[15:37] Ralf are you online? [15:38] Mish, I don't know what his handle is. [15:39] (or even what time zone he is :-) [15:39] I know that he isn't sleeping right at least since he replied to an email about 15 minutes ago [15:42] have you tried in the #opensourcemusicians forum [17:18] Hey Len, are you there? [17:23] ralph doesnt come on the IRC [17:23] Ya, thats what he said in an email. Prolly smart holstein [17:24] hehe... something like that [17:25] Len Ovens online there? [17:26] Aye [17:27] Mish, I am here [17:27] Ok, Do I license the images I send you using creative commons or is Ubuntu Studio team supposed to it? [17:28] Also what does this mean? (something you said in email)- ">The reason for clear BG is that the DE uses it to indicate selection. I have [17:28] >put a circle under some of mine (sunburst seems to look best)." [17:30] And why are you under two handles? [17:30] nb = netbook, dt=desktp [17:31] oh ok [17:31] Mish, when the mouse is over an icon the background changes colour or shade [17:31] oh that [17:34] Mish did you see the email on the list from micah G? If you do things his way then you would add the licencing line in debian/copyright [17:34] if you send it to me, a bit of text in the email i can copy is fine [17:35] For example I use: [17:36] The following images were are licensed under the Creative Commons Legal Code [17:36] Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 by Len Ovens 2012: [17:36] ubuntustudio-midi.png [17:37] oh ok got it [17:38] Thank You [19:16] holstein: how much do you know about the wireless drivers in ustudio 12.04? [19:40] MaynardWaters1: What are you wondering about them? [21:58] ciao