quick question, this application menu crap is driving me nuts on the ubuntu11.10, and I want to upgrade to pangolin(I think) 12.04, to get the Unity HUD going. However, in my particular case it wants to remove MySQL, etc... some major components on my development machine.  This is technically not a server install however I over time have installed a number of components via apt. I know that there is an addi20:07
cyclicfluxtional upgrade utility for Ubuntu servers, which I will install, I just was seeing the best way to do it and get a few perspectives on it.20:07
hallynsmoser: which desktop iso?20:07
hallyndepending on the guest graphics driver it certainly can be that it doesn't grab.  suse guests for instance do that20:07
cyclicfluxhallyn, I believe the only precise is pangolin20:08
hallyncyclicflux: yes but there are multiple isos, different installers20:09
hallynsmoser: yes, this is not new.  that's just what the graphics driver is doing.  it's 'advanced'.  (at least that's my understanding - and it's definately not new)20:09
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hallynsmoser: hm.  then again,20:10
cyclicfluxhallyn, I just saw that in the prior messages20:10
hallyni can't tell if mine is being very slow,20:10
hallynsmoser: are you able to click on things in the guest at all?20:10
adam_gDaviey: http://ubuntuone.com/4eWrBIDcedrpo0Q37Pn45v http://ubuntuone.com/1ysNFB5UD7c6rzu7pVFRwl20:11
cyclicfluxsmoser, you may try to make a manual xorg.conf, and put in mouse settings for it. But its likely due to an intel-graphics20:11
smoserhallyn, yes. clicking works fine.20:11
hallynsmoser: ok  (i realized i gave it 300M ram :)20:12
Davieythanks adam_g20:13
cyclicfluxsmoser, I read that there are problems with the intel-based graphics cards and ubuntu12.04, as I was reading on conflicts when one upgrades or installs it.  Don't quote me on it, but I believe that a few of the articles stated that if using intel graphics card that it is best to stick with 11.10. I however would not know first hand.20:13
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hallynsmoser: note that so long as i'm careful to click (to grab) and leave the mouse inside the sdl window, ctrl-alt-f1 does go to the guest for me20:15
kyle__I apt-get installed ubuntu-desktop, and now when I go to remove it, it's not removing all of it automatically.  Is that expected?20:16
smoserkyle__, yes20:18
smoserbut you may be able to 'apt-get autoremove'20:18
smoserto get rid of all the rest20:18
kyle__Doesn't look like it's getting everything, but I'll see what it's done.20:19
kyle__Wow.  Lots and lots of stuff to remove still.  May be faster to just reinstall.20:21
smoserah. yeah, it wouldn't work.20:21
smoserwhen you isntall something, its dependencies get installed. then when you remove it, only it gets removed.20:22
kyle__For a lot of packages it removes them, or apt-get autoremove will remove them. Ah well.20:22
kyle__I'm trying to get displaylink video to work, I thought maybe the desktop config stuff would do it automatically.20:23
kyle__Silly me, didn't do a thing.20:23
Davieyi would have expected it to work aswell20:24
DavieyIIRC, DisplayPort only works with non-free drivers.. but i could be wrong.20:24
kyle__Daviey: The idea of hot-plug video cards is not well supported.20:24
Davieypass.. not much desktop expertise here.. :)20:24
kyle__displaylink == USB video adapter.  There are open source drivers, and they're all similar enough to work with that driver.20:25
kyle__Daviey: I'm making "Fear Of God" machines for my labs.  They pose as informational displays, but occasionally show a live feed of the security cameras20:25
kyle__It keeps the students from slacking off, and others from vandalising.20:26
Davieykyle__: sounds like a nice project20:26
kyle__It is.  And buying an atom box with 1 head + 1 displaylink adapter was much cheaper than buying the cheapest dual head option.20:27
kyle__At least through my vendors.20:27
miceikenhi per is mad20:33
jparkeranyone have a recommendation for installing a light gui?20:36
kyle__jparker: xfce4 is pretty full featured, and light.  Lighter would be oroborus, fluxbox, blackbox.20:39
jparkeri basically just need to run firefox on it20:39
genii-aroundYou can even just go with twm and xterm in your .xsession , then manually run firefox from there, etc20:42
jparkertried the xterm route but was getting errors with "DISPLAY is not set"20:45
jparkeri even enabled xforwarding in sshd_config20:46
genii-aroundAh, so forwarded x20:46
genii-aroundjparker: Probably need something like export DISPLAY=host-ip-here:0:020:47
genii-aroundwork, afk20:48
trimetaWhat's the best way to restart a possibly crashed sftp-server process? I was messing around with things and it seems the processes are zombies now, but sudo killall -9 sftp-server doesn't work.20:48
trimetaI've tried service ssh restart, but the processes are still there.20:49
kyle__Lure the processes with brains.20:52
kyle__trimeta: You probably need to find the process ids, and kill -9 them manually.  killall needs a pretty exact match iirc.20:53
trimetakyle__: Nope, sudo kill -9 <PID> has no effect.20:54
genii-aroundCan't kill zombified processes20:54
kyle__Oh yea.20:54
kyle__genii-around: Poke through /proc/<PID>, see what it's parent process is.20:55
trimetaHmm, good idea.20:56
trimeta...How do I do that?20:56
trimetaThere's no /proc/<PID>/parent file...20:56
guntberttrimeta: zombie processes are dead already, does sudo service ssh start help?20:57
trimetaIt doesn't. Although, maybe they're not really zombies? top doesn't say I have any.20:57
trimetaAll I know is they can't be killed...and kill/killall don't return any sort of error message.20:57
trimetaAlso, looks like sshd is the parent process...but I've done "sudo service ssh restart" multiple times.20:59
genii-aroundMaybe try both upstart and init.d21:00
trimetaThe parent sshd process seems to persist regardless.21:01
kyle__trimeta: Look in /proc/<PID>/status, or ppid.21:01
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1028638 in python-novaclient (main) "Nova client depends on newer version of python-prettytable 0.6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102863821:41
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1028645 in python-tx-tftp (main) "should use Architecture: all" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102864522:06
glosolihey folks I really came to an end after two hours trying to figure out, I got roundcube running on my ubuntu server, everything seems to be fine dovecot doesn't output any errors in logs, the main problem is I can send mail easily but can't get the mail sent to me it s like inbox not working, tryed to add it as account to some mail clients to check if problem is not roundcube so it isn't , also dovecote says everything fine, any ideas ?22:40
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1028673 in cloud-init (main) "Quantal Alpha-3 cloud images tested as unstable for multi-part-ud" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102867323:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #1028674 in cloud-init (main) "Quantal Alpha-3 cloud images tested as unstable for multi-part-ud" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102867423:41
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